CLAUDIO FRANCO K ÁT I A TAVA R E S ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: LÍNGUA INGLESA ENGLISH FOR LIFE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR LÍNGUA INGLESA ISBN 978-85-96-03651-1 9 788596 036511 D1_CAPA_V9_WAYS LE_PNLD 2024.indd All Pages 30/07/22 16:47 Claudio de Paiva Franco Doutor em Estudos Linguísticos (Linguística Aplicada) pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Mestre em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor de Língua Inglesa da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Ex-professor de Educação Básica das redes estadual (Ensino Médio) e federal (Ensinos Fundamental e Médio). Autor de livros didáticos de Língua Inglesa. Kátia Cristina do Amaral Tavares Doutora em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: Mestra em Letras Anglo-Germânicas pela LÍNGUA INGLESA INGLESA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professora de Língua Inglesa da Faculdade de Letras 1A EDIÇÃO - SÃO PAULO - 2022 da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Ex-professora de Educação Básica das redes estadual (Ensino Médio) e federal (Ensinos Fundamental e Médio) e de Ensino Superior na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Autora de livros didáticos de Língua Inglesa. D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 1 11/08/2022 05:38 © Claudio Franco, Kátia Tavares Todos os direitos reservados à Editora FTD S.A. Direção-geral Ricardo Tavares de Oliveira Direção conteúdo e negócios Cayube Galas Direção editorial adjunta Ana Carolina Costa Lopes Gerência editorial Renata Lara de Moraes Edição Myrian Kobayashi Yamamoto (coordenação), Stela Danna Leitura crítica Andrea da Silva Marques Ribeiro Assessoria Heloísa Gonçalves Barbosa, Wilson Chequi Revisão Beatriz Carneiro (supervisão), Júlia Siqueira e Mello Tomazini Assistência de produção Janaína Simplicio Gerência de produção e arte Letícia Mendes de Souza Capa Estúdio Anexo, Galvão Bertazzi Imagem: StunningArt/ Projeto gráfico Estúdio Anexo Supervisão de arte e design Simone Oliveira Vieira Edição de arte Lidiani Minoda Diagramação Daiana Silva, iEA Soluções Educacionais, Iris Polachini, Lidiani Minoda Coordenação de imagens e textos Marcia Berne Licenciamento de textos Carla Cristina Marques, Carolina Carmini Mariano, Luiz Fernando Botter Pesquisa iconográfica Rosely Ladeira Ilustrações Julio Cezar Franca da Silva (adm.), Galvão Bertazzi Tratamento de imagens Eziquiel Racheti Supervisão de arquivos Silvia Regina E. Almeida Coordenação de eficiência e analytics Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes Direção de operações e produção gráfica Reginaldo Soares Damasceno Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Franco, Claudio de Paiva Ways : English for life : 9º ano : ensino fundamental : anos finais / Claudio de Paiva Franco, Kátia Cristina do Amaral Tavares. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2022. Componente curricular: Língua inglesa. ISBN 978-85-96-03651-1 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-03652-8 (professor) 1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Tavares, Kátia Cristina do Amaral. II. Título. 22-116158                 CDD 372.652 Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Inglês : Ensino fundamental   372.652 Cibele Maria Dias – Bibliotecária – CRB-8/9427 Em respeito ao meio ambiente, as folhas deste livro foram produzidas com fibras Reprodução proibida: Art. 184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 obtidas de árvores de florestas plantadas, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Todos os direitos reservados à com origem certificada. EDITORA FTD. Rua Rui Barbosa, 156 – Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP Impresso no Parque Gráfico da Editora FTD CEP 01326-010 – Tel. 0800 772 2300 CNPJ 61.186.490/0016-33 Caixa Postal 65149 – CEP da Caixa Postal 01390-970 Avenida Antonio Bardella, 300 Guarulhos-SP – CEP 07220-020 Tel. (11) 3545-8600 e Fax (11) 2412-5375 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 2 08/08/2022 06:50 1 Apresentação Hey, there! Você já deve ter percebido a presença da língua inglesa em seu dia a dia — em músicas, filmes, jogos eletrônicos, sites etc. Na internet, o inglês é bastante utilizado para a divulgação de conteúdos a pessoas do mundo inteiro. Na comunicação entre indivíduos de diferentes países, seja a distância, seja presencialmente, a língua inglesa também é muito usada. Assim, aprender inglês é importante para ter acesso a tudo isso e poder participar de interações nesse idioma de forma ativa e crítica. Esta coleção foi planejada pensando em contribuir para sua formação como indivíduo que utiliza a linguagem em diversas práticas sociais. Dessa forma, as atividades foram elaboradas a partir de situações de uso da língua inglesa para que você seja capaz de desenvolver, de forma integrada, as habilidades de ler, ouvir, falar e escrever em inglês. Nessa perspectiva, o ensino da língua não acontece de maneira isolada, é sempre articulado com os demais componentes curriculares, convidando você a refletir criticamente sobre diversas questões e a participar mais ativamente da sua comunidade. Além disso, a diversidade cultural e a riqueza das variedades linguísticas são valorizadas. Ao longo dos quatro volumes, você encontra uma grande diversidade de gêneros discursivos e de temas relevantes para você e para a sociedade como um todo, incluindo diferentes temas contemporâneos transversais (educação ambiental, saúde, trabalho, direitos da criança e do adolescente, diversidade cultural, entre outros). Por meio de atividades interativas, colaborativas, integradoras e com o apoio de tecnologias digitais, você e seus/suas colegas têm a oportunidade de exercer um papel ativo no processo de aprendizagem. Ao aprender a língua inglesa, você descobre novas formas de pensar, sentir e agir no mundo. Nesta coleção, são trabalhadas as competências gerais e específicas e as habilidades relacionadas à Língua Inglesa previstas na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). São desenvolvidos, ainda, os níveis A1 (iniciante) e A2 (básico) do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR), que é um padrão internacionalmente reconhecido para descrever a proficiência em um idioma. Como buscamos valorizar seu papel na construção coletiva do conhecimento ao longo de toda a obra, esperamos que, ao utilizar a coleção, você se sinta sempre convidado a se engajar com entusiasmo, junto com seus/suas colegas e seu/sua professor(a), em um processo de aprendizagem colaborativo, prazeroso e enriquecedor. Os Autores D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 3 08/08/2022 06:50 CO NH EÇ A SE U LI VR O No início deste livro, você encontra: • Unit 0 - Welcome: unidade introdutória organizada em três seções. Em English All around the World, debata aspectos interculturais relacionados à língua inglesa e à expansão do idioma pelo mundo; em Tips into Practice, coloque em prática, por meio de dicas oferecidas, diversas estratégias de leitura e de aprendizagem; em Evaluating Websites, conheça dicas práticas para avaliar fontes de informação na internet e em ambientes virtuais de socialização. Cada uma das oito unidades UNIT 8 ALL ABOUT MOVIES Nesta unidade, você vai • • falar sobre filmes; explorar as diferenças entre o presente perfect) e o passado simples (simple perfeito (present deste livro é organizada da past); • explorar conectores (linking words/phrases ) e empregar vocabulário relacionado a tipos de filmes (kinds of movies); • / FOTOARENA compreender e produzir resenhas / FOTOARENA de filmes (movie reviews); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal educação em seguinte maneira: direitos humanos. ENTERTAINMENT / ALBUM / ALBUM ENTERTAINMENT PICTURES / ALAMY COLUMBIA PICTURES / SONY PICTURES UM / Getting Started URES/ALB EY PICT DISN IOS/WALT Nas páginas de abertura, N STUD A / FOTOAREN ANIMATIO explore o tema central ALBUM PIXAR da unidade a partir do título e das imagens ALBUM / FOTOARENA apresentadas. GETTING STARTED WALT DISNEY PICTURES / ALBUM / NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. AGE FOTOSTOCK / EASYPIX BRASIL Have you seen these movies? What are their names? Who are these characters? 138 Unit 8 139 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24. indd 138-139 11/08/2022 11:04 ON READIN G COMPREHENSI VOCABULARY STUDY AS DOS ESCREVA AS RESPOST DOS SEU CADERNO. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS EXERCÍCIOS EM CADERNO. EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU Before Reading or at a movie theate r? Health Problems at home you usually watch movies watch movies? Do ons. 1 How often do you answer the questi icons and picture. Then, s. Replace the a look at its title from several health problem following text, take teenagers alike, can suffer 2 Before reading the 1 People in general, and the pictures as in the example. following box to label ters in the picture ? with the words in the a. Who are the charac b. What movie are they in? protagonists? Example: a. cold that have female • flu • any other movies • earache • fever c. Can you think of Glossary if necess ary. broken leg • cold ing text? Use the toothache • stomachache • to find in the follow headache • sore throat the box do you expect 3 Which words in TIP a de usos de acordo com a variação Language Note Observe a diferenç (AuE/BrE); the film • movie (AmE) = film • drawing • linguística do inglês: (AuE/BrE). The flu is a disease that album • cinema • upload movies/movie theater (AmE) = the cinema is caused by a virus and oer • release Hollywood • movieg causes fever, weakness, body aches, and breathing problems. A cold is a common illness Reading d. g. that usually causes coughing and sneezing, run. your predictions. a. and makes your nose to check 4 Now read the text BERTAZZI Girl Power Hollywood male-dominated ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO After decades of releases are that some recent leads, it appears such as Gravity, the field. Films starting to level : Catching Fire, Frozen and TIP The Hunger Games and reaped h. Para ajudar você a aprender ed leading ladies e. Maleficent all featur se Box Office b. e a fixar vocabulário ing to databa the benefits. Accord novo, agrupe as palavras taken in a combined por semelhança. No caso have Mojo, these films BRASIL Because the dos problemas de saúde, ide. Why the shift? $3.6 billion worldw e. According agrupe-as pela terminação , MARY EVANS / EASYPIX a-goers are femal majority of cinem ics, the cinema por exemplo: earache, Bureau of Statist headache, toothache. to the Australian is higher than for females (70%) attendance rate Motion Picture (64%). And the i. the rate for males s that in 2013, 52% f. America report c. Association of 2015. g again and were women. Austrália, vol. 187, n. 1 115, p. 118, jan. . Then, listen to the recordin of US moviegoers READER’S DIGEST, g and check your answers 6 2 Now listen to the recordin s in exercise 1. reap: colher repeat the health problem s as in complet e the following sentence ent with the text. with a health problem in exercise 1 to ent that is in agreem 5 Choose the statem 3 Replace each icon female-dominated. the example. have always been a. Hollywood leads than men. who go to the cinema Example: a. flu b. There are more women probably have the . pains, weakness, you a. If you have fever, muscle . range, you have a ture is above normal b. When your body tempera . 140 CORNER ON PAGE 174 GO TO VOCABULARY have a . 08/08/2022 15:23 c. If your throat aches, you 08-138a151-LA-G24.i ndd 140 94 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U Reading Comprehension 08/08/2022 15:09 94 0a103-LA-G24.indd D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-09 Prepare-se para ler o texto principal da unidade Vocabulary Study (em Before Reading), faça atividades de Estude o vocabulário compreensão (em Reading) e reflita criticamente de forma sistemática e sobre o texto lido (em Reading for Critical Thinking). contextualizada. 4 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-CON-004a005-LA-G24.indd 4 11/08/2022 11:31 Taking It Further Listening and Speaking LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Amplie seus conhecimentos Review: Relative Pronouns Participe de atividades sobre o tema da unidade. 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 24 and identify the relative pronoun used in each one. de ouvir e falar em inglês I. “(…) makes the internet different from other kinds of media that came before” II. “the hyperlink, which can take you (…) to almost any kind of content imaginable.” em diversos contextos discursivos. III. “When you’re sharing with people who disagree with you (…)” TAKING IT FURTHER DOS ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS CADERNO. EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU 2 Based on the previous exercise, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In each fragment, the relative pronoun refers to picture. Who do you I. a previous element (= noun or noun phrase). structure, source and text, take a look at its 1 Before reading the following II. a following element (= noun or noun phrase). expect to read about? LISTENING AND SPEAKING oria retirement: aposentad b. The relative pronoun used in each fragment check your predictions. 2 Now read the text to I. emphasizes an element in the sentence and contrasts ideas. ALMA THOMAS II. connects elements in a sentence and avoids repetition. 3 The following text is about reporting inappropriate content on the web. Complete it by replacing 1 Go back to the previous page ESCREVA AS EXERCÍCIOS RESPOSTAS EM SEU CADER DOS each icon with the correct relative pronoun in parentheses. Then, talk to and read again NO. a classmate abou the infographi t it and answ c Women in STEM er the follow by the numbers. a. What is the perce ing questions. What to Report ntage of wom en in the STEM b. In which fields workforce? • Anyone you don’t know (which/who) asks you for personal can you find SHUTTERSTOCK.COM more women IIIERLOK_XOLMS/ information, photos, or videos. c. What are some in STEM? And in which field of the reasons can you find for women leavin fewer women? • Inappropriate or obscene material from people or companies you d. Do you agree g their respective with the quote STEM field? don’t know. decide what by Mae Jemis that’s like”? Why on, “We have the opportunit • Misleading URLs on the Internet (that/whose) point you to sites containing harmful or (not)? y to create the future and inappropriate materials rather than what you were looking for. 2 Discuss these questions with women in STEM your classmate • Anyone (who/whose) sends you photos or videos containing obscene content of . s based on the following quote individuals 18 and younger (the possession, manufacturing, or distributing of child s by influential a. Do you agree GALVÃO BERTAZZI pornography is illegal). (…) with the follow ing quotes? If b. What’s your so, which one(s FULTON COUNTY SCHOOLS. FAQ and fact sheet: cyberbullying. 2002- favorite quote )? 2022. Disponível em: ? Why? Language Note Centricity/Domain/5419/Cyberbullying%20FAQ%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf. c. In your opinio n, is it easier Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. for women to d. Can you give pursue a caree but not We use: To refer to: other examples r in STEM today to kick back and relax, of influential ? Why (not)? retirement as a chance art teacher left that people and things women in STEM ost people tend to view the Washington, DC, M Alma Thomas (1891-19 78). At the age of 69, cally new chapter in her life as the creator work and began a dramati colour,” she said, “I have sought to concent of joyously vivid rate on beauty which who whose things people people and things (possession) ? What do/di d they do? h abstract paintings. “Throug on man’s inhumanity to man.” (…) M SHUTTERSTOCK.CO than and happiness, rather explained: of expression, as she its own unique mode ENTZ.COM; For her, art occupied It is of all ages, Unit 1 29 e independent of time. Creative art is for all time and is therefor which produces a creative spirit in man by this we mean the HTTPS://WWW.BIGR of age, race OAKVIEW STUDIOS/ of every land, and if world, independent statue is common to the whole civilized picture or a unchallenged. statement may stand and nationality, the D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 29 08/08/2022 15:02 Language in Use Group, 2018. p. 30-32. Londres: Octopus Publishing women: the scientists. TSJENG, Zing. Forgotten nts. or F (False). Then, correct the false stateme 3 In your notebook, write T (True) to relax. retirement as a chance Aprimore seus conhecimentos a. Alma Thomas viewed M be an art teacher. SHUTTERSTOCK.CO b. Alma Thomas used to 69. paintings at the age of c. She started creating abstract ENTZ.COM; linguísticos por meio de man’s inhuman ity to man. d. Her paintings were about HTTPS://WWW.BIGR OAKVIEW STUDIOS/ 110 110 08/08/2022 15:11 situações de uso da língua. 4a117-LA-G24.indd D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-10 114 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Looking Ahead D3-ING-F2-4114-V EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 9-U06-104a117-LA -G24.indd 114 In this unit you have read an opinion poll on page 77. A poll allows you 08/08/2022 multiple choice question in order to ask a group of people a 15:22 to get information about their opinions on a subject. Online polls Debata questões relevantes have become very popular. They allow Internet users to express results of the poll. themselves and also find out the Based on the opinion poll you read in this unit, it is your turn to create para a ampliação da discussão human rights such as freedom of an opinion poll about expression. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements do tema da unidade. of the writing context. a. Writer: you b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: TIP d. Objective: to find out people’s opinion Ao revisar as pesquisas on A cada duas unidades, você de opinião, considere, por e. Style: informal exemplo: ESCREVA AS RESPOST AS DOS SEU CADERNO. • objetivo: As EXERCÍCIOS EM f. Media: classroom board/Internet LOOKING AHEAD informações estão adequadas à finalidade 2 encontra uma unidade de Follow these instructions to write do texto? your text. • conteúdo: As informações foram ing text about making Read the follow 1. Think about your poll question. verificadas e estão m of expression. in small groups, discuss talked about freedo revisão (Review) e uma seção 2. Write short and clear possible corretas? In this unit you have participating and, answers. You can add an your thoughts and • linguagem: A pergunta place by expressing “Other” field to allow a voter to enter his/her own answer. e as respostas estão the world a better 3. Write a first draft of the poll. it. You can allow the voter to select redigidas de maneira the questions about opinions and especial (Working Together). just one answer or allow him/her clara e objetiva? to choose multiple answers. expressing your 4. Ask a classmate to answer your • leiaute: A organização a better place by poll. This is a good way to help make the world check if the question and the answer visual facilita a rápida Take action and options are clear enough. see solved. you would like to compreensão das 5. Answer your classmate’s poll participating and discuss both polls with him/her. informações? ed, or a problem like to see improv • 6. Make the necessary corrections. Reescreva seu texto com hing you would • Think of somet or somewhere far away. school, your city, Review 7. Write the final version of the base na revisão feita por make opinion poll. It can be in your it, too. You could você e seus/suas colegas. your friends about can about that problem and tell 3 It’s time to share your opinion poll • Find out all you working to fix it. or publish it online. To publish free that are already you might not have contact with groups m. For example, Reveja os conteúdos online polls, you can use different online services such as: as a child, can help solve that proble you, • Think about how to give money to help. •; can encourage adults ces, or something money, but you as not wasting resour •; a small thing, such to help. It can be • (Accessed on: July 14, 2022). • Choose one way bigger, such as startin g your own organi zation. trabalhados nas duas VECTORMINE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Finally, invite people to answer and share the results. your poll unidades precedentes por 82 meio de exercícios e avalie SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a sua aprendizagem a partir NUNBUN/ de perguntas propostas; D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24. indd 82 g, 2002. p. 117. Nova York: DK Publishin live around the world. 11/08/2022 11:05 like mine: how children AND UNICEF. A life to DK PUBLISHING m would you like Writing wn or what proble your school, city/to see improved in • like to • What would you see solved? • How can you help solve that proble different ways to m/situation? express yourself in order to help solve that proble m/situation? and feel. Do you Working Together Escreva um texto a partir da observação • Can you think of and how we think • By expressing oursel think that by expres ves, we share things sing oursel we like and dislike, ves we can also learn about oursel ves and others? Why (not)? Engaje-se em uma tarefa e discussão do(s) texto(s) de mesmo Recommended Resources Direitos Humano s em inglês, visite: colaborativa com seus/ gênero já explorado(s) na unidade. suas colegas. ção Universal dos 3/udhr.pdf Para ler a Declara .org/files/2021/0 • 2022). (Acesso em: 21 jun. Unit 4 83 08/08/2022 15:06 Ao final do livro, você encontra as seguintes seções: ndd 83 04-070a083-LA-G24.i D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U • Projects: planeje, desenvolva e apresente • Language Reference + Extra Practice: projetos interdisciplinares em grupos; reveja os conteúdos linguísticos de forma contextualizada e faça novos exercícios; • Games: divirta-se com jogos; • Glossary: consulte, no glossário bilíngue • Song: aprenda com uma canção; apresentado, o significado de palavras e • On the Screen: aprenda com um filme; expressões utilizadas no livro; • Audio Scripts: consulte as transcrições das • Vocabulary Corner: estude e amplie o faixas de áudio; vocabulário aprendido, organizado por meio • Annotated Bibliography: veja o referencial de imagens; bibliográfico comentado. Conheça seu Livro 5 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-CON-004a005-LA-G24.indd 5 11/08/2022 11:31 CO NT EN TS UNIT 0 Welcome ......................................... 8 Common European Framework English All around the World .................................................................. 8 of Reference for Languages: A2 Tips into Practice.................................................................................... 11 Evaluating Websites............................................................................... 19 UNIT 1 Today’s Digital World............................................................. 22 Getting Started............................................ 22 29 Language in Use........................................... Review: Relative Pronouns............................ 29 Reading Comprehension............................ 24 Modal Verbs: Should, Must........................... 30 Vocabulary Study........................................ 26 Listening and Speaking............................... 32 Writing......................................................... 34 Internet Slang............................................. 26 cartoon Taking it Further...........................................28 Looking Ahead.............................................. 35 UNIT 2 Equal Rights for All................................................................ 36 Getting Started............................................ 36 43 Language in Use.......................................... Modal Verbs: May, Might, Must................... 43 Reading Comprehension............................. 38 Reflexive Pronouns...................................... 45 Vocabulary Study......................................... 40 Listening and Speaking.............................. 46 Writing......................................................... 48 Multi-word Verbs ..................................... 40 advertisement Taking it Further.......................................... 42 Looking Ahead............................................. 49 Review 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 50 Working Together 1 ............................................................................................................................... 54 UNIT 3 Living with Differences.......................................................... 56 Getting Started........................................... 56 63Language in Use........................................... Reading Comprehension.............................58 First Conditional..................................................... 63 Vocabulary Study......................................... 60 Listening and Speaking...............................66 Word Formation: Prefixes ............................. 60 Writing.......................................................... 68 Linking Words/Phrases................................. 61 campaign poster Taking it Further........................................... 62 Looking Ahead.............................................. 69 UNIT 4 Freedom of Expression............................................................ 70 Getting Started............................................ 70 77 Language in Use........................................... ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI Reading Comprehension............................. 72 Second Conditional....................................... 77 Vocabulary Study........................................ 74 Listening and Speaking............................... 80 Collocations................................................ 74 Writing.......................................................... 82 Linking Words/Phrases................................. 75 opinion poll Taking it Further........................................... 75 Looking Ahead.............................................. 83 Review 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 84 Working Together 2 ............................................................................................................................... 88 6 D3-ING-F2-4114-V6-SUM-006a007-LA-G24.indd 6 08/08/2022 06:43 UNIT 5 What Should I Do?...................................................................90 Getting Started............................................ 90 Language in Use.......................................... 96 Reading Comprehension............................. 92 Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to............. 96 Vocabulary Study........................................ 94 Listening and Speaking.............................. 99 Writing........................................................ 102 Health Problems.......................................... 94 problem letter and letter of advice Taking it Further........................................... 95 Looking Ahead............................................ 103 UNIT 6 Forgotten Women.................................................................. 104 Getting Started.......................................... 104 111 Language in Use......................................... Passive Voice.............................................. 111 Reading Comprehension........................... 106 Listening and Speaking.............................114 Vocabulary Study....................................... 109 Writing........................................................ 116 Collocations............................................... 109 infographic Taking it Further......................................... 110 Looking Ahead............................................ 117 Review 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 118 Working Together 3 ............................................................................................................................. 122 UNIT 7 Global Climate Change.......................................................... 124 Getting Started......................................... 124 132 Language in Use......................................... Reading Comprehension........................... 126 Present Perfect........................................... 132 Vocabulary Study....................................... 128 Listening and Speaking............................ 134 Natural Disasters....................................... 128 Writing........................................................ 136 The Weather............................................... 129 weather forecast Taking it Further......................................... 130 Looking Ahead............................................ 137 8 UNIT All About Movies................................................................... 138 Getting Started.......................................... 138 Language in Use........................................ 145 Reading Comprehension........................... 140 Present Perfect or Simple Past?................. 145 Vocabulary Study...................................... 142 Listening and Speaking............................ 148 Linking Words/Phrases.............................. 142 Writing........................................................ 150 Kinds of Movie........................................... 142 movie review Taking it Further........................................ 144 Looking Ahead............................................ 151 Review 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 152 ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI Working Together 4 ............................................................................................................................. 156 Projects ........................................... 158 Language Reference + Games ................................................. 162 Extra Practice ............................... 180 Song .................................................... 166 Glossary ........................................... 198 On the Screen ................................. 170 Audio Scripts ................................. 203 Vocabulary Corner ..................... 174 Annotated Bibliography ........... 207 Contents 7 D3-ING-F2-4114-V6-SUM-006a007-LA-G24.indd 7 08/08/2022 06:43 UNIT o0 WELCOME Nesta unidade, você vai • debater a expansão da língua inglesa pelo mundo, em virtude do processo de GALVÃO BERTAZZI colonização nas Américas, na África, na Ásia e na Oceania; • colocar em prática, por meio de dicas oferecidas, diversas estratégias de leitura e de aprendizagem; • conhecer dicas práticas de como avaliar fontes de informação na internet e ambientes virtuais de socialização. ENGLISH ALL AROUND THE WORLD ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before getting to know about the development and the spread of the English language worldwide, choose the statements that are correct about the language today. Discuss the items with your classmates and check your answers with your teacher. a. English is considered a lingua franca, which indicates it’s used as a means of communication among people who speak different languages. b. Most speakers of English are native speakers. In other words, they were born and raised in places like the US or the UK. c. The arrival of different forms of regional English is an example of what’s happening to it as a global language. The following text presents some highlights in the history of the English language. Read it and do exercises 2 and 3. Historical background Among highlights in the history of the English language, the following stand out most clearly: the settlement in Britain of Jutes, Saxons, and Angles in the 5th and 6th centuries; the arrival of St. Augustine in 597 and the subsequent conversion of England to Latin Christianity; the Viking invasions of the 9th century; the Norman Conquest of 1066; the Statute of Pleading in 1362 (this required that court proceedings be conducted in English); the setting up of William Caxton’s printing press at Westminster in 1476; the full flowering of the Renaissance in the 16th century; the publishing of the King James Bible in 1611; the completion of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of 1755; and the expansion to North America and South Africa in the 17th century and to India, Australia, and New Zealand in the 18th. POTTER, Simeon; CRYSTAL, David; THE EDITORS OF ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Historical background. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. 8 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 8 08/08/2022 19:22 2 Match the columns. Dates Facts a. 5th and 6th centuries I. The Viking invasions. b. 9th century II. The full flowering of the Renaissance. c. 16th century III. The expansion to North America and South Africa. d. 17 century th IV. The expansion to India, Australia, and New Zealand. e. 18th century V. The settlement in Britain of Jutes, Saxons and Angles. 3 Based on the previous text and the following map, replace the icon with an appropriate word. History of English Germanic invaders entered on the east and south coasts in the 5th century. HTTPS://WWW.ENGLISHCLUB.COM Le@rning on the web Para ter acesso às datas dos acontecimentos mais relevantes da expansão da língua inglesa, acesse a linha do tempo em: www. (Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022). ENGLISH CLUB. History of English. 1997-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. 4 Order the events (I-IV) to understand the phases of the global spread of English. a. American technological domination in the late twentieth century. b. British colonialism from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. c. British leadership in the Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. d. American economic superiority and political leadership in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Fonte de pesquisa: FENNELL, A. B. A history of English: a sociolinguistic approach. Hoboken: Blackwell Publishing, 2008. Think about it! No exercício 4, você encontra quatro fases da expansão da língua inglesa pelo mundo. Qual delas garantiu a consolidação do idioma como língua franca? Unit 0 9 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 9 15/08/2022 17:32 5 Read the text about British colonialism and answer the following questions. HTTPS://WWW.BL.UK Our website Main Catalogue Catalogues and Collections Discover and Learn What’s on Visit Business & IP Centre Join American English The first permanent English-speaking colony was established in North America in the early 1600s. The Americans soon developed a form of English that differed in a number of ways from the language spoken back in The British Isles. In some cases older forms were retained — the way most Americans pronounce the sound after a vowel in words like start, north, nurse and letter is probably very similar to pronunciation in 17th Fonte de pesquisa: century England. (…) Influence of Empire Meanwhile, elsewhere, the British Empire was expanding dramatically, and during the 1700s British English established footholds in parts of Africa, in India, Australia and New Zealand. The colonisation process in these countries varied. In Australia and New Zealand, European settlers quickly outnumbered the indigenous population and so English was established as the dominant language. In India and Africa, however, centuries of colonial rule saw English imposed as an administrative language, spoken as a mother tongue by colonial settlers from the UK, but in most cases as a second language by the local population. English around the world Like American English, English in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa has evolved in such a way that it is distinct from British English. However, cultural and political ties have meant that until relatively recently British English has acted as the benchmark for representing ‘standardised’ English — spelling tends to adhere to British English conventions, for instance. Elsewhere in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent, English is still used as an official language in several countries, even though these countries are independent of British rule. However, English remains very much a second language for most people, used in administration, education and government and as a means of communicating between speakers of diverse languages. (...) ROBINSON, Jonnie. Minority ethnic English. The British Library. 24 abr. foothold: ponto de apoio, base settler: colonizador 2019. Disponível em: outnumber: exceder em número tie: laço, vínculo minority-ethnic/. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. a. Where and when was the first permanent English-speaking colony established? b. What happened to the form of English developed by the Americans? c. During British colonialism, in which countries was English established as the dominant language? d. During British colonialism, in which countries was English imposed as an administrative language? Who spoke English as a second language? e. In which countries until relatively recently does spelling tend to adhere to British English conventions? Think about it! Os britânicos expandiram seu império a praticamente todo o mundo, incluindo a América do Norte, a África, a Ásia e a Oceania. De acordo com o texto, em English around the world, a língua inglesa se desenvolveu da mesma forma em todos os países colonizados? Em caso negativo, quais são os diferentes usos do idioma nessas regiões? 10 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 10 08/08/2022 19:22 TIPS INTO PRAC TICE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Esta seção apresenta estratégias de aprendizagem e de leitura que vão ajudar você a se sentir mais confiante para realizar as atividades propostas ao longo do livro. Read the following comic strip and do exercises 1-4. © 2012 RINA PICCOLO-KING FEATURES/DISTR. BULLS TINA'S GROOVE, RINA PICCOLO PICCOLO, Rina. Tina’s Groove. Cartoonist Group. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. TIP A Observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e os não verbais. 1 Answer the following questions. a. What is the girl doing? b. What is the message written by Gus? c. According to the girl, does the text from Gus have a clear meaning? d. Is it difficult for the girl to respond to the text from Gus? Why? 2 Match the columns. a. :) I. an open-mouthed laughing face b. ;-) II. a simple smiley face c. :-D III. a winking face 3 Choose the fragment that contains humor. a. “hm... ambiguous text from Gus...” b. “... I’m ‘fixing my face’ for a text.” 4 In “Sigh. I can’t believe this”, how does the girl feel about the situation? Choose a or b. a. She is tired of dealing with text messages. b. She is having fun with text messages. Unit 0 11 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 11 08/08/2022 19:22 Read the following cartoon and do exercises 5 and 6. WWW.CARTOONSTOCK.COM MADDEN, Chris. I don’t understand a word young people say these days. Cartoonstock. 27 fev. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. 5 What does the cartoon show? Choose the correct items. a. Young people talking in text message language. b. Young people having a formal conversation in English. c. A generational difference in the language used by young and older people. 6 Can you figure out what the girl’s message is? Think about it! TIP B O que os textos das páginas 11 e 12 têm em comum? Você já passou por alguma situação Busque sempre estabelecer semelhante à da personagem Tina? Como você se sentiu? Na sua opinião, por que essas relações entre os textos novas formas de escrita (abreviação de palavras, palavras com combinação de letras e que você lê para ampliar números, pictogramas, símbolos gráficos, entre outros) são utilizadas em novos gêneros sua compreensão deles e digitais, como mensagens instantâneas e tweets? do mundo. 12 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 12 08/08/2022 19:22 Read the following infographic and do exercises 7-11. WWW.GLOBALEDUCATIONFIRST.ORG TAVARES, Tony. May 23rd 2018 Forum - Supporting and empowering newcomer students with TIP C interrupted schooling. Newcomer Education Coalition, 17 abr. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. Observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e os não verbais. Unit 0 13 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 13 08/08/2022 19:22 7 Based on the text, replace the icons with words in the box to complete the following statement about it. attack • exploitation • obligation • protection The provision and of education during periods of emergency is an . 8 Which article of the Declaration of Universal Human Rights is related to the infographic? Choose a, b or c. a. Article 19: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression (…).” b. Article 24: “Everyone has the right to rest and leisure (…).” c. Article 26: “Everyone has the right to education. (…).” UNITED NATIONS. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. 9 Based on the infographic, what can you infer about the “Education cannot wait” agenda? Choose the correct acts. a. Ensure adequate funding in humanitarian emergencies. b. Protect children, teachers and educational facilities from attacks. c. Make sure that education is inclusive and that it is interrupted in times of crisis. 10 Answer the following questions. a. How many primary-aged children in the world are out of school? b. How many primary-aged BOXED LUNCH PRODUCTIONS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM children who live in conflict areas are out of school? c. In how many countries are children, teachers and schools under attack? d. What percentage of humanitarian aid goes to education? 11 In “Millions more have their education disrupted by natural TIP D disasters”, what does the verb to disrupt mean in Portuguese? Busque inferir o Choose a or b. significado de palavras desconhecidas por meio da a. It is equivalent to desenvolver. observação do contexto em que elas são utilizadas. b. It is equivalent to prejudicar. 14 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 14 08/08/2022 19:22 Read the following text and do exercises 12-16. HTTP://ANNFOUNDATION.ORG/ Who We Are  Our Impact  News & Media  Get Involved  Blog  Contact Why is education important? Education beats poverty: one extra year of schooling increases a person’s earnings by up to 10%. 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty if all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills. Education promotes gender equality by helping women control how many children they have. In Mali, women with secondary education or higher have an average of three children, while those with no education have an average of seven children. Education reduces child mortality: a child born to a mother who EFA: Education for All can read is 50% more likely to survive past age five. In Indonesia, child vaccination rates are 19% when mothers have no education and 68% when mothers have at least secondary school education. TIP E Ative seu conhecimento prévio Education contributes to improved maternal health: women sobre o tema do texto with higher levels of education are most likely to delay and space para favorecer o out pregnancies, and to seek health care and support. estabelecimento de hipóteses sobre o que Education helps combat HIV, malaria and other preventable será lido. diseases. In addition, it facilitates access to treatment and fights against stigma and discrimination. TIP F Localize números, Education encourages environmental sustainability. It allows abreviações e nomes people to make decisions that meet the needs of the present para identificar informações without compromising those of future generations. The UN Decade específicas mais of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), launched in rapidamente. 2005, urges countries to rethink education, curricula and teaching practice in ways that complement the drive to achieve EFA. Education helps global development. An estimated $16 billion in aid is needed annually to reach the EFA goals in poor countries. However, in 2008 poor countries received only $2 billion in aid for basic education. The worldwide military expenditure for 2009 was $1.5 trillion. ANN FOUNDATION. The importance of education. 17 mar. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. Unit 0 15 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 15 08/08/2022 19:22 12 Choose the items that are mentioned in the text as strong arguments to support the importance of education. a. Education can empower women. DAMIAN RYSZAWY/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. Education can eradicate poverty. c. Education can overcome superstitions. d. Education can help fight some illnesses. e. Education can make the world a more peaceful place. f. Education can help ensure environmental sustainability. 13 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. In Mali, women with no education have an average of three children. b. In Indonesia, child vaccination rates are 19% when mothers have at least secondary school education. c. Pregnant women with higher levels of education are most likely to seek health care and support. d. Education allows people to make decisions that serve the needs of the present without putting those of future generations in danger. 14 What do the pronouns in bold refer to? Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In “while those with no education” (2nd item), those refers to I. “children”. II. “women”. TIP G b. In “it facilitates access to treatment” (5 item), it refers to th Identifique o(s) elemento(s) a que um pronome (ou I. “education”. II. “HIV”. expressão iniciada por pronome) se refere para c. In “without compromising those of future generations” (6th item), compreender como as those refers to ideias se relacionam em um texto. I. “needs”. II. “people”. 15 How can we say the following words in bold in Portuguese? In each fragment, choose the best translation for the word in bold. Go back to the text on page 15 and make inferences. a. In “increases a person’s earnings”, earnings means I. gastos. II. ganhos. b. In “when mothers have at least secondary school education”, at least means TIP H Busque sempre estabelecer I. no máximo. II. no mínimo. relações entre os textos que você lê para ampliar c. In “to delay and space out pregnancies”, delay means sua compreensão sobre eles e sobre o mundo. I. adiar. II. antecipar. 16 Use your own words to explain what the infographic on page 13 and the text on page 15 have in common. 16 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 16 08/08/2022 19:22 Read the following text and do exercises 17-22. HTTPS://KIDSHEALTH.ORG Feeling Good About Your Body TIP I Reviewed by: D’Arcy Lyness, PhD Note que os títulos/ Date reviewed: February 2022 subtítulos apresentam a ideia geral do texto/ Do you wish you could change something about your body? It’s parágrafo. normal to think about it sometimes. Kids’ bodies change as they go through puberty. But it doesn’t happen at the same time for every kid. Some kids develop early. They may get muscles or curves before other kids do. It might feel awkward at first. They might feel proud, too. Other kids develop much later. Some kids may wish they would hurry up and grow. But there’s no way to rush it along. Body changes won’t happen until you are going through puberty. For some kids, it’s hard to be patient. Other kids are fine with waiting. (...) As your body changes, the way you feel about it might change too. TIP J Observe os sufixos e/ What Can Help Kids Feel Good About Their Bodies? ou prefixos da palavra Here are some tips to feel good about your body: para ajudá-lo/a a compreender seu (...) significado. Get to bed on time. Your body needs plenty of sleep to look good and stay healthy. Sleep lets you recharge so you can learn and play all day. Be active every day. When you move your body, you exercise your TIP K muscles. When you exercise a muscle, it gets stronger. With strong Identifique as relações estabelecidas entre muscles, your body is fit and healthy. You can be active by playing, partes do texto por dancing, doing a sport — or even cleaning your room. meio do conector que as une. (...) Focus on healthy habits. People come in all shapes and sizes. You can be healthy and feel good about your body when you live a healthy TIP L life. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, limit treats and sugary drinks, Identifique a fonte do exercise at least 60 minutes a day, keep screen time in check, and get texto para favorecer o estabelecimento de enough sleep. If you are concerned about your weight, talk to your hipóteses sobre o que doctor about healthy eating and ways to be active. será lido. LYNESS, D'Arcy. Feeling good about your body. Kids Health. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. Unit 0 17 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 17 11/08/2022 06:09 17 Who is the text “Feeling Good About Your Body?” addressed to? Choose a or b. a. Kids. b. Parents. 18 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. Puberty happens at the same time for every child. b. It is not possible to accelerate puberty. c. There is a chance of feeling differently about your body as it changes. 19 What examples does the text provide for being active? 20 Which fragment contains a word in bold with the same meaning of hurry up in “Some kids may wish they would hurry up and grow.”? Choose a or b. a. “But there’s no way to rush it along.” b. “Sleep lets you recharge so you can learn and play all day.” 21 Focus on may and might in the following fragment and notice that they express the same idea. What is it? Choose a or b. “They may get muscles or curves before other kids do. It might feel awkward at first. They might feel proud, too.” a. To talk about permission. b. To talk about the chances of something happening. 22. Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In “For some kids, it’s hard to be patient.”, hard is equivalent in meaning to I. easy. II. difficult. b. In “Your body needs plenty of sleep to look good and stay healthy.”, plenty of sleep is equivalent in meaning to I. a lot of sleep. II. not much sleep. c. In “If you are concerned about your weight, talk to your doctor (…)”, concerned is equivalent in meaning to I. excited. II. worried. Think about it! VITALII VODOLAZSKYI/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM O texto Feeling Good about Your Body fala sobre o período da puberdade e oferece algumas dicas para que os/as adolescentes lidem com essa fase. Qual é o recurso utilizado no texto para convencê-los/as a se sentirem melhor durante a puberdade? Você costuma seguir essas recomendações? 18 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 18 12/08/2022 16:01 EVALUATING WEBSITES ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In today’s digital world, all kinds of information are available online. The aim of this section is to help you develop skills to identify credible sources of information on the Internet and to think critically about today’s media. 1 Identifying credible information on social media can be challenging. Read the text “Evaluating Information” and learn some items to help you evaluate Internet sources. Then, discuss the following questions with your classmates. Accuracy Checklist Social media can provide "instant" news and can be a great wealth of information, but it is crucial to verify and determine the accuracy of this information. Here are some items to consider that can help determine authenticity: • Location of the poster - are they in the place they are tweeting or posting about? • Network - who is in their network and who follows them? Do I know this account? • Content - Can the information be corroborated from other sources? • Contextual updates - Do they usually post or tweet on this topic? If so, what did past or updated posts say? Do they fill in more details? • Age - What is the age of the account in question? Be wary of recently created accounts. • Reliability - Is the source of information reliable? HTTPS://GUIDES.LIBRARY.JHU.EDU/ There are many articles about studies on misinformation and disinformation. Here is a good summary from the Boston Public Library (October 17, 2020), including examples and more ways that you can evaluate information. (Note: if you need to cite a blog, tweet, or other social media post, look at the Citing Sources guide or ask your librarian.) JOHNS HOPKINS SHERIDAN LIBRARIES. Accuracy checklist. 19 jun. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. reliable: confiável Le@rning on the web wary: cauteloso/a, cuidadoso/a Para analisar a validade do que é veiculado na internet, como imagens, pessoas e lugares, consulte as ferramentas de verificação de informações indicadas em https://datajournalism. com/read/handbook/verification-1/verification-tools/10-verification-tools (Acesso em: 25 jul. 2022). a. According to the text, what is fundamental to do when it comes to social media? b. Which question(s) from the text do you usually consider when verifying the quality of social media posts? c. Do you usually check the author of a post in social media? If so, what do you often take into consideration (profile picture, followers, number of posts, the age of the account)? Unit 0 19 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 19 12/08/2022 07:11 2 Read the poster “How to Spot Fake News” and learn how to identify fake news. Then, answer the following questions with your classmates. IFLA - INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS McKENZIE, Janis. How to spot fake news: identifying propaganda, satire, and false information. Simon Fraser University. 6 maio 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. bias: parcialidade, Le@rning on the web preconceito outlandish: estranho/a, Assista à palestra do jornalista Markham Nolan “How to separate fact and fiction online”, esquisito/a em: outrageous: chocante, (acesso em: 25 jul. 2022), e conheça as técnicas de investigação utilizadas por ele e seu time escandaloso/a para verificar, em tempo real, a validade das informações veiculadas na internet. a. When considering the source, what kind information about the site is important to investigate? b. What does the text say about old news stories that are reposted? c. Who/What can help you check the reliability of a site? d. What other items do you usually consider when trying to stop fake news? 20 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 20 08/08/2022 19:22 3 Now it’s your turn to identify fake news in 10 steps! Think of a trendy topic about a recent event in the world, in Brazil or in your community. Then, use the following worksheet to choose three credible texts (e.g. articles, headlines, news reports) about the chosen topic from reliable sources of information. SIRA ANAMWONG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PROQUEST Adaptado de: OAKLAND UNIVERSITY. How to identify fake news in 10 steps. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. Unit 0 21 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 21 11/08/2022 06:10 UNIT 1 TODAY’S DIGITAL WORLD PIXEL-SHOT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM OCK.COM UTTERST DEIRO/SH R KLEBER CO SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DANIEL M ERNST/ GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. The photos show teenagers using digital devices in different situations. What are these digital devices? What kind of technology do you use on a daily basis? 22 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 22 08/08/2022 10:24 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre a influência da tecnologia na sociedade; • rever pronomes relativos (relative pronouns); • usar verbos modais (modal verbs); • explorar o “internetês” (Internet slang); • compreender e produzir cartuns (cartoons); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal ciência e tecnologia. BRICOLAGE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 1 23 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 23 08/08/2022 10:24 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Before Reading 1 Choose the items in the following box that stand for positive effects of the Internet on our lives. cyberbullying • easy access to information • effective means of communication • fake news • interaction in online communities • Internet addiction 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, layout and source. What do you expect to read about in the text? Reading duty: dever, obrigação 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. issue: assunto, questão Think Before You Share Authenticating Information The internet is all about sharing – sharing news, sharing videos, sharing our thoughts and opinions with our friends. The fundamental element that makes the internet different from other kinds of media that came before is the hyperlink, which can take you – or someone else you share a link with – to almost any kind of content imaginable. (…) Social media doesn’t only make sharing easier, but actively encourages it as well. This is partly because of the nature of human relationships and communities: as social animals, we respond strongly to other people’s approval and disapproval, and sharing content is a good way to do either. (…) When we share content on social media we have a duty to be responsible broadcasters of information. (…) Alan Jacobs, author of the book How to Think: A Survival Guide for a World at Odds, suggests four habits to follow for responsible online sharing[9]: 1. Wait five minutes before sharing something: (…) Making a conscious habit of waiting a few minutes can give you a chance to decide if it’s really worth sharing with everyone you know. (…) 2. Accentuate the positive. While sometimes it is important to share protest and criticism, in general it’s more useful to share positive content. (…) 3. Don’t look at interactions in terms of winning and losing. It’s easy to treat every conversation as a debate, especially if it’s about an issue you feel strongly about. (…) 24 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 24 08/08/2022 10:24 4. Practice empathy. When you’re sharing with people who disagree with you, try to imagine how things look from their point of view. (…) [9] We need a survival guide for thinking because we’re bad at it. CBC Radio. (December 31, 2017). Retrieved April 05, 2018, from guide-for-thinking-because-we-re-bad-at-it-1.4458377 MEDIA SMARTS. Think before you share. [2022?]. Disponível em: authenticating-information/ethics-sharing-information-online/think-you-share. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. 4 Choose the main objective of the text. a. To provide tips on identifying fake news on the Internet. b. To offer recommendations on habits to follow for responsible online sharing. 5 Some words and expressions are very common when we talk about the digital world. Try to infer the meaning (I-III) of the following terms (a-c) and match the columns. a. hyperlink I. forms of electronic communication through which users create online (1 paragraph) st communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and b. social media other content (2nd paragraph) II. someone who transmits (something, such as a program) by means of c. broadcaster radio or television or by streaming over the Internet (3 paragraph) rd III. a reference that allows you to move easily between two objects, such as documents, files or pages on the Internet 6 Answer the following questions based on the ideas presented in the text. a. What makes it easier for people to share content online? AUTUMNN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. What is our duty when sharing content on social media? 7 The following recommendations on responsible online sharing are given in the text, except for one. Which one? a. Share positive content. b. Wait a few minutes before sharing something. c. Take action when people share unverified or false information. d. When sharing with people who don’t agree with you, try to consider their perspective. e. Share your thoughts with other people, but don’t treat every conversation as a debate. 8 Choose the sentences that have an equivalent meaning to “Social media doesn’t only make sharing easier, but actively encourages it as well.” TIP No exercício 8, use seu a. Social media makes sharing easier and actively encourages it. conhecimento sobre conectores (linking words/ b. Social media makes sharing easier, but doesn’t actively phrases). Lembre-se de encourage it. que diferentes conectores podem expressar a c. Social media not only makes sharing easier, but also actively mesma ideia. encourages it. Unit 1 25 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 25 08/08/2022 10:24 Reading for Critical Thinking TIP Procure ter uma postura crítica diante dos textos e 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. valorize diferentes pontos de vista com ética e respeito. a. The text presents four recommendations on responsible online sharing. Do you agree with all of them? Which one(s) do you usually put into practice? b. In small groups, make a list of what you should consider before sharing content online and provide good arguments to support your views. Then, share your list with other classmates and get to know different viewpoints on the same topic. Think about it! De acordo com o texto, como animais sociais, os seres humanos são afetados pela avaliação de outras pessoas. Na sua opinião, o desejo de receber a aprovação (approval) dos outros ou evitar sua desaprovação (disapproval) costuma ser a principal motivação para as pessoas publicarem em redes sociais? O que levou você a essa conclusão? Quais as possíveis consequências disso para a saúde mental? O que pode ser feito para lidarmos melhor com as opiniões dos outros e expressarmos as nossas com respeito? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Internet Slang Read the following cartoon and do exercises 1 and 2. TIP Ao ler cartuns, observe as relações entre os elementos verbais e os não verbais. Think about it! No cartum, por que a menina diz que sua professora não é qualificada para ensinar a escrever? Você concorda com ela? Para a menina, como se deve ©RANDY GLASBERGEN escrever a palavra “you”? NSEA.ORG. Lingua inglesa. Pinterest, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. 1 Who uses Internet slang (abbreviations and acronyms)? Choose a or b. a. The girl. b. The girl’s teacher. 26 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 26 08/08/2022 10:24 2 Match the columns. a. “U” means I. “bye for now”. b. “BRB” means II. “be right back”. c. “BFN” means III. “you”. Le@rning 3 It’s time to learn new Internet slang. What do the following items (a-n) on the web mean? Use the words and expressions in the box as in the example. Para conhecer outras gírias da internet Example: a. today (abreviações e acrônimos), visite: before • best friends forever • direct message • forever • wiki/Appendix:English_ great • hugs and kisses • I love you • laughing out loud • internet_slang please • thanks • throwback Thursday • today • you too • your (Acesso em: 25 jul. 2022). a. 2DAY f. GR8 k. THX/THKS b. 4EVER g. ILU l. U2 c. B4 h. LOL m.UR d. BFF i. PLS n. XOXO e. DM j. TBT 4 In your notebook, translate the following text messages as in the example. Example: a. Thanks for the present. I love you! 12:35 10:29 9:14 Thx 4 the present. Of course u r Miss U2. Come here OAKVIEW STUDIOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ILU! my BFF! xoxo 2day, pls! =D ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI a. Thx 4 the present. ILU! b. Of course u r my BFF! xoxo c. Miss U2. Come here 2day, pls! =D Think about it! Em mensagens instantâneas de celular, blogues, e-mails, chats, tweets e redes sociais, são comuns o uso de abreviações para tornar a digitação mais rápida e o uso de emoticons para expressar sentimentos. Você costuma usar abreviações e emoticons? Em que situações? Quais abreviações, em inglês ou em português, você mais costuma usar? Na sua opinião, o uso dessas abreviações é adequado ou deve GO TO VOCABULARY ser evitado? Por quê? CORNER ON PAGE 174. Unit 1 27 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 27 08/08/2022 10:24 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Read the following cartoon and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The characters are in I. a library. II. a school classroom. b. The student feels I. scared. II. confused. c. The student is ©RANDY GLASBERGEN I. familiar with modern technology. II. not familiar with modern technology. TIP Para melhor compreender o humor nos cartuns, observe GLASBERGEN, Randy. There aren't any icons to click. It's a chalk os elementos não verbais, como a expressão facial dos board. 2022. Tirinha. Disponível em: content/gallery/education-and-teacher-cartoons/edu07.gif. personagens, e sua relação com os elementos verbais. Acesso em: 14 jul. 2022. 2 The following items are examples of tools that can be used in education. Use the words in the box to label the pictures. book • CD • cell phone • chalk board (blackboard) • computer • e-book reader • interactive whiteboard • tablet a. c. e. g. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 12BIT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM RIDO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHTANZMAN/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM UMBERTO TIERNEYMJ/ b. d. f. h. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GREBESHKOVMAXIM/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM HARVEST BOOKS MAREN WINTER/ YELLOW CAT/ 3 What educational tools are there in your school? Think about it! Na situação retratada no cartum, o menino parece estar acostumado a tecnologias digitais, nas quais há ícones para clicar, e estranha o quadro de giz. A professora, que parece conhecer os diferentes tipos de tecnologia, busca esclarecer a situação para o aluno. Você acredita que uma geração pode aprender com a outra sobre as novas e as antigas tecnologias? Por quê (não)? 28 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 28 08/08/2022 10:24 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Review: Relative Pronouns 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 24 and identify the relative pronoun used in each one. I. “(…) makes the internet different from other kinds of media that came before” II. “the hyperlink, which can take you (…) to almost any kind of content imaginable.” III. “When you’re sharing with people who disagree with you (…)” 2 Based on the previous exercise, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In each fragment, the relative pronoun refers to I. a previous element (= noun or noun phrase). II. a following element (= noun or noun phrase). b. The relative pronoun used in each fragment I. emphasizes an element in the sentence and contrasts ideas. II. connects elements in a sentence and avoids repetition. 3 The following text is about reporting inappropriate content on the web. Complete it by replacing each icon with the correct relative pronoun in parentheses. What to Report • Anyone you don’t know (which/who) asks you for personal SHUTTERSTOCK.COM IIIERLOK_XOLMS/ information, photos, or videos. • Inappropriate or obscene material from people or companies you don’t know. • Misleading URLs on the Internet (that/whose) point you to sites containing harmful or inappropriate materials rather than what you were looking for. • Anyone (who/whose) sends you photos or videos containing obscene content of individuals 18 and younger (the possession, manufacturing, or distributing of child pornography is illegal). (…) FULTON COUNTY SCHOOLS. FAQ and fact sheet: cyberbullying. 2002- 2022. Disponível em: Language Note Centricity/Domain/5419/Cyberbullying%20FAQ%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. We use: To refer to: that people and things which things who people whose people and things (possession) Unit 1 29 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 29 08/08/2022 10:24 Modal Verbs: Should, Must 4 Now read the following tips on how to identify and stop the spread of false information online. Focus on the word in bold and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. Where and how does your source get its information? A proper article should cite the information and data they are sharing. Investigate their sources for yourself. Does the information line up, was important information left out, or are facts being twisted? If they don’t have a source at all, or it comes from a non-credible source, that should be a red flag. MADISON COUNTY NEW YORK. Combating misinformation. 2006- line up: ser coerente source: fonte 2022. Disponível em: Misinformation. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. red flag: sinal de alerta twisted: deturpado/a a. In “A proper article should cite”, should expresses I. a recommendation. II. the deduction or conclusion that something is certain or highly probable. b. In “that should be a red flag”, should expresses I. a recommendation. II. the deduction or conclusion that something is certain or highly probable. c. We use should Think about it! I. before the main verb in the infinitive (without to). De acordo com o texto, é importante verificar a credibilidade da fonte antes de compartilhar II. after the main verb in the infinitive (without to). uma informação. Você costuma fazer isso? Você já viu alguma notícia em rede social e descobriu, depois, que era falsa? O que 5 Based on the text in exercise 4, complete the following pode ser feito para evitarmos a circulação de sentence by replacing the icon with should informações e notícias falsas (fake news) nas redes sociais? or shouldn’t. If the article doesn’t cite the sources of information and data they Language Note are sharing, that be a warning signal. shouldn’t = should not Read the following cartoon and do exercises 6-8. DAVE GRANLUND/ CAGLE CARTOONS/ FOTOARENA STAFF WRITER. Granlund cartoon: fake news. Gaston Gazette, 8 dez. 2016. Disponível em: cartoons/2016/12/08/granlund-cartoon-fake- news/24301148007/. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2022. 30 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 30 08/08/2022 10:24 6 What is the relationship between the character, Pinocchio, and fake news? Choose a or b. a. Both are credible sources of information. b. Both are not credible sources of information. 7 The relationship between the text and the picture creates humor in the cartoon. Based on this relationship, what is the main idea in the cartoon? Choose a or b. a. Everything that is on the Internet is true. b. Not everything that is on the Internet is true. 8 Read the cartoon again and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The modal verb must expresses Language Note I. the deduction or conclusion that something is certain. We generally use can’t/ II. necessity and obligation. cannot to say that something is certainly b. The correct idea about the cartoon is not the case. E.g.: It can’t be true. He’s always I. everything that is on the Internet can’t be true. telling lies. II. everything that is on the Internet should be true. 9 Replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the following sentences about the cartoon. must know • must be reading © 2016 JIMMY MARGULIES-KING FEATURES/DISTR. BULLS MARSHES. Dad, I can read my own fake news on the internet now! 23 nov. 2016. Tirinha. Disponível em: -can-read-my-own-fake-news-on-4415838. Acesso em: 14 jul. 2022. a. The girl’s dad a fictional story. b. The girl what fake news are. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. Unit 1 31 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 31 25/04/23 20:47 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What can you use the Internet for? Copy the following diagram into your notebook and complete it by replacing each icon with an appropriate answer. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. I can use the SKRYP_ART/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Internet to 2 2 Listen to a radio commercial recorded by Wichita Northwest High School. In your notebook, take notes of key words and expressions and choose the item that refers to the main idea of the recording. a. Fighting against cyberbullying. b. Finding information on the Internet. 2 3 Listen to the recording again and take notes about recommendations for staying safe online. Then, replace each icon with an appropriate TIP Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia answer to complete the following sentences. os itens do exercício para conhecer as informações SHUTTERSTOCK.COM solicitadas. Você deverá CHAMILLE WHITE/ prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos os exercícios de compreensão oral. a. Control . Make it stop. b. Alter the issue. Don’t be . c. Delete . Realize its history and move forward. TIP 2 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. Não se preocupe em entender todas as palavras 5 Which information about cyberbullying is mentioned in the recording? e todas as informações do áudio. O objetivo do Choose a or b. exercício 2 é identificar, apoiando-se na anotação de a. 42% of kids have been bullied while online. palavras-chave, o tema do anúncio de utilidade pública b. 10% of kids do not tell an adult when they’ve been the victims of que está sendo veiculado. cyberbullying. 32 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 32 08/08/2022 10:24 6 It is time to create your own radio commercial about preventing cyberbullying or staying safe online based on facts! In small groups, prepare a short speech and present it to the whole class. You can also record and share it with other people. Before you start, read the following suggestions. You can include: a. Cyberbullying statistics; c. Tables, charts and graphs based on research. b. Tips to help kids stay safe online; Facts About Cyberbullying 1. About 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. 2. Girls are more likely than boys to be both victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying. 3. 60% of young people have witnessed online bullying. Most do not intervene. Adaptado de: DO SOMETHING.ORG. 11 Facts about cyberbullying. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. Staying Safe Online 1. Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, e-mail address or mobile number. 2. Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. 3. Never give out your passwords. Adaptado de: THROSTON PRIMARY SCHOOL. Keep your child safe online. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. Nationally-representative sample of 13-17 year old middle and high school students in the United States CYBERBULLYING RESEARCH CENTER/ HTTPS://CYBERBULLYING.ORG/ I have been I have been Rumors Mean or Threatened Threatened Posted mean Posted mean Pretended Posted a Posted mean Posted Created a One or more cyberbullied cyberbullied online hurtful to hurt me to hurt me names or names or to be me mean or names or mean or mean or of above, (lifetime) comments through a cell online comments comments online hurtful comments hurtful hurtful web two or more online phone text online about online about picture online about video online page about times me with my race or online of me my religion of me me a sexual color meaning HINDUJA, Sameer; PATCHIN, Justin W. Cyberbullying Victimization. Cyberbullying Research Center. 1 jun. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. Unit 1 33 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 33 12/08/2022 19:13 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you can find cartoons on pages 26, 28, 30 and 31. The four cartoons you have read in this unit are about the effects of technology on education and communication. Cartoons are frequently published in magazines and newspapers. The combination of visual and verbal elements can help make them funny. Based on the cartoons you read in this unit, it is your turn to create a cartoon about the effects of technology on our life. Exercise your creativity and sharpen your ability to see and create humor. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you and b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: d. Objective: to create humor e. Style: tone f. Media: school board/Internet 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. TIP 1.  With a classmate, think of a funny situation about the Ao revisar os cartuns, considere, por effects of technology on our life and create a drawing exemplo: to describe it. • objetivo: O texto está adequado ao 2. Add captions or speech bubbles to your cartoon. seu objetivo? Há humor no cartum? • linguagem verbo-visual: As Eliminate all unnecessary words. Remember that imagens e o texto estão bem humor is often produced by the unexpected. integrados? A linguagem é usada de 3. Exchange cartoons with classmates and forma criativa? discuss them. • ortografia: As palavras estão 4. Make the necessary corrections. escritas corretamente? Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão 5. Work to create the final version of your cartoon. feita por você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share the cartoon with your classmates and other people. What about running a cartoon contest and inviting the school community to vote? SYNTHEX/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 34 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 34 08/08/2022 10:24 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about the digital world, including harassment: assédio, cyberbullying and staying safe online. Read the following cyberbullying intimidação mean: maldoso/a, facts/statistics, talk to a classmate about them and answer the questions. mesquinho/a MARIAPOSA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM The most interesting cyberbullying facts: • The most common type of online bullying is mean comments 22.5%. • 35% had shared a screenshot of someone’s status or photo to laugh at them. • 61% of teens who report being bullied say it was because of their appearance. • 41% of US adults who use the internet have personally experienced online harassment. (...) • 7 in 10 young people experience cyberbullying before they hit the age of 18. DJURASKOVIC, Ogi. Cyberbullying statistics, facts, and trends (2022) with charts. First Site Guide. 25 mar. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. • According to the text, what is the percentage of teens who report being bullied because of their appearance? In your opinion, is it a high percentage? • Based on the text, what is the statistic for experiencing cyberbullying before the age of eighteen years old? • Are you surprised with the statistics in the text? Why (not)? • Bullying and cyberbullying involve not only those who bully and are bullied, but also those who see the behavior. If you see somebody being bullied, what should you do? Recommended Resources Para explorar o tema cyberbullying e conhecer algumas formas de prevenção e de combate, visite: • • • (Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022). Unit 1 35 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 35 08/08/2022 10:25 UNIT CANNES LIONS/GETTY IMAGES 2 EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Do you know the girls in the photos? Who are they? In your opinion, what do they have in common? 36 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 36 08/08/2022 12:25 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre igualdade de direitos; • usar verbos modais (modal verbs); • usar pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns); • explorar multi-word verbs; • compreender e produzir anúncios publicitários (advertisements); • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais educação em direitos humanos, direitos da criança e do adolescente, e vida familiar e social. ROB KIM/GETTY IMAGES Unit 2 37 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 37 08/08/2022 12:25 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Before Reading 1 What do you know about Emma Watson? Choose the items that are related to her. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. SELCUK ACAR/ANADOLU AGENCY/GETTY IMAGES a. She is an actress and activist. b. She is from the United States. c. She is famous for her participation in the Harry Potter film series. d. She is United Nations Women Goodwill Ambassador. 2 Based on the title and the structure of the following text, what can you say about it? Choose a or b. a. The text is a speech by Emma Watson. b. The text is a letter from Emma Watson. 3 What do you expect to read about in the text? Reading gender: gênero 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. issue: problema, questão UN WOMEN EXECUTIVE COMMISSION ON TRUST FUNDS GET INVOLVED BOARD THE STATUS OF WOMEN ABOUT    WHAT WE DO    WHERE WE ARE    HOW WE WORK    PARTNERSHIPS    NEWS AND EVENTS    DIGITAL LIBRARY Emma Watson: Gender equality is your issue too Date: Saturday, September 20, 2014 Speech by UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson at a special event for the HeForShe campaign, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 September 2014 Today we are launching a campaign called “HeForShe.” I am reaching out to you because I need your help. We want to end gender inequality – and to do that we need everyone to be involved. (...) I am from Britain and think it is right that as a woman I am paid the same as my male counterparts. (...) I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decision-making of my country. I think it is right that socially I am afforded the same respect as men. But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights. 38 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 38 08/08/2022 12:25 No country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality. These rights I consider to be human rights but I am one of the lucky ones. (…) My school did not limit me because I was a girl. My mentors didn’t assume I would go less far because I might give birth to a child one day. These influencers were the gender equality ambassadors that made me who I am today. They may not know it, but they are the inadvertent feminists who are changing the world today. And we need more of those. (...) Men – I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue too. (...) If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are – we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom. (...) We are struggling for a uniting word but the good news is we have a uniting movement. It is called HeForShe. I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to be the “he” for “she”. And to ask yourself if not me, who? If not now, when? Thank you. UN WOMEN. Emma Watson: gender equality is your issue too. 20 set. 2014. Disponível em: news/stories/2014/9/emma-watson-gender-equality-is-your-issue-too. Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web O vídeo completo do discurso de Emma Watson sobre a campanha HeForShe está disponível em: watch?v=gkjW9PZBRfk. Para conhecer mais detalhes sobre HeForShe, visite: (Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022). 5 What is the HeForShe campaign about? Choose a or b. a. It is a uniting movement to fight for children’s rights. b. It is a solidarity campaign for gender equality initiated by UN Women. 6 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false TIP statements. Observe a importância da língua inglesa em textos, a. The HeForShe campaign invites men to be involved in the movement of como o discurso de Emma Watson, para a divulgação gender equality. e discussão de diferentes b. Some countries in the world have achieved gender equality. ideias e posicionamentos políticos. c. Emma Watson thinks it is wrong that women be involved in the decision-making of her country. 7 For each item, choose a fragment from the text that refers to Emma Watson’s opinion about gender equality. a. It is right that women and men are paid the same. b. It is right that women and men receive the same treatment. c. It is right that women participate in the process of deciding about my country. 8 Answer the following questions. a. In “Gender equality is your issue too”, who is Emma Watson talking to? b. Taking into consideration that Emma’s speech is in English, who can her words reach? Unit 2 39 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 39 08/08/2022 12:25 Reading for Critical Thinking 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. TIP Procure ter uma a. What do you think of the HeForShe campaign? In your opinion, is it enough postura crítica for men to stand up for women’s rights? To what extent is it important for diante dos textos e women to be independent, to fight for themselves? valorize diferentes pontos de vista com b. According to the text, there is no country in the world where all women can ética e respeito. expect to receive the same rights as men. In your opinion, how can we do Aproveite para considerar novas our part to end gender inequality? In small groups, make a list of the main perspectivas sobre o actions that can help put an end to gender inequality and provide good tema e relacioná-lo com a realidade à examples to support your views. Then, share your list with other classmates sua volta. and get to know different viewpoints on the same topic. VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Multi-word Verbs TIP Anúncios publicitários 1 Read the following fragments from the text on pages 38 and 39. Then, (advertisements ou ads) empregam recursos match the words in bold (a-c) to the definitions (I-III). verbais e não verbais para chamar a atenção de • “I am reaching out to you because I need your help.” determinado público-alvo e persuadi-lo a consumir • “I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to um produto ou a aderir a be the ‘he’ for ‘she’.” uma ideia. Multi-word verbs Definitions I. to offer to do something, or to help with something a. reach out to sb II. to say what you think clearly and freely, especially in order to b. step forward support or defend a person or idea c. speak up (for sb/sth) III. to communicate with a person or a group of people, usually in order to ask for help or involve them sb: somebody sth: something Read the following advertisement and do exercises 2-5. “...Racism is the biggest problem facing football across Europe. People may think it has disappeared, but it hasn’t. It’s time for us all to take a stand – players, fans and authorities. It’s time to stand up and speak up”. THIERRY HENRY HTTPS://JONWORTH.EU Adaptado de: STAND up speak up. Jon Worth Euroblog, 2022. 1 imagem. Disponível em: web/20220720155636/ uploads/2007/06/standupspeakup.jpg. Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. 40 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 40 24/04/23 17:53 2 Answer the following questions. a. What product is being advertised? b. The ad is part of a campaign. What is the main aim of the campaign? 3 What is the meaning of stand up in the advertisement? Choose a or b. a. To be on your feet. b. To deal effectively with a difficult situation. 4 Which resources are employed in the advertisement to persuade the audience? Choose the correct items. a. A catchy slogan (“Stand up. Speak up.”). b. The choice of colors to refer to racism (black and white). c. Verbs in the imperative (“wear”, “help”, “stand up”, “speak up”). d. Formal language and difficult key words. 5 What do this advertisement and the text on pages 38 and 39 have in common? Choose a or b. a. Both texts are about racism. b. Both texts invite people to speak up. 6 Search for advertisements that can help put a stop to issues such as racism, gender inequality, bullying, etc. Search for ads in magazines, newspapers or on the Internet and bring them to class. In small groups, choose one ad and make a short oral presentation about it. Talk about its main objective, the campaign it supports, the target audience, the layout and the resources used to persuade the audience (pictures, slogan/headline, different font sizes and colors, etc.). Use the expressions in the box to help you. • This ad called our attention because... • It’s an ad about... • The main aim of the ad is to... • The resources used in the ad to persuade the audience are... • The picture shows/illustrates... ZINA LEONOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 2 41 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 41 08/08/2022 12:25 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In your opinion, when does gender equality start? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, subtitle and picture. What do you expect to read about? Now read the text and do exercises 3-6. HTTPS://WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM/INTERNATIONAL shudder verb UK /ˈ∫ · r/ US /ˈ∫ ·ɚ/ News    Opinion    Sport    Culture    Lifestyle    Show    More to shake, usually because you are thinking of Gender equality starts in childhood… with the something bad chores estremecer She shuddered •  Lucy Fisher cheered when she heard about a new law in Spain which with horror. forces children to help with household tasks, regardless of their sex SHUDDER. In: CAMBRIDGE Lucy Fisher Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: Thu 8 May 2014 12.00 BST dictionary/english-portuguese/ DGLIMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM shudder. Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. It was the headline that made lazy teens worldwide shudder: Spain is to introduce a law forcing children to do chores. (...) There’s a surprisingly progressive detail in the Rights and Duties of Children Bill that’s worth noting: the “co-responsibility in caring for the home and performing household tasks” shall be carried out “regardless of... gender”. (...) If we want a society of well-adjusted, self-sufficient adults, we must make sure we equip children for all facets of life and give them an element of choice in their future lives. And to do that, we must ensure that male and female children share equal obligations. Legalistic Spain has clearly come to the same conclusion too. (...) This latest law for children suggests that the nation now realises equality (...) needs to begin in childhood. FISHER, Lucy. Gender equality starts in childhood… with the chores. The Guardian, 8 maio 2014. Disponível em: in-childhood-with-the-chores. Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. 42 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 42 08/08/2022 12:25 3 What happened to Lucy Fisher, the author of the text, when she heard about a law forcing children to do chores? Choose the picture that best illustrates her reaction. a. b. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI 4 According to the author of the text, there is an important detail in the Rights and Duties of Children Bill. What is it? 5 Fact or opinion? In your notebook, write F if the fragment refers to a fact presented in the text or O if it refers to the author’s opinion on the topic of the text. a. “Spain is to introduce a law forcing children to do chores.” b. “There’s a surprisingly progressive detail in the Rights and Duties of Children Bill (...)” c. “(...) we must make sure we equip children for all facets of life (...)” d. “(...) we must ensure that male and female children share equal obligations.” 6 Do you think a law forcing children, regardless of gender, to help with household tasks can help end gender inequality? Why (not)? In small groups, make a list of strong points to support your opinion. Then, share your list with other classmates and get to know different perspectives on the same topic. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Modal Verbs: May, Might, Must 1 Read again the following fragments from the text on pages 38 and 39 and focus on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “I might give birth to a child one day.” II. “They may not know it” Unit 2 43 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 43 08/08/2022 12:25 a. “I might give birth to a child one day” is equivalent in meaning to I. Perhaps I will give birth to a child one day. II. I will certainly give birth to a child one day. b. “They may not know it” is equivalent in meaning to I. Perhaps they don’t know it II. They certainly don’t know it c. In fragments I and II, may and might express I. certainty. II. possibility. 2 Now read again the following fragments from the text on page 42 and focus on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “we must make sure we equip children for all facets of life” II. “we must ensure that male and female children share equal obligations” a. The fragment “we must ensure that male and female children share Language Note equal obligations” is equivalent in meaning to We use modal verbs such I. perhaps we will ensure that male and female children share equal as may, might and must obligations before the main verb in the infinitive (without to). II. it is necessary that we ensure that male and female children share equal obligations b. In fragments I and II, must expresses I. necessity. II. possibility. 3 Replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the following texts about gender equality. There is one extra expression. may reduce • might increase • must enjoy a. Our message is clear: women and men equal opportunities, choices, capabilities, power and knowledge as equal citizens. Equipping girls and boys, women and men with the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills to tackle gender disparities is a precondition to building a sustainable future for all. UNESCO. Gender equality. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2022. b. Supporting parents to promote more diverse concepts of gender with their young children rigid gender stereotypes tied to attitudes that support violence, and create a more gender equitable community in the long term. HAMILTON, Gemma; POWELL, Anastasia; PFITZNER, Naomi. Parents can promote gender equality and help prevent violence against women. Here's how. The Conversation, 29 jul. 2018. Disponível em: violence-against-women-heres-how-99836. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2022. 44 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 44 08/08/2022 12:25 4 In “must enjoy” from the text in the previous exercise, what does must express? Choose a or b. a. Necessity. b. Possibility. Reflexive Pronouns 5 Read again the following fragments from the text on pages 38 and 39 and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “(...) start defining ourselves by what we are” II. “(...) ask yourself if not me, who? If not now, when?” a. In fragments I and II, ourselves and yourself are used because the subject and the object I. are the same person. II. are not the same person. b. The reflexive pronoun that is in the plural form is I. “ourselves”. II. “yourself”. KICIULLA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 6 What word does the reflexive pronoun myself in the following quote refer to? “I don’t want other people to decide who I am. I want to decide that for myself.” Emma Watson PANGANIBAN, Roma. 16 Encouraging Emma Watson quotes. Mental Floss. 15 abr. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. 7 Why is the reflexive pronoun themselves used in the following quote? Choose a or b. “There will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.” Susan B. Anthony ANTHONY, Susan B. There will never be complete equality... In: THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES. Section III: this land is your land. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. a. To emphasize the expression “complete equality”. b. To emphasize the word “women”. 8 Now copy the following table into your notebook and replace each icon with ourselves, yourself or myself. Subject I You He She It We You They Pronouns Reflexive Himself Herself Itself Yourselves Themselves Pronouns Unit 2 45 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 45 08/08/2022 12:25 9 Replace each icon with the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the quotes. a. “Again, it may be said, that to love justice and equality the people need no great effort of virtue; it is sufficient that they love .” Maximilien Robespierre b. “One of the things about equality is not just that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat equally to the way you treat a man.” Marlo Thomas c. “I want for what I want for other women, absolute equality.” Agnes Macphail ROBESPIERRE, Maximilien. Again, it may be said, that to love justice and equality... In: WREN, Linnea H. (Ed.). Perspectives on Werstern art. Nova York: Routledge, 1994. v. 2, p. 212.; THOMAS, Marlo. One of the things about equality is not just you be treated equally to a man... In: DEMAKIS, Joseph. The ultimate book of quotations. Raleigh: Lulu, 2012. p. 101.; MacPHAIL, Agnes. I want for... In: GREAT CANADIAN SPEECHES. Agnes Macphail on women's equality, 1925, 1930. [2022?]. Disponível em: equality-1925-1930/. Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What do you know about Malala Yousafzai? Choose the items that are related to her. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. a. She is an activist. c. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. b. She is from England. d. She is famous for fighting for girls’ education. SN040288/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 3 2 Listen to part of a speech delivered by Malala at the United Nations on July 12, 2013. What is the speech about? Take notes and write the answer in your notebook. 46 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 46 08/08/2022 12:25 3 3 Why does Malala call upon world leaders and all governments? Listen to the recording again and replace the icons with the words in the box to complete the following reasons. children • education • equality • girls • peace • prejudice • violence a. To change strategic policies in favor of and prosperity. b. To ensure free compulsory for every child all over the world. TIP Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia c. To fight against terrorism and . os itens do exercício para conhecer as informações d. To protect from brutality and harm. solicitadas. Você deverá e. To support the expansion of educational opportunities for in the prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso developing world. em todos os exercícios de f. To reject based on color, religion or gender. compreensão oral. g. To ensure freedom and for women so that they can flourish. 3 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 5 What is the difference between Emma’s speech and Malala’s? TIP Choose a or b. Busque sempre estabelecer relações entre a. Emma Watson is asking women to be independent, to fight for diferentes textos para ampliar sua compreensão themselves and Malala is asking men to stand up for women’s rights. deles e do mundo. Assim b. Emma Watson is asking men to stand up for women’s rights and Malala como o discurso de Emma Watson, o de Malala is asking women to be independent in order to fight for themselves. foi realizado em língua inglesa e é considerado um instrumento importante Le@rning on the web para a divulgação Para assistir ao discurso de Malala Yousafzai nas Nações Unidas em 12 jul. 2013, visite: e a discussão de posicionamentos sobre a assembly/ (Acesso em: 14 jul. 2022). equiparação de gêneros. 6 It is time to make your own speech. In small groups, prepare a short speech and present it to the whole class. It is important to provide good evidence based on facts/research (statistics, graphs, etc.) to support your views. You can also record and share your speech with other people. Some suggested topics: • Gender equality • Children’s rights • Saying no to racism GIUSEPPELOMBARDO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • Saying no to bullying • Ending violence against women/children Unit 2 47 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 47 08/08/2022 12:25 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read an advertisement on page 40. An advertisement or ad is used to sell a product. Ads must be attractive, and they usually contain eye-catching images and a slogan or headline message. Based on the advertisement you read in this unit, it is your turn to create an advertisement for a product that can help put a stop to issues such as gender inequality, violence against women/ children, racism. Work with two or three classmates collaboratively. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you and classmates b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: d. Objective: to get people to buy a product that can help put a stop to e. Style: persuasive tone f. Media: school board/Internet 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. TIP 1. C hoose an issue you want to fight against (gender inequality, Ao revisar o anúncio violence against women/children, racism, etc.). publicitário, considere, 2. Think of a product that can help put a stop to the issue you por exemplo: • objetivo: O anúncio está are fighting against. Be creative and also include a picture of adequado ao público- the product. -alvo e à sua finalidade? 3. Brainstorm for ideas. Come up with ideas for headlines/slogans, • leiaute: A distribuição images, colors, fonts and overall message. de elementos verbais e não verbais está 4. Write an attention-grabbing headline or slogan. This is the most equilibrada? important part of your ad and it should be short and objective • título/slogan: O título ou in order to grab the reader. For example, “Stand Up. Speak Up.” slogan transmite a ideia 5. Below the main headline, write about the issue you are fighting central do texto e chama a atenção do leitor? against, but don’t use too much text. Remember that the • imagens: As figuras product being advertised can help put a stop to this issue. estão relacionadas ao 6. Place headline, text and images in an eye-catching texto e o tornam mais configuration. atraente? 7. Do two or three draft versions of your ad and exchange them • cores: As cores usadas despertam interesse with another group. Ask the group to select the best ad and give sem prejudicar a leitura? feedback on it. Reescreva seu texto com 8. Make the necessary corrections. base na revisão feita por 9. Create the final version of the advertisement. você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your advertisement with your classmates and other people. You can hang it on a school board or publish it on the Internet (a blog or the school website). 48 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 48 08/08/2022 12:25 LOOKING AHEAD ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about equal rights for all. Read the following text about gender equality and, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. UNICEF’s Approach to Gender Equality (…) Intersectionality UNICEF recognizes that no group of girls and boys, women or men is entirely homogenous. All include members of social sub-groups, defined by age, religion, race, ethnicity, economic status, caste, citizenship, sexual identity, ability/disability and urban/ rural locality, and each sub-group may experience various forms of discrimination. Typically, however, girls experience lower status than boys within the same social sub-group, and there is resistance to changing this status. They therefore experience a double discrimination based on the sub-group(s) to which they belong and their sex. UNICEF is dedicated to working with partners at all levels to help end the intersecting discriminations that children face, MELITAS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and to redress the ways in which girls typically, and boys in some situations, experience discrimination on the grounds of their sex, in addition to other forms of discrimination they may experience. UNICEF. Gender equality and rights: gender mainstreaming strategy South Asia 2018-2021. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. • According to the text, girls "experience a double discrimination based on the sub-group(s) to which they belong and their sex". Do you know any other examples of double discrimination in Brazil? • Equality of opportunity is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the achievement of gender equality. What other conditions are also important to achieve gender equality and end discrimination? • In your opinion, how can world leaders and the government promote gender equality in our society? What about us? How can we do our part? Think about it! Recommended Resources Você sabia que há empresas que adotam ações para Para assistir a breves vídeos explicativos sobre direitos promover a igualdade de gênero no trabalho? Se possível, humanos, visite: faça uma visita guiada a uma ou duas empresas próximas • de onde mora e procure conhecer a política de promoção rights/videos/born-free-and-equal.html de igualdade de gênero adotada. Converse com seus/suas (Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022). colegas sobre essa experiência. Unit 2 49 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 49 11/08/2022 08:33 • U N I TS 1 & 2 REVIEW 1 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 Before reading the following text, focus on its layout, keywords (in bold) and source. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The text refers to b. The text is part of a publication I. human rights. I. for adults. II. children’s rights. II. for children Now read the text and do exercises 2-5. Everyone has the same rights. It doesn’t matter what gender you are. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is, what language you speak, what religion you practice, BLACKDAY/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM how rich or poor you are, how different you are from those around you, or what country you come from. It doesn’t even matter whether your own government agrees with these rights. Your rights are in you no matter what. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Every human has rights: a photographic declaration for kids. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2008. 2 Choose the keyword that best summarizes the main idea of the text. a. Equality. b. Freedom. c. Privacy. 3 The expression “It doesn’t matter” is used repeatedly in the text. What does it mean? Make inferences. Choose a or b. a. It means that something is not a problem. b. It means that something is very important. 50 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 50 08/08/2022 12:30 4 Choose a fragment from the text that is equivalent in meaning to “it doesn’t matter if you are male or female.” 5 Why is the subject pronoun you used repeatedly in the text? Choose a or b. a. To refer to a specific person. b. To refer directly to the reader. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Modal Verbs: Should, Must 1 Replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the following sentences about the cartoon. can’t be feeling • must be • must be feeling According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to food, shelter, and health care. However, the situation portrayed in the cartoon shows a man whose human rights are disrespected. Based on the cartoon, we can make the following deductions: a. The man homeless. b. He hungry. c. He warm enough. WWW.CARTOONSTOCK.COM TALIMONOV, Alexei. The tramp of human rights. Cartoonstock. 14 jun. 2011. Disponível em: cartoon?searchID=CS171839. Acesso em: 26 jul. 2022. Think about it! Cartum é um gênero textual que, por meio do humor, tem por objetivo criticar determinadas situações. Qual é a crítica feita no cartum? Review 1 51 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 51 08/08/2022 12:31 Modal Verbs: May, Might, Must 2 Replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the following headlines about equal rights for all. There is one extra expression. may also have • might speak • must be • must fight a. We to protect women’s rights ANTONOV MAXIM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. Gender equality a development priority in its own right c. The best countries for gender equality a domestic violence problem KABEER, Naila; WOODROFFE, Jessica. Gender equality must be a development priority in its own right. The Guardian, 14 maio 2013. Disponível em:; MORRALL, Zoë. We must fight to protect women's rights. The Boar, 19 fev. 2018. Disponível em: protect-womens-rights/; TAYLOR, Adam. The best countries for gender equality may also have a domestic violence problem. The Washington Post, 10 jun. 2016. Disponível em: also-have-a-domestic-violence-problem/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. 3 In “must be” and “must fight” from the headlines in the previous exercise, what does must express? Choose a or b. a. Necessity. b. Possibility. Reflexive Pronouns 4 Replace each icon with the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the following quotes about diversity. a. “We need to give each other the space to grow, to be , to exercise our diversity.” Max De Pree PREE, Max de. We need to give each other the space to grow... In: EGAN, James. 1,000 Inspiring quotes. Morrisville: Lulu Publishing Services, 2015. p. 78. b. “One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being .” Shannon L. Alder ALDER, Shannon L. One of the greatest regrets in life... In: WOODALL, Tony. QOD-038: Shannon L. Alder - One of the greatest regrets in life is being... Goal Getting Podcast. 7 ago. 2015. Disponível em: regrets-in-life-is-being/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. c. “The dynamism of any diverse community depends not only on the diversity itself but on promoting a sense of belonging among those who formerly would have been considered and felt outsiders.” Sonia Sotomayor SOTOMAYOR, Sonia. The dynamism of any diverse community... In: RANKIN, Kenrya. Words of change. Anti-racism: powerful voices, inspiring ideas. Seattle: Spruce Books, 2020. 52 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 52 12/08/2022 16:41 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. • I can find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material (e.g. Reading advertisements). • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand enough to read cartoons and comic strips involving familiar, concrete situations described in high frequency everyday language. Grammar • I can use relative pronouns. • I can use modal verbs (should, must, may, might). • I can use reflexive pronouns. Listening • I can extract important information from short broadcasts, provided people talk clearly. • I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. Speaking • I can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. • I can recall and use an appropriate set of phrases from my repertoire. • I can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Writing • I can write a cartoon. • I can write an advertisement. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 0-2? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Watch videos in English (movies, TV series, online videos). Review 1 53 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 53 08/08/2022 12:31 TO G E T H E R 1 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 1, you have talked about the digital world, including cyberbullying. In this section, you are going to explore memes on fighting against cyberbullying and create your own. 1 Have you ever read memes in Portuguese or English? If so, what were they about? Pronunciation Note Embora “meme” tenha a mesma grafia em inglês e em português, há diferença na hora de pronunciar. Em inglês, pronuncia-se /miːm/. 2 Now read the memes and focus on the meaning created by the combination of visual and verbal elements. Then, in pairs, ask and answer the following questions. Meme 1 DARYA SARAKOUSKAYA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Meme 2 IRENE CASTRO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Adaptado de: MEME GENERATOR. Stop cyberbullying. I am watching you. [2022?]. Disponível em: https://web.archive. org/web/20220720205157/ Adaptado de: MEME CREATOR. You don’t get anything from instances/81335209/stop-cyber-bullying-i-am-watching-you.jpg. cyberbullying except a lot of trouble. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. Meme 3 DARYA SARAKOUSKAYA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Adaptado de: QUICK MEME. Stop cyberbullying! It is not cool! [2022?]. Disponível em: img/0c/0c6ee02e8d48134940d7c499f3c0e86eda192bbeb6b9eb4e8f82130a3afd4d3b.jpg. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022. 54 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT1-054a055-LA-G24.indd 54 24/04/23 17:54 a. What do the memes have in common? b. Which one is your favorite? Why? c. How did you feel after reading each meme? Why? 3 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. Why do people usually share memes on the Internet? b. Do you usually share memes with your friends? If so, how often? c. Have you ever created memes? If so, what were they about? Think about it! Um dos objetivos dos memes é criar um efeito de graça ou humor. Na sua opinião, o que provocou esse efeito nos memes apresentados nesta seção? Para você, o que torna um meme interessante, sem ser ofensivo? 4 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with a classmate collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to create and share memes on fighting against cyberbullying. TASK In pairs, create three memes on fighting against cyberbullying. If possible, try to create a meme that offers a useful tip on preventing cyberbullying. You can use one of the following meme generators to easily add text to images: • • • (Accessed on: July 1, 2022). After creating your memes, gather all the ones you and your classmates created to make a poster about stopping cyberbullying and share them among teachers, family members, DARYA SARAKOUSKAYA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM friends, and other people from your community. You can also share the memes on the Internet. Le@rning on the web Para ter acesso ao guia Cyberbullying: Identification, Prevention, and Response, visite: https:// (Acesso em: 1 jul. 2022). Working Together 1 55 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT1-054a055-LA-G24.indd 55 08/08/2022 14:35 UNIT 3 LIVING WITH DIFFERENCES GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. What would life be like if we lived in a world with no diversity? 56 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 56 08/08/2022 16:47 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre diversidade; • usar orações condicionais do tipo 1 (first conditional); • explorar prefixos (prefixes); • explorar conectores (linking words/phrases); • compreender e produzir cartazes de campanhas (campaign posters); • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais educação em direitos humanos e direitos da criança e do adolescente. GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 3 57 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 57 08/08/2022 16:47 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Identify the words in the box that have a similar meaning to conflict. HVOSTIK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM agreement • clash • dispute • rebellion • peace 2 Before reading the following text, focus on Language Note its first paragraph and source. What do you expect to read about in the text? organise, recognise (BrE) = organize, recognize (AmE) Reading lash out: ataque 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. root: de origem threat: ameaça CHAPTER 1 Defining Conflict (...) Conflict is inevitable, normal and dynamic hence should be seen as a major part of relationship. Hence, people have to learn how to deal with and manage conflicts to avoid violent lash outs. (…) The way a society is organised can create both the root causes of conflict and the conditions in which it’s likely to occur. Any society which is organised so that some people are treated unequally and unjustly, is likely to erupt into conflict, especially if its leaders don’t represent all the members of that society. If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare. (…) Human beings have basic needs. Everyone needs to be recognised as an individual with a personal identity; everyone needs to be able to feel safe. If these needs aren’t met, people protest, and protesting can lead to rebellion and violence. Many people find their identity and security in their cultural group and its particular point of view - so clashes between different cultural groups also lead to disputes that can easily turn violent. If people learn to understand that differing cultures and opinions are not inevitably a threat to each other, they will also learn how to manage their differences co-operatively and peacefully. (…) ADENIJI, Don Michael Olalekan (Ed.). Dynamics of conflict management. Abuja: Garamond Projects Limited, 2015. p. 11, 14, 21, 22. 58 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 58 08/08/2022 16:47 4 What is the main aim of the text? Choose a or b. a. To provide a new definition for “conflict”. b. To discuss some important causes of conflict. 5 According to the text, what can create the main causes of conflict? 6 Based on the text, what are some examples of causes of conflict? Choose the correct items. a. When a society is organized in a way that people are treated unequally and unjustly. b. When people learn to understand that differing cultures are not a threat to each other. c. When a person is not recognized as an individual with a personal identity. d. When the leaders of a society don’t represent all members of that society. 7 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. Conflict is certain to happen and plays an important role in relationships. b. Conflicts will occur if an unequal and unjust society is reformed. c. Differing cultures are a threat to each other. 8 Choose the correct item that completes each statement. a. In “a major part of relationship” (1st paragraph), major means I. important, significant. II. unimportant, insignificant. b. In “learn how to deal with and manage conflicts” (1st paragraph), deal with is equivalent in meaning to I. cope with. II. get along with. c. In “(…) is likely to erupt into conflict” (2nd paragraph), be likely to expresses I. certainty. II. probability. d. In “(…) and protesting can lead to rebellion and violence” (3rd paragraph), can is equivalent in meaning to I. may/might. II. must. e. In “If people learn to understand that differing cultures and opinions are not inevitably a threat to each other, they will also learn how to manage their differences co-operatively and peacefully” (4th paragraph), they refers to I. differences. II. people. Unit 3 59 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 59 11/08/2022 08:50 Reading for Critical Thinking 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. According to the text, “If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare”. In your opinion, what changes need to be made in society so that conflicts can disappear? MAGIC PANDA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. Think of a society you know best. It can be your community, your neighborhood, your school. How is it organized? Can you see likely causes for conflict? What can be done to reduce the chances of conflict? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Word Formation: Prefixes 1 Read these fragments from the text on page 58 and focus on the words in bold. Then, copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing each icon with the appropriate word. I. “Conflict is inevitable” II. “an unequal and unjust society” inevitable a. (adjective) (adjective) unequal is the b. (adjective) opposite of (adjective) unjust c. (adjective) (adjective) TIP O acréscimo de um prefixo não modifica a classe gramatical da palavra. Isso acontece tanto em inglês quanto em português. 2 Which word contains the prefix un-? Choose a or b. a. understand b. unsafe 60 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 60 08/08/2022 16:47 3 The following sentences are related to the text on page 58. Replace each icon with a word formed with the prefix in- or un-. Use the RAYWOO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM clues in parentheses to help you. a. Our World is divided and conflict-torn, socially and ecologically . (the opposite of sustainable) b. The most common conflicts occur when a particular group wants to be from a central government. (the opposite of dependent) arise: surgir, aparecer c. Conflicts arise when people are with how they are governed. (the opposite of happy) PANDEY, Kshama; UPADHYAY, Pratibha. Promoting global peace and civic engagement through education. Hershey: IGI Global, 2016. 464 p. Linking Words/Phrases 4 Read the following fragments from the text on page 58 and focus on the linking words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I.  “If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.” (2nd paragraph) II. “so clashes between different cultural groups also lead to disputes” (3rd paragraph) III. “they will also learn how to manage their differences” (4th paragraph) a. In fragment I, if expresses I. condition. II. result. TIP b. In fragment I, then is equivalent in meaning to Conectores (linking words/phrases, em I. after that. II. before that. inglês) são palavras ou expressões utilizadas c. In fragment II, so is equivalent in meaning to para unir palavras ou I. on the contrary. II. as a result. orações. Ao ler um texto, busque identificar quais d. In fragment III, also expresses palavras ou orações os conectores ligam. I. addition. II. contrast. 5 Copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing the icons with the linking words/phrases in the box. after that • as a result • in addition to • unless Addition Condition Result Sequence also, and, both, consequently, so, before that, finally, as long as, if moreover, too therefore firstly, secondly, then GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 174. Unit 3 61 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 61 08/08/2022 16:47 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 School is one of the first places we learn to live with differences. Are there any anti-bullying policies in your school? What happens if you or a classmate experience bullying or discrimination? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, layout and source. What do you expect to read about? Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. What Are My Rights at School? Title IX is a federal law that makes sex discrimination illegal in most schools. (…) Several other federal and state laws also protect transgender students. Here are some of the rights you have under these laws: • You have the right to be treated according to your gender identity. (...) • You have the right not to be bullied or harassed because you are transgender or gender non-conforming. If school administrators know that you’re being bullied or harassed, they have to take action to end it. (…) • You have the right to get the same opportunities to learn and participate in school life as anyone else, no matter your gender, including your gender identity or expression, or your race, nationality, or disability. This includes not being punished because you are transgender or gender non-conforming and being allowed to participate in school activities and events. • You have the right to dress and present yourself according to your gender identity. This includes how you dress at school every day as well as for dances, graduation, and other school events. (...) NATIONAL CENTER FOR TRANSGENDER EQUALITY. What are my rights at school? 2022. Disponível em: know-your-rights/schools. Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022. 3 Who is the text addressed to? 4 Choose the transgender and gender non-conforming students’ rights that are mentioned in the text. a. Dress according to their gender identity. b. Be part of an educational environment free from discrimination. c. Be provided the same learning opportunities as are all ASTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM other students. d. Be addressed by school staff by the name corresponding to their gender identity. e. Not be required to use a restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity. 62 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 62 08/08/2022 16:48 5 In your opinion, what should happen in order to help put an end to bullying and discrimination? 6 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. In our country, are there any laws that offer protection for children and teenagers? b. What about for transgender and gender non-conforming students? Think about it! ALLIESTROOP/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Na sua opinião, quais ações podem ser promovidas pela escola para incentivar o respeito a indivíduos e grupos que são frequentemente vítimas de discriminação? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. First Conditional Read the following fragments from page 58 and do exercises 1-3. FILE404/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM I. “If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.” II. “If people learn to understand (...), they will also learn how to manage their differences (...).” 1 Choose the correct item that answers each question. a. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to fragment I? I. Conflicts will be rare if an unequal and unjust society is reformed. II. If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts won’t be rare. b. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to fragment II? I. If people learn how to manage their differences, they will learn to understand (...). II. People will learn how to manage their differences (...) if they learn to understand (...). c. What is correct about both fragments? I. They refer to a real possibility for a particular situation to happen in the future. II. They refer to an unreal possibility for a particular situation to happen in the future. Unit 3 63 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 63 12/08/2022 07:12 2 What does each clause express? Match the columns. “If an unequal and unjust society is reformed, then conflicts will be rare.” “If people learn to understand (...), they will also learn how to manage their differences (...).” a. Clauses in blue (“If”) express I. result b. Clauses in pink (“will”) express II. condition 3 Copy the following table into your notebook and replace each icon with an appropriate answer to understand the structure of the first conditional. Condition Result “If an unequal and unjust society then conflicts will be rare.” is reformed, “If people learn to understand they will also learn how to (...), manage their differences (...).” TIP Com base nos exemplos, faça inferências para compreender regras de If + verb in the + + base form of the main verb uso da língua inglesa. 4 It is through education that we can learn to understand and respect other people’s differences. Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS as in the example to complete the following quotes about education. Example: a. will improve a. IMPROVE: “If you improve education by teaching for competence (...), and connecting with students, the test scores .” William Glasser b. BE: “Also, if we take back our schools and concentrate on improving them so our children get a better education, they better trained to compete for a job locally.” Vincent Frank c. TEACH: “Memory and creativity are essential to education, but if you memory incorrectly, it is a total waste of time, and it will inhibit learning.” Tony Buzan 64 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 64 08/08/2022 16:48 d. NOT EMPOWER: EDUCATION IS THE “If we families to be able to have a MOST POWERFUL quality education, then their children – for WEAPON WHICH YOU the first time in American history, truly CAN USE TO CHANGE the first time – will not have the same economic opportunities.” THE WORLD. Jeb Bush Nelson Mandela e. NOT GET: “You can spend a lot of money on education, but if you don’t spend it wisely, on improving the quality of instruction, GALVÃO BERTAZZI you higher student outcomes.” Andreas Schleicher BRAINYQUOTE. William Glasser quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Vincent Frank quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Tony Buzan quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Jeb Bush quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Andreas Schleicher quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Nelson Mandela quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022. Read the following persuasive campaign posters about the right to education, promoted by Manav Kartavya, an Indian non-governmental organization (NGO), and do exercises 5 and 6. HTTP://MANAVKARTAVYA.ORG/ HTTP://MANAVKARTAVYA.ORG MANAV KARTAVYA. Manav Kartavya: best NGO in Ahmedabad, NGO MANAV KARTAVYA. Arte do homem de ferro. Pinterest, 2022. for child. Pinterest, 2022. Disponível em: Disponível em: pin/663788432556508412/. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2022. Acesso em: 27 jul. 2022. Le@rning on the web Para assistir a uma animação produzida pelo Unicef sobre igualdade de gênero, visite (Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022). Unit 3 65 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 65 11/08/2022 08:52 5 In your notebook, write sentences based on the topic of the campaign posters. Use the first conditional as in the example. Example: If children go to school, they will have more opportunities to develop their personalities, talents, and abilities. 6 Education represents opportunity and it is the right of every child. It should also teach them to respect other people. Apart from school, what other institutions, groups and/or media should encourage children to respect other people? GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you know anyone (world leader, artist, or someone from the community where you live) who stands up for human rights and fights for a diverse society in which people respect others? What is she/he famous for? Use expressions in the Language Note box to help you. Language Note •  She/He is a(n) important/influential/inspiring/respected/well-known figure. •  She/He stands up for children’s/civil/human/women’s rights. •  She/He is (internationally/locally) famous for…/She/He is (best) known for… 4 2 Listen to the beginning of a speech delivered in 2013 by Juana Bordas, an inspirational speaker. What is the speech about? Take notes and write the answer in your notebook. 4 3 According to Juana Bordas, what is diversity about? Listen to the recording again and choose the correct items. a. It is about class. b. It is about color. c. It is about culture. KARL GEHRING/THE DENVER POST VIA GETTY IMAGES d. It is about commitment. e. It is about consciousness. f. It is about people regardless of where they come from and their age. Juana Bordas 66 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 66 08/08/2022 16:48 4 What kind of space does Juana Bordas want to create in her communities, leadership programs and organizations? 4 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. 6 Do you agree with what Juana Bordas says about diversity? Why (not)? 7 What do you think of the following quotes about diversity? Which one(s) do you agree with? Why? Discuss them with your classmates. Use expressions in the Language Note box to help you. “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in KEN CHARNOCK /GETTY IMAGES diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” Maya Angelou COLORED LIGHTS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM “We are all different, which is great because we are all unique. Without diversity life would be very boring.” Catherine Pulsifer WIRGININGS/PICTURE ALLIANCE VIA GETTY IMAGES “A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom.” Friedrich August von Hayek WOW4U. 66 Diversity quotes. 1999-2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022. Language Note • Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/How do you feel about that? • Expressing an opinion: In my opinion/view.../I believe that.../From my point of view... • Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re right./Absolutely./Tell me about it! • Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./I totally disagree./I’m afraid that’s not true./No way. Unit 3 67 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 67 15/08/2022 17:41 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read persuasive campaign posters promoted by Manav Kartavya on page 65. Campaign posters deliver persuasive messages about a topic. They usually have eye-catching images and a slogan or a headline message. Sometimes there is also a short text to provide some additional relevant information. Based on the campaign posters you read in this unit, it is your turn to create a campaign poster about the topic of this unit, Living with Differences. The aim is to encourage people to understand and respect other people’s differences. Work with two or three classmates collaboratively. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. You and two or three are going to write a in order to encourage people to understand and respect other people’s differences. You are going to use a persuasive tone. Your text can be published on a traditional bulletin or on the Internet so that other classmates and the school community can read it. 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. TIP Ao revisar os cartazes, considere, por exemplo: 1.  ecide what to write about. Since the topic is Living with D • objetivo: O cartaz está Differences, you can write about gender equality, respecting adequado ao público- other cultures, lifestyles, etc. -alvo e à sua finalidade? 2.  Think about your target audience (students, teachers, local • leiaute: A distribuição dos elementos verbais community, etc.) so that you can tailor your text to that e não verbais está audience. equilibrada? 3.  Brainstorm for ideas. Think of ideas for slogans, images, • imagens: As imagens colors, fonts and overall messages. estão relacionadas ao texto e o tornam mais 4.  Look for potential images and choose a memorable one. A atraente? beautiful image can give you ideas for a slogan. • cores: As cores usadas 5.  Define your slogan or headline message. despertam interesse 6.  Below the slogan, you can add some other relevant sem prejudicar a leitura? information in a smaller font size. But don’t use too much text. • tipo e tamanho da fonte: O texto está Try to keep your poster visual. legível a distância? 7.  Make the first version of your campaign poster. Try to place • slogan: O slogan the slogan, text and images in an eye-catching configuration. transmite a ideia central 8.  Exchange campaign posters with classmates and discuss them. do texto e chama a atenção do/a leitor(a)? 9.  Make the necessary corrections. Reescreva seu texto com 10. Create the final version of your campaign poster by hand or base na revisão feita por use a computer to design it. você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your campaign poster with your classmates and other people. You can put it up on a bulletin board or publish it on the Internet (a blog, the school website, a non-profit organization’s website, etc.). 68 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 68 08/08/2022 16:49 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about living with differences. Read the following text about everyday ways to teach children about respect and, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. EDUCATION COUNTS because it promotes gender equality and empowers women Education is the key to addressing gender-based inequalities and exclusion. While girls and boys have the same fundamental human rights, young women generally receive less education, have fewer opportunities and enjoy less freedom than young men. Girls who live in remote rural areas or speak a minority language are often excluded from education. Almost two-thirds of the world’s 792 million illiterate adults are women. Women are paid less for their work and have limited access to positions of decision-making KEHINDE OLUFEMI AKINBO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and power. In 2010, 9 out of 151 elected heads of state and 11 of 192 heads of government were women. Wages, agricultural income and productivity – all critical for reducing poverty – are higher where women involved in agriculture receive a better education. UNESCO. Education counts: towards the millennium development goals. 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. • According to the text, what is fundamental to deal with gender-based inequalities and exclusion? • Who usually receives less education, has fewer opportunities and enjoys less freedom? • Based on the text, what happens to girls who live in remote rural areas or speak a minority language? • In your opinion, how can gender equality be promoted in schools? Recommended Resources Para assistir a breves vídeos explicativos sobre igualdade de gênero, visite: • • Para assistir a uma palestra sobre os benefícios de escolas que valorizam a diversidade e inclusão, visite: • (Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022). Unit 3 69 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 69 11/08/2022 08:52 UNIT 4 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION M STOCK.CO /SHUTTER MONCHAK JAROSLAV OCK.COM HUTTERST GEOBOR/S GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. The photos show different ways to express yourself. What are they? Can you think of any others? How do you like to express yourself? 70 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 70 08/08/2022 17:12 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre liberdade de expressão; • usar orações condicionais do tipo 2 (second conditional); • explorar conectores (linking words/phrases); • explorar colocações (collocations); • compreender e produzir pesquisas de opinião (opinion polls); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal educação em direitos humanos. M UTTERSTOCK.CO EVGENIIAND/SH BIRGIT REITZ-HOFMANN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM BLACKJACKPHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 4 71 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 71 08/08/2022 17:12 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. Use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. a. What does freedom of expression mean to you? Language Note b. When is freedom of expression at risk? • Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do c. What are the conditions needed for freedom of expression to flourish? you agree?/How do you feel about that? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title. What do you • Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../ expect to read about? I believe that.../ From my point of view... Reading 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. RED CONFIDENTIAL/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Flourishing free, independent and pluralistic media flourish verb During a Unesco 3 May conference in 1991, UK /ˈflʌr·ɪʃ/ US /ˈflɜr·ɪʃ/ the participants arrived at a consensus on the to grow or develop well meaning of “an independent and pluralistic press” and stated it in the Windhoek Declaration: prosperar, florescer •  The tourist industry is By independent press, we mean a press flourishing. independent from governmental, political or economic control or from control of materials and infrastructure essential for FLOURISH. In: CAMBRIDGE the production and dissemination of newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: By a pluralistic press, we mean the end of monopolies of any kind and dictionary/english-portuguese/ the existence of the greatest possible number of newspapers, magazines flourish. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. and periodicals reflecting the widest possible range of opinion within the community (adapted from Windhoek Declaration 3 May 1991, which also gave us the annual World Press Freedom Day, celebrated each year on 3 May). broadcasting station: emissora de televisão There are several types of media (ownership) including private, community, ou rádio state, and public. (...) press: imprensa range: gama, variedade Consider the contrary situation where there is only one newspaper or broadcasting station in your neighbourhood or area. That station or newspaper would likely be the only source of information for many people. If the only source of information somehow published the wrong information, many people would be misinformed. Alternatively, if the newspaper or the television station were directed or forced to publish false information, many people would be lied to. Therefore, common sense would tell us that having multiple media sources would decrease the likelihood of being misinformed or misled because the readers or the audience could verify the information through other newspapers or stations. UNESCO. Freedom of expression toolkit: a guide for students. 2013. Disponível em: https://unesdoc. Nevertheless, simply having many newspapers, television or radio stations is not enough. Multiplicity is not diversity. (...) pf0000218618. Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022. 72 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 72 08/08/2022 17:12 4 What is the main aim of the text? Choose a or b. a. To provide a clear definition for “pluralistic press”. b. To discuss some important issues about independent and pluralistic media. 5 Based on the Windhoek Declaration, what is correct to say about “an independent and pluralistic press”? Choose the correct items. a. It is independent from governmental, political or economic control. b. There isn’t any kind of monopoly. c. There is a great possible number of sources of information. d. Different sources of information reflect the same opinions within the community. 6 In your notebook, write I if the item refers to “an independent press” or II if it refers to “a pluralistic press”. a. It presents different opinions in different sources of information. b. It is free from governmental, political or economic influence. ZERBOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 7 Answer the following questions. a. What are some examples of types of media? b. What are some examples of sources of information? 8 Match the columns in order to identify evidence that supports each opinion presented in the text. Opinion Evidence Language Note a. “Multiplicity is not diversity” I. “the readers or the audience O significado do prefixo b. “having multiple media could verify the information mis (misinformed, misled) é de forma sources would decrease through other newspapers incorreta, errada. the likelihood of being or stations” misinformed or misled” II. “simply having many newspapers, television or radio stations is not enough” 9 In “decrease the likelihood of being misinformed”, what does likelihood mean? Choose a or b. a. Probability. b. Improbability. Reading for Critical Thinking 10 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. According to the text, “Multiplicity is not diversity”. In your opinion, what does it take to have a diverse press? Unit 4 73 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 73 08/08/2022 17:12 b. Is information easily and readily made available for the public in our country? If so, how? c. In your opinion, has the advent of the Internet made it easier for people to express themselves? Why (not)? In small groups, make a list of strong points to support your views. Then, share your list with other classmates and get to know different viewpoints on the same topic. VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Collocations 1 Collocations are words that usually go together. For example, “arrive TIP at a consensus” and “source of information”. Choose the items that Estude combinações de are equivalent in meaning to the fragment “the participants arrived palavras que ocorrem frequentemente em inglês at a consensus on the meaning of (...)” (1st paragraph). para compreendê-las melhor e utilizá-las em a. the participants broke the consensus on the meaning of seus textos. b. the participants reached a consensus on the meaning of c. the participants achieved a consensus on the meaning of Read the following text about freedom of expression and do exercises 2 and 3. Freedom of expression MONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Human beings make speeches, write stories, paint pictures, compose and sing songs, perform dances, and act in plays. Sometimes we express ourselves because we have strong feelings or thoughts about something and we want to share them with other people. Sometimes we express ourselves because we feel we need to. Whatever the reason, self-expression is something to enjoy and take pride in. DK PUBLISHING AND UNICEF. A life like mine: how children live around the world. Nova York: DK Publishing, 2002. p. 118. 2 According to the text, why do we express ourselves? 3 Read the following fragment and replace each icon with a verb in bold as in the example to learn new collocations. “Human beings make speeches, write stories, paint pictures, compose and sing songs, perform dances, and act in plays.” Example: a. write a. : a novel, an essay, a letter b. : a concert, a task, in public 74 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 74 08/08/2022 17:12 c. : a portrait, a picture, a wall d. : a noise, a good impression, money e. : in a movie, in a circus, in a comedy show f. : a duet, a repertoire, like an angel Linking Words/Phrases 4 Read the following fragments from the text on page 72 and focus on the linking words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “Therefore, common sense would tell us that (…)” (4th paragraph) II. “Nevertheless, simply having many newspapers (…)” (5th paragraph) a. In fragment I, therefore is equivalent in meaning to TIP I. as a result. II. on the contrary. Ao ler um texto, busque identificar os conectores utilizados, como therefore e b. In fragment II, nevertheless is equivalent in meaning to nevertheless, para ajudar você a compreender I. however. II. before that. como as ideias de um texto se relacionam. 5 Copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing the icons with the linking words in the box. but • nevertheless • so • therefore Contrast Result however as a result GO TO VOCABULARY on the contrary consequently CORNER ON PAGE 174. TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Why does freedom of expression matter? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure and picture. Then, answer the questions. a. Who is the girl in the photo? What is her name and where is she from? b. What is her occupation? c. What does she make rhymes for? d. Was the text written by a Brazilian or a foreign journalist? Unit 4 75 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 75 08/08/2022 17:12 Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. By Jill Langlois | Oct. 24, 2017 Soffia Rocha knew she wanted to be an emcee when she was just 6 years old. Her mom, Kamilah Pimentel, took her to a “Future of Hip Hop” workshop put on in their community on the outskirts of Brazilian megacity São Paulo, and it’s there that she learned how to DJ, rap, breakdance and do graffiti. Pimentel wanted her daughter to have a strong sense of identity and to give her the confidence to stand up for herself when she was confronted with racism and sexism. (...) Now that she’s 13, MC Soffia is known for performing during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Rio Olympics and dropping rhymes meant to empower MC SOFFIA/FELIPE INÁCIO young African-Brazilian girls to be proud of their skin color and their culture. “There are a lot of girls who tell me that my music has helped them accept their natural hair, their bodies, their skin color,” Soffia said at a recent show put on by a cultural center for kids in São Paulo’s west end. (...) LANGLOIS, Jill. Brazil’s MC Soffia is a 13-year-old rapper who makes rhymes to empower black girls. MIC, 24 out. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. 3 Replace each icon with an expression from the text to complete the Le@rning following sentences about MC Soffia and her songs. on the web Para conhecer o a. MC Soffia participated in a community hip-hop workshop when she was . trabalho da MC Soffia e assistir a b. She can DJ, rap, breakdance and . suas entrevistas, c. Her songs empower young black girls to be proud of their and culture. apresentações e clipes, como “Menina d. Through her songs, a lot of girls accept their , bodies and skin color. Pretinha” e “Barbie Black”, acesse o canal e. Her mother wanted her to stand up for herself when she was faced with . de vídeos dela: www. (Acesso em: 9 jul. 2022). 4 In “dropping rhymes meant to empower”, what does drop rhymes mean? Choose a or b. a. To make a rap song. b. To avoid rhymes. 5 Apart from MC Soffia, do you know other artists whose songs address social issues like racism, prejudice or equality? If so, who? What are their songs about? 6 Are there any community projects that provide free classes in arts, music or dancing in your neighborhood? If so, which one(s)? Think about it! A Escola de Dança e Integração Social para Criança e Adolescente (Edisca): (acesso em: 16 jul. 2022), em Fortaleza (Ceará), é um exemplo de organização não governamental sem fins lucrativos que, desde 1991, vem promovendo o desenvolvimento de crianças, adolescentes e jovens que se encontram em circunstância de vulnerabilidade social, por meio de uma educação interdimensional com centralidade na arte. Em sua opinião, quais são as vantagens de promover uma educação com foco em arte, incentivando diferentes formas de expressão? 76 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 76 08/08/2022 17:12 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Second Conditional 1 Read the following fragments from page 72 and choose the correct item that answers each question. I. “If the only source of information somehow published the wrong information, many people would be misinformed.” (4th paragraph) II. “Alternatively, if the newspaper or the television station were directed or forced to publish false information, many people would be lied to.” (4th paragraph) a. What would happen to people if the only newspaper, magazine etc. 3D BRAINED/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM published the wrong information? I. They would be properly informed about the news. II. They would not be properly informed about the news. b. Under what circumstances would people be lied to? I. If the source of information were forced to publish true stories. II. If the newspaper or the television station published false information. c. What is correct to say about the fragments? I. They refer to real and possible situations. II. They refer to unreal and improbable situations. 2 Read Text A and Text B and answer the following questions. Text A How different would your life be if you lived in a dictatorship? Not so different. STRAW POLL. How different would your Totally different. life be if you lived in a dictatorship? 2022. I can’t imagine it. Disponível em: https:// web/20220720174439/ Vote Results Share https:/www.strawpoll. me/16169622. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. Text B BLEEDINGPEN. What would you do differently if you were president? Opera News, 2021. Disponível em: https:// What Would You Do Differently If You Were President? politics/6a070d9c9d0 4a755b2443c322868a99c. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. Unit 4 77 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 77 15/08/2022 15:59 a. Which text is an online opinion poll? b. How would you answer the question in Text A, “How different would your life be if you lived in a dictatorship?” Why? c. How would you answer the question in Text B, “What would you do differently if you were president?” Why? Focus on the following questions and do exercises 3 and 4. JEMASTOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM I. “How different would your life be if you lived in a dictatorship?” II. “What would you do differently if you were president?” 3 What is correct to say about the questions? Choose a or b. a. They refer to real and possible situations. b. They refer to unreal and impossible situations. 4 Each item presents a possible answer to one of the questions. In your notebook, write I if it refers to question I or II if it refers to question II. a. Possible answer: If I were president, I would change my country’s educational system. b. Possible answer: If I lived in a dictatorship, my life would be a lot different than now. 5 Copy the table into your notebook and replace each icon with an appropriate answer to understand the structure of the second conditional. Use will, would, was or were. Condition Result *If I were president, I would change my country’s educational system. If I lived in a dictatorship, my life would be a lot different than now. If + verb in the simple past + + base form of the main verb *Notice that in if clauses (condition) we often use the subjunctive form after I/he/she/it. TIP Com base nos exemplos, faça inferências para compreender regras de uso da língua inglesa. 78 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 78 08/08/2022 17:12 6 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS to complete the following quotes. a. NOT BE: d. NOT SPEND: If feminism wasn’t What would powerful, if feminism you do if you wasn’t influential, afraid? people so much time putting it down. Spencer Johnson, M.D. Jessica Valenti NATALIE OSIPOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. BE: If I white, I’d get less criticism. Lenny Kravitz Language Note I’d get = I would get c. BE: e. CAN: Life so much It’s a hard harder if I had life... but if I , to lie about I would do it all who I was. again. Mary Cheney Natalia Makarova JOHNSON, Spencer. Who moved my cheese? Nova York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998. 108 p.; BRAINYQUOTE. Lenny Kravitz quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Mary Cheney quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Jessica Valenti quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em:; BRAINYQUOTE. Natalia Makarova quotes. 2001-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. Unit 4 79 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 79 11/08/2022 08:57 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 When we talk about freedom of expression, we also have to talk about the special role of journalism and journalists. In your opinion, do journalists always have freedom of the press in order to do their job? What would be the consequences of having freedom of expression at risk? Use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. MODVECTOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Language Note Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../In my view.../From my point of view... I’m (pretty) sure that.../I (strongly) believe that... 5 2 Listen to a short speech delivered by Christiane Amanpour when she became Unesco Goodwill Ambassador for Freedom of Expression and Journalist Safety. What is she fighting for? Choose a or b. a. The release of journalists. b. The imprisonment of journalists. 5 3 Listen to the recording again and choose what Christiane Amanpour says about journalists. Take notes and write the answers in your notebook. a. Journalists live in a world where everybody has the right to freedom of opinion. b. Journalists are the pillars of reform, of freedom, of democracy. c. There is no crime for which a journalist is in jail today. d. People should be thankful to journalists. 4 Replace each icon with an appropriate answer to complete the sentences. a. Christiane Amanpour mentions having visited many countries as a traveler, but also when she worked as a . b. Christiane Amanpour believes that journalists are the of people who have no voice. DAVE BENETT/GETTY IMAGES FOR NET 5 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. 6 Do you agree with what Christiane Amanpour says about the role of journalists and their right to freedom of expression? Why (not)? Christiane Amanpour 80 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 80 08/08/2022 17:12 7 Sometimes journalists have no freedom of expression. Did you know that there is an article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that grants people the right to freedom of opinion and expression? Read the Article 19 of the declaration and, in pairs, discuss the following questions. Use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. UNITED NATIONS. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. [2022?]. Disponível em: human-rights. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. a. Based on the text, what is freedom of opinion and expression? Try to use your own words to explain what it is. b. In your opinion, what conditions are favorable to freedom of expression? PARRADII KAEWPENSSRI/ c. How can you do your part in promoting and defending SHUTTERSTOCK.COM freedom of expression through practical activities? d. Do you have freedom of expression? When was the last time you exercised your freedom of expression? Language Note • Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/How do you feel about that? • Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../I believe that.../From my point of view... • Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re right./Absolutely. • Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./I totally disagree./I’m afraid that’s not true. Le@rning on the web Você já ouviu falar na Magna Carta (“Grande Carta” em português)? Trata-se de um importante documento histórico, escrito em 1215, que deu origem aos direitos humanos, promovendo ideias de liberdade e justiça. Para assistir a uma animação e explorar, de forma interativa, a história sobre a nossa liberdade, visite o portal: au/magnacarta (Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022). Think about it! A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, adotada pela ONU em 1948, foi esboçada, principalmente, pelo canadense John Peters Humphrey e contou com a ajuda de várias pessoas de diferentes países, como René Cassin (França), P. C. Chang (China), Charles Malik (Líbano) e Eleanor Roosevelt (Estados Unidos). Na sua opinião, qual é a importância desse documento escrito em língua inglesa que delineia os direitos humanos básicos? Você já leu ou ouviu alguma coisa sobre esse documento? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? Unit 4 81 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 81 08/08/2022 17:12 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read an opinion poll on page 77. A poll allows you to ask a group of people a multiple choice question in order to get information about their opinions on a subject. Online polls have become very popular. They allow Internet users to express themselves and also find out the results of the poll. Based on the opinion poll you read in this unit, it is your turn to create an opinion poll about human rights such as freedom of expression. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you b. Readers: classmates and other people TIP c. Genre: Ao revisar as pesquisas de opinião, considere, por d. Objective: to find out people’s opinion on exemplo: e. Style: informal • objetivo: As informações estão f. Media: classroom board/Internet adequadas à finalidade do texto? • conteúdo: As 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. informações foram verificadas e estão 1. Think about your poll question. corretas? 2. Write short and clear possible answers. You can add an • linguagem: A pergunta e as respostas estão “Other” field to allow a voter to enter his/her own answer. redigidas de maneira 3. Write a first draft of the poll. You can allow the voter to select clara e objetiva? just one answer or allow him/her to choose multiple answers. • leiaute: A organização 4. Ask a classmate to answer your poll. This is a good way to visual facilita a rápida compreensão das check if the question and the answer options are clear enough. informações? 5.  Answer your classmate’s poll and discuss both polls with him/her. Reescreva seu texto com 6.  Make the necessary corrections. base na revisão feita por 7.  Write the final version of the opinion poll. você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your opinion poll or publish it online. To publish free online polls, you can use different online services such as: •; •; • VECTORMINE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM (Accessed on: July 14, 2022). Finally, invite people to answer your poll and share the results. 82 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 82 11/08/2022 08:57 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about freedom of expression. Read the following text about making the world a better place by expressing your thoughts and participating and, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. Take action and help make the world a better place by expressing your opinions and participating • Think of something you would like to see improved, or a problem you would like to see solved. It can be in your school, your city, or somewhere far away. • Find out all you can about that problem and tell your friends about it, too. You could make contact with groups that are already working to fix it. • Think about how you, as a child, can help solve that problem. For example, you might not have money, but you can encourage adults to give money to help. • Choose one way to help. It can be a small thing, such as not wasting resources, or something bigger, such as starting your own organization. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NUNBUN/ DK PUBLISHING AND UNICEF. A life like mine: how children live around the world. Nova York: DK Publishing, 2002. p. 117. • What would you like to see improved in your school, city/town or what problem would you like to see solved? • How can you help solve that problem/situation? • Can you think of different ways to express yourself in order to help solve that problem/situation? • By expressing ourselves, we share things we like and dislike, and how we think and feel. Do you think that by expressing ourselves we can also learn about ourselves and others? Why (not)? Recommended Resources Para ler a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos em inglês, visite: • (Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022). Unit 4 83 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 83 08/08/2022 17:13 • U N I TS 3 & 4 REVIEW 2 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 Do you use the Internet to express yourself? If so, how? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and source. What do you expect to read about? Now read the text and do exercises 3-5. Freedom of Expression on the Internet Unesco recognizes that the Internet holds enormous potential for development. It provides an ASFIA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM unprecedented volume of resources for information and knowledge that opens up new opportunities and challenges for expression and participation. The principle of freedom of expression and human rights must apply not only to traditional media but also to the Internet and all types of emerging media platforms, which will contribute to development, democracy and dialogue. (...) UNESCO. Freedom of expression on the internet. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. 3 What does Unesco admit to be true about the Internet? 4 In “It provides an unprecedented volume of resources”, what does it refer to? Choose a or b. a. The Internet. b. Unesco. 5 Replace each icon with a word or expression from the text to complete the sentences. a. The Internet provides a large amount of resources for and new opportunities for . b. The principle of freedom of expression must apply both to and to the Internet. 84 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW2-84a87-LA-G24.indd 84 08/08/2022 17:45 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. First Conditional 1 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS to complete the following inspirational quotes. Use the first conditional as in the example. Example: a. won’t be a. NOT BE: d. NOT BELIEVE: If you don't know If you how to be happy you can do when you're by yourself, then you it, you will happy when you're never find the LIVE LIFE HAPPY in a relationship. motivation Charles Orlando necessary to SCOTT, Ramona. If-you-don't-know-how. start. Pinterest, 2022. Disponível em: https:// WILES, Thomas. Uplifting fitness quotes Acesso em 26 jul. 2022. 2019. Exclusive Motivation. 24 nov. 2018. Disponível em: www. b. LIVE: If you quotes-2019/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. your life with the regrets of yesterday and the e. NEVER BE: worries of tomorrow, you You happy if will have no today to be you continue to hold thankful for. on to the things that Unknown make you sad. LITTLE NIVI. 59 Great motivational & ATWAL, Ravipal. You will never be happy if you inspirational quotes with images to continue to hold on to the things that make you inspire. [2022?]. Disponível em: https:// sad. Atwal Space. 14 abr. 2020. Disponível em: inspirational-quotes-with-images-to- happy-if-you-continue-to-hold-on-to-things- inspire/3/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. that-make-you-sad/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. c. DO/DO: f. FIND: If you're interested in If you really want something, you something, and CRAIG BARRITT/TIME/GETTY IMAGES what is convenient. If you really work hard, are committed to and take advantage something, you of opportunities, and never give up, whatever it takes. you a way. Murray Smith Jane Goodall SMITH, Murray. If you’re interested in something... In: SUNDT PEOPLE. Getting to GOODALL, Jane. If you really want something, and really know Janet Terry. Sundt. 2 abr. 2015. Disponível work hard... In: HAMMOND, Lisa. Permission to Dream em: Journal: write, collage, and play your way to living the know-janet-terry/. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2022. life of your dreams. San Francisco: Conari Press, 2008. Review 2 85 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW2-84a87-LA-G24.indd 85 11/08/2022 09:05 Second Conditional 2 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS to complete the following inspirational quotes. Use the second conditional as in the example. Example: a. would do a. DO: “Can you imagine what I if I could do all I can?” Sun Tzu TZU, Sun. Can you imagine what... In: BLACKIE. Blackie's dictionary of quotations. Nova Délhi: Blackie & Son, 2008. p. 105. b. CEASE: HULTON ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES “If life were predictable, it to be life, and be without flavor.” Eleanor Roosevelt ROOSEVELT, Eleanor. If life were predictable... In: BOOKS AMEYA. Quote #133 | Eleanor Roosevelt | If life were predictable (…). 21 dez. 2020. Disponível em: https://booksameya. in/if-life-were-predictable-it-would-cease-to-be-life-and-be-without-flavor/. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. c. BE: “If poets realistic, they wouldn’t be poets.” Peter Davison INSPIRATIONAL STORIES. Peter Davison quotes. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. d. NOT BE: “If the world were perfect, it .” Yogi Berra BERRA, Yogi. If the world were perfect... In: CLARK, Roy P. Eight language lessons from Yogi Berra. Poynter, 23 set. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. e. CAN GIVE: “If I my teenaged self any advice, it would be ‘Calm down!’” Zooey Deschanel OVERALL MOTIVATION. 50 Motivational Zooey Deschanel quotes for success in life. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. f. DO: “It’s a hard life... but if I could, I it all again.” Natalia Makarova WHAT SHOULD I READ NEXT? Quotes by "Natalia Makarova". 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. 86 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW2-84a87-LA-G24.indd 86 08/08/2022 17:45 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. Reading • I can understand the main points in short news items on subjects of personal interest. • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics. Grammar • I can use the first conditional. • I can use the second conditional. Listening • I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. Speaking • I can agree and disagree with others. • I can present my opinion in simple terms. • I can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Writing • I can write a campaign poster. • I can write an opinion poll. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 3-4? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Explore different genres (blogs, opinion polls, online forum posts in English) from credible websites. Review 2 87 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW2-84a87-LA-G24.indd 87 08/08/2022 17:45 TO G E T H E R 2 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 4, you have talked about freedom of expression, one of the human rights (“everyone has the right to freedom of expression”, article 10). In this section, you are going to read two poems that celebrate human rights and write your own poem. Le@rning on the web Para ler uma versão simplificada da Declaração Universal dos 1 What are human rights? Which human Direitos Humanos em inglês, visite: www.youthforhumanrights. rights do you know of? org/what-are-human-rights/universal-declaration-of-human- rights/articles-1-15.html (Acesso em: 3 jul. 2022). 2 Before reading the following texts, focus on the structure, the source and the author of each one. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The texts are b. The authors of the texts are I. poems. II. letters. I. adults. II. kids. 3 Now read the texts to check your predictions. Text I Text II Unheard Words Reading, writing, and arithmetic I’m just hoping it will all stick I have rights, and I have wishes. It’s my right to learn and obtain an education We all have rights, and we all have wishes. LITTLE_MONSTER_2070/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM When I’m done, I’ll go on vacation I have the right to be free, we all do. Sydney Schmit, age 11 Slaves were never asked if they wanted to work. ROB ZS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Shedding tears and crying unheard words, in Unbearable conditions and misery. Collectively we can stop this evil. So Why Does Slavery Still Exist? Tegen Dunnill Jones, age 13 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Every human has rights: a photographic declaration for kids. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2008. 4 Each text refers to a different human right. What are they? TIP Choose I, II or III. No primeiro texto, observe o uso do prefixo un- em unbearable a. Text I is about the right to (em português, “insuportável”). Que ideia esse sufixo expressa? I. freedom. II. health. III. privacy. Sabendo que hear significa b. Text II is about the right to “ouvir, escutar”, o que significa unheard? Para você, a que I. equality. II. education. III. justice. palavras o título “Unheard Words” se refere? Que título você daria para o segundo texto? 88 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT2-88a89-LA-G24.indd 88 08/08/2022 17:46 5 Choose the sentence that summarizes the main idea in Text I. a. Nobody has the right to make you a slave. b. If you aren’t safe in your country, you have the right to go to another country. Think about it! Um dos direitos previstos na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos é o direito a procurar um lugar seguro para viver. No mundo, muitas pessoas, por causa de guerras e outros acontecimentos que colocam sua sobrevivência em risco, são obrigadas a buscarem refúgio em outros países, como no caso da guerra na Ucrânia, iniciada em 2022. O que você sabe sobre a situação de refugiados/as em diferentes partes do mundo e também no Brasil? Que dificuldades você imagina que eles/as enfrentam? Como poderiam ser amenizadas? 6 Choose the correct statements about the texts. a. They contain rhymes. b. They express the writers’ feelings. c. They are written in formal language. d. They are short poems with one stanza each. 7 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Which poem is your favorite? Why? b. Have you ever written poems to express your feelings? If so, when? 8 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with a classmate collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to express yourself in a creative way by writing a poem about a human right. TASK In pairs, based on the poems you read, write your own poem about a human right and express your ideas and feelings in a creative manner. Choose a human right to be the theme of your poem (e.g. freedom, equality, education, privacy, etc.). Focus on expressing your emotions in a creative way and later, if you want, you can work on the rhymes. You can also visit (accessed on: July 3, 2022) to find some examples of poems about human rights. Try to experiment with the form of the poem and organize it in different ways to see what happens. After writing the poem, share it with your classmates and other people. EDGE CREATIVE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM You can publish it on the school website. If possible, an event can be organized at your school to celebrate human rights and some poems can be recited. Working Together 2 89 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT2-88a89-LA-G24.indd 89 11/08/2022 09:07 UNIT 5 WHAT SHOULD I DO? CGN089/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. The photos show different problems that some teenagers often face. What are they? Do you face any of these problems? If so, which one(s)? 90 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 90 08/08/2022 18:02 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre problemas que adolescentes costumam enfrentar; • usar verbos modais (modal verbs); • empregar vocabulário relacionado a problemas de saúde (health problems); • compreender e produzir cartas para pedir conselhos e para aconselhar (problem letters and letters of advice); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal saúde. BRICOLAGE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM CK.COM OM TOCK.C ERSTO TTERS /SHUTT EA/SHU RCHUK OETX BODNA Z BENG ROMAN EGOIT Unit 5 91 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 91 08/08/2022 18:02 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Before Reading SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM OSMAN VECTOR/ 1 JANE KELLY/ Do you wear earbuds or headphones? If so, how often? How long do you usually wear them every day? earbud headphone 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and source. What do you expect to read about in the text? Reading 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. If I Can Hear It, It’s Too Loud: Earbuds & Teen Hearing Loss Language Note (…) Pediatricians have noticed that using earbuds or headphones Damage can be either a noun might be damaging teens’ hearing. The American Academy of (dano) or a verb (danificar). Pediatrics (AAP) wants to prevent this type of hearing loss and is In “earbuds or headphones recommending screening teens for hearing damage at higher tones might be damaging teens’ hearing”, damage is a verb. to find out if they have high frequency hearing loss. In “screening teens for hearing damage at higher Kids expose themselves to noise through electronic media that often tones”, damage is a noun. is louder than what is allowed by law in a workplace, according to Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., FAAP, co-editor of the AAP Bright Futur​es loss: perda screen: examinar Guidelines. “We know that does cause problems with high frequency hearing loss.” (…) One in six adolescents has high frequency hearing loss, according to a study. This type of hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noises, such as music played through headphones. (…) What More Can Parents Do? Parents can help prevent hearing loss by RAWPIXEL.COM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM teaching safe listening habits. Kids should take breaks after an hour of listening and turn the volume down to about 60% on their AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS. If I can hear it, it's too loud: earbuds audio players. Youths should be able to hear & teen hearing loss. 16 mar. 2017. conversations going on around them while Disponível em: www.healthychildren. org/English/health-issues/conditions/ listening to the music, according to the AAP. ear-nose-throat/Pages/Acoustic- Trauma-Hearing-Loss-in-Teenagers. (…) aspx. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. 92 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 92 08/08/2022 18:02 4 Based on the text, choose the correct statement about teen hearing loss. a. Listening through earbuds or headphones at a high volume can result in hearing loss for children and teenagers. b. Listening through earbuds or headphones has no impact on the number of kids and teens suffering from hearing loss today. 5 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. According to Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., exposure to noise through electronic media that is often louder than recommended causes problems for kids. b. 60% of teenagers have high frequency hearing loss. c. It’s important that kids and teens can hear conversations going on around them while playing music. 6 Identify the fragment in the text that contains the recommendations given by Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., about preventing hearing loss. 7 Choose the sentence that has an equivalent meaning to “We know that does cause problems with high frequency hearing loss.” a. We know that may cause problems with high frequency hearing loss. b. We know that really causes problems with high frequency hearing loss. 8 In “exposure to loud noises, such as music played through headphones”, try to infer the meaning of such as and choose the linking phrase that has an equivalent meaning. a. For example. b. In addition to. TIP No exercício 8, use seu conhecimento sobre conectores (linking words/phrases). Lembre-se de que diferentes conectores podem expressar a mesma ideia. Reading for Critical Thinking 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In your opinion, are the recommendations provided by Joseph F. Hagan Jr., M.D., clear and easy to understand? b. What about you? Do you take breaks after an hour of listening and turn the volume down to about 60%? Unit 5 93 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 93 08/08/2022 18:02 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Health Problems 1 People in general, and teenagers alike, can suffer from several health problems. Replace the icons with the words in the following box to label the pictures as in the example. Example: a. cold broken leg • cold • earache • fever • flu • headache • sore throat • stomachache • toothache Language Note The flu is a disease that is caused by a virus and causes fever, weakness, body aches, and breathing problems. A cold is a common illness a. d. g. that usually causes coughing and sneezing, and makes your nose run. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI b. e. h. TIP Para ajudar você a aprender e a fixar vocabulário novo, agrupe as palavras por semelhança. No caso dos problemas de saúde, agrupe-as pela terminação, por exemplo: earache, headache, toothache. c. f. i. 6 2 Now listen to the recording and check your answers. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat the health problems in exercise 1. 3 Replace each icon with a health problem in exercise 1 to complete the following sentences as in the example. Example: a. flu a. If you have fever, muscle pains, weakness, you probably have the . b. When your body temperature is above normal range, you have a . c. If your throat aches, you have a . GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 174 . 94 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 94 08/08/2022 18:02 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you spend long hours using the computer? In your opinion, could extensive computer use affect your health? If so, how? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure and picture. What do you expect to read about? Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. TIM LEE, THE NEWS AND OBSERVER/2011 MCCLATCHY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. USED UNDER LICENSE MCT. Healthy computing. 2011. Infográfico. Disponível em: tncms/assets/v3/editorial/f/fa/ffa22316-f786-5f41-81ce-62198560508b/4d99e78ac99c8.pdf.pdf. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2022. 3 According to the text, what furniture is recommended for healthy tilt computing? Why? verb UK /tɪlt/ US /tɪlt/ 4 Choose the recommendations for good computer posture. to (cause to) move into a sloping position a. Desks should be height adjustable. inclinar-(se) He tilted his chair backwards b. Lower leg should be vertical to the floor. and put his feet up on his desk. c. Thighs should be in contact with the front edge of the seat. TILT. In: CAMBRIDGE Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: https:// d. Lower arms should rest on the desktop in a relaxed position. dictionary/english-portuguese/ e. Computer screen should be positioned 30 degrees above eye level. tilt. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2022. 5 Do you tend to adopt bad or good computer posture? Do you feel neck pain when you use the computer for long periods? Unit 5 95 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 95 11/08/2022 11:17 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to 1 Read again the following fragments from the text on page 92. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “Kids should take breaks after an hour of listening (...)” II. “Youths should be able to hear conversations going on around them (...)” a. The sentence that is equivalent in meaning to fragment I is I. It is important that kids take breaks after an hour of listening (...). II. It is not necessary for kids to take breaks after an hour of listening (...). b. The modal verb should expresses I. an obligation. II. a recommendation. c. We use should I. before the main verb in the infinitive (without to). II. after the main verb in the infinitive (without to). 2 Go back to the text “Healthy computing” on page 95 and find examples of sentences with should. Then, write down the sentence with the negative form of should in your notebook. 3 Based on the same text, which statement is correct about healthy computing? Choose a or b. a. Children should use adjustable furniture. SENSVECTOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. Children shouldn’t use adjustable furniture. Language Note shouldn’t = should not 4 People often ask for advice on websites like TIP life (accessed on: July 14, 2022). Replace each icon with should or Não se preocupe em shouldn’t to complete the following problem letters and letters of advice compreender todas as palavras dos textos. Isso as in the example. não é necessário para realizar as atividades. Example: should 96 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 96 15/08/2022 17:41 Dear Abby Pregnant Teen Needs Support and Guidance, Not Rejection by Abigail Van Buren DEAR ABBY | FEBRUARY 28TH, 2015 DEAR ABBY: My best friend from school is pregnant. (...). I am the only one so far who knows about her pregnancy. She hasn’t told her dad and her grandparents because she’s scared they’ll kick her out. She has nowhere to go. My parents have told me to cut her off. What I do? – CORBIS VIA GETTY IMAGES UNSURE IN TEXAS DEAR UNSURE: Because your friend is afraid to tell her family, she talk to a counselor at school. The family will have to know soon because her pregnancy will become obvious (...). I don’t agree with your parents that you “cut her off.” She needs friends right now (...). Your state department of social services also be contacted for guidance. BUREN, Abigail van. Pregnant teen needs support and guidance, not rejection. UExpress. 28 fev. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. LIFESTYLE Use Consequences and Privileges to Discipline Older Kids Staff Writer Bucks County Courier Times Published 11:01 p.m. ET Feb 24, 2015 | Updated 9:53 a.m. ET Feb. 25, 2015 DEAR DR. K: I have two children in elementary school. When they were younger, I disciplined them with timeouts. How discipline change as they MASS MECFS & FM get older? DEAR READER: Discipline is important for children of all ages. In answering questions about kids, I rely a lot on the advice of pediatrician colleagues here at Harvard Medical School. They describe a variety of ways to discipline a school-aged child: – Discuss, don’t demand. As your children get older, give them a chance to help find solutions to problems. – Express your disapproval. Look your child straight in the eyes and say, “No” or “Stop.” Tell him what he do and why he do it. – Give timeouts. It can give your children more focused time to think about their actions. When setting limits, it’s important always to be consistent. Rules must stay the same from one day to the next. Adaptado de: STAFF WRITER. Use consequences and privileges to discipline older kids (copy). Courier Times, 24 fev. 2015. Disponível em: https:// Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. Unit 5 97 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 97 08/08/2022 18:02 5 What do the texts on the previous page have in common? Choose the correct statements. a. Both problem letters and letters of advice start with “Dear“. b. The real names of the readers are not provided in the letters. c. Both letters of advice are written by the same columnist. d. Both problem letters are written by teenagers. 6 Read again the following fragments from the letters of advice. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “The family will have to know soon because her pregnancy will become obvious”. (first letter of advice) II. “When setting limits, it’s important always to be consistent. Rules must stay the same from one day to the next”. (second letter of advice) a. The modal verbs must and have to express I. necessity, obligation. II. advice, recommendation. b. We use must and have to I. before the main verb in the infinitive (without to). II. after the main verb in the infinitive (without to). c. In order to express an obligation/necessity in the past or future, we use the modal verb I. must. II. have to. Language Note We use must not (= mustn’t) to express a prohibition. E.g.: You mustn’t come. (You are not allowed to come). We use not have to to express lack of necessity or obligation. E.g.: You don’t have to come. (You don’t need to come). 7 Replace each icon with the correct modal verb in parentheses to complete the sentences. a. Teens (should/don't have to) avoid excessive use of headphones. b. Drivers (have to/mustn't) text and drive. ASTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. School counselors (must/shouldn't) communicate effectively with students. 98 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 98 08/08/2022 18:02 8 Replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the following problem letter and letter of advice. do not have to reveal • must address • should I address • should not do Sense & Sensitivity by Harriette Cole SENSE & SENSITIVITY | OCTOBER 10TH, 2013 Daughter Entering Puberty Needs Support MYCHALWATTS/GETTY IMAGES DEAR HARRIETTE: While I was cleaning up my 14-year-old son’s room, I came across his journal, and I learned that he has started smoking cigarettes. Reading another person’s journal is something one . However, my son lives in my house, and I have the right to know what is going on in his life. How my son’s newfound habit? – Distressed Mom, New York City DEAR DISTRESSED MOM: You absolutely the smoking, but you that you read it in his journal. If your son is smoking cigarettes, it is likely that his clothing will sometimes smell of it. (...). Remind him of the harmful effects of cigarettes on his health. (...). So, your job is to talk straight with him and let him know that you love him too much to allow him to make a choice that will shorten his life. (...). COLE, Harriette. Daughter entering puberty needs support. UExpress. 10 out. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. TIP 1 In your opinion, can electronic devices have a Ative seu conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do negative influence on our health? In small groups, try texto oral para favorecer o estabelecimento de to think of examples to support your answer. hipóteses sobre o que será ouvido. 7 2 Listen to the beginning of a radio program in which the host introduces the topic of the GALVÃO BERTAZZI program. What is it? In your notebook, take notes of key words/expressions and choose a or b. a. Electronic devices and people’s sleep. b. Technology and bad computer posture. Unit 5 99 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 99 08/08/2022 18:02 7 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that answers each question. a. How many people fall asleep when driving every day? I. 250,000. II. 1,000,000. b. Which institution was responsible for the poll mentioned in the recording? I. The Night’s Sleep Foundation. II. The National Sleep Foundation. TIP Antes de ouvir o áudio, leia os itens do exercício 3 c. What may impact the chemistry of our brains? para conhecer as informações solicitadas. Você I. Changing our sleep cycle. deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos os exercícios de compreensão oral. II. The exposition of our brains to the bright lights of screens at nighttime. 7 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 5 Choose the electronic devices that are mentioned in the recording. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM VITOR LANDO/ ARSLAAN/ d. Speakers a. Game consoles ROMAN PYSHCHYK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM BIG PANTS PRODUCTION/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. Laptops e. Tablets RUSLAN IVANTSOV/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 12BIT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. Smartphones f. TVs 100 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 100 15/08/2022 10:00 6 Apart from interfering with sleep, what other negative influences can the excessive use of electronic devices have on our lives? In small groups, try to think of examples to support your answer. 7 Get to know about your classmates’ sleeping routines. Copy the following table into your notebook and interview two classmates as in the example to complete it. Replace each icon with the information you get. Ask extra questions. Questions Classmate 1 Classmate 2 1. How many hours do you usually sleep? 2. How much sleep do you need to feel rested? 3. Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Do you usually watch TV before going to bed? 4. Do you use any electronic devices during the hour before going to bed? If so, which one(s)? 5. What electronic devices do you use more often? How often do you use them every day? 6. (Ask extra questions.) 7. (Ask extra questions.) 8. (Ask extra questions.) 9. (Ask extra questions.) 10. (Ask extra questions.) Student A: How many hours do you usually sleep, Juliana? Student B: About seven hours. And you? GALVÃO BERTAZZI Student A: Well, I sleep about nine, ten hours. And how much sleep do you need to feel rested? Student B: I think I need something like nine, ten hours sleep to feel rested. 8 Go back to exercise 7. Based on your classmates’ answers, do they have a healthy sleeping routine? Why (not)? Unit 5 101 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 101 08/08/2022 18:02 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read three problem letters. Go back to pages 97 and 99 and explore the structure of this genre. Visit the website to find other examples of problem letters. The most popular advice columns are Dear Abby: dearabby and Sense & Sensitivity: (Accessed on: July 14, 2022). Do not keep problems or questions to yourself. Ask for advice! Based on the problem letters you read in this unit, it is your turn to write a problem letter to ask for advice on something that is worrying you, a friend or a family member. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. TIP Use o que você já You are going to write a in order to ask for advice on something sabe sobre a forma de organização dos textos, that is worrying you, a friend or a . Your text can be published on a tanto em inglês quanto em classroom bulletin board or on the so that other classmates and português, para escrever the whole school community can read it. os próprios textos. 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.  Think of a concern of yours. It can be a problem or a question about health, friends, family or school. 2.  Focus on what worries you the most. Get all your ideas down on paper. TIP 3.  Decide on the person you will ask for advice. Start Ao revisar as cartas, considere, por your letter with “Dear...”. exemplo: • objetivo: O texto está adequado ao 4.  Describe the situation. Try to provide as many details público-alvo e à sua finalidade? as possible. • conteúdo: Os detalhes sobre a 5.  Finish your letter with a question like “What should situação descrita foram verificados I do?” e estão corretos? 6.  Do not write your real name on the letter. Use a • linguagem: O problema está descrito de maneira clara e objetiva? pseudonym (fictional name). • ortografia: As palavras estão 7. Exchange letters with a classmate and discuss both escritas corretamente? texts. Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão 8. Write the final version of your problem letter. feita por você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your problem letter with your classmates and TOPURIA DESIGN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM other people. You can publish it on websites like www.uexpress. com/life. 4 In small groups, choose problem letters to answer. Discuss the situations with your classmates and try to give some useful advice. Review your letter of advice and share it with the whole class. You can find examples of letters of advice on pages 97 and 99. 102 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 102 08/08/2022 18:03 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about some problems that teenagers often face. Read the following text about a phase in adolescence that everybody goes through – puberty. Then, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. KIDS HEALTH Time to Change OK, so it’s a funny word – but what is puberty, anyway? Puberty (say: PYOO-ber-tee) is the name for the time when your body begins to develop and change as you move from kid to adult. We’re talking about stuff like girls developing breasts and boys starting to look more like men. During puberty, your body will grow faster than at any other time in your life, except for when you were a baby. It helps to know about the changes that puberty causes before they happen. That way, you know what to expect. It’s also important to remember that everybody goes through these changes. No matter where you live, whether you’re a boy or a girl, whether you like vanilla or double-fudge-chunk ice cream, you will experience them. No two people are exactly alike, but one thing everyone has in common is that we all go through puberty. Usually, puberty starts between ages 8 and 13 in girls and ages 9 and 15 in boys. This wide range in ages may help explain why some of your friends still look like young kids whereas others look more like adults. (...) DOWSHEN, Steven. All about Puberty. Kids Health. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. • According to the text, no two people are exactly the same, but there is one thing everyone has in common. What is it? • Who enters puberty first, boys or girls? • During puberty, changes don’t happen only to your body. They happen in your mind, too. What are some of the changes that you and your friends are going through? • If you’re feeling bad with some of the changes you’re going through, talking about it can help you. Who do you usually talk to when you need to ask for advice? Why? Puberty can be a stressful time, but it’s also a great chance to figure out who you are and what you care about. Recommended Resources Para assistir a vídeos sobre a puberdade, visite: • • (Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022). Unit 5 103 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 103 08/08/2022 18:03 UNIT 6 FORGOTTEN WOMEN ACERVO UH/FOLHAPRESS Alma Thomas (1891-1978), an American art teacher who started FLORENCE creating abstract paintings after her retirement. A, EUM/ART RESOURCE/SCAL ONIAN AMERICAN ART MUS © 2022. PHOTO SMITHS Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977), a Brazilian writer who published her first book at the age of 46. Her diary Quarto de Despejo: Diário de uma Favelada became a bestseller and won international acclaim. GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. 91-1978), an Alma Thomas (18 The photos show four examples of forgotten women who Ameri canmade art teatheir mark cher who startedknown. on the world, but their achievements are not commonly creatingDo abstryou act paintings after her ret know any other examples of women who contributed to history, but have irement. been forgotten? 104 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 104 08/08/2022 19:12 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre mulheres relevantes para a história que foram esquecidas; • usar a voz passiva (passive voice); • explorar colocações (collocations); • compreender e produzir infográficos; • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais educação em direitos humanos, processo de envelhecimento, respeito e valorização do idoso e educação para valorização do multiculturalismo nas matrizes históricas e culturais brasileiras. BETTMANN ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES ARCHIVE PL/ALAMY/FOTOARENA Lois Weber (1879-1939), an American Bertha Lutz (1894-1976), a silent film actress, film director, film Brazilian scientist who became producer, and screenwriter who a leading figure in the fight for directed at least 138 films before 1940. women’s rights. Unit 6 105 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 105 08/08/2022 19:12 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. In your opinion, who were the greatest scientists of all time? b. And who are the most influential scientists in the world today? c. Do you think there were/are as many women in science as men? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, source and picture. Then, answer the questions. a. Who do you expect to read about? b. What is the connection between Bertha Lutz and the title of the book in which the text was published? c. In which section of the book can you find the text about Bertha Lutz? Reading 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. BERTHA LUTZ BIOLOGY & NATURAL SCIENCES W hen the UN Charter was signed by members of the fledgling United GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nations in 1945, there were only four female delegates - out of a total of 850 - there to sign it. Bertha Lutz (1894-1976), a Brazilian zoologist, was one of them, and she believed that the foundational treaty of the UN was lacking something: women. In fact, the word “women” wasn’t mentioned once in the draft of the UN founding treaty. This meant that half of the world had been effectively omitted from its greatest peacekeeping and human rights organization. With the support of a group of female representatives from Latin America and Australia, Lutz fought Language Note successfully for the inclusion of women so that the Charter affirmed “the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal UN (United Nations) = ONU (Organização das rights of men and women.” Nações Unidas) (...) While studying for a degree in biology at the Sorbonne in Paris, Lutz developed an interest in the growing women’s suffrage charter: carta movement in the UK. She didn’t agree with the violence used by keen: forte, grande lack: faltar British suffragettes, but she felt a keen affinity with their goals. treaty: tratado 106 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 106 08/08/2022 19:12 argue: argumentar BERTHA LUTZ BIOLOGY & NATURAL SCIENCES domain: campo, domínio polls: eleições sly: dissimulado/a W hen Lutz returned home in 1918, she was incensed by a newspaper columnist’s declaration that the recent feminist achievements in the UK and the US would have no effect on Brazil. She issued a passionate call for a political league of Brazilian women who believed that women should contribute to society in all areas of life, including politics and business. Brazilian society thought that women were best confined to the domestic sphere, though Lutz found sly ways of arguing around this: “Women’s domain, all feminists agree, is the home,” she said of female participation in politics. “But… nowadays the home no longer is just the space encompassed within four walls.” (…) When women finally went to the polls in 1933, Brazil officially became the sixth country in the world to grant women the vote. Lutz was appointed to the commission in charge of rewriting the country’s constitution and she made sure that it incorporated women’s rights, including the right to earn equal pay and hold TSJENG, Zing. Forgotten women: public office. (…) the scientists. Londres: Octopus Publishing Group, 2018. p. 50-52. 4 Choose the correct sentences about Bertha Lutz. a. She was a zoologist and advocate for women’s rights. b. She was one of the four women to sign the United Nations Charter. c. She fought for the inclusion of women’s rights in the United Le@rning Nations Charter. on the web d. She studied Biology in the United Kingdom. Para ter acesso ao documento completo e. She believed that women should contribute to society in all areas of United Nations Charter, visite: life, except for politics and business. about-us/un-charter/ f. She helped rewrite the constitution of Brazil and guaranteed the right full-text (Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022). for women to earn equal pay. 5 Choose a fragment from the text that contains the idea expressed in each item. a. The first version of the United Nations Charter didn’t mention the word “women”. b. Lutz, with the help of a group of other women from Latin America and Australia, protected women’s MARY LONG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM rights in the UN Charter. c. Lutz was extremely angry at a newspaper columnist’s declaration. d. Women were allowed to vote in Brazil in 1933. Unit 6 107 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 107 08/08/2022 19:12 6 In “a political league of Brazilian women who believed that women should contribute to society”, what does the relative pronoun who refer to? 7 Choose a fragment from the text that is equivalent in meaning to each item as in the example. Example: a. “peacekeeping and human rights organization” Le@rning a. an organization that prevents violence and promotes human rights on the web b. the dignity and value of the human being Para conhecer mais sobre a história de Bertha c. a qualification after completing her studies in biology Lutz, assista ao episódio da série Mulheres d. women’s life was essentially domestic Admiráveis: https://youtu. be/xn6cTEC5v_E (Acesso e. responsible for em: 27 jun. 2022). Reading for Critical Thinking 8 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. When talking about female participation in politics, Bertha Lutz said that “Women’s domain, all feminists agree, is the home”, “but… nowadays the home no longer is just the space encompassed within four walls”. Use your own words to explain what Lutz meant. Do you agree with her? Why (not)? b. Bertha Lutz believed that women should contribute to society in all areas of life, including politics and business. Do you think there is gender equality in all areas? In your opinion, in which ones are there fewer women? c. What challenges do you think women still face today when fighting for their rights? How can society accelerate gender equality? JENNY ON THE MOON/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Think about it! Com base no texto lido e no seu conhecimento prévio, como a participação da mulher na sociedade foi se modificando ao longo da história? Como você acredita que essa participação possa ser ampliada? 108 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 108 08/08/2022 19:12 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Collocations 1 Read these fragments from the text on page 106 and focus on the words in bold to answer the following questions. I. “(…) Lutz developed an interest in the growing women’s suffrage movement in the UK.” II. “(…) but she felt a keen affinity with their goals.” a. Which verb was used with interest? And which preposition accompanied it? b. Which verb was used with affinity? And which preposition accompanied it? c. Based on the following dictionary entry, which verbs, when used with the noun affinity, produce an equivalent meaning to feel affinity? d. And which adjectives, when used with the noun affinity, produce an equivalent meaning to keen affinity? affinity noun 1 strong feeling that you like/understand sb/sth Le@rning ADJ. on the web close, great, natural, real, special, strong Para ter acesso a I felt a great affinity with the people of the Highlands. um dicionário de | natural collocations, que está disponível gratuitamente He has a natural affinity with numbers. na internet, visite: https:// VERB + AFFINITY (Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022). feel, have, share It’s important that you share an affinity with your husband. | display, show TIP PREP. Collocations são ~ between combinações de palavras que ocorrem an affinity between the two women frequentemente em uma | ~ for língua, como great affinity Many girls do show an affinity for craft skills. (adjetivo + substantivo) e affinity with (substantivo | ~ towards + preposição). Estude essas Jo feels a great affinity towards Pamela. combinações em inglês para compreendê-las | ~ with melhor e utilizá-las em an affinity with animals seus textos. AFFINITY. In: OZDIC.COM. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. 2 In your notebook, write sentences that can answer the following questions. a. Who do you feel a great affinity towards? Why? GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 174. b. Which school subject do you have a strong affinity with? Why? Unit 6 109 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 109 08/08/2022 19:12 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, source and picture. Who do you expect to read about? 2 Now read the text to check your predictions. retirement: aposentadoria ALMA THOMAS GALVÃO BERTAZZI M ost people tend to view retirement as a chance to kick back and relax, but not Alma Thomas (1891-1978). At the age of 69, the Washington, DC, art teacher left work and began a dramatically new chapter in her life as the creator of joyously vivid abstract paintings. “Through colour,” she said, “I have sought to concentrate on beauty and happiness, rather than on man’s inhumanity to man.” (…) For her, art occupied its own unique mode of expression, as she explained: Creative art is for all time and is therefore independent of time. It is of all ages, of every land, and if by this we mean the creative spirit in man which produces a picture or a statue is common to the whole civilized world, independent of age, race and nationality, the statement may stand unchallenged. TSJENG, Zing. Forgotten women: the scientists. Londres: Octopus Publishing Group, 2018. p. 30-32. 3 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. a. Alma Thomas viewed retirement as a chance to relax. b. Alma Thomas used to be an art teacher. c. She started creating abstract paintings at the age of 69. d. Her paintings were about man’s inhumanity to man. 110 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 110 08/08/2022 19:12 4 Who’s creative art for? Based on Alma Thomas’s view on creative art, choose the item that can answer this question. a. For people who have a lot of free time. b. For everyone no matter their age, race, or nationality. 5 Choose a fragment from the text that is equivalent in meaning to each item as in the example. Example: a. “rather than” a. instead of; in preference to b. to stop doing things and relax c. man’s extremely cruel behavior to man d. started a completely new phase in her life e. be accepted without asking questions or criticizing Think about it! Aos 69 anos, Alma Thomas iniciou uma nova fase de sua vida dedicando-se à criação artística. Para você, o que a decisão de Alma nos sugere a respeito do processo de envelhecimento? Você acredita que, em nossa sociedade, os/as idosos/as são devidamente respeitados/as e valorizados/as? Por quê (não)? O que pode ser feito para que isso aconteça? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Passive Voice 1 Read the following fragments from the text on pages 106 and 107, focus on the verbs in bold, and choose the correct items that answer each question. I. “When the UN Charter was signed by members of the fledgling United Nations (…)” II. “In fact, the word ‘women’ wasn’t mentioned once in the draft of the UN founding treaty.” III. “Lutz fought successfully for the inclusion of women (…)” IV. “When women finally went to the polls in 1933 (…)” a. In which fragments is the subject performing an action? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. III. Fragment III. IV. Fragment IV. b. In which fragments is the focus on who performs the action? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. III. Fragment III. IV. Fragment IV. c. In which fragments is the focus on what happens (the action)? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. III. Fragment III. IV. Fragment IV. Unit 6 111 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 111 09/08/2022 08:32 2 Now focus on the following table with two sentences, one in the active voice and the other in the passive voice. Then, choose the correct item that completes each statement. Members of the United Nations signed the UN Charter. Active Voice subject           object TIP Note que a formação da voz passiva em inglês é The UN Charter was signed by members of the United Nations. semelhante à formação Passive da voz passiva em Voice português. subject            agent a. The first sentence (in the active voice) focuses on I. the action. II. the performer of the action. b. The second sentence (in the passive voice) focuses on I. the action. II. the performer of the action. c. In the passive voice, the performer of the action is I. the subject. II. the agent. d. In the passive voice, the preposition by introduces I. the subject. II. the agent. e. The structure of the passive voice is I. subject + main verb in the simple past. II. subject + auxiliary verb (to be) + main verb in the past participle. 3 Which fragments in exercise 1 are in the active voice? And which ones are in the passive voice? 4 Choose the fragment from the text on pages 106 and 107 that is in the passive voice. a. “(…) Lutz developed an interest in the growing women’s suffrage movement in the UK” b. “(…) but she felt a keen affinity with their goals.” c. “Lutz was appointed to the commission in charge of rewriting the country’s constitution (…).” Language Note Quando se usa a voz passiva, nem sempre o agente é mencionado, porque o foco é a ação em si e não quem a realizou. No exercício 4, o fragmento na voz passiva apresenta o agente? 112 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 112 08/08/2022 19:12 Read the following infographic with statistics about women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and do exercises 5 and 6. WO ME N I N ST E M by the numbers 28% of STEM related jobs are The majority of women in STEM are in the social science and life science fields. The largest growth has been held by women seen in the biological sciences. 45% INSPIRON.DELL.VECTOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; KOLONKO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Reasons for leaving: • Bias more likely than men • Lack of female role models to leave their respective • Isolation or lack of acceptance STEM field • Male-dominated 19% of engineering degrees The largest disparity between men and women exists in the engineering field; however, are awarded to women numbers are on the rise. 54% less likely than men to Male and female high schoolers are about equal in STEM participation, except for engineering and enroll in AP Computer computer science. The divide grows Science throughout higher education. “We have the opportunity to create the future and decide what that’s like.” - Mae Jemison To learn how to improve these numbers, visit Newcomb Institute’s Sophie Lab for information on opportunities for Women in STEM. Catalyst, Quick Take: Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) (June 14, 2019) “Statistics.” National Girls Collaborative Project, NCITECH. Women in STEM statistics. Sophie Lab. 28 abr. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. Language Note bias: preconceito enroll: matricular-se AP (Advanced Placement) Computer Science = Colocaçāo Avançada em Ciência da Computaçāo on the rise: em alta 5 Choose a fragment from the infographic that is in the passive voice. TIP a. “45% more likely than men to leave their respective STEM field” Na voz passiva, o verbo auxiliar to be b. “19% of engineering degrees are awarded to women” é usado no mesmo c. “54% less likely than men to enroll in AP Computer Science” tempo verbal do verbo principal da frase correspondente na 6 Replace the icon with the correct verb form to complete the sentence voz ativa. in the active voice. Passive voice: “28% of STEM related jobs are held by women” GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. Active voice: Women 28% of STEM related jobs. Unit 6 113 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 113 08/08/2022 19:12 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Go back to the previous page and read again the infographic Women in STEM by the numbers. Then, talk to a classmate about it and answer the following questions. a. What is the percentage of women in the STEM workforce? b. In which fields can you find more women in STEM? And in which field can you find fewer women? c. What are some of the reasons for women leaving their respective STEM field? d. Do you agree with the quote by Mae Jemison, “We have the opportunity to create the future and decide what that’s like”? Why (not)? 2 Discuss these questions with your classmates based on the following quotes by influential women in STEM. a. Do you agree with the following quotes? If so, which one(s)? b. What’s your favorite quote? Why? c. In your opinion, is it easier for women to pursue a career in STEM today? Why (not)? d. Can you give other examples of influential women in STEM? What do/did they do? OAKVIEW STUDIOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM HTTPS://WWW.BIGRENTZ.COM; OAKVIEW STUDIOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM HTTPS://WWW.BIGRENTZ.COM; 114 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 114 15/08/2022 17:55 OAKVIEW STUDIOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM HTTPS://WWW.BIGRENTZ.COM; ARABIA, Jim. Women in STEM statistics to inspire future leaders. BigRentz. 23 fev. 2021. Disponível em: women-in-stem-statistics. Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. 8 3 Listen to the beginning of a radio program about a forgotten woman. Who are they talking about? Choose a or b. If necessary, go back to pages 104 and 105 and read again about Alma Thomas and Lois Weber. © 2022. PHOTO SMITHSONIAN AMERICAN ART MUSEUM/ART RESOURCE/SCALA, BETTMANN ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES FLORENCE a. Alma Thomas b. Lois Weber 8 4 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct sentences about the forgotten woman mentioned in the radio program. a. She directed at least 138 movies in the silent film era. b. She used to work as an art teacher. c. She started creating vivid abstract paintings after her retirement. d. She was a very vocal advocate for the cinema’s ability to portray complex social issues in a popular narrative form. 8 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. 9 6 Now listen to the end of the same radio program and then choose the correct item that answers each question. a. What’s the consequence of forgetting the woman mentioned in the recording? I. Having her films as simply museum pieces. II. Not having decades and decades of female filmmakers’ work to look at. b. What did she do that many young women filmmakers now say they want to do? I. To bring a woman’s perspective to American studio filmmaking. II. To have the opportunity to direct the entire production with other women. 9 7 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 6. Unit 6 115 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 115 15/08/2022 17:55 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read an infographic about women in STEM on page 113. Infographics are visual representations of information that use different elements (e.g. graphics, statistics, references) to make data easy to understand. Visit (accessed on: July 26, 2022) to find some women in STEM statistics and other examples of infographics related to the topic. Based on the infographic you explored in this unit, create, in pairs, an infographic about women in STEM. Consider the school community (students, teachers, family members) as the intended audience. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you and a b. Readers: the school community c. Genre: d. Objective: to share important facts/statistics on women in STEM e. Style: informative tone f. Media: school board/Internet SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 2 HVOSTIK/ Follow these instructions to write your text. 1. Do some research to gather information about women in STEM. Look for reliable sources. 2. Check all the pieces of information you get (e.g. facts, statistics) and select the ones that are most relevant. 3. Write a draft of the text. 4. Look for potential images that illustrate TIP the topic. Ao revisar os infográficos, considere, por exemplo: 5. Place the text and images in a visually • objetivo: O infográfico está adequado ao público-alvo e à finalidade do texto? attractive configuration. Keep your • conteúdo: As informações encontradas infographic visual. (porcentagens, quantidades, datas etc.) foram 6. Exchange infographics with classmates verificadas e estão corretas? and discuss them. • linguagem: As linguagens verbal e não verbal estão bem integradas? 7. Make the necessary corrections. • leiaute: A organização visual facilita a 8. Create the final version of the compreensão das informações? infographic by hand or use a computer Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por você to design it. e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your infographic with your classmates and other people. You can also publish it on the school website or on a non-profit organization website. Based on people’s reactions to your text, you can continue to improve it. 116 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 116 08/08/2022 19:12 LOOKING AHEAD ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. anguish: angústia In this unit you have learned about some forgotten women who made enslaved: escravizado/a groundbreaking: their mark on the world. Now read the following text and learn about Carolina pioneiro/a Maria de Jesus, a Brazilian writer who should not be forgotten. Then, discuss harrowing: angustiante the questions with your classmates. Carolina Maria de Jesus, an author for the present Revisiting the life and work of the groundbreaking writer Tom Farias GALVÃO BERTAZZI | BRAZIL | translated by Edmund Ruge Reflecting on the written memory of Minas de Gerais author Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977) requires care and effort. For someone that barely knows or has never heard of the author of the book Quarto de despejo–diário de uma favelada, published in August of 1960, we must start at the beginning. Carolina Maria de Jesus was born in Sacramento, a small city in the south of Minas Gerais, to a black family of the last enslaved generation of Africans and Afro-descendants brought against their will or born in Brazil. (…) With her writing she imposed a new code of literary conduct: it is the woman of the people that writes, literarily, fable-ly, poetically, the anguish of the people. In this aesthetic scheme, she broke from the condition of “unlettered” to writer; from invisibility to fame. In Brazil, she would stand on par with Jorge Amado, Clarice Lispector, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, Raquel de Queiroz. Internationally, she would break all possible and imaginable barriers. (…) Racially aggressive, her narrative is harrowing, discursive, modern at the same time that it remains in touch with reality and lives within the changing anxieties of Brazilian national consciousness. In fiction, she speaks through her romances, especially in Pedaços da fome, in poetry, just remember the strength of O colono e o fazendeiro, in short stories, Onde estás Felicidade? (…) Born 105 years ago, de Jesus left with us much more than unpublished works, dreams, and resilience. Revisiting her work has become more and more urgent. Reading her is, to put it crudely, absolutely imperative. (…) FARIAS, Tom. Carolina Maria de Jesus, an author for the present. Tradução de Edmund Ruge. Revista Periferias, [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. • What does the text say about Carolina Maria de Jesus’s family origins? • Which works by Carolina Maria de Jesus are mentioned in the text? • According to the text, how can you describe her writing style? Choose a fragment from the text to answer the question. • In your opinion, why isn’t Carolina Maria de Jesus as famous as authors like Jorge Amado, Clarice Lispector, Dinah Silveira de Queiroz, and Raquel de Queiroz? Think about it! Nascida em uma família negra descendente de africanos escravizados trazidos contra sua vontade ao Brasil ou aqui nascidos, Carolina Maria de Jesus escreveu livros com uma perspectiva e um estilo únicos. Segundo o texto, ler seu trabalho é uma necessidade urgente. Na sua opinião, qual é a importância de valorizar o trabalho dela para se conhecer melhor as matrizes históricas e culturais brasileiras? Recommended Resources Para assistir a um vídeo sobre a história da escritora Carolina Maria de Jesus, visite: • (Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022). Unit 6 117 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 117 11/08/2022 09:31 • U N I TS 5 & 6 REVIEW 3 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 Have you ever suffered from skin problems? What about acne? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure and source. What is the intended audience? clog: entupir, obstruir rub: esfregar Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. tight: apertado/a HTTPS://KIDSHEALTH.ORG Can I Prevent Acne? MOOI DESIGN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM There's no sure way to prevent acne. But these tips might help reduce the number and severity of your breakouts: • Washing your skin is the most important thing you can do. It helps remove excess surface oils and dead skin cells that can clog your pores. But washing too much can cause damage by making your skin too dry or irritating acne that’s already there. • Remember to wash after exercising because sweat can clog your pores and make your acne worse (...). • If you use skin products, such as lotions or makeup, look for ones that are non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic, which means that they don't clog pores. • If you use hair spray or styling gel, try to keep them away from your face as much as possible. Many hair products contain oils that can make acne worse. Try to use water-based products. • If you get acne on areas such as your chest or back, avoid wearing tight clothes, which can rub and cause irritation. CRONAN, Kate M. What can I do about acne? Kids Health. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. 3 Choose the tips presented in the text to reduce the number and severity of acne. a. Wash your skin, but not in exaggeration. d. Try to use water-based hair products. b. Wash your skin after exercising. e. Use tight clothes to avoid irritation. c. Don’t use skin products. 118 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 118 08/08/2022 19:14 4 Choose a tip from the text that refers to each picture. a. b. c. GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DRAWLAB19/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM AUTUMNN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to growing pain: dor de crescimento limp: mancar 1 Replace each icon with have to, should or should not to complete the following text. What a Pain! Kids and Growing Pains (…) What Are Growing Pains? Growing pains aren't a disease. You probably won't go to the doctor for them. But they can hurt. Usually they start when kids are between the ages of 3 and 12. Doctors don't believe that growing actually causes pain, but growing pains do stop when kids stop growing. By the teen years, most kids don't get growing pains anymore. (…) When to Go to the Doctor If you have a fever, are limping when you walk, or your leg looks red or is swollen (puffed up), your parent take you to the doctor. Growing pains keep you from running, playing, and doing what you normally do. If you have leg pain during the day, tell your parent. (…) PITONE, Melanie L. What a pain! Kids and growing pains. Kids Health. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. 2 Replace the icon with an expression in the box to complete the following text. must tell • should talk • should you do If your friend is telling secrets, what ? TOM WANG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM There is no rule that says friends each other everything. People are allowed to keep things to themselves if they choose to. But I get the sense from your question that you feel your friend is talking about you, behind your back, in unkind ways. If you know this for sure then you to your friend about it. Choose a private place (you don’t need an audience) and tell your friend what you’ve heard and how it makes you feel. Get to the bottom of what’s going on. That’s what friends do. FOX, Annie. Friendship issues from the 5th grade. Annie Fox's Blog, 8 maio 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. Review 3 119 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 119 08/08/2022 19:14 Passive Voice 3 Read the following texts about women in engineering and computing. Then, replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the texts. The issue of nonproportional representation in the number of engineering and computer science GORODENKOFF/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM bachelor’s degrees awarded is in large part an issue of women’s underrepresentation, and some women of color are particularly underrepresented. Although black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Alaska Native women together (made up/were made up) 18 percent of the population ages 20 to 24 in 2013, they (awarded/were awarded) just 6 percent of computing and 3 percent of engineering bachelor’s degrees conferred that year. In contrast, men from these demographic groups (made up/were made up) 19 percent of the population ages 20 to 24 and (awarded/ were awarded) 18 percent of computing bachelor’s degrees and 12 percent of engineering bachelor’s degrees. (…) CORBETT, Christianne; HILL, Catherine. Solving the equation: the variables for women's success in engineering and computing. AAUW. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. Language Note URM = Underrepresented Minority (minoria sub-representada) DIVERSITY AMONG U.S. ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING GRADUATES Engineering and computing have not achieved levels of gender and racial/ethnic diversity on par with those of the general population between the ages 20 and 24. Women of all races/ethnicities except Asian (underrepresent/are underrepresented) among engineering and computing bachelor’s degree recipients compared with their representation in the general population. White women (awarded/were awarded) 13 percent of the engineering and 10 percent of the computing bachelor’s degrees in 2013, while making up 28 percent of the general population. The largest discrepancy is among URM women, who (awarded/were awarded) just 3 percent of the engineering and 6 percent of the computing bachelor’s degrees in 2013, while making up 18 percent of the general population (…). CORBETT, Christianne; HILL, Catherine. Solving the equation: the variables for women's success in engineering and computing. AAUW. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2022. 120 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 120 08/08/2022 19:14 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. • I can understand a simple personal letter, e-mail or post in which the person writing Reading is talking about familiar subjects (such as friends or family) or asking questions on these subjects. • I can understand much of the information provided in a short description of a person. • I can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life composed in simple language. Grammar • I can use modal verbs (should, must, have to). • I can use the passive voice. Listening • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. • I can understand the important points of a story and manage to follow the plot, provided the story is told slowly and clearly. Speaking • I can ask for and provide personal information. • I can make myself understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics. • I can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. • I can present my opinion in simple terms. Writing • I can write a problem letter and a letter of advice. • I can create an infographic. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 5-6? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Set aside time to study English every day. Review 3 121 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 121 08/08/2022 19:15 TO G E T H E R 3 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 6, you have talked about some forgotten women who made their mark on the world. In this section, you are going to learn about two women who are remembered for the legacy they left. 1 These photographs show two women who contributed to history, Maya Angelou and Wangari Maathai. Based on what you know about them, write I if the sentence refers to Maya Angelou or II if it refers to Wangari Maathai. In case you don’t know much, just read items a-f, do the following exercises (2-5) and revisit exercise 1 later. CHARLEY GALLAY/GETTY IMAGES STEVE EXUM/GETTY IMAGES I. Maya Angelou (1940-2011) II. Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) a. She was a Kenyan environmental activist. b. She was an American poet and civil rights activist. c. She was the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. d. She was the first woman in East and Central Africa to receive her PhD. e. She published several books (memoirs, essays, poetry), including the famous “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings”. f. She founded The Green Belt Movement, an environmental non-governmental organization focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women's rights. 10 2 Listen to the recording about one of the women in exercise 1. Then, answer the following questions. a. Who is the man talking about? b. Which items in exercise 1 (a-f) are mentioned in the recording? c. What was the woman’s simple idea to solve a problem affecting the lives of the poor? 10 3 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 2. 122 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT3-122a123-LA-G24.indd 122 08/08/2022 19:16 11 4 Now listen to another recording, the beginning of a radio program, which is about the other woman in exercise 1. Then, choose the item that answers each question. a. Who is the man talking about? I. Maya Angelou. II. Wangari Maathai. b. Which items in exercise 1 (a-f) are mentioned in the recording? I. Items a and c. II. Items b and e. c. What sad news about the woman was shared by the radio program? I. Her death at the age of 86. II. Her death at the age of 96. 11 5 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 4. 6 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to find and share other examples of inspiring women who contributed to history and should not be forgotten. TASK In small groups, do some research to find two examples of inspiring women who made their mark on the world and should not be erased from history. You can use your favorite search engine to do the research or look for books and/or magazines that can help you find information about the life of the women you selected. You can also watch videos to learn about their stories. Then, prepare a short oral presentation containing basic information about the women (e.g. career, important events, awards) to share with the whole class. If possible, show pictures to illustrate your presentation. MARY LONG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Le@rning on the web Para assistir a uma breve animação sobre Wangari Maathai, visite watch?v=pu5uSL5w7WA (Acesso em: 24 jul. 2022). Working Together 3 123 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT3-122a123-LA-G24.indd 123 08/08/2022 19:16 UNIT 7 GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE RAPUNZIELSTOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NEW AFRICA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM JACOB LUND/ GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. What are the people in the photos doing? 124 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 124 08/08/2022 19:26 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre mudança climática; • usar o presente perfeito (present perfect); • empregar vocabulário relacionado aos desastres da natureza (natural disasters) e ao tempo (the weather); • compreender e produzir previsões do tempo (weather forecasts); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal educação ambiental. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DISOBEYART/ Unit 7 125 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 125 08/08/2022 19:26 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Which expressions in the following box are related to climate change? Use the Glossary if necessary. animal protection • global warming • melting glaciers • stronger storms • water waste • weather conditions 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its layout, title, subtitle and picture. What do you expect to read about in the text? Reading 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. Home Learn the Basics Learn the Basics The Earth’s climate is changing, and people’s activities are the main cause. Our world is always changing. Look out your window long enough, and you might see the weather change. Look even longer, and you’ll see the seasons change. The Earth’s climate is changing, too, but in ways that you can’t easily see. The Earth is getting warmer because people are adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, mainly by burning fossil fuels. These gases are called greenhouse gases. Warmer temperatures are causing other changes around the world, such HTTPS://ARCHIVE.EPA.GOV as melting glaciers and stronger storms. These changes are happening because the Earth’s air, water, and land are all linked to the climate. The Earth’s climate has changed before, but this time is different. People are causing these changes, which are bigger and happening faster than any climate changes that modern society has ever seen before. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. Learn the basics. 5 set. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2022. Language Note Weather × Climate Weather is a specific event or condition that happens over a period of hours or days. Climate refers to the average weather conditions in a place over many years (usually at least 30 years). UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. Climate concepts. 5 set. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2022. 126 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 126 11/08/2022 10:30 4 What is the main aim of the text? Choose a or b. a. To provide students with basic information about climate change. b. To encourage students to take simple steps to stop global climate change. 5 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. BYEMO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. The Earth is getting warmer. b. It’s easy to see that the Earth’s climate is changing. c. Human activities are the main cause of climate change. d. Climate changes in the past were bigger and happened faster than today’s climate changes. 6 The picture you see here illustrates a human activity that causes climate change. Based on the text, what is it called? 7 The following photos are examples of two changes around the world that are being caused by warmer temperatures. Based on the text, what are they called? a. b. RAJAT CHAMRIA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MIA STENDAL/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Reading for Critical Thinking TIP 8 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. Procure ter uma postura crítica diante dos textos a. Both natural and human factors change the Earth’s climate. e valorize diferentes According to the author of the text, which factor is considered the pontos de vista com ética main cause of climate change? Choose a fragment from the text to e respeito. support your answer. b. In your opinion, how can we do our part and help reduce climate change? In small groups, make a list of actions and provide good arguments to support your answer. Then, share your list with other classmates and get to know different viewpoints on the same topic. Unit 7 127 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 127 08/08/2022 19:26 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Natural Disasters 1 Climate change is making the world more dangerous as it increases the frequency and severity of some natural disasters. Match each disaster (a-f) with its corresponding definition (I-VI). ALVAROBUENO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM JP PHILLIPPE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ALI. FAHMI/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. bushfire c. drought e. earthquake CHRISTIAN VINCES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM JON REHG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM FOTOKINA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. flood d. hurricane f. tsunami I. A violent storm with very strong winds. II. A long period when there is little or no rain. III. A fire in a large, unpopulated area, especially one that spreads quickly. IV. A large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry. V. An extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea. VI.   A sudden violent movement of the Earth’s surface, often causing great damage. 12 2 Listen to the recording and repeat the items in exercise 1. 3 What are the most frequent natural disasters in our country? 128 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 128 08/08/2022 19:27 The Weather 4 Read this comic strip and answer the following questions. WORLDWIDE LLC / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION PEANUTS, CHARLES SCHULZ © 1965 PEANUTS SCHULZ, Charles. Classic Peanuts. [2022?]. Tirinha. Disponível em: https://i.pinimg. com/originals/95/f0/ e5/95f0e5def8eedd56 f6022aef7382ca01.jpg. Acesso em: 12 jul. 2022. a. What time of the year is it? b. What’s the weather like? c. Why is Snoopy sad? 5 What’s the weather like in each picture? Replace each icon with a word in the following box to complete the sentences as in the example. Example: a. freezing cloudy • freezing • rainy • stormy • sunny • windy SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM COLORLIFE/ COLORLIFE/ COLORLIFE/ TIP Em inglês, o sufixo -y a. It’s and snowy. c. It’s hot and . e. It’s . geralmente é acrescentado a substantivos para formar adjetivos: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM snow snowy; rain rainy; COLORLIFE/ COLORLIFE/ COLORLIFE/ storm stormy. b. It’s . d. It’s cold and . f. It’s . 13 6 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 5. 7 What kind of weather do you like best? What’s the weather like today? GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 174. Unit 7 129 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 129 08/08/2022 19:27 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What’s your favorite season (spring, summer, fall, winter)? Why? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure. Then, choose a or b to complete the sentence. The text is a a. weather map. b. weather forecast. Now read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. HTTPS://WWW.THEWEATHERNETWORK.COM THE WEATHER NETWORK. São Paulo, Brazil weather. 23 jun. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. 3 Answer the following questions. a. According to the text, what was the weather like in São Paulo on Thursday, June 23, 2022, 3:45 p.m.? b. What was the temperature in São Paulo? Was there a difference between the actual temperature and the temperature felt? 4 Replace each icon with sunset or sunrise to complete the following sentences. How would you say these words in Portuguese? a. The in São Paulo on June 23, 2022 was at 6:48 a.m. b. The in São Paulo on June 23, 2022 was at 5:29 p.m. 130 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 130 08/08/2022 19:27 5 Now take a look at the following weather map of Brazil (Thursday, June 23, 2022) and choose the correct item that answers each question. Brazil Weather Map WWW.WEATHERONLINE.CO.UK WEATHER ONLINE. Brazil. 3 jun. 2022. Disponível em: Brazil.htm. Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. a. What was the weather like in Cruzeiro do Sul? I. It was partly sunny. II. It was rainy. b. What was the weather like in Belém? I. It was cloudy. II. It was mostly sunny. c. What was the weather like in Fortaleza, Recife, and Salvador? I. It was cloudy. II. It was stormy. 6 Based on the previous map, replace each icon with a word in the box to complete the weekly weather forecast of Salvador. degrees • partly • warm • weather Forecast: Salvador Region In the next few days, it’s cloudy. Especially on Sunday the is fine. On Friday and Saturday precipitation is expected. With a high around 29 it’s summerly . WEATHER ONLINE. Porto Seguro weather. 23 jun. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Unit 7 131 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 131 15/08/2022 18:03 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Present Perfect 1 Read again the following fragments from the text on page 126. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “The Earth’s climate has changed before, but this time is different.” II. “People are causing these changes, which are bigger and happening faster than any climate changes that modern society has ever seen before.” a. In both fragments, the word before refers to actions that happened at I. a specified time in the past. II. an unspecified time in the past. b. In both fragments, the exact time that the actions happened I. is important. II. is not important. c. In fragment II, the present perfect is used to talk about a finished action I. connected with the present. II. that happened at a specified time in the past. d. In fragment II, the word ever is used for I. contrast. II. emphasis. e. The fragment with an irregular verb is I. fragment I (changed). II. fragment II (seen). 2 What is the structure of the present perfect? Choose a or b. “The Earth’s climate has changed before (...)” “(...) modern society has ever seen before.” a. auxiliary verb (have/has) + main verb (simple past) b. auxiliary verb (have/has) + main verb (past participle) 3 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following text about climate change. Use the present perfect. (…) Scientists (warn) that the world’s climate (change) a lot, and (affect) many living and non-living things. KAAN KALA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Many warmer places are now getting colder, and many colder regions are getting much colder or even warmer. For example, between 1901 and 2012, it is believed that the Earth’s temperature (rise) by 0.89 °C. Rainfall amounts have also risen in the mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere since the beginning of the 20th Century. (...) ESCHOOL TODAY. Introduction to climate change. 2008-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. 132 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 132 15/08/2022 17:53 4 Copy the following table into your notebook and replace each icon with na appropriate verb. Base Form Simple Past Past Participle affect affected TIP Consulte o quadro de change changed verbos irregulares ao rose risen final do livro sempre que warn necessário. 5 There is one irregular verb in the table from exercise 4. Which one? Read the following text and do exercises 6-10. HTTPS://WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Climate change has NOT affected the abyss: Nasa reveals cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed since 2005 • The temperature of the top half of the world’s ocean above the 1.24-mile mark is still climbing • Ocean abyss below 1.24 miles (1,995 meters) has not warmed measurably By MARK PRIGG FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 20:14 GMT, 6 October 2014 | UPDATED: 20:44 GMT, 6 October 2014 The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new Nasa study. Researchers say that while the find does not throw suspicion on global warming, it is a mystery. They say it could be related to the fact that global warming has slowed in recent years. (...) PRIGG, Mark. Climate change has NOT affected the abyss: Nasa reveals cold waters of Earth's deep ocean have not warmed since 2005. Mail Online, 6 out. 2014. Disponível em: deep-ocean-not-warmed-2005.html. Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. 6 Find examples of verbs in the present perfect in the text. 7 Why is the present perfect used in the text? Choose a or b. a. To refer to finished actions that happened at a specified time in the past. b. To refer to actions that have happened over a period of time with consequences in the present. 8 Based on the text, choose the correct item that answers each question. a. Have the cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean warmed Language Note measurably since 2005? Short answers in the present perfect: I. Yes, they have. II. No, they haven’t. • Yes, I/you/we/they have. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • Yes, he/she/it has. ALANO DESIGN/ b. Has global warming slowed in recent years? • No, I/you/we/they haven’t. I. Yes, it has. II. No, it hasn’t. • No, he/she/it hasn’t. Unit 7 133 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 133 12/08/2022 16:46 9 Go back to exercise 8 and focus on the questions. What is the structure of interrogative sentences in the present perfect? Choose a or b. a. have/has + subject + past participle b. subject + have/has + past participle 10 Choose the fragments that contain verbs in the negative form of the present perfect. a. “Climate change has not affected the abyss (...)” b. “The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed Language Note measurably (...)” has not = hasn’t have not = haven’t c. “(...) global warming has slowed in recent years.” 11 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following items. Use the present perfect as in the example. Example: a. have increased a. Humans (increase) atmospheric CO2 concentration by more than a third since the Industrial Revolution began. b. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil (increase) the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). c. Studies show that solar variability (play) a role in past climate changes. d. There’s a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years (warm) our planet. e. There’s a better than 95 percent probability that human-produced greenhouse gases (…) (cause) much of the observed increase in Earth’s temperatures over the past 50 years. AGRIADAPT. Greenhouse gases cause the greenhouse effect. [2022?]. Disponível em: learn-more; CALTECH. What is the evidence for human-caused climate change? 2022. Disponível em: sustainability/evidence-climate-change; NASA - GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. The causes of climate change. 13 jul. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 jul. 2022. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What is the best season of the year in your town? 14 2 Listen to part of a US radio program broadcast by National Public Radio (NPR). In your notebook, take notes of key words and expressions and choose the item that refers to the topic of the recording. a. Extreme weather and climate change. b. Human activities that cause climate change. 14 3 Which natural disasters are mentioned in the radio program fragment? Listen to the recording again and choose the correct items. a. hurricane b. rainfall c. tsunami d. wildfire 134 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 134 12/08/2022 16:50 14 4 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that answers TIP Antes de ouvir each question. o áudio, leia os itens do exercício a. Which places suffered from deadly heat? para conhecer as informações I. Japan and Britain. II. Greece, Scandinavia and the western United States. solicitadas. Você deverá prestar b. According to climate scientists, are the stories on extreme weather related atenção a elas to climate change? durante a escuta. Faça isso em todos I. Yes, they are. II. No, they aren’t. os exercícios de compreensão oral. c. According to Jennifer Balch, what is correct to say about wildfires? I. We see three times more large fires today than we did in the 1970s. II. We see five times more large fires today than we did in the 1970s. d. Who is Jennifer Balch? I. A scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. II. A professor in Geography and director of Earth Lab at the University of Colorado Boulder. 14 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 4. 6 Have you ever experienced extreme weather (extremely hot or cold days)? 7 Copy this table into your notebook. Based on your personal experience, answer the following questions on actions to preserve the environment by replacing each icon with Yes or No. Then interview a classmate. Ask extra questions. Have you ever... You Your classmate 1. bought locally grown food? 2. bought rechargeable batteries? 3. collected rainwater to water plants? 4. planted a tree? 5. reused things we usually throw away? 6. reused scrap paper? 7. used reusable bags? 8. walked or ridden a bike to school? 9. (Extra questions.) 10. (Extra questions.) The more you answer “Yes”, the more likely you are to use less energy and help reduce climate change. 8 Go back to exercise 7 and answer the following questions. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SINGPENTINKHAPPY/ a. Which of these things do you often do? b. Which ones do you want to do? c. Do you and your classmate have similar experiences? Unit 7 135 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 135 08/08/2022 19:27 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read some weekly weather forecasts for different regions of Brazil. Go back to page 131 and explore the structure of this genre. Visit the website (accessed on: June 23, 2022) to find other examples of weather forecasts. TULPAHN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM In pairs, get to know about the weather in your town for the next few days and write a weather forecast. It is going to help you plan what you can do with your friends and family. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you and b. Readers: classmates and other people TIP Use o que você já c. Genre: sabe sobre a forma de organização dos textos, d. Objective: to help you plan tanto em inglês quanto em e. Style: informative tone português, para escrever os próprios textos. f. Media: school board/Internet 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.  ind what the weather in your town is expected F to be for the next few days. You can check the weather for your town on websites like www. and (accessed on: June 23, 2022). 2.  Collect the information you need (dates, weather, temperatures). Try to provide an overall view of the weather conditions of your area. TIP Ao revisar as previsões do tempo, 3.  Make the first version of the weather forecast considere, por exemplo: by hand. • objetivo: O texto está adequado ao 4.  Include a small weather map of your area. You can público-alvo e à sua finalidade? also include the activities you plan to do according • conteúdo: Os detalhes sobre a to each day’s weather conditions. previsão do tempo para a sua região foram verificados e estão corretos? 5.  Exchange texts with a classmate and discuss them. • ortografia: As palavras estão 6.  Make the necessary corrections. escritas corretamente? 7.  Write the final version of your weather forecast by Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão hand or use a computer to design it. feita por você e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your weather forecast with your classmates and other people. You can use your computer’s text editor to create your weather forecast. 136 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 136 08/08/2022 19:27 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In this unit you have talked about global climate change. Read the following text about the impacts of climate change. Then, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. HTTPS://ARCHIVE.EPA.GOV/ See the Impacts Scorching summers... Melting glaciers... Stronger storms... The signs of global climate change are all around us. VADIM SADOVSKI/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM The Earth’s climate is getting warmer, and the signs are everywhere. Rain patterns are changing, sea level is rising, and snow and ice are melting sooner in the spring. As global temperatures continue to rise, we’ll see more changes in our climate and our environment. These changes will affect people, animals, and ecosystems in many ways. Less rain can mean less water for some places, while too much rain can cause terrible flooding. More hot days can dry up crops and make people and animals sick. In some places, people will struggle to cope with a changing environment. In other places, people may be able to successfully prepare for these changes. The negative impacts of global climate change will be less severe overall if people reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we’re putting into the atmosphere and worse if we continue producing these gases at current or faster rates. Last updated on 09/05/2017 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. See the impacts. 5 set. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 jun. 2022. a. According to the text, what are some examples of the signs of global climate change? b. Based on the text, what can people do in order to make the negative impacts of global climate change less severe overall? c. What other things do you think the government and people in general can do to reduce the impacts of climate change? 2 What natural disasters are more frequent in your region? Have they become worse over the last few years? Do some research on the topic and use resources such as tables and graphs to support your answer. Recommended Resources Think about it! Para assistir a uma breve apresentação em que Você sabia que há empresas que implementam medidas para uma criança fala sobre mudança climática e como promover a sustentabilidade? Se possível, faça uma visita outras crianças podem contribuir, visite: guiada a uma ou duas empresas próximas de onde mora e • procure conhecer as boas práticas de sustentabilidade adotadas. (Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022). Converse com seus/suas colegas sobre essa experiência. Unit 7 137 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 137 12/08/2022 16:52 UNIT 8 ALL ABOUT MOVIES COLUMBIA PICTURES / SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT / ALBUM / ALBUM / FOTOARENA ENTERTAINMENT PICTURES / ALAMY / FOTOARENA WALT DISNEY PICTURES / ALBUM / ALBUM / FOTOARENA GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Have you seen these movies? What are their names? Who are these characters? 138 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 138 08/08/2022 19:40 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre filmes; • explorar as diferenças entre o presente perfeito (present perfect) e o passado simples (simple past); • explorar conectores (linking words/phrases) e empregar vocabulário relacionado a tipos de filmes (kinds of movies); • compreender e produzir resenhas de filmes (movie reviews); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal educação em direitos humanos. / /ALBUM PICTURESNEY FOTOAREN UDIOS/WALT DIS ST A IMATION PIXAR AN ALBUM / AGE FOTOSTOCK / EASYPIX BRASIL Unit 8 139 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 139 08/08/2022 19:40 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 How often do you watch movies? Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and picture. Then, answer the questions. a. Who are the characters in the picture? b. What movie are they in? c. Can you think of any other movies that have female protagonists? 3 Which words in the box do you expect to find in the following text? Use the Glossary if necessary. TIP album • cinema • drawing • film • Observe a diferença de usos de acordo com a variação Hollywood • moviegoer • release • upload linguística do inglês: movie (AmE) = film (AuE/BrE); the movies/movie theater (AmE) = the cinema (AuE/BrE). Reading 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. Girl Power After decades of male-dominated Hollywood leads, it appears that some recent releases are starting to level the field. Films such as Gravity, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Frozen and Maleficent all featured leading ladies and reaped the benefits. According to database Box Office Mojo, these films have taken in a combined $3.6 billion worldwide. Why the shift? Because the majority of cinema-goers are female. According MARY EVANS / EASYPIX BRASIL to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the cinema attendance rate for females (70%) is higher than the rate for males (64%). And the Motion Picture Association of America reports that in 2013, 52% of US moviegoers were women. READER’S DIGEST, Austrália, vol. 187, n. 1 115, p. 118, jan. 2015. reap: colher 5 Choose the statement that is in agreement with the text. a. Hollywood leads have always been female-dominated. b. There are more women who go to the cinema than men. 140 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 140 08/08/2022 19:40 6 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then correct the false statements. a. The main character in Gravity is a woman. b. Movies with female protagonists have become successful. c. Most moviegoers are male. d. The cinema attendance rate for females isn’t as high as the rate for males. 7 Which fragment reinforces the idea of girl power? Choose a, b or c. a. “the majority of cinema-goers are female” b. “male-dominated Hollywood leads” c. “all featured leading ladies” 8 According to the text, what do Gravity, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Frozen and Maleficent have in common? Choose the correct statements. a. The main character in each of these movies is a woman. b. They are very successful movies. c. They are old movies. 9 Replace each icon with a word in the box to complete the following sentences as in the example. Example: a. Shift lead • rate • release • shift GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. is a change in something. b. is how often something happens. c. is the main character in a movie or play. d. is something that is made available to the public, especially a new movie or album. Reading for Critical Thinking 10 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. The text presents one reason why there has been an increase in movies with female protagonists recently. In your opinion, why TIP is it important to improve gender diversity in the film industry Procure ter uma postura crítica diante dos textos (characters and filmmakers)? In small groups, make a list of reasons e valorize diferentes and provide good examples to support your answer. Then share pontos de vista com ética your list with other classmates and get to know different viewpoints e respeito. on the same topic. b. Is there gender equality in movies produced in our country? What Brazilian productions are female-led? How are women usually portrayed in these movies? Unit 8 141 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 141 08/08/2022 19:40 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Linking Words/Phrases 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 140 and focus on the linking words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “Films such as Gravity, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Frozen and Maleficent (…)” II. “According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (…)” a. In fragment I, such as is used to I. express exception. II. introduce examples. b. In fragment II, according to is used to I. refer to a source. II. make a contrasting point. c. In fragment II, according to is equivalent in meaning to I. with reference to. II. however. 2 Replace the icon with according to or such as to complete the following text. 29% of protagonists in the top 100 films of 2020 were women, representing an 11 percentage-point decrease from 2019, the Center for the Study of Women in Television & Film. Fonte de pesquisa: WOMEN’S MEDIA CENTER. The status of women in the U.S. media 2021. 18 nov. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Kinds of Movie 3 What is your favorite movie? What is it about? Who are the main actors in it? How many times have you seen it? 15 4 Listen to the recording and repeat the adjectives in the box. Which ones best describe your favorite movie? adventurous • clever • enjoyable • fascinating • funny • interesting • romantic • surprising • thought-provoking 5 Based on the following list, what are your favorite kinds of movie? Try to give examples of movies for each genre. • adventure • documentary • romance TIP • animation • drama • science fiction (sci-fi) Agrupar as palavras por assunto é uma boa forma • comedy • musical • thriller de aprender e fixar o vocabulário novo. 16 6 Listen to the recording and repeat the words in exercise 5. 142 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 142 08/08/2022 19:40 7 What is the genre of these movies? Replace each icon with an item from exercise 5 to complete the following texts. WALT DISNEY PICTURES/WALT DISNEY COMPANY Encanto (2021) PG | 1h42m | , Comedy, Family A Colombian teenage girl has to face the frustration of being the only member of her family without magical powers. IMDB. Encanto. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Matilda (2022) PG | Comedy, , Family WORKING TITLE FILMS/NETFLIX An adaptation of the Tony and Olivier award-winning musical. Matilda tells the story of an extraordinary girl who, armed with a sharp mind and a vivid imagination, dares to take a stand to change her story with miraculous results. IMDB. Roald Dahl’s Matilda the musical. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. THE MOVING PICTURE COMPANY (MPC)/MARVEL Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) PG-13 | 2h01m | Action, Adventure, FILMS/WALT DISNEY PICTURES A group of intergalactic criminals must pull together to stop a fanatical warrior with plans to purge the universe. IMDB. Guardians of the galaxy. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. 8 Go back to exercise 7 and notice the ratings of the movies. Which abbreviation in English indicates that some material may be inappropriate for children under 13? 9 Go back to pages 138 and 139 and take another look at the pictures. What is the genre of each movie? Talk to a classmate about the movies. GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 174. Unit 8 143 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 143 08/08/2022 19:40 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Have you ever seen any adaptation of the classic Cinderella? What kind of movie was it? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its picture, structure and source. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The text is a I. movie summary. II. movie review. b. The text is written by a I. user. II. professional critic. Now read the text and do exercises 3-7. CINDERELLA RELEASE DATE: MARCH 13, 2015 USER SCORE USER RATING DISTRIBUTION: 7.4 Generally favorable PICTURES USA/WALT DISNEY PICTURES reviews based on 454 Ratings POSITIVE: 318 WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION MIXED: 104 User Reviews 10 Chazd3 NEGATIVE: 32 Mar 13, 2015 I’m a senior citizen, single, no grand kids to accompany me, just me. My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic in the 50’s. It has held a beautiful place in my heart ever since. I’ve seen many adaptations over the decades. None has ever matched this. This non-animated version for me was spectacular visually, moving, romantic, and sparked the flames in my heart from this legendary fairy tale I’ve held since I was seven. Could not have been done better! 6 of 8 users found this helpful   6    2 METACRITIC. Cinderella. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. 3 Answer the following questions based on the movie review written by Chazd3. a. Is the movie review positive, mixed or negative? b. Is this the first adaptation of Cinderella Chazd3 has seen? c. Which adjectives does Chazd3 use to describe the movie? d. At what age did Chazd3 first see the Cinderella animated classic? 144 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 144 08/08/2022 19:40 4 Choose the fragments that contain the user’s opinion about the movie released on March 13, 2015. a. “My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic (...)” b. “I’ve seen many adaptations over the decades.” c. “None has ever matched this.” d. “(...) sparked the flames in my heart (...)” e. “Could not have been done better!” 5 What do Cinderella and the movies mentioned in the text on page 140 have in common? 6 How are women portrayed in the movies mentioned in the text on page 140: as strong or fragile female characters? What about in Cinderella? Discuss it with your teacher and classmates. 7 In your opinion, was the review written by Chazd3 helpful? Why (not)? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Present Perfect or Simple Past? Read again the following fragments from the text on page 140 and do exercises 1-3. I. “(...) these films have taken in a combined $3.6 billion worldwide.” II. “(...) in 2013, 52% of US moviegoers were women.” 1 Choose the correct item that answers each question. a. Which fragment contains an event that happened at a specified time in the past? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. b. Which fragment is in the simple past? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. c. Which fragment is in the present perfect? I. Fragment I. II. Fragment II. 2 Which time expression is used in the fragment in the simple past? 3 Replace each icon with present perfect or simple past to complete the statements. a. We use the with actions that started and finished at a specified time in the past. b. We use the with actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past. Unit 8 145 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 145 08/08/2022 19:40 Now focus on the following fragments from the movie review of Cinderella on page 144 and do exercises 4-7. I. “My mom took me to see the Disney animated classic in the 50’s.” II. “It has held a beautiful place in my heart ever since.” III. “I’ve seen many adaptations over the decades.” IV. “(...) this legendary fairy tale [that] I’ve held since I was seven.” 4 Which fragment presents a completed action in the past? 5 Which fragments are in the present perfect? And which one is in the simple past? 6 Why is the present perfect used in these fragments? Replace each icon with I, II, III or IV in order to understand the different uses of the present perfect. a. The present perfect is used in fragment to talk about something that has happened at different times in the past. b. The present perfect is used in fragments and to talk about actions that started in the past and have continued up to the present. Language Note since × for since + starting point = since 2015, since I was a child, since Saturday for + period of time = for two years, for a month, for a long time 7 In your notebook, write the time expression used in each fragment as in the example. Example: Fragment I: in the 50’s 8 Go back to the movie review on page 144 and find two other sentences in the present perfect. 9 Copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing each icon with an appropriate verb. Base Form Simple Past Past Participle a. do done b. hold held c. match matched d. see saw TIP Consulte os quadros de verbos e. take taken irregulares, ao final do livro, sempre que necessário. 146 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 146 11/08/2022 10:35 10 Copy the following table into your notebook. Then, complete it by replacing each icon with the correct time expression in the box. a year ago • last month • lately • over the years • recently • since I was a child • when I was a child • yesterday Time expressions used with the Time expressions used with the simple past present perfect , , , , , , 17 11 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 10. 12 Replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following movie review of Paddington. Use the simple past or the present perfect. Review of Paddington (2014) appledreams4 10/10 Watch out for the world’s most wanted bear 2 January 2015 (...) As soon as I (walk) into the theater, I could see I’m URBANBUZZ / ALAMY / FOTOARENA the oldest one (excluding those parents), and I (feel) a bit embarrassed – sitting alone surrounded by hyperactive children. But then, as the film goes, I found out watching Paddington is one of the best decisions I (make) recently, and that is not exaggerating, because as I watched that little talking bear roam around London, I found the inner child inside of me who’s been lost for quite some time. I (never laugh) and screamed so freely along with those children and I feel totally not out of place. (...) Paddington truly is a surprising movie, and it surely is the best non-animated family film (make) in 2014. It is ridiculous yet believable. Unlike the increasing amount of farces that call themselves “comedies”, Paddington is truly hilarious and heartwarming with a story that is so rich and compelling. And I would recommend Paddington to anyone, and if you (not watch) it yet, go watch it and you will find it’s the best decision you (ever make). 76 out of 95 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote! IMDB. Paddington. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Unit 8 147 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 147 08/08/2022 19:40 13 Choose two equivalent sentences in meaning to “I have never laughed and screamed so freely”. a. I haven’t laughed and screamed so freely before. b. This is the first time I have laughed and screamed so freely. c. This is not the first time I have laughed and screamed so freely. 14 The following texts are also reviews of the movie Paddington. Replace each icon with ever or never. 10 manofthemoon Feb 15, 2015 Even if you’ve read the books or seen the TV series (I haven’t), this is still a lot of fun. Silly jokes in a highly enjoyable, nicely played film that contains many laugh out loud funny moments. A surprising treat. 3 of 3 users found this helpful    3    0 10 laragrigull1897 Feb 20, 2015 Very good movie! Lots of humour, good for the kids and just about everyone. You are not too old for this movie. It is the best movie I have watched in my life. PS: Better than it appears in the trailer! 0 of 0 users found this helpful    0    0 METACRITIC. Paddington. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022 15 Are the movie reviews on this page positive, mixed or negative? GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 180. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Have you ever watched the Oscars Ceremony on television? Do you know what was last year’s best picture? 18 2 Listen to two artists presenting the Oscar for best animated feature at the 85th Academy Awards (2013). Which animated feature film was the winner? WALT DISNEY ANIMATION STUDIOS/ EVERETT COLLECTION / FOTOARENA WALT DISNEY PICTURES/COURTESY WALT DISNEY PICTURES/ALBUM / PIXAR ANIMATION STUDIOS/ ALBUM / FOTOARENA ALBUM / FOTOARENA a. Brave b. Frankenweenie c. Wreck-It Ralph 148 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 148 08/08/2022 19:40 18 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The directors of the winning animated feature film are I. Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. LLSTAR PICTURE LIBRARY / ALAMY / FOTOARENA II. Sam Fell and Chris Butler. b. The male director said that I. making a movie has its own story. II. his daughter inspired the movie into being. c. The female director thanked her husband and I. four kids. II. daughter. 18 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. Le@rning 5 What do you know about the 2013 winning animated feature film? Have on the web you ever seen it before? Is the main character female or male? What is Para conhecer mais sobre os/as vencedores/as de the story about? todos os anos do Oscar, visite: www.oscars. 6 Copy this table into your notebook. Answer the following questions by org/oscars/ceremonies replacing each icon with an appropriate answer. Then interview a (Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022). classmate. Ask extra questions and use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. Questions You Your classmate 1. What was the last movie you saw? • Who was in it? • Was it good? Why? 2. What is the best movie you have ever seen? • Why did you like it? • (Extra question) 3. What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? • What was it about? • (Extra question) 4. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? • If so, which one(s)? • (Extra question) 5. Who is your favorite actor or actress? • What movies has he/she been in? • (Extra question) Language Note Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../In my view.../From my point of view... I’m (pretty) sure that.../I (strongly) believe that... Unit 8 149 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 149 12/08/2022 07:29 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read movie reviews on pages 144, 147 and 148. Movie reviews are usually published in magazines, newspapers, and websites about movies. They can be written by professional critics or by anyone who wants to share their opinions about a movie. Movie reviews help us decide if a movie is worth seeing. Visit the websites, and (accessed on: June 23, 2022) to find other examples of movie reviews. Based on the movie reviews you read in this unit, it is your turn to write a review to express your thoughts about a particular movie. You may refer to your favorite movie, a movie you have just seen or even a movie you hate. It can be a national or international production. 1 Before writing your text, match the columns to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: I. classmates and other people b. Readers: II. school newspaper/Internet c. Genre: III. you d. Objective: IV. critical tone e. Style: V. movie review f. Media: VI. to express your thoughts about a particular movie 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.   Think of a movie you have seen to write a review of. You can write a positive, mixed or negative review. 2.  Watch the movie and take notes on relevant items (e.g. TIP acting, soundtrack, photography etc.). Ao revisar as resenhas, 3. Start your review with general information about the considere, por exemplo: • objetivo: A resenha está movie (the name of the movie, its genre, main actors, adequada ao público-alvo e country and year of release). à sua finalidade? 4.  Critique the movie by stating your opinion. Try to explain • conteúdo: Você verificou as your reasons and provide examples/specific details to informações gerais do filme (nome dos atores, país, ano support your viewpoint. de lançamento etc.)? 5. Mention if you recommend the movie or not. Be honest. • linguagem: O texto está 6. Rate the movie using an easy system (e.g. 4 out redigido de maneira clara of 5 stars). e objetiva? Você escolheu 7. Add a picture of the movie or the main characters to bons adjetivos para descrever sua opinião sobre illustrate your review. o filme? 8. Exchange reviews with a classmate and discuss them. Reescreva seu texto com base 9. Make the necessary corrections. na revisão feita por você e 10. Write the final version of the movie review. seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your movie review with your classmates and other people. You can also publish it in websites like (Accessed on: June 23, 2022). 150 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 150 08/08/2022 19:40 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about movies. Read the following infographic about gender inequality in Hollywood. Then, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. In 2017, the highest paid male actor, Mark Wahlberg, made $68 million, while the highest paid female actor, Emma Stone, made $26 million – less than the top 14 highest paid men. 75 70 $68 $65 65 millions of dollars 60 55 $54,5 $50,5 $49 50 $48 Only 3 actresses made more than $20 million 45 $43 in 2017, while 16 actors broached the mark. 40 $38 $37 $35,5 35 $31,1 $31 $30,5 $29 30 $26 $25,5 $24 25 $21,5 $21 20 $19 15 10 Mark Wahlberg (46) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (45) Vin Diesel (50) Adam Sandler (51) Jackie Chan (63) Robert Downey Jr. (52) Tom Cruise (55) Shah Rukh Khan (52) Salman Khan (52) Akshay Kumar (50) Chris Hemsworth (34) Tom Hanks (61) Samuel L. Jackson (69) Ryan Gosling (37) Emma Stone (29) Jennifer Aniston (48) Jennifer Lawrence (27) Ryan Reynolds (41) Matt Damon (47) Jeremy Renner (47) AGES OF TOP 10 HIGHEST PAID MALE & FEMALE ACTORS Average Age: 51.6       Average Age: 39.5 NEW YORK FILM ACADEMY. Gender inequality in film infographic by the New York Film Academy updated in 2018. 8 mar. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. • According to the text, who was paid the most in 2017: female or male stars? Who was the highest paid star? • Who was the highest paid actress in 2017? • Is the average age of the highest paid actresses in 2017 higher or lower than the average age of the highest paid actors? • Based on the infographic, is there gender equality in Hollywood movies? In your opinion, what can be done in order to improve gender diversity in the film industry? Recommended Resources Para ter acesso a mais informações sobre a desigualdade de gênero na indústria cinematográfica, visite: • • (Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022). Unit 8 151 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 151 08/08/2022 19:40 • U N I TS 7 & 8 REVIEW 4 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 When was the last time you went to the movies? What did you see? What was it about? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure and source. Is it a movie synopsis or a movie review? What is the name of the movie? Now read the text and do exercises 3-5. Review: Disneynature's ‘Monkey Kingdom’ swings with the best of them By MICHAEL RECHTSHAFFEN APR 16, 2015 | 4:01 PM DISNEYNATURE/WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES Who can say no to a monkey movie? Resistance proves particularly futile when the production in question is as amusingly fascinating as “Monkey Kingdom,” the latest entry from the ever-engaging Disneynature series of wildlife documentaries. Co-directed by Mark Linfield and Alastair Fothergill, who previously teamed on “Earth” and “Chimpanzee,” the production trains a penetrating lens on the remarkably expressive toque macaques of Sri Lanka, especially a soulful 8-year-old female named Maya who had the misfortune of being born at the bottom of a highly regimented social hierarchy. The film offers a valuable life lesson in the powers of determination and timing, but most of all it’s darned entertaining. By this point — eight titles into a successful lineup of documentaries — the filmmaking is down to a science, blending breathtaking cinematography with a compelling original storyline and playful narration that’s a far cry from the studied readings of those old-school nature docs. Lending “Monkey Kingdom” a bonus coolness factor is Tina Fey, who, like narrator John C. Reilly in the 2014 film “Bears,” isn’t afraid to let her personality to shine through. Rather than playing the impartial voice for hire, she jumps right into the mischievous fray, making this already delightful dissection of the business of monkey business that much more infectious. RECHTSHAFFEN, Michael. Review: Disneynature’s ‘Monkey Kingdom’ swings with the best of them. Los Angeles Times, 16 abr. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. 152 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 152 08/08/2022 19:41 3 Replace the icons with information about the movie Monkey Kingdom to complete the following box. Monkey Kingdom G | 82 min | 17 April 2015 (USA) • Genre: • Directors: • Star: • Filming Location: 4 Is the movie review of Monkey Kingdom positive or negative? Choose a fragment from the text to support your answer. 5 What adjectives does the author of the text use to describe the following items? Replace each icon with an adjective. a. Movie production: d. Storyline: b. Female monkey Maya: e. Narration: c. Cinematography: LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Present Perfect 1 Get to know some interesting facts about the UK movie industry. Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following sentences. Use the present perfect. a. 25% of Internet users over 12 years old (download) or streamed a feature film online. b. Video on Demand (VoD) (…) (double) in size since 2011 (…). c. (…) the number of films made (drop) from 331 in 2011 to 249 in 2012. JUICE DASH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM d. 80% of all the writers and directors that the British Film Institute (BFI) (track) in the last ten years have only ever been involved with one independent feature film. e. The BFI says: “(…) audiences (…) (become) more selective about the films they watch in 3D, and choose STEPHEN FOLLOWS. 49 Interesting facts about the 3D where the effect makes a perceived contribution to UK film industry. 24 jul. 2013. Disponível em: https:// the experience”. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Review 4 153 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 153 08/08/2022 19:41 Present Perfect or Simple Past? 2 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following movie reviews. Use the simple past or the present perfect. Black or White SUNLIGHT PRODUCTIONS/TREEHOUSE Thegodfatherson 7 Jan 30, 2015 I (like) it. Kevin Costner (be) really good (…) and the emotional FILMS/RELATIVITY MEDIA story is the best (…) I (see) (…). Black or White (be) a good film, it may not be the best drama out there but it sure makes you cry. 1 of 1 users found this helpful   1  0 METACRITIC. Black or white. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Home 8 jlplatten Mar 27, 2015 DREAMWORKS ANIMATION/20TH This movie is good! I’ll admit that the beginning was a little bit chaotic story telling wise, but as the film progresses it gets better and better, and you end up leaving the theater in a good mood. Everyone I (talk) to who (see) CENTURY FOX this movie have all agreed this movie was enjoyable. Not a single person (tell) me it was bad. If you got kids, they’re sure to love this movie. 6 of 10 users found this helpful   6   4 METACRITIC. Home. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Maleficent WALT DISNEY PICTURES/ROTH FILMS/WALT 8 XyberDAWG DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES May 30, 2014 Maleficent (be) truly amazing in my opinion. I (love) the back story to Maleficent (…). The plot twists were great, I (not see) them coming, as I do in most movies. I (go) with my wife, and her cousin, none of us (expect) it to be great, but we all (leave) deeply satisfied thinking it was one of the best movies of this season. (…) 5 of 12 users found this helpful   5   7    METACRITIC. Maleficent. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. 154 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 154 08/08/2022 19:41 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. Reading • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics. Grammar • I can use the present perfect. • I can use the simple past. Listening • I can extract important information from short broadcasts, provided people talk clearly. • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. • I can understand phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority, provided people articulate clearly and slowly. Speaking • I can answer simple questions and respond to simple statements in an interview. • I can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. • I can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Writing • I can write a weather forecast. • I can write a movie review. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 7-8? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Group different linking words/phrases according to their meaning. Review 4 155 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 155 08/08/2022 19:41 TO G E T H E R 4 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 7, you have talked about global climate change. In this section, you are going to create a campaign poster to urge people to stand up to stand up to sb/sth — phrasal verb with climate change. stand verb UK /stænd/ US /stænd/ 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its slogan, picture stood | stood and source. What do you expect to read about? to defend yourself against a 2 Now read the text to check your predictions. powerful person or organization when they treat you unfairly: • He wasn't afraid to stand up to bullies. STAND UP TO SB/STH. In: CAMBRIDGE Dictionary. 2022. Disponível em: https:// dictionary/english/stand-up- to-sb-sth. Acesso em: 2 jul. 2022. UNDP CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION UNDP. Are you seeing the climate, change. 2022. 1 imagem. Disponível em: www. default/files/resources/ feeling_the_change_flyers_ lynin_house_coral_reef.pdf. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2022. 156 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT4-156a157-LA-G24.indd 156 15/08/2022 17:59 3 What is the main aim of the campaign poster? Choose a or b. Think about it! a. To share statistics on global climate change. Qual jogo de palavras é utilizado no slogan do cartaz para chamar b. To encourage people to stand up to climate change. a atenção dos leitores? Como a imagem reforça o que está escrito? 4 The following elements are usually employed in campaign posters to catch the reader’s attention. Choose the ones you can find in the text you read. a. An eye-catching picture. d. A website for further information. b. A slogan or a headline message. e. Fonts in different colors and sizes for c. All the verbs in the imperative. emphasis. 5 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. According to the text, why are coral reefs looking less colorful? b. What sign of global climate change mentioned in the text is responsible for killing coral reefs? c. Do you know other examples of the signs of climate change? d. The campaign poster you read invites us to act now if we want to preserve the beautiful reefs in Belize, a Caribbean country on the northeaster cost of Central America. In your opinion, how can people do their part to stop climate change? 6 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to create a campaign poster to urge people to stand up to climate change. TASK In small groups, you and your classmates are going to create a campaign poster in order to encourage people to stop climate change. You can write about specific topics related to climate change and its impacts (e.g. how climate change can harm food production, human health, destroy the places where animals live). You can also visit the following websites to get some ideas: • • • (Accessed on: July 3, 2022). Think of ideas for slogans, pictures, fonts and overall messages. Try to add some relevant information in a smaller JENNY ON THE MOON/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM font size based on what you learned about climate change and its impacts. Share your campaign poster with other classmates. You can put it up on a bulletin board or on the Internet (e.g. the school website or a non-profit organization’s website). Working Together 4 157 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-WT4-156a157-LA-G24.indd 157 08/08/2022 19:44 PROJECTS PROJECT 1 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Embracing Diversity Na unidade 3, você falou sobre a importância do respeito e da valorização da diversidade para a construção de uma sociedade justa e igualitária e, na unidade 4, você falou sobre o direito à liberdade de expressão. Agora, leia as orientações de TASK 1 para realizar a primeira etapa do Project 1, Embracing Diversity. TASK 1 I n small groups, interview someone from your community who has an inspiring story about diversity to tell. When preparing for the interview, you should have in mind that the main aim of the interview is to get to know an inspiring story that can help people be more aware of diversity and embrace it. Visit the following links to get to know how to conduct an interview: •; TIP Para criar um clima • descontraído, comece (Accessed on: July 13, 2022.) a entrevista com uma conversa casual. Use um roteiro de perguntas Remember that before starting the interview, it is necessary to get curtas para ajudar você the interviewee’s permission to take notes and use them to make a a conduzir a entrevista, mas evite lê-las para podcast. Tell him/her that you are going to create a podcast in English não criar um tom muito and share it later on the Internet. Also, ask for the interviewee’s formal. A partir do que permission to publish his/her photograph and a short text about him/ é dito, podem surgir questões não previstas. her to introduce the podcast. “It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” Maya Angelou KEN CHARNOCK/GETTY IMAGES STAFF WRITERS. The 50 top ethnically diverse colleges in America. Best College Reviews. 6 abr. 2022. Disponível em: www. diverse-colleges. Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. In this part of the project, it is only necessary to interview a person with an inspiring story and take notes. Later, you are going to create a podcast to share the person’s story. 158 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 158 08/08/2022 19:46 Leia as orientações de TASK 2 e siga as instruções para realizar a segunda etapa do Project 1, Embracing Diversity. TIP Podcast é um arquivo TASK 2 A  fter having interviewed someone with an inspiring story about digital de áudio que se diversity, it is time to review your notes to create a podcast and encontra disponível na internet. Os conteúdos share the story with your local community and the world! podem variar bastante, mas é comum haver 1. Produce it! In groups, review your notes and select the most interesting depoimentos, entrevistas, parts of the interview. Reconstruct the person’s story to create a dicas, instruções e/ou podcast. You can add music and sound effects, but make sure they can comentários em geral. be used for free. Visit the following link to learn how to create your own podcast: Accessed on: July 27, 2022. 2. Share it locally! Organize an event at your school in which you play the podcasts that you and your classmates have recorded. You can organize the stories by the dimensions of diversity (ethnic, cultural, gender, etc.). Invite teachers, family members, friends and, if possible, the people interviewed to listen to the podcasts and join in a discussion on the topic. 3. Share it globally! Publish the podcast on the school’s website or on a blog and let people all over the world get inspired by the stories! You can also publish a photograph of the interviewee and a short text to introduce the podcast. VH-STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Think about it! Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir. • Como você se sentiu ao entrevistar uma pessoa que contou uma história inspiradora sobre diversidade e respeito às diferenças? • Como foi a apresentação dos podcasts e a discussão sobre diversidade na escola? Todos/as participaram? • Como as pessoas reagiram aos podcasts na internet? • Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? • Você acredita que sua escola possa desenvolver iniciativas para a promoção da diversidade? Em caso afirmativo, quais? Projects 159 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 159 08/08/2022 19:46 PROJECT 2 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Learning with Movies Na unidade 2, você falou sobre igualdade de direitos e, na unidade 8, sobre filmes. Agora, leia as orientações de TASK 1 para realizar a primeira etapa do Project 2, Learning with Movies. TASK 1 I n small groups, work on a short movie script based on scenes from different inspirational movies you have already seen or TIP O script de um filme, heard of. Select the most interesting dialogs related to the peça, novela ou programa topic “equal rights for all” and arrange them together to create de rádio é um roteiro com a coherent script. You can add some short sentences of your falas, informações sobre a cena, o som, a imagem own to make the transition from one scene to another. You are etc. Um script baseado not supposed to create a whole new movie script, but make a na compilação de cenas compilation of scenes that should last from 5 to 10 minutes when já existentes é um roteiro organizado a partir de performed. Make your script really moving and don’t forget to um eixo temático que dá choose an appealing title. sentido ao conjunto de cenas selecionadas. Suggested movies about equal rights for all. PLAN B ENTERTAINMENT/CLOUD EIGHT FILMS/ HARPO FILMS/PATHÉ/PARAMOUNT PICTURES Selma. Directed by Ava DuVernay. USA, 2014. A chronicle of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s campaign to secure equal voting rights via an epic march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, in 1965. IMDB. Selma. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. ENTERTAINMENT/ HARBINGER PICTURES/1492 The Help. Directed by Tate Taylor. USA, 2011. DREAMWORKS PICTURES/RELIANCE PICTURES/WALT DISNEY PICTURES An aspiring author during the civil rights movement of the 1960s decides to write a book detailing the African American maids’ point of view on the white families for which they work, and the hardships they go through on a daily basis. IMDB. The help. 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2022. In this part of the project, it is only necessary to write a first draft. Later, you are going to improve your text and perform it. 160 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 160 08/08/2022 19:46 Leia as orientações de TASK 2 e siga as instruções para realizar a segunda etapa do Project 2, Learning with Movies. TASK 2 A  fter having prepared an inspiring short script with selected movies scenes, it is time to perform it to your local community and share it with the world! 1. Produce it! In groups, review the draft you and your classmates wrote in the first part of this project. Then get ready to perform it! Assign roles, plan settings, gather props and rehearse the script. If necessary, you can make adjustments to the script. Don’t forget to choose songs and/or incidental music to accompany the script. 2. Share it locally! Organize a drama event at your school to share the performance that you and your classmates have been working on. Invite teachers, family members, friends, and other people from your community to watch your performance. 3. Share it globally! If you feel comfortable, you can video or audiotape your performance and publish the video or podcast on the school website. Publish it on the Internet and let people all over the world get inspired by your video! KOZLIK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Think about it! Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir. • Como você se sentiu ao selecionar cenas para criar um roteiro inspirador? E ao fazer a apresentação? • Como foi a apresentação na escola? • Como as pessoas reagiram ao trabalho publicado na internet? • Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? • Você acredita que a sua apresentação possa transformar, de alguma forma, a vida das pessoas na sua comunidade? Projects 161 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 161 08/08/2022 19:46 GAMES NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GAME 1 NÃO NÃO ESCREVA ESCREVA EM EM SEU SEU LIVRO. LIVRO. It’s time to play Blockbusters with your classmates. Instructions • Em seu caderno, reproduza o diagrama a seguir. • Escolha um grupo: Group A ou Group B. • Na sua vez de jogar, escolha uma casa e elabore uma frase com a palavra indicada e, em seguida, faça sua marcação. • O grupo vencedor do jogo é aquele que conseguir fazer marcações em sequência, sendo da esquerda para a direita (Group A) e de cima para baixo (Group B). Group B should must myself shouldn’t yourself may might Group A ourselves might 162 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 162 08/08/2022 22:20 ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI TAIRA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; might Group A themselves should may herself shouldn’t himself may must Group B Games 163 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 163 08/08/2022 22:20 GAME 2 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. It’s time to play the board game Have you ever...? with your classmates. You need: Move ahead 1 space! = Go to the next space. a die a counter Miss a turn! = You don't play the next time. Instructions • Comece o jogo na casa START. • Responda à pergunta referente a cada casa. • Jogue o dado para mover sua peça. • Ganha o jogo quem chegar primeiro à casa FINISH. 2 1 START HAVE YOU EVER SEEN HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A MOVIE ON THE THE SAME MOVIE MORE INTERNET? IF SO, WHICH THAN THREE TIMES? IF ONE(S)? SO, WHICH ONE(S)? 11 10 WHAT IS THE BEST 12 MOVIE YOU HAVE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A BRAZILIAN MOVIE? IF EVER SEEN? WHAT MOVE AHEAD IS IT ABOUT? SO, WHICH ONE(S)? 1 SPACE! 13 WHAT IS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE YOU HAVE EVER SEEN? WHAT IS IT 16 ABOUT? 14 15 HAVE YOU EVER READ AN WHAT IS THE WORST ONLINE MOVIE REVIEW? IF MOVIE YOU HAVE MISS A SO, DID YOU WATCH THE EVER SEEN? WHY? TURN! MOVIE AFTER READING ABOUT IT? 164 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 164 08/08/2022 22:20 4 HAVE YOU EVER SEEN 5 3 ANY OF THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES? IF SO, MOVE AHEAD MISS A DID YOU ENJOY THEM? 1 SPACE! TURN! GALVÃO BERTAZZI 6 HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF A MOVIE? IF SO, WHICH 9 8 ONE(S)? 7 GO BACK HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A 2 SPACES! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A HORROR MOVIE? IF SO, DOCUMENTARY? IF SO, WHICH ONE(S)? DID YOU LIKE IT? 17 18 HAVE YOU EVER RECOMMENDED A GO BACK 2 SPACES! FINISH MOVIE TO A FRIEND? IF SO, WHICH ONE(S)? Games 165 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 165 08/08/2022 22:20 SONG ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you know the American rock band 3 Doors Down? Read this short text in order to understand the band's name origin. 3 DOORS DOWN Band Members: Brad Arnold (vocals/ drums), Matt Roberts (guitars) Todd Harrell (bass), Chris Henderson (guitar). Band Name Origin: The band was walking down a street and they noticed STEPHEN J. COHEN/GETTY IMAGES a sign on an old building that said, “doors down.” They had three band members at the time. So they decided to put it all together and call themselves 3 Doors Down. DOORLY, Sean. Band name origins. Doorly. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. Now choose the correct sentences about the band. a. Brad Arnold is the lead singer of the band 3 Doors Down. b. 3 Doors Down was named after a “doors down” sign. c. The band originally consisted of four members. 19 2 Listen to part of two hits by 3 Doors Down. What is the name of each song? Choose from the options in the box. Away from the Sun • Here without You 20 3 Now listen to a song by 3 Doors Down and, in your notebook, take notes of key words and expressions you identify in the song. What is it about? Choose a or b. a. The celebration of a beautiful friendship. b. The loneliness that comes with missing someone. 166 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 166 12/08/2022 07:31 20 4 Listen to the song again and replace each icon with an expression in the box. all the time • in my dreams • lonely mind • pretty face “Here without You” older CHORUS A hundred days have made me r . Everything I know, Since the last time that I saw you er, And anywhere I go, A thousand lies have made me cold the same. It gets hard, And I don’t think I can look at this But it won’t take away my love. But all the miles that separate of your face. And when the last one falls, Disappear now when I’m dreaming When it’s all said and done, It gets hard, CHORUS: But it won’t take away my love. I’m here without you, baby, (...) But you’re still on my . I think about you, baby, And I dream about you . I’m here without you, baby, But you’re still with me , me, yeah. And tonight, girl, it’s only you and The miles just keep rollin’ say “Hello”. As the people leave their way to I’ve heard this life is overrated, we go. But I hope that it gets better as GALVÃO BERTAZZI ut You. Intérprete: 3 Doors HARRELL, Robert Todd. Here witho HEND ERSO N, Chris toph er Lee; ROBERTS, Matthew Darrick; Musi c Publi shing Group, 2002. 1 CD. Faixa 6. ARNOLD, Bradley Kirk; Down. In: Away from the Sun. [S.l.]: Universal Song 167 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 167 12/08/2022 07:31 5 Choose the lines that show the physical distance between the person in the song and his/her loved one. a. “A thousand lies have made me colder” b. “But all the miles that separate” c. “I’m here without you, baby” d. “The miles just keep rollin’” e. “Everything I know” 6 Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In “I’ve heard this life is overrated”, overrated is equivalent to I. subestimada in Portuguese. II. superestimada in Portuguese. b. In “It gets hard”, hard means I. difficult or troublesome. II. easy or uncomplicated. c. In “But it won’t take away my love”, take away means I. make something disappear. II. make something stronger. 7 In “A hundred days have made me older” and “A thousand lies have made me colder”, why is the present perfect used? Choose a or b. a. To refer to finished actions that happened at a specified time in the past. b. To refer to actions that have happened over a period of time with consequences in the present. GALVÃO BERTAZZI 168 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 168 08/08/2022 22:27 8 The following items are online comments that people have posted on a website cpl: couple bc: because about songs. Choose the items that refer to the song "Here without You". ANTLII/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. “I agree that this song is about friendship and whether or not your friends will stand by you not matter what (…).” B. from Maplewood, Mn b. “I love this song. When I hear this song I always think of my girlfriend. When I’m with her, I’m the happiest man in the world but when I’m away from her, my heart aches. (…)” T. from Degraff, Oh c. “I very much love this song since I first heard it on the Away From The Sun CD I bought 20 months ago. The melody, emotion, immense power, Brad’s voice, just everything in this song knocked me to my core. It reminded me of how I have lost loved ones in my life starting with my grandma in 1998 and then just recently my father. (…)” J. from Henrico, Va d. “I absolutely love this song... this is one of the songs my boyfriend sent me on a CD when we broke up in 2003, 4 years later and we’re back together... To me its about a cpl being together and he misses her so much bc she was selfish and broke his heart. All he can dream and think about is her. And loves her dearly... wishing for her to be back into his arms one day!” M. from Madison, Nc e. “I LOVE the line: ‘I really don’t mind what happens now and then As long as you’ll be my friend at the end’, because it’s so true. It really doesn’t matter what happens as long as we stay friends... The entire song is just reeeeeally cool! I always listen to it on my way to school...” J. from Atlanta, Ga SONGFACTS. Kryptonite. 2022. Disponível em:; SONGFACTS. Here without You. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. 20 9 Listen to the song again and sing along! Song 169 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 169 12/08/2022 07:32 O N TH E SCREEN ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Esta seção apresenta estratégias que vão ajudar você a se sentir mais confiante ao assistir a filmes em inglês. Você vai aprender mais sobre os diferentes usos da língua inglesa em diversos contextos. 1 Have you ever seen the movie Spanglish (Espanglês in Portuguese)? Take a look at the movie poster and answer the following questions about it. a. What kind of movie is it? b. Who plays the role of the male protagonist? c. What language does “a language all its own” refer to? 2 Take another look at the movie poster and, based on the statement “Every family has a hero” and the text “Usage note”, discuss the following questions with a classmate. Usage note In its earliest use, the word hero was applied almost exclusively to a man. The corresponding word heroine was – and still is – reserved for a woman. Hero is still sometimes used to refer specifically to a man: British heroes and heroines. But hero is now considered to be a gender-neutral word, and is also increasingly used to refer to a woman (…). GRACIE FILMS/COLUMBIA PICTURES HERO. In: DICTIONARY.COM. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2022. a. Do you know any words in Portuguese that have changed in the same way? b. What kind of family do you expect to be portrayed in the movie? Think about it! Um fenômeno que vem ocorrendo nos Estados Unidos devido ao grande número de imigrantes falantes de espanhol é o Spanglish, mistura de espanhol e inglês (Spanish e English, em inglês). O Spanglish é um exemplo de quebra de barreiras linguísticas e culturais entre dois idiomas que, cada vez mais, vem fazendo parte de diversas manifestações artísticas e culturais, como poemas, murais e músicas. Por exemplo, a versão em Spanglish da música “Beautiful Liar”, dueto entre as cantoras Beyoncé e Shakira, alterna entre os dois idiomas. Você conhece outros exemplos de músicas em Spanglish? Em caso afirmativo, quais? 170 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-OS-170a173-LA-G24.indd 170 12/08/2022 07:33 Read the following summary of Spanglish and do exercises 3 and 4. HTTPS://WWW.IMDB.COM When a Mexican mother and her daughter come to the United States, the mother, Flor Moreno, gets a job as a maid at the home of a successful chef John Clasky, his insecure wife Deborah, their two children, and Deborah’s mother. Despite Flor’s lack of an English language vocabulary, she tries the best she can to assist the Clasky family in more than just house cleaning matters. However, when Flor is forced to live with the family over the summer, she has no choice but to bring her daughter, Christina [Cristina], along. Deborah, much to Flor’s disliking, treats Flor’s daughter much like her own and at the same time she hurts the feelings of her own daughter, Bernice, as well as Flor. When John’s dreams begin to unravel, he begins to feel like his whole world is coming down around him, but with the love of his children and with the help of Flor, he finds himself trying to get through it all. Flor’s daughter, Christina, through which this story is told in a college letter to Princeton University, serves as a translator for the beginning of the film, but after Flor breaks the communication bridge by learning to speak English, Christina must learn that things come and go in life, but family is the most important thing a person can have. — thexotherxchris THEXOTHERXCHRIS. Summaries. In: IMDB. Espanglês (2004). 1990-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022 3 Match the columns and get to know who the characters are. a. Flor I. A successful chef. b. John II. Flor’s daughter. c. Deborah III. John’s wife. d. Cristina IV. John and Deborah’s daughter. e. Bernice V. A Mexican mother who works as a maid for the Clasky family. 4 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. a. Flor speaks very little English. b. Deborah treats Cristina and Bernice the same way. c. Deborah serves as a translator for Flor. d. The movie is about the importance of family in someone’s life. On the Screen 171 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-OS-170a173-LA-G24.indd 171 08/08/2022 22:29 5 Spanglish starts with Cristina Moreno applying for Princeton University, in the USA. Read part of the story of her childhood in her college essay. Then, answer the following questions. TIP Ao assistir a um filme em língua inglesa com legendas em inglês, To the Dean of Admissions, procure entender Princeton University... o significado de palavras e expressões from Cristina Moreno. desconhecidas pelo Most influential person: My mother. No contest. contexto. O que você I think I have been pointing toward this essay... ever since the day, não compreender, anote em uma years ago in Mexico, when my father left. folha para checar o Such was my mother’s need to protect me... significado depois. Evite pausar o filme that she would not let me see her cry. para consultar o The trick was... get over it as quickly and privately as possible. dicionário. Such was my need to protect her... that I never let on that I could hear her. My mother kept us in Mexico as long as possible... to root me in all things Latin. Finally, she sensed our last opportunity for change. We would leave for America. “One tear.” “Just one.” “So make it a good one,” she said. essay: redação root: criar raízes She would be my Mexico. (…) trick: truque DREW’S SCRIPT-O-RAMA. Spanglish script – dialogue transcript. 1995-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. a. Who is Cristina’s most influential person? b. Why did Cristina’s mother keep her daughter in Mexico as long as possible? c. What was Cristina and her mother’s last opportunity for change? d. Based on Cristina’s story, is the statement from the movie poster (“Every family has a hero.”) true? Why (not)? A.F. ARCHIVE / ALAMY / FOTOARENA 172 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-OS-170a173-LA-G24.indd 172 08/08/2022 22:29 6 Spanglish shows that there are many factors involved when trying to toss: jogar, lançar, atirar reach a successful interaction between people from different cultures, such as the cultural background of each person and non-verbal communication cues (e.g. gestures, facial expressions). Read the following movie transcript and find out how communication is established. A.F. ARCHIVE / ALAMY / FOTOARENA Deb: “Just sit right here.” Flor: [Sits down. She did not understand the words Deb said, but she understood the gesture she made.] Deb: “Just... Just... Just toss it.” Flor: [She had a toy in her hands and did not know what to do with it. Once more, because of the gesture Deb made, she understood she should throw it somewhere.] MARTINEZ, Diana. Cross-cultural understanding between Mexicans and Americans based on the movie Spanglish. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, v. 8, n. 6, p. 1-23. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2022. TIP Think about it! Ao assistir a filmes No filme, a mexicana Flor tenta preservar seus valores e sua cultura, mas, ao em inglês, observe trabalhar na casa de uma família estadunidense, percebe a necessidade de utilizar a a linguagem não língua inglesa, sobretudo para se comunicar melhor no trabalho e não se afastar de verbal utilizada sua filha, que já está envolvida com a cultura e o idioma do país em que estão vivendo. pelos personagens Para você, o que a comunicação em inglês entre pessoas de diferentes contextos para ajudar você culturais pode proporcionar? Na sua opinião, essa comunicação intercultural pode ser um instrumento de valorização pessoal? Por quê? No filme, ao usarem o inglês para a compreender interagir com pessoas de uma cultura diferente da delas, Flor e sua filha estabelecem o significado de um intercâmbio que promove uma reflexão sobre os valores, a cultura e o papel social palavras e expressões de cada personagem. Você acredita que, no mundo globalizado, a comunicação entre desconhecidas e a pessoas de diferentes culturas por meio da língua inglesa pode ser um instrumento de situação como um todo. construção de identidades? Por quê? On the Screen 173 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-OS-170a173-LA-G24.indd 173 08/08/2022 22:29 VOCABULARY CORNER NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. A seção Vocabulary Corner organiza, revisa e amplia o vocabulário estudado em cada unidade. Em seu caderno, escreva uma palavra ou expressão adequada para substituir cada ícone que aparece ao longo desta seção. UNIT 1 Internet Slang TIP before • best friends forever • direct message • Organizar as palavras for your information • forever • great • hugs and kisses • e expressões por temas é uma boa forma de I don’t know • I love you • laughing out loud • please • estudar vocabulário. A see ya/see you • sorry • text • thanks • partir dos conteúdos throwback Thursday • today • why • you too • your apresentados nesta seção, você pode criar, com seus/suas colegas, 2DAY K OK cartazes ilustrados sobre diferentes assuntos e afixá-los na sala de aula 4EVER LOL ou na escola para ajudar todos/as a aprender B4 PLS novas palavras em inglês. BFF SRY B4N bye for now TBH to be honest CYA TBT DM THX/THKS FYI TXT GR8 U2 IDK UR ILU XOXO IMO in my opinion Y IMHO in my humble opinion ZZZ sleeping 174 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 174 08/08/2022 22:33 UNIT 3 Word Formation: Prefixes Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre prefixos na unidade 3. Prefixos Palavras Classe Gramatical Exemplos in- un- Linking Words/Phrases Copie as tabelas a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre conectores na unidade 3. Addition Result • Also • And • As a result • Both • Consequently • • • Moreover • • Too Condition Sequence • • Before that • As long as • In conclusion • If • Finally • • Firstly • Secondly • Then Vocabulary Corner 175 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 175 08/08/2022 22:33 UNIT 4 Collocations Copie os diagramas a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre combinações de palavras na unidade 4. in a circus a picture a duet act in a comedy show a portrait a repertoire in a movie a wall like an angel a good impression a concert a letter a noise a task a novel money in public an essay Linking Words/Phrases Copie as tabelas a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre conectores na unidade 4. Contrast Result • But • As a result • However • Consequently • • • On the contrary • UNIT 5 Health Problems ILUTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI a. backache b. c. 176 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 176 08/08/2022 22:33 d. g. j. sore throat e. h. k. ILUTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI f. i. rash l. UNIT 6 Collocations Copie os diagramas a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre combinações de palavras na unidade 6. “(…) Lutz developed an interest in the growing women’s suffrage movement in the UK.” adjectives + INTEREST verbs + INTEREST INTEREST + preposition • avid, close, considerable, deep, great, intense, keen, lively, • • in passionate, strong “(…) but she felt a keen affinity with their goals.” adjectives + AFFINITY verbs + AFFINITY AFFINITY + preposition • close, keen, great, natural, real, special, strong •  , have, share • TSJENG, Zing. Forgotten women: the scientists. Londres: Octopus Publishing Group, 2018. p. 50-52. Vocabulary Corner 177 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 177 08/08/2022 22:33 MYKOLA MAZURYK/ CHRISTIAN ROBERTS-OLSEN/ MAAN ICONS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 178 a. a. b. UNIT b. foggy 7 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 178 The Weather ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MKFILM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ALI. FAHMI/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. c. d. d. Natural Disasters ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM TREKANDSHOOT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM FOTOKINA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM f. e. e. What’s the weather like today? It’s . f. landslide ELENA BUDNIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM IGORZH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM LYSOGOR ROMAN/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM h. g. windy g. avalanche 08/08/2022 22:34 c. b. UNIT 8 a. adventure D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-VC-174a179-LA-G24.indd 179 WALT DISNEY PICTURES/PIXAR ANIMATION MARVEL STUDIOS/WALT DISNEY UNIVERSAL PICTURES/AMBLIN STUDIOS/WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT/UNIVERSAL PICTURES PICTURES conectores na unidade 8. Kinds of Movie f. e. d. • Like • For example • For instance Linking Words/Phrases NETFLIX URBANBUZZ / ALAMY / FOTOARENA WORKING TITLE FILMS/NETFLIX • i. g. h. My favorite kind of movie is Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua o ícone Exemplification . • That is (i.e.) PARAMOUNT PICTURES/20TH CENTURY THE MOVING PICTURE COMPANY (MPC)/ WALT DISNEY PICTURES/MANDEVILLE FOX/LIGHTSTORM ENTERTAINMENT MARVEL FILMS/WALT DISNEY PICTURES FILMS/WALT DISNEY STUDIOS MOTION PICTURES j. k. thriller l. western pelo que você aprendeu sobre Vocabulary Corner TOUCHSTONE PICTURES/BEACON LAURENCE MARK PRODUCTIONS/CHERNIN STAGE 6 FILMS/WWE STUDIOS/DIAMOND COMMUNICATIONS/TIG PRODUCTIONS/ ENTERTAINMENT/20TH CENTURY STUDIOS FILMS/TRISTAR PICTURES BUENA VISTA PICTURES 179 11/08/2022 10:51 R E FE R E N C E LANGUAGE C T I C E EXT R A P R A UNIT 1 Review: Relative Pronouns Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do pronome relativo that. What Is Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like NADIA SNOPEK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. (…) STOPBULLYING.GOV. What is cyberbullying. 5 nov. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o pronome relativo that é utilizado ao definir o que é cyberbullying. Trata-se de bullying que ocorre em contextos virtuais. • Usamos pronomes relativos para unir elementos em uma frase e para evitar repetição. Note que os pronomes relativos se referem a um elemento anterior: • Who se refere a pessoas. She is the person who bullies everybody. • Whose indica posse e se refere tanto a pessoas quanto a coisas. This is the girl whose friend I talked about. • That se refere a coisas ou a pessoas. “Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices (…).” • Which se refere a coisas. Digital devices, which are becoming more and more popular, cannot facilitate bullying. 180 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 180 08/08/2022 22:42 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. The following fragments are about different risks of social media. Replace each icon with the correct relative pronoun in parentheses to complete them. a. “Privacy controls over (which/who) can view or access posted material vary across apps, and many users are not aware of how to use them effectively.” b. “Apps (that/whose) allow for real-time user videos ‘live streaming’ can be used to show bullying (…) and harmful acts as they are happening.” c. “Some apps (that/whose) include location information can be used to get personal information, such as someone’s age, current location, or where someone lives.” d. “Apps that support telephone calls do not show up on a call log, so parents may not know (which/who) their children are talking to.” STOPBULLYING.GOV. Social media, apps, and sites commonly used by children and teens. 14 set. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Modal Verbs: Should, Must Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do verbo modal must. The Role of Universities in Combating Fake News MCLITTLE STOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Separating fake from real news or even separating news from opinion requires a reasonable intellectual consensus. Too often, the standard seems to be “I disagree with the news or source, therefore it must be fake news.” Nor is it easy to detect dubious networking patterns that so often emulate less nefarious patterns. CLAMPITT, Phillip G. Why fake news can be great news for universities. National Communication Association. 15 ago. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o verbo modal must é utilizado para fazer uma dedução, no caso, indicar a probabilidade de uma notícia ser falsa (“it must be fake news”). • Podemos usar o verbo modal must para indicar probabilidade, dedução ou conclusão lógica. Note que usamos verbos modais antes de um verbo principal no infinitivo (sem a partícula to). “(...) it must be fake news.”      He must be lying. • Para indicar que algo é improvável (de acontecer), costumamos usar o verbo modal can’t/cannot antes do verbo principal em vez de must na negativa (must not/mustn’t). It can’t be true. She’s always telling lies. • O verbo modal should também pode ser utilizado para indicar probabilidade, dedução ou conclusão lógica. Trata-se de uma forma mais suave de must. A forma negativa de should é should not (shouldn’t). Use of updated information shouldn’t be a red flag. Language Reference + Extra Practice 181 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 181 08/08/2022 22:42 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Based on what you know about fake news, replace each icon with the correct modal verb in parentheses to complete the sentences. a. If the story is well-presented and has no spelling errors, it (should/shouldn’t) lead you to false facts. b. Unusual URL endings (such as “”) (must/shouldn’t) contain unreliable sources of information. UNIT 2 Modal Verbs: May, Might, Must Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do verbo modal might. Diversity starts in schools – children need to see a wider range of careers Athene Donald Ask a seven-year-old “what do you want to do when you grow up?” and you’ll get an answer built on very limited SHUTTERSTOCK.COM WAVEBREAKMEDIA/ experience. But unless children are exposed to a wide range of options how can they know what opportunities exist that might interest them? DONALD, Athene. Diversity starts in schools - children need to see a wider range of careers. The Guardian, 26 jan. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o verbo modal might é utilizado para questionar a possibilidade de crianças se interessarem por oportunidades de carreira disponíveis (“what opportunities exist that might interest them?”). • Usamos, geralmente, o verbo modal may ou might para indicar possibilidade e o verbo modal must para indicar obrigatoriedade, necessidade. Note que usamos verbos modais antes de um verbo principal no infinitivo (sem a partícula to). “what opportunities exist that might interest them?” Gender stereotypes may play a negative role when choosing a career. All students at this school must wear a uniform. • Para formar frases negativas com may ou might, usamos not depois do verbo modal e antes do verbo principal. They may not come with me.   She might not be at home. • A forma must not indica proibição. Para indicar ausência de necessidade ou de obrigação, usamos a forma negativa de have to. You must not disrespect anyone.    You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. 182 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 182 11/08/2022 11:48 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace each icon with may play or must be to complete the following items about gender equality. a. “Girls and boys actively involved in preventing and responding to gender discrimination.” b. “Some forms of cultural identity and expression (…) in interactions with restriction of resources a major part in patterns of extreme gender inequality.” SHEAHAN, Frances. Policy on gender equality. Red Barnet. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Reflexive Pronouns empowerment: empoderamento Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do pronome reflexivo themselves. ensure: garantir NEW KATIBA: PRESSING FOR GENDER EQUALITY The new constitution has the responsibility to ensure that all its actions promote and protect OVEREARTH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM gender equality and women’s empowerment. Ensuring and advancing gender equality and empowering women are widely recognized as ends in themselves as well as means to achieve Tanzania’s goals of peace and security as well as sustainable economic and social development. MSOSOKA, Valerie N. New Katiba: pressing for gender equality. Daily News, 14 ago. 2013. Disponível em: -gender-equality.aspx. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o pronome reflexivo themselves é utilizado para se referir à palavra “ends”. • Usamos pronomes reflexivos quando o sujeito e o objeto da ação são a mesma pessoa. She looked at herself in the mirror. The players hurt themselves in the match. • Usamos também pronomes reflexivos quando enfatizamos o agente da ação. I found it myself. The singer wrote the lyrics herself, without any help. Veja, no quadro a seguir, os reflexive pronouns. Subject I you he she it we you they Pronouns Reflexive myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves Pronouns Language Reference + Extra Practice 183 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 183 25/04/23 20:49 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace each icon with the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentences. a. All young people should believe in . c. I wrote the speech . b. She decorated the house . UNIT 3 First Conditional Leia a citação a seguir e observe o uso da oração condicional do tipo 1 (first conditional). “If you believe you can make a difference, then you will make a difference. Believe in yourself, your family and your community and you will win.” Lindsay Fox ADU, Kori. There's power in your network. Foundervine, 13 ago. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. • Usamos a oração condicional do tipo 1 (first conditional) para apresentar situações possíveis e prováveis de acontecer no presente ou no futuro. A estrutura dessa oração condicional é: Oração condicional Oração principal If + verbo no simple present, will + forma básica do verbo principal. If you trust yourself, any choice you make will be right. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t succeed. • Se invertermos a posição das orações, eliminamos a vírgula. Any choice you make will be right if you trust yourself. You won’t succeed if you don’t believe in yourself. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following quotes. a. “So that’s my philosophy: If you believe in yourself, the chances and the opportunities (come around).” – Mindy Cohn b. “Some people (believe) anything if you whisper it to them.” – Miguel de Unamuno c. “If you (have) something to say of any worth, then people will listen to you.” – Oscar Peterson d. “If I (not practice) the way I should, then I (not play) the way that I know I can.” – Ivan Lendl MARRIED BIOGRAPHY. Mindy Cohn biography. 23 jun. 2022. Disponível em:; INSTITUTE OF WORLD CULTURE. Miguel de Unamuno: his life and philosophy. [2022?]. Disponível em: pdf; TANVEER NASEER LEADERSHIP. What jazz taught me about leadership. 2022. Disponível em: from-the-world-of-jazz/; GANZ, Julie. (ed.). The little green book of tennis wisdom. Nova York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2016. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. 184 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 184 11/08/2022 10:56 UNIT 4 Second Conditional Leia a citação a seguir e observe o uso da oração condicional do tipo 2 (second conditional). “I would give no thought of what the world might say of me if I could only transmit to posterity the reputation of an honest man.” Sam Houston YOUNG, David. Breakthrough power for leaders: a daily guide to an extraordinary life. Texas: Wind Runner Press, 2011. p. 145. • Usamos a oração condicional do tipo 2 (second conditional) para apresentar situações hipotéticas ou pouco prováveis no presente ou no futuro. A estrutura dessa oração condicional é: Oração condicional Oração principal If + verbo no simple past, would + forma básica do verbo principal. If I had the chance, I wouldn’t do anything different. If I had the money, I would travel all over the world for a year. • Se invertermos a posição das orações, eliminamos a vírgula. I wouldn’t do anything different if I had the chance. I would travel all over the world for a year if I had the money. • Na oração condicional do tipo 2, geralmente utilizamos a forma were (passado do verbo to be) para todas as pessoas. If life were predictable, it wouldn’t be life. If I were you, I wouldn’t miss this opportunity. yesteryear: passado ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following quotes. a. “If I were an animal, I (be) an eagle.” – Jamie Foxx b. “If I (can) change one thing about myself... I would try to control my generosity.” – Jimmy Cliff c. “I (not want) to live if I could not perform. It’s in my will. I am not to be revived unless I can do an hour of stand-up.” – Joan Rivers d. “I have no interest in returning to yesteryear. I love the conveniences and delights of today’s time. I (not go back) if I (can).” – Charles R. Swindoll FOLLOWING FULFILLMENT. The best Abdul Kalam Tamil quotes. 2022. Disponível em:; IMDB. Jimmy Cliff: quotes. 1990-2022. Disponível em:; JOAN Rivers, comedy pioneer and TV host, dies at 81. NBC News, 4 set. 2014. Disponível em:; THOUGHTS while shaving., 19 set. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. Language Reference + Extra Practice 185 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 185 11/08/2022 10:57 UNIT 5 Modal Verbs: Should, Must, Have to Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do verbo modal should. earbuds: fones de ouvido How Can I Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss? The best way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss is to protect your ears from loud noises: • Move away from loud sounds or speakers. • Turn down the volume when listening to music or watching TV. When SHUTTERSTOCK.COM wearing earphones or earbuds, you should be able to hear conversations OSMAN VECTOR/ around you. • Take breaks after listening to music with headphones or earbuds for more than 1 hour at a time. (…) GAVIN, Mary L. How can I prevent hearing loss? Kids Health. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o verbo modal should é utilizado para oferecer uma recomendação de como prevenir perda de audição ao utilizar fones de ouvido (“When wearing earphones or earbuds, you should be able to hear conversations around you”). • Usamos, geralmente, o verbo modal should para indicar aconselhamento, recomendação, e o verbo modal must ou have to para indicar obrigatoriedade, necessidade. Note que usamos verbos modais antes de um verbo principal no infinitivo (sem a partícula to). You should do more exercise. It would do you good. All students at this school must wear a uniform. You have to drive carefully. If not, you may get involved in a car accident. • Para formar frases negativas com should, usamos not depois do verbo modal e antes do verbo principal. You should not let others dictate what is good for you. Parents shouldn’t choose their child’s career. • Para formar frases negativas com have to, usamos um verbo auxiliar na negativa (don’t/doesn’t/ didn’t/won’t) antes de have to. You don’t have to follow in your parents’ footsteps if it’s not what you want. You won’t have to cry anymore. It’s over. • A forma must not indica proibição. Para indicar ausência de necessidade ou de obrigação, usamos a forma negativa de have to. You must not come to the party because you were not invited. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. • O verbo modal must não tem uma forma para expressar o passado e, quando desejamos expressar a mesma ideia no passado, usamos a forma had to. Yesterday I didn’t have to stay up late studying. When I was younger, I had to walk to school every single day. 186 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 186 08/08/2022 22:43 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace each icon with the correct form of the modal verbs in parentheses to complete the following sentences. a. “The best are noise-canceling headphones, which help block out other noises. That way, you (should/don’t have to) turn up the volume on your music as loud to hear it well.” b. “Prescription ear drops usually cure swimmer’s ear in 7–10 days. The pain (should/don’t have to) ease within a few days of starting treatment.” c. “External otitis is not contagious, so you (must/don’t have to) limit your contact with friends as long as you’re feeling well enough to socialize.” PITONE, Melanie L. Earbuds. Kids Health. 2021. Disponível em: ear drops: gotas auriculares html; PITONE, Melanie L. Swimmer’s ear (external otitis). Kids Health. 2021. ease: aliviar Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. UNIT 6 Passive Voice underrepresented: Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso da voz passiva (passive voice). sub-representado/a Women are Underrepresented in STEM Workforce By the time students reach college, women are significantly underrepresented in STEM majors — for instance, only around 21% of engineering majors are women and only around 19% of computer and information science majors are women. (…) TRUEFFELPIX/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM AAUW. The STEM gap: women and girls in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. • Geralmente, usamos a voz passiva (verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no particípio passado) para enfatizar a ação ou o seu resultado. “Women are underrepresented in STEM workforce.” 28% of STEM related jobs are held by women. • Usamos o agente da passiva, introduzido pela preposição by, para mencionar quem ou o que pratica a ação. 28% of STEM related jobs are held by women. Language Reference + Extra Practice 187 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 187 08/08/2022 22:43 • Usamos também a voz passiva quando não sabemos, não podemos ou não queremos identificar quem ou o que pratica a ação. Isso é comum quando a ação é realizada por pessoas em geral. Nesses casos, não usamos o agente da passiva. Hispanic and Black workers are underrepresented in the STEM workforce, while White and Asian workers are overrepresented. • Veja, no quadro a seguir, as diferenças entre as vozes ativa e passiva. Observe que o verbo auxiliar to be é usado no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo principal da frase correspondente na voz ativa. Active Voice Passive Voice Simple Present They recruit women in STEM. Women in STEM are recruited. Simple Past They recruited women in STEM. Women in STEM were recruited. Present Continuous They are recruiting women in STEM. Women in STEM are being recruited. Past Continuous They were recruiting women in STEM. Women in STEM were being recruited. Future with will They will recruit women in STEM. Women in STEM will be recruited. Modal Verbs They should recruit women in STEM. Women in STEM should be recruited. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Complete the following fragments about STEM jobs by replacing each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. a. “the growth in STEM jobs (expect) to outpace that of non-STEM jobs in the coming years.” b. “In 2019, 19.1 million workers age MARK FISHER/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 25 and older (employ) in STEM occupations in the U.S., an increase of 1.8 million since 2016.” c. “Among Asian students, the gender balance of graduates in STEM fields (mix).” d. “The only STEM job cluster where Black workers (represent) at the same level as their share in the total workforce is health-related STEM occupations. (They make up 11% of workers in these jobs, the same as in 2016).” e. “In math, 42% of bachelor’s and 36% of master’s degrees (earn) by women; just 25% of math research doctorates (earn) by women in 2018.” FRY, Richard; KENNEDY, Brian; FUNK, Cary. STEM jobs see uneven progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity. Pew Research Center, 1 abr. 2021. Disponível em: stem-jobs-see-uneven-progress-in-increasing-gender-racial-and-ethnic-diversity/. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. 188 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 188 12/08/2022 07:35 UNIT 7 Present Perfect Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do present perfect. heat wave: onda de calor What’s happening now? ALBACHIARAA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Temperatures have risen during the last 30 years, and 2001 to 2010 was the warmest decade ever recorded. As the Earth warms up, heat waves are becoming more common in some places, including the United States. Heat waves happen when a region experiences very high temperatures for several days and nights. (…) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. Higher temperatures. 9 maio 2017. Disponível em: impacts/signs/temperature.html. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, o present perfect é utilizado para dizer que as temperaturas têm aumentado nos últimos 30 anos (“Temperatures have risen during the last 30 years”). Note que, no texto, foi utilizado o verbo irregular rise no particípio passado (risen). • Usamos, geralmente, o present perfect (have/has + particípio passado do verbo principal) para falar de ações que começaram no passado e continuam no presente. The world’s climate has become warmer over the past 50 years. Some scientists believe that human activities have caused climate change. • Usamos também o present perfect para falar de ações que aconteceram no passado e têm importância ou consequência no presente. Many animal species have become extinct. Veja, nos quadros a seguir, as formas afirmativa e negativa do present perfect. Note que, em frases negativas, usamos haven’t/hasn’t antes do particípio passado do verbo principal. Forma afirmativa I/You/We/They have changed over the past decades. He/She/It has Forma negativa I/You/We/They haven’t adapted to changes in the environment. He/She/It hasn’t (haven’t = have not; hasn’t = has not) Language Reference + Extra Practice 189 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 189 08/08/2022 22:43 Veja, nos quadros a seguir, a forma interrogativa e as respostas curtas do present perfect. Note que, em frases interrogativas, usamos Have/Has antes do sujeito. Forma interrogativa Have I/you/we/they changed over the past decades? Has he/she/it Respostas curtas I/you/we/they have. Yes, he/she/it has. I/you/we/they haven’t. No, he/she/it hasn’t. • Usamos, geralmente, ever no present perfect para saber se alguma vez aquela ação já aconteceu. Have you ever planted a tree? Have you ever been to the Amazon? • Usamos também ever com o superlativo para indicar que alguma pessoa ou algo é o mais interessante, o melhor, o pior etc. que alguém já conheceu, viu, ouviu etc. Ribeirão Preto is the hottest city I’ve ever been to. • Usamos, geralmente, never no present perfect para falar de ações que nunca aconteceram até o momento. It’s never been this warm before. Verbos irregulares no passado e particípio passado agrupados por ordem alfabética Forma básica* Passado Particípio passado Tradução** be was, were been ser, estar bear bore borne suportar; ser portador de beat beat beaten bater become became become tornar-se begin began begun começar behold beheld beheld contemplar bend bent bent curvar(-se) bet bet bet apostar bid bid bid oferecer, fazer uma oferta bind bound bound unir, vincular; comprometer bite bit bitten morder 190 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 190 08/08/2022 22:43 bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia blow blew blown assoprar; explodir break broke broken quebrar breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir bring brought brought trazer broadcast broadcast broadcast transmitir, irradiar build built built construir burn burned/burnt burnt/burned queimar buy bought bought comprar can could could poder catch caught caught pegar, capturar choose chose chosen escolher come came come vir cost cost cost custar cut cut cut cortar(-se) deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar dig dug dug cavar, escavar do did done fazer draw drew drawn desenhar dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt sonhar drink drank drunk beber drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen cair feed fed fed alimentar(-se) feel felt felt sentir(-se) fight fought fought lutar find found found achar, encontrar flee fled fled fugir, escapar fly flew flown voar; pilotar forbid forbade forbidden proibir forget forgot forgot/forgotten esquecer forgive forgave forgiven perdoar freeze froze frozen congelar; paralisar get got got/gotten obter give gave given dar go went gone ir grow grew grown crescer; cultivar hang hung hung pendurar have had had ter; beber; comer Language Reference + Extra Practice 191 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 191 08/08/2022 22:43 hear heard heard ouvir hide hid hid/hidden esconder hit hit hit bater hold held held segurar hurt hurt hurt machucar(-se) keep kept kept guardar; manter know knew known saber, conhecer colocar em posição horizontal, lay laid laid assentar lead led led liderar, conduzir learn learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender leave left left deixar, partir lend lent lent emprestar (dar emprestado) let let let deixar; alugar lie lay lain deitar(-se) lose lost lost perder, extraviar make made made fazer, fabricar mean meant meant significar, querer dizer meet met met encontrar; conhecer overcome overcame overcome superar overtake overtook overtaken alcançar; surpreender pay paid paid pagar put put put colocar quit quit quit deixar, abandonar, desistir read read read ler andar de (bicicleta, carro etc.), ride rode ridden andar a (cavalo) ring rang rung tocar (campainha, sinos, telefone etc.) rise rose risen subir, erguer-se run ran run correr; concorrer; administrar saw sawed sawn serrar say said said dizer see saw seen ver seek sought sought procurar obter, objetivar sell sold sold vender send sent sent enviar, mandar estabelecer; colocar; pôr em set set set determinada condição; marcar; ajustar shake shook shaken sacudir, tremer shine shone shone brilhar shoot shot shot atirar, alvejar 192 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 192 08/08/2022 22:43 show showed shown mostrar, exibir shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair shut shut shut fechar, cerrar sing sang sung cantar sink sank sunk afundar, submergir sit sat sat sentar(-se) sleep slept slept dormir slide slid slid deslizar, escorregar smell smelled/smelt smelled/smelt cheirar speak spoke spoken falar spend spent spent gastar spin spun spun girar spit spit/spat spit/spat cuspir spread spread spread espalhar stand stood stood parar; ficar de pé; aguentar steal stole stolen roubar stick stuck stuck furar, fincar, enfiar stink stank stunk cheirar mal strike struck struck golpear, desferir, atacar strive strove striven esforçar-se, lutar swear swore sworn jurar, prometer, assegurar sweep swept swept varrer swim swam swum nadar swing swung swung balançar, alternar take took taken tomar, pegar teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula tear tore torn rasgar, despedaçar tell told told contar, dizer think thought thought pensar throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar undergo underwent undergone submeter-se a, suportar understand understood understood entender uphold upheld upheld sustentar, apoiar; defender wear wore worn vestir(-se), usar; gastar weep wept wept chorar win won won vencer, ganhar write wrote written escrever, redigir * * Forma básica = infinitivo sem a partícula to. ** Apresentamos aqui os sentidos mais comuns dos verbos listados. Em vários casos, os verbos podem assumir outros sentidos. É necessário sempre observar o contexto para compreender o significado do verbo em uso. Language Reference + Extra Practice 193 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 193 08/08/2022 22:43 Verbos irregulares no passado e particípio passado agrupados por formas semelhantes Veja, nos quadros a seguir, alguns dos principais verbos irregulares no passado e particípio passado agrupados por formas semelhantes. Em seguida, ouça o áudio referente a cada grupo e perceba as semelhanças na pronúncia dos verbos. 21 A. Passado e particípio passado com o som /ɔːt/ Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução bring brought brought trazer buy bought bought comprar catch caught caught pegar, capturar fight fought fought lutar seek sought sought procurar obter, objetivar teach taught taught ensinar, dar aula think thought thought pensar 22 B. Passado e particípio passado com o som /ɛnt/ Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução bend bent bent curvar(-se) lend lent lent emprestar (algo a alguém) send sent sent enviar, mandar spend spent spent gastar 23 C. Passado e particípio passado com o som /ept/ Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução keep kept kept guardar, manter sleep slept slept dormir sweep swept swept varrer weep wept wept chorar 194 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 194 08/08/2022 22:43 24 D. Passado com o som /an/ /aŋ/ e particípio passado com o som /ʌn/ /ʌŋ/ Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução begin began begun começar drink drank drunk beber ring rang rung tocar (campainha, sinos, telefone etc.) run ran run correr; concorrer; administrar shrink shrank shrunk encolher, contrair sing sang sung cantar sink sank sunk afundar, submergir stink stank stunk cheirar mal swim swam swum nadar 25 E. Passado com o som /əʊ/ e particípio passado com o som /əʊ/ terminado em en Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução break broke broken quebrar choose chose chosen escolher freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar speak spoke spoken falar steal stole stolen roubar 26 F. Passado com o som /uː/ e particípio passado com o som /əʊn/ Forma básica Passado Particípio passado Tradução blow blew blown assoprar, explodir draw drew drawn desenhar fly flew flown voar, pilotar grow grew grown crescer; cultivar know knew known saber, conhecer throw threw thrown atirar, arremessar Language Reference + Extra Practice 195 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 195 08/08/2022 22:43 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Complete the following fast facts about global warming by replacing each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect. a. Earth's climate (change) throughout history. b. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (decrease) in mass. c. Both the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice (decline) rapidly over the last several decades. d. (...) the average global temperature on Earth (increase) by at least 1.1° Celsius (1.9° Fahrenheit) since 1880. e. The majority of the warming (occur) since 1975, at a rate of roughly 0.15 to 0.20°C per decade. NASA. How do we know climate change is real? 2022. Disponível em:; EARTH OBSERVATORY. World of changes: global temperatures. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. UNIT 8 Present Perfect or Simple Past? Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do present perfect e do simple past. “For nearly two decades now my focus has been on gender inequality in Hollywood and lack of female representation on screen and behind the screen, and how that impacts particularly young kids.” The research by Geena Davis Institute shows that gender parity still does not exist on-screen. One third of all speaking LOGOBOOM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM characters in film are female and few women on screen hold positions of power. (…) We also looked at the 10 biggest markets around the world to find out what they are doing (compared to Hollywood). And the interesting thing we found is that so many countries are doing much better than the United States of America. In China, 50 per cent of the characters are female, why can’t we do that? (…) DAVIS, Geena. Ask an activist: How is Hollywood faring on gender equality and representation of women on screen and why does it matter? UN Women. 21 ago. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. No texto, utiliza-se o present perfect para falar qual tem sido o foco de pesquisa de Geena Davis nas últimas quase duas décadas (“For nearly two decades now my focus has been on gender inequality”). Já o simple past é utilizado para falar do que foi investigado na pesquisa conduzida (“We also looked at the 10 biggest markets around the world”) e qual foi o resultado encontrado (“And the interesting thing we found”). 196 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 196 13/08/2022 16:06 • Usamos, geralmente, o present perfect para ações que aconteceram no passado, sem determinar o momento em que elas aconteceram. She has watched Encanto a couple of times. All my friends have seen the movie Matilda. I’ve downloaded a fascinating documentary about global warming. • Usamos, geralmente, o simple past para ações que aconteceram no passado em um momento determinado. She watched Encanto in 2022. All my friends saw the movie Matilda last weekend. I downloaded a fascinating documentary about global warming this morning. • Usamos, geralmente, since no present perfect para indicar o início de uma ação que começou no passado e continua no presente. She has watched documentaries since she was a little girl. Meryl Streep has made over 60 movies since her debut in 1977. início da ação • Usamos, geralmente, for no present perfect para indicar a duração de uma ação que começou no passado e continua no presente. The Indian film industry has become widespread for almost a century. Tom Cruise has starred in movies for over 30 years. duração da ação ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. The following sentences are about Bollywood. Replace NICOLETA IONESCU/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete them. Use the present perfect or the simple past. a. The emergence of Nollywood (West Africa’s film industry) (contribute) to the declining popularity of Bollywood films. b. Bollywood plots (tend) to be melodramatic. c. [Ardeshir] Irani (make) the first Hindi color film, Kisan Kanya, in 1937. d. Pakistan (ban) the import of Bollywood movies in 1965. e. Cinema actually (be) the most vibrant medium for telling India its own story (…).” WIKIPEDIA. Hindi cinema. 16 jul. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2022. Language Reference + Extra Practice 197 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-LR+EP-180a197-LA-G24.indd 197 11/08/2022 10:59 GLOSSARY Este glossário apresenta uma seleção de palavras e expressões utilizadas no livro, acompanhadas do sentido com que são utilizadas nele. Algumas dessas palavras podem ser utilizadas em mais de um sentido. befriend: fazer amizade carefully: cuidadosamente, A beg: implorar atentamente carry: carregar, transportar abroad: no/para o exterior behalf: interesse, favor abyss: abismo on someone’s behalf: em nome carry on: continuar, seguir de alguém em frente accomplish: realizar, alcançar behave: comportar-se carry out: conduzir achieve: atingir, alcançar behavior: comportamento caste: casta acknowledge: admitir; reconhecer belt: cinto catchy: fácil de memorizar acknowledged: reconhecido/a beneath: debaixo de, sob cell: célula actually: na verdade, na realidade blend: misturar; mistura chain: corrente addict: viciado/a blessed: abençoado/a challenge: desafiar; desafio address: abordar, enfrentar; endereçar; endereço bloodstream: corrente sanguínea charge: carregar; cobrar afford: permitir(-se); proporcionar blow: soprar chase: perseguir afraid: temeroso/a, com medo blow up: explodir; estourar cheer: animar, alegrar aftermath: sequência board game: jogo de tabuleiro cheer up: animar-se against the will: contra a vontade boost: aumentar chest: peito ahead: à frente bossy: mandão, mandona chew: mastigar aid: auxílio bother: aborrecer; incomodar; chore: tarefa allow: permitir chatear citizen: cidadã(o) alongside: ao lado (de) bothered: incomodado/a clash: entrar em conflito; choque; already: já I’m not bothered (BrE): para oposição amazed: admirado/a mim tanto faz clear: limpar, remover ambassador: embaixador(a) brain: cérebro clear something away/up: branch: ramo arrumar algo, pôr algo em ordem amount: quantidade; quantia brave: valente, corajoso/a climb: subir; escalar amusing: divertido/a, engraçado/a breast: seio close: perto, próximo; fechar(-se) ancient: antigo/a breathe: respirar cloud: nuvem anger: raiva brief: breve clue: pista angry: zangado/a broadcast: transmissão; programa coast: costa appealing: atraente de rádio ou TV college: faculdade (AmE); últimos arise: surgir broaden: ampliar(-se), alargar(-se) anos do Ensino Médio (BrE) arrange: arrumar; organizar burn: queimar; arder come: vir arrow: seta; flecha burst: estourar; ataque come across: deparar-se com assumption: suposição bushfire: incêndio florestal come along: ir junto attend: comparecer a busy: ocupado/a, atarefado/a; come out: aparecer; ser audience: público lançado/a, ser publicado/a congestionado/a; intenso/a, cheio/a avoid: evitar commitment: compromisso buzz: zumbir B common sense: bom senso bachelor's degree: diploma de C compelling: envolvente compulsory: obrigatório/a bacharel caged: enjaulado/a, engaiolado/a convey: expressar; levar bear: urso camp: acampamento cope (with something/someone): beard: barba campaigner: ativista dar conta (de algo), enfrentar beat: vencer, derrotar; bater; care: cuidado (algo/alguém) batimento careful: cuidadoso/a, atento/a costume: fantasia; traje típico 198 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 198 08/08/2022 22:44 counselor: conselheiro/a edge: borda; margem forecast: previsão counterpart: equivalente effort: esforço forehead: testa couple: casal; alguns(mas) either: qualquer um(a) dos dois/ foreign: estrangeiro/a a couple of: alguns(mas) das duas former: antigo/a, anterior cover: capa; coberta; cobrir; tapar elderly: idoso/a forward: para a frente; jogador(a) crash: batida, colisão empowerment: empoderamento atacante crop: colheita, plantação enable someone to do something: look forward to: aguardar, cross: atravessar; cruzar permitir, possibilitar a alguém esperar (ansiosamente) fazer algo fossil fuel: combustível fóssil crowd: multidão endeavor: empenho; empenhar-se foster: adotivo/a; de criação cruise: cruzeiro (viagem) endurance: resistência freckle: sarda current: atual enhance: aumentar, melhorar; freshman: calouro/a customer: cliente realçar cut: cortar funding: financiamento enrich: enriquecer furniture: mobília cut someone off: deserdar enrol: inscrever-se alguém; afastar-se de alguém furthermore: além disso ensure: garantir D entry: entrada evaluate: avaliar; examinar G damaging: prejudicial even though: apesar de gadget: aparelho, dispositivo data: dados evil: mal gap: lacuna deal with something: lidar com; exchange: trocar gather: juntar resolver exposure: exposição gender: gênero (sexual) decrease: diminuir get: receber, obter, conseguir deep: fundo/a, (muito) profundo/a degree: grau; diploma F get along with someone: dar-se bem (com alguém) fable: fábula get away (from): ficar longe delay: adiar; atrasar facet: faceta (de), afastar-se (de) delighted: encantado/a fair: justo/a get through something: passar demand: demandar; demanda, fairy tale: conto de fadas por algo, sobreviver, atravessar exigência fall: cair gift: presente; dom depict: retratar, representar fall apart: desfazer-se; fazer(-se) give: dar deserve: merecer em pedaços give out: distribuir design: desenhar; criar fall asleep: adormecer give something away: revelar algo device: aparelho, dispositivo feat: proeza, façanha give up (something): abandonar dictatorship: ditadura feature: ser estrelado/a por; (algo); desistir (de fazer algo) disease: doença característica, aspecto glacier: geleira disorder: desordem; distúrbio feed: alimentar gland: glândula display: exibir; expor fellow: colega, companheiro/a go: ir downright: completamente figure something/someone out: go on: continuar, seguir em frente draft: rascunho, esboço entender algo/alguém go out: sair; apagar-se drop: soltar; largar; abandonar fill in: completar goal: objetivo drop out: desistir, largar finding: resultado, descoberta goodwill: boa vontade drought: seca fireworks: fogos de artifício grant: conceder dry: seco/a fit: caber; servir greenhouse: estufa fitness: boa forma (física) ground: chão dust: poeira, pó fix: consertar; dar um jeito em; grow: crescer; cultivar duty: dever, obrigação combinar grow up: crescer E flame: chama spark the flames: acender as guest: convidado/a; hóspede H earbuds: fones de ouvido (do chamas tipo que acompanham telefones fledgling: novato/a celulares) flourish: florescer, prosperar hands-on: prático/a earthquake: terremoto flow: fluir, correr; corrente, fluxo hang out: sair com alguém ease: aliviar flu: gripe harass: importunar, assediar Glossary 199 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 199 08/08/2022 22:44 harassment: assédio someone): acompanhar master: dominar; superar hard: duro/a (alguém/algo), seguir o ritmo match: relacionar, correlacionar hardly ever: quase nunca (de alguém/algo) matter: importar; questão, harm: dano, mal; prejudicar key: chave; gabarito; fundamental assunto; matéria harmful: prejudicial, nocivo/a kick: chutar mean: significar; mesquinho/a; rude head of state: chefe de estado kick back: descontrair media: meios de comunicação heat-trapping gases: gases do efeito kick someone out: expulsar melt: derreter estufa; gases captadores de calor alguém might: pode (ser que) heated: aquecido/a kind: gentil, cordial mind: mente height: altura knowledge: conhecimento mindful of something: consciente helpless: indefeso/a de algo, atento/a a algo high: alto/a be in high spirits: estar L mining: mineração label: rotular mischievous: travesso/a animado/a misleading: enganoso/a lack: faltar, carecer de hinder: atrapalhar, dificultar lack of something: falta de algo mold: forma, molde; moldar hire: contratar; alugar (BrE) lake: lago mood: humor, disposição hit: bater; batida; sucesso land: aterrisar, pousar move: mover(-se); mudar(-se) host: anfitriã(o); sediar de local landscape: paisagem household: doméstico/a move forward: avançar lately: ultimamente however: entretanto muscle: músculo laugh: rir huge: enorme N laughter: risada hungry: faminto/a launch: lançar; inaugurar hurricane: furacão law: lei nevertheless: no entanto, contudo hurt: doer, machucar lazy: preguiçoso/a newfound: recém-descoberto/a hurtful: ofensivo/a, cruel lead: liderar; liderança; nod: movimento afirmativo com a I protagonista leave someone/something out: cabeça, sinal de aprovação nonprofit: sem fins lucrativos illiterate: iletrado/a, analfabeto/a deixar fora alguém/algo, excluir improve: melhorar incensed: enfurecido/a alguém/algo lecture: palestra o on the rise: em ascensão income: renda, rendimentos length: comprimento; duração outfit: roupa, traje incoming: novo/a, entrante lengthen: prolongar outgoing: extrovertido/a increase: aumentar, subir letdown: decepção outlook: perspectiva indeed: de fato, certamente level: nível; nivelar outnumber: ser mais numeroso/a inhibit: impedir; inibir lightning: raio, relâmpago que, ultrapassar inner: interno/a, interior; íntimo/a likelihood: probabilidade output: produção instead: em vez disso lineup: sequência; grupo overall: geral, total instead of: em vez de, em lugar de lively: alegre, animado/a overcome: superar insurance: seguro lock: trancar overload: excesso invitation: convite look forward to something: overnight: durante a noite; da noite esperar ansiosamente por algo para o dia issue: questão; emitir loss: perda own: próprio/a(s); possuir, ter itchy: que coça loud: alto/a; barulhento/a ownership: propriedade J M P joke: piada mainly: principalmente pace: ritmo joyously: alegremente maintain: manter pale: pálido/a; claro/a K manage: gerenciar manners: boas maneiras, bons pass by: passar (por) pattern: padrão keep: manter; conservar modos perform: desempenhar; executar keep up (with something/ marble: bola de gude; mármore perhaps: talvez 200 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 200 08/08/2022 22:44 pick (something/someone) up: realize: dar-se conta (de), perceber scorching: abrasador(a) apanhar, pegar (algo/alguém) recognize: reconhecer score: pontuação, nota; pioneer: pioneiro/a record: gravar; registrar; disco; pontuar, marcar plain: liso/a; puro/a música; registro scratch: arranhar(-se) playwright: dramaturgo/a recording: gravação from scratch: (começar) do zero please: agradar recruit: recrutar scream: gritar; grito pleased: contente, feliz reef: recife screen: tela plenty: bastante refuse: negar-se (a fazer algo); seek: buscar, procurar recusar, rejeitar self-steem: autoestima poetry: poesia regardless of: indiferente a, sem sensitive: sensível policy: política levar em conta polite: educado/a, gentil sentence: condenar; condenação, rehearsal: ensaio poll: pesquisa; votação pena; frase, sentença rehearse: ensaiar; praticar portray: retratar, descrever set: pôr, colocar; arrumar relative: relativo; parente pose: causar (problema, set aside: pôr de lado; reservar reliable: seguro/a, confiável dificuldade) setting: lugar; cenário; relieve: aliviar configuração (informática) poverty: pobreza rely on something/someone: several: vários/as power: poder; luz, eletricidade contar com alguma coisa/alguém predictable: previsível shadow: sombra remain: permanecer, ficar pregnant: grávida shallow: raso/a; superficial remind someone (about/of something): lembrar alguém share: compartilhar prejudice: preconceito (de algo) sharp: afiado/a press: apertar; imprensa repair: consertar; conserto shed: derramar, verter prevent: evitar replace: substituir shelf: prateleira, estante pride: orgulho report: relatar; denunciar shelter: abrigo, refúgio take pride in something: orgulhar-se de algo rescue: resgatar, salvar shine: brilhar prize: prêmio researcher: pesquisador(a) shorten: encurtar prompt: rápido/a, imediato/a resemble: parecer(-se) com show: mostrar, exibir propel: impulsionar resource: recurso show up: aparecer, dar as caras proud: orgulhoso/a rest: resto; descansar, apoiar-se shudder: estremecer prove: provar, comprovar reveal: revelar shy: tímido/a provide: oferecer review: rever; revisão; resenha, sibling: irmã(o) crítica sick: doente push: apertar, pressionar; promover reward: recompensar; recompensa sight: visão Q rhyme: rima; rimar rid: eliminar algo de algo; livrar(-se) silly: tolo/a skinny: magricelo/a quarter: 25 centavos de dólar riddle: charada slang: gíria quest: busca roam: vagar snowflake: floco de neve queue: fila role: papel (em uma peça/um filme) soap opera: novela quick: rápido/a root: raiz; origem solely: unicamente row: linha, fileira R in a row: enfileirado/a rule: regra solve: resolver sore: dolorido/a; inflamado/a rainfall: precipitação atmosférica sort: classificar raise: criar rush: correr soul: alma range: ir de algo até algo; limite; gama S soulful: comovente source: fonte rash: irritação (na pele) safety/seat belt: cinto de segurança speak up: falar mais alto; rather: um tanto; ou melhor scared: assustado/a denunciar rather than: ao invés de scholar: estudioso/a, acadêmico/a speech: fala; discurso reach: alcançar; ao alcance school board: mural escolar spell: soletrar reach out to someone: atingir school counselor: orientador(a) sponsor: patrocinador(a); alguém, interessar a alguém pedagógico/a patrocinar Glossary 201 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 201 08/08/2022 22:44 spot: marca; lugar take place: realizar-se unforgettable: inesquecível spread: espalhar tale: conto, fábula unheard: não ouvido/a spreadsheet: planilha tap: bater levemente unless: a não ser que sprinter: velocista target: alvo, objetivo unscathed: ileso/a staff: equipe, quadro de taste: sabor upcoming: próximo/a(s) funcionários tasty: saboroso/a update: atualizar; atualização stand: permanecer tears: lágrimas upper: superior stand for: significar tease: provocar, importunar upset: aborrecido/a, chateado/a stand out: destacar-se therefore: portanto stand up for someone/ something: defender thick: grosso/a; denso/a thigh: coxa V alguém/algo thin: magro/a valuable: de valor, valioso/a stand up to someone: fazer thought: pensamento vanilla: baunilha frente a alguém threat: ameaça standard: padrão threaten: ameaçar W step: passo; pisar throat: garganta warn: prevenir, avisar, advertir step down: renunciar through: através de, por warrant: justificar step forward: dar um passo throughout: por todo, wave: acenar à frente durante todo weakness: fraqueza stick: grudar, colar throw: atirar; jogar wealth: riqueza stormy: tempestuoso/a throw away: jogar fora wealthy: rico/a straight: reto/a; em linha reta timeline: linha do tempo weigh: pesar strength: força, ponto forte timeout: intervalo weight: peso strengthen: fortalecer tiny: minúsculo/a tongue twister: trava-língua well-being: bem-estar stretch: estender-se; esticar(-se) tool: ferramenta well-known: conhecido/a struggle: lutar; luta toothbrush: escova de dentes wet: molhado/a suffrage: sufrágio, direito de voto toss: jogar, arremessar whatever: (tudo) o que sum: soma, total tough: duro/a; resistente; whenever: sempre que sum (something) up: resumir firme; difícil whereas: ao passo que, enquanto (algo) track: seguir a pista de, rastrear whether: se support: apoiar; sustentar trade: trocar; comércio whole: todo/a, inteiro/a; integral surround: cercar, rodear trend: tendência wide: amplo/a survey: enquete, pesquisa, trick: truque wild: selvagem levantamento trip: viagem swap: troca; trocar (be) willing (to do something): trouble: problema estar disposto/a (a fazer algo) sweep: varrer; arrastar trust: confiar willpower: força de vontade sweet: meigo/a, gentil; doce trusted: de confiança swing: balanço wise: sensato/a; sábio/a turn: virar; virada switch: trocar; mudar wish: desejo; desejar turn (something) off: desligar switch off: desligar(-se), withdraw: retirar(-se); (algo) apagar(-se) recuar; sacar turn the volume down: abaixar swollen: inchado/a o volume within: dentro de twist: torcer; dar voltas; reviravolta wonder: perguntar-se T worldwide: pelo mundo todo tackle: enfrentar U worth: valor wrist: pulso tailor: fazer sob medida; (be) unaware (of something): personalizar; alfaiate desconhecer (algo) wristband: pulseira; munhequeira take away: tirar unbearable: insuportável take care: tomar cuidado unchallenged: incontestado/a y take out: retirar underlying: latente yet: ainda; contudo 202 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 202 08/08/2022 22:44 AUDIO SCRIPTS Track 1 (Apresentação) colour, religion or gender. To ensure freedom and equality for woman so that they can Unit 1 flourish. We cannot all succeed when half of us Track 2 (exercises 2-4, page 32) are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave – to embrace the strength Have you been a victim of cyberbullying? Have within themselves and realise their full potential. you seen a friend suffer from this brutally UNITED NATIONS. Malala Yousafzai addresses United Nations Youth malicious act? 42% of kids have been bullied Assembly. [2022?]. Vídeo (17min43s). (11min43s-14min34s). Disponível while online. And only one in ten teens tell a em: united-nations-youth-assembly/. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. parent if they’ve been a victim of it. It’s time to stand up and stop cyberbullying before it starts. Control, alter, delete. Control the Unit 3 situation. Make it stop. Alter the issue. Don’t Track 4 (exercises 2, 3 and 5, pages 66-67) be a part of it. Take the higher path by not Diversity is not about color. It’s not about participating. Delete the past. Realize its culture. It is not about class. It is about history and move forward. PREVENT cyberbullying radio commercial. Produção: Wichita commitment and it is about consciousness. It Northwest High School. 11 out 2011. Vídeo (0min31s). Publicado pelo is about people regardless of where you come canal Controlalterdelete1. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. from, regardless of your age, who say, you know, we have a commitment. We believe that Unit 2 all people have something to offer and we are willing to take the time, the energy to create that Track 3 (exercises 2-4, pages 46-47) multicultural space in our communities, in our Malala Yousafzai: Dear fellows, today I am leadership programs and in our organizations. focusing on women’s rights and girls’ education JUANA Bordas, speech about diversity. Produção: Juana Bordas. 15 jul. because they are suffering the most. There was 2013. Vídeo (14min56s). (0min00s-0min40s). Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. a time when women social activists asked men Unit 4 to stand up for their rights. But, this time, we will do it by ourselves. I am not telling men to step away from speaking for women’s rights rather Track 5 (exercises 2, 3 and 5, page 80) I am focusing on women to be independent Christiane Amanpour: Today, our journalists to fight for themselves. So, dear sisters and and our colleagues are in jail in many, many brothers, now it’s time to speak up. So today, countries that I call home, many countries that we call upon the world leaders to change I love, many countries that I visited, not just as their strategic policies in favour of peace and a reporter but as a a civilian, a fellow traveller. prosperity. We call upon the world leaders that And I ask myself why, why are these journalists all the peace deals must protect women’s and in jail? For what? For what? For what crime? children’s rights. A deal that goes against the And they must all be released. They must all be rights of women is unacceptable. We call upon released. Because there is no crime for which all governments to ensure free compulsory a journalist is in jail today. We are the pillars of education all over the world for every child. We call upon all the governments to fight against reform, of freedom, of democracy. And we are terrorism and violence, to protect children from the champions of people who have no voice. brutality and harm. We call upon the developed You should all be thanking us, not putting us in nations to support the expansion of educational jail. Thank you all so much. Merci. CHRISTIANE Amanpour named Unesco Goodwill Ambassador for opportunities for girls in the developing world. Freedom of Expression and Journalist Safety. Produção: Unesco. 30 We call upon all the communities to be tolerant abr. 2015. Vídeo (1min48s). (0min53s-1min42s). Disponível em: www. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. – to reject prejudice based on cast, creed, sect, Audio Scripts 203 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 203 24/04/23 18:48 Unit 5 Stamp: She was a very vocal advocate for cinema’s ability to portray complex social issues Track 6 (exercise 2, page 94) in a popular narrative form. She considered a. cold; b. stomachache; c. broken leg; cinema what she called a voiceless language. d. earache; e. toothache; f. flu; g. headache; And by that, I think she meant cinema had an h. sore throat; i. fever ability to convey ideas to anybody, regardless of their educational level, regardless of their Track 7 (exercises 2-4, pages 99-100) command of English - right? - at a period when Joe Palca, Host: This is SCIENCE FRIDAY, and there were many immigrants to the U.S. who did I’m Joe Palca. Did you know that 250,000 not speak English as a first language. (...) people fall asleep at the wheel every day? LOIS Weber, Hollywood’s forgotten early pioneer, has 2 films restored. A quarter of a million people? Why can’t we NPR, 5 jan. 2019. (0min00s-1min12s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. get enough sleep to stay awake during a life-and-death activity? Well, a new poll by Track 9 (exercises 6-7, page 115) the National Sleep Foundation suggests one (...) Had we remembered her career early on, of the things keeping us up at night may be we would have had decades and decades of our smartphones, our laptops, our TVs, all female filmmakers’ work to look at. We don’t, that technology in the bedroom keeping us and that’s the consequence of forgetting her. mentally engaged until later in the evening. Movshovitz: The films of Lois Weber are not Got to finish that episode, right? simply museum pieces. She actually did what And those devices may be impacting the many young women filmmakers now say they chemistry of our brains, too, by exposing want to do - bring a woman’s perspective to us to the bright lights of those screens at American studio filmmaking. For NPR News, nighttime, sort of pressing the reset switch I’m Howie Movshovitz. on our sleep cycle. (...) LOIS Weber, Hollywood’s forgotten early pioneer, has 2 films restored. TV and smart phones may hamper a good night’s sleep. NPR, NPR, 5 jan. 2019. (4min42s-5min07s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: www.npr. 11 mar. 2011. (0min00s-0min39s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: org/transcripts/682372051. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. Unit 6 Working Together 3 Track 10 (exercises 2-3, page 122) Track 8 (exercises 3-5, page 115) Thirty years ago, Wangari Maathai had a simple Simon, Host: Number of women working idea: to plant trees. It was a response to a behind the camera in Hollywood today remains growing problem affecting the lives of the poor small. And that makes the career of Lois Weber in her native Kenya and many other areas of all the more remarkable. She directed at least Africa and the developing world: the destruction 138 movies, either shorts or feature length, in of forests, soil erosion, water shortages and the silent film era. Most are lost, but two of other types of environmental degradation. her most important films have been restored. Maathai had won a scholarship to attend college KUNC’s Howie Movshovitz reports. in the U.S. and earned a doctorate in Biology in Howie Movshovitz, Byline: Lois Weber Kenya. In the ‘70s, she founded The Green Belt became the first American woman to direct Movement, working with mostly poor, rural a feature-length dramatic film with “The women, who were given a small stipend to plant Merchant of Venice” in 1914. saplings of native species. (…) Shelley Stamp: In her day, she was considered PEACE Prize winner: Wangari Maathai. PBS News Hour, 25 jan. 2005. one of the three great minds of the early film (0min00s-0min44s). 1 vídeo. Disponível em: show/remembering-wangari-maathai-first-african-woman-to-win- industry, alongside D. W. Griffith and Cecil B. nobel-prize. Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. DeMille. Movshovitz: Shelley Stamp, who wrote Track 11 (exercises 4-5, page 123) the notes for the Weber DVDs, says the David Greene, Host: Some sad news this filmmaker often took a different tack from her morning, Maya Angelou has died at the age contemporaries. of 86. She was a poet, a performer and a 204 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 204 24/04/23 18:49 political activist. She was born in St. Louis in 1928 and grew up in a segregated society that Unit 8 she worked so passionately to change during Track 15 (exercise 4, page 142) the civil rights era. The book that put Angelou adventurous - clever - enjoyable - fascinating - on the literary stage was “I Know Why the funny - interesting - romantic - surprising - Caged Bird Sings,” which revealed scars thought-provoking from her past. It was the first of a series of memoirs. (…) Track 16 (exercise 6, page 142) MAYA Angelou, poet, activist and singular storyteller, dies at 86. NPR, 28 maio 2014. (0min00s-0min27s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: adventure - animation - comedy - Acesso em: 4 jul. 2022. documentary - drama - musical - romance - science fiction (sci-fi) - thriller Unit 7 Track 17 (exercise 11, page 147) Track 12 (exercise 2, page 128) a. bushfire; b. flood; c. drought; d. hurricane; Time expressions used with the simple past: e. earthquake; f. tsunami yesterday, when I was a child, last month, a year ago Track 13 (exercise 6, page 129) Time expressions used with the present a. It’s freezing and snowy.; b. It’s stormy.; perfect: c. It’s hot and sunny.; d. It’s cold and windy.; recently, since I was a child, over the years, e. It’s cloudy.; f. It’s rainy. lately Track 14 (exercises 2-5, pages 134-135) Track 18 (exercises 2-4, pages 148-149) Renee Montagne, Host: This past week has brought dramatic weather events around the Presenter 1: And here are the nominees world. Deadly heat has been baking Japan and for the best animated, feature film. Brave, Britain. Wildfires in Greece, Scandinavia and directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda the western United States also costing lives. Chapman. Frankenweenie, directed by Tim And then record rainfall in the northeastern U.S. Burton. Paranorman, directed by Sam Fell NPR’s Laurel Wamsley takes a look at how this and Chris Butler. The Pirates! Band of Misfits, extreme weather fits into the big climate picture. directed by Peter Lord. Wreckit Ralph, Laurel Wamsley, Byline: 2018 is looking like it directed by Rich Moore. could end up being one of the hottest years Presenter 2: And the Oscar goes to... Brave, on record. And when the news is full of stories Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. on extreme weather, it’s hard not to wonder, Narrator: This is the best academy award for is this what climate change looks like? Climate Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman. scientists say, yeah, at least partly. Take Mark Andrews: I just happened to be wearing wildfires, for example. the kilt; I didn’t plan any of this. I’d like to thank the Academy for this incredible honor. Uh Jennifer Balch: We see five times more large making a movie has its own story. I’d like to fires today than we did in the 1970s. thank John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, Jim Morris, uh Wamsley: That’s Jennifer Balch, professor in Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter, Brenda Chapman, geography and director of Earth Lab at the uh Katherine Sarafian for making the making of University of Colorado Boulder. Wildfires are a Brave an exceptional story. My wife and my four normal part of the ecosystem of the American kids: Maeve, Jack, Peyton and Ford. West. What’s changing is the backdrop against Brenda Chapman: I’d like to give a shoutout to which they occur. my wonderful, strong, beautiful Balch: We’ve seen a 2-degree-Fahrenheit daughter Emma, who inspired Brave into increase across the western U.S. Snowpack is being. So thank you to her and my husband, melting earlier. and our incredible cast and crew. Thank you. WAMSLEY, Laurel. When the weather is extremely, is climate change to blame? NPR, 29 jul. 2018. (0min00s-1min02s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: “BRAVE” winning Best Animated Feature Film. Produção: Oscars. 4 mar. 2013. Vídeo (1min19s). Disponível em: is-climate-change-to-blame. Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. watch?v=bwymQte2HUs. Acesso em: 5 jul. 2022. Audio Scripts 205 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 205 24/04/23 18:06 Song It gets hard, But it won’t take away my love. Track 19 (exercise 2, page 166) And when the last one falls, Song 1 When it’s all said and done, “Here without You” It gets hard, I’m here without you, baby, But it won’t take away my love. But you’re still on my lonely mind. I think about you, baby, (…) ARNOLD, B. et al. Here without You. Intérprete: 3 Doors Down. In: Away And I dream about you all the time. from the Sun. [S.l.]: Universal Music Publishing Group, 2002. 1 CD. Faixa 6. I’m here without you, baby, But you’re still with me in my dreams, Language Reference + Extra Practice And tonight it’s only you and me, yeah. ARNOLD, B. et al. Here without You. Intérprete: 3 Doors Down. In: Away from the Sun. [S.l.]: Universal Music Publishing Group, 2002. 1 CD. Faixa 6. Track 21 (A. Passado e particípio passado Song 2 com o som /ɔːt/, page 194) “Away from the Sun” bring/brought/ brought; buy/bought/bought; It’s down to this catch/caught/caught; fight/fought/fought; I’ve got to make this life make sense seek/sought/sought; teach/taught/taught; Can anyone tell what I’ve done think/thought/thought I missed the life I missed the colors of the world Track 22 (B. Passado e particípio passado Can anyone tell where I am? com o som /ɛnt/, page 194) ARNOLD, B. et al. Away from the Sun. Intérprete: 3 Doors Down. In: Away from the Sun. [S.l.]: Universal Music Publishing Group, 2002. bend/bent/bent; lend/lent/lent; 1 CD. Faixa 2. send/sent/sent; spend/spent/spent Track 20 (exercises 3, 4 and 9, pages 166, Track 23 (C. Passado e particípio passado 167 and 169) com o som /ept/, page 194) “Here without You” keep/kept/kept; sleep/slept/slept; A hundred days have made me older sweep/swept/swept; weep/wept/wept Since the last time that I saw your pretty face. A thousand lies have made me colder, Track 24 (D. Passado com o som /an/ /aŋ/ And I don’t think I can look at this the same. e particípio passado com o som /ʌn/ /ʌŋ/, page 195) But all the miles that separate Disappear now when I’m dreaming of your face. begin/began/begun; drink/drank/drunk; ring/rang/rung; run/ran/run; shrink/shrank/ CHORUS: shrunk; sing/ sang/ sung; sink/sank/sunk; I’m here without you, baby, stink/stank/stunk; swim/swam/swum But you’re still on my lonely mind Track 25 (E. Passado com o som /əʊ/ I think about you, baby, And I dream about you all the time e particípio passado com o som /əʊ/ I’m here without you, baby, terminado em en, page 195) But you’re still with me in my dreams break/broke/broken; choose/chose/chosen; And tonight, girl, it’s only you and me, yeah. freeze/froze/frozen; speak/spoke/spoken; steal/stole/stolen The miles just keep rollin’ As the people leave their way to say “Hello”. Track 26 (F. Passado com o som /uː/ e I’ve heard this life is overrated, particípio passado com o som /əʊn/, But I hope that it gets better as we go. page 195) CHORUS blow/blew/blown; draw/drew/drawn; fly/flew Everything I know, flown; grow/grew/grown; know/knew/known; And anywhere I go, throw/threw/thrown 206 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 206 12/08/2022 07:37 AN N O TA TE D BI B LI O G R AP HY BAKHTIN, M. Os gêneros do discurso. Tradução de Paulo Bezerra. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2016. O livro propõe o estudo do texto e da linguagem viva segundo uma abordagem dialógica. BAZERMAN, C.; HOFFNAGEL, J.; DIONÍSIO, A. (Org.). Gênero, agência e escrita. Tradução e adaptação de Judith Hoffnagel. 2. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2011. O livro apresenta uma visão social da escrita em que o texto é um meio de agência no mundo. BAZERMAN, C.; BONINI, A.; FIGUEIREDO, D. (Ed.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins: Parlor Press, 2009. O livro contempla uma série de estudos sobre gêneros. BLOMMAERT, J. The sociolinguistics of globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. O livro apresenta uma teoria da mudança da linguagem em uma sociedade em mudança, reconsiderando localidade, repertórios, competência, história e desigualdade sociolinguística. BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). Brasília, DF, 2018. Disponível em: http://basenacionalcomum. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2022. Documento que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais no âmbito da Educação Básica escolar no Brasil. BYRAM, M.; PARMENTER, L. The Common European Framework of Reference: the globalisation of language education policy. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012. Nesse livro, os autores descrevem o processo de influência do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas no currículo e ensino de idiomas em diversos países. CELANI, M. A. A. (Org.). Reflexões e ações (trans)formadoras no ensino-aprendizagem de Inglês. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2010. O livro traz reflexões sobre a necessidade de constante avaliação de currículos, objetivos e procedimentos tendo em vista, particularmente, a escola pública e o ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. COPE, B.; KALANTZIS, M. (Ed.). Multiliteracies: literacy learning and the design of social futures. Londres: Routledge, 2000. O livro discute o ensino de (multi)letramentos considerando o contexto da língua inglesa em rápida mudança em um mundo globalizado, no qual a diversidade local ganha cada vez mais importância. COUNCIL OF EUROPE. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (companion volume with new descriptors). 2020. Disponível em: teaching/16809ea0d4. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. A obra apresenta o Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas, padrão internacionalmente reconhecido para descrever a proficiência em um idioma desde o nível iniciante até o domínio pleno. DUDENEY, G.; HOCKLY, N.; PEGRUM, M. Letramentos digitais. Tradução de Marcos Marcionilo. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2016. O livro discute aspectos teóricos e práticos dos letramentos digitais no contexto de ensino de línguas. FAIRCLOUGH, N. Language and power. 3. ed. Nova York: Routledge, 2014. A obra traz estudos da área da Análise do Discurso, que investiga o papel da linguagem nas relações de poder da sociedade. GALLOWAY, N. Global Englishes and change in English language teaching: attitudes and impact (Routledge Focus on Linguistics). Londres: Routledge, 2017. Nesse livro, reúnem-se pesquisas das áreas de Global Englishes e ELT a fim de propor sugestões para o ensino de inglês como língua franca. GODOY, S.; GONTOW, C.; MARCELINO, M. English pronunciation for Brazilians: the sounds of American English. São Paulo: Disal, 2006. Escrito por professores brasileiros, esse livro é bastante prático ao abordar os principais problemas de pronúncia de estudantes brasileiros que buscam aperfeiçoar seu inglês. JENKINS, J.; BAKER, W.; DEWEY, M. (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca. Nova York: Routledge, 2018. Essa obra abrange as principais teorias, conceitos, aplicações e desdobramentos dos estudos de inglês como língua franca. KERSCH, D.; COSCARELLI, C.; CANI, J. (Org.). Multiletramentos e multimodalidade: ações pedagógicas aplicadas à linguagem. Campinas: Pontes, 2016. Esse livro aborda a compreensão de textos considerando que muitos deles estão na internet, exigindo que o leitor lide com hipertextos digitais e recursos multimodais. KIRKPATRICK, A. (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of world Englishes (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics). 2. ed. Londres: Routledge, 2020. Essa obra discute a inserção do inglês em diversos campos (como dos negócios, da cultura popular, da educação etc.) e seu crescente papel como língua franca. Annotated Bibliography 207 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-BIB-207a208-LA-G24.indd 207 08/08/2022 22:47 LARSEN-FREEMAN, D.; CELCE-MURCIA, M. The grammar book: form, meaning, and use for English language teachers. 3. ed. Boston: National Geographic Learning: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2016. Essa é uma gramática do inglês com foco pedagógico, que não apenas descreve fenômenos da língua inglesa, mas que também apresenta exemplos de uso das construções gramaticais abordadas. LEFFA, V. (Org.). A interação na aprendizagem das línguas. 2. ed. Pelotas: Educat, 2006. Essa obra é composta por vários trabalhos a respeito da interação em sala de aula, tanto em contextos presenciais quanto em ambientes digitais. LITTLE, D.; FIGUERAS, N. (Ed.). Reflecting on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its companion volume (New Perspectives on Language and Education: 104). Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2022. Esse livro discute o impacto do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas em currículos, no ensino/aprendizagem e na avaliação pedagógica em diversos contextos educacionais. MARCUSCHI, L. Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008. A obra se divide em três partes, percorrendo os seguintes temas: processos de produção textual; análises de gêneros textuais segundo uma visão sociointerativa; e processos de compreensão textual e de produção de sentido. MOTTA-ROTH, D. O ensino de produção textual com base em atividades sociais e gêneros textuais. Linguagem em (dis)curso - LemD, Tubarão, v. 6, n. 3, p. 495-517, set./dez. 2006. Disponível em: view/347/368. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2022. O ensaio discute as possibilidades pedagógicas da concepção de gênero textual para o ensino da produção textual, trazendo à luz esta noção nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. PALTRIDGE, B. Genre and the language learning classroom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. A obra introduz o conceito de análise de gêneros a professores de línguas e sugere meios pelos quais os resultados das análises podem ser aplicados no trabalho com os estudantes. PENNYCOOK, A. Global Englishes and transcultural flows. Nova York: Routledge, 2007. O autor mostra como as diversas formas de utilização do inglês no mundo globalizado e os fluxos transculturais em diferentes contextos se interconectam, e como esse processo nos convida a repensar os conceitos de linguagem e cultura na contemporaneidade. ROJO, R.; MOURA, E. Letramentos, mídias, linguagens. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2019. O livro traz uma síntese das pesquisas e reflexões sobre letramentos, multiletramentos, novos letramentos, tecnologias, mídias e diferentes linguagens. SCHNEIDER, E. W. English around the world: an introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language). 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Na obra, são descritas variantes de inglês utilizadas em diferentes partes do planeta. Os World Englishes apresentados são definidos nos limites de seus contextos históricos e sociais. SELIVAN, L. Lexical grammar: activities for teaching chunks and exploring patterns. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. No livro, descreve-se o papel que os grupos de palavras de estrutura fixa encontrados com frequência em um idioma (os chunks) desempenham na coesão textual e na fluência. São também propostas atividades práticas para um ensino de gramática mais lexical. SIGNORINI, I.; FIAD, R. (Org.). Ensino de línguas: das reformas, das inquietações e dos desafios. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2012. Dois aspectos indissociáveis são recontextualizados na obra: o das reformas institucionais que moldam o ensino da língua no País há algumas décadas e o da emergência concomitante, na escola e nos cursos de formação, de novos riscos e desafios não tematizados institucionalmente. SWALES, J. Research genres: explorations and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Ao final de cada capítulo da obra, que promove reflexões sobre o mundo da pesquisa na atualidade, suas diversas configurações de gêneros e o papel do inglês nesse contexto, são apresentadas sugestões para a prática pedagógica. SWAN, M. Practical English usage. 4. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. O livro oferece explicações claras e simples do uso da língua inglesa, falada e escrita, com exemplos reais. VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos superiores. Tradução de José Cipolla Neto, Luis Silveira Menna Barreto e Solange Castro Afeche. 7. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2007. Visando promover uma melhor compreensão da teoria do desenvolvimento proposta por Vygotsky, um grupo de estudiosos selecionou para esse livro seus mais importantes ensaios. WATKINS, P. Teaching and developing reading skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. O livro apresenta diversas propostas de atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento de habilidades e estratégias de leitura. 208 D3-ING-F2-4114-V9-BIB-207a208-LA-G24.indd 208 08/08/2022 22:47 CLAUDIO FRANCO K ÁT I A TAVA R E S ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: LÍNGUA INGLESA ENGLISH FOR LIFE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR LÍNGUA INGLESA ISBN 978-85-96-03651-1 9 788596 036511 D1_CAPA_V9_WAYS LE_PNLD 2024.indd All Pages 30/07/22 16:47