CLAUDIO FRANCO K ÁT I A TAVA R E S ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: LÍNGUA INGLESA ENGLISH FOR LIFE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR LÍNGUA INGLESA ISBN 978-85-96-03649-8 9 788596 036498 D1_CAPA_V8_WAYS LE_PNLD 2024.indd All Pages 30/07/22 16:39 Claudio de Paiva Franco Doutor em Estudos Linguísticos (Linguística Aplicada) pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). Mestre em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professor de Língua Inglesa da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Ex-professor de Educação Básica das redes estadual (Ensino Médio) e federal (Ensinos Fundamental e Médio). Autor de livros didáticos de Língua Inglesa. Kátia Cristina do Amaral Tavares Doutora em Linguística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP). COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: Mestra em Letras Anglo-Germânicas pela LÍNGUA INGLESA INGLESA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Professora de Língua Inglesa da Faculdade de Letras 1A EDIÇÃO - SÃO PAULO - 2022 da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Ex-professora de Educação Básica das redes estadual (Ensino Médio) e federal (Ensinos Fundamental e Médio) e de Ensino Superior na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Autora de livros didáticos de Língua Inglesa. D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 1 29/07/22 16:14 © Claudio Franco, Kátia Tavares Todos os direitos reservados à Editora FTD S.A. Direção-geral Ricardo Tavares de Oliveira Direção conteúdo e negócios Cayube Galas Direção editorial adjunta Ana Carolina Costa Lopes Gerência editorial Renata Lara de Moraes Edição Myrian Kobayashi Yamamoto (coordenação), Stela Danna Leitura crítica Andrea da Silva Marques Ribeiro Assessoria Heloísa Gonçalves Barbosa, Wilson Chequi Revisão Beatriz Carneiro (supervisão), Júlia Siqueira e Mello Tomazini Assistência de produção Janaína Simplicio Gerência de produção e arte Letícia Mendes de Souza Capa Estúdio Anexo, Galvão Bertazzi Imagem: Zenzeta/ Projeto gráfico Estúdio Anexo Supervisão de arte e design Simone Oliveira Vieira Edição de arte Lidiani Minoda Diagramação Estúdio Anexo, Daiana Silva, Iris Polachini, Lidiani Minoda, Vanessa Novais Coordenação de imagens e textos Marcia Berne Licenciamento de textos Carla Cristina Marques, Carolina Carmini Mariano, Luiz Fernando Botter Pesquisa iconográfica Rosely Ladeira Ilustrações Julio Cezar Franca da Silva (adm.), Ricardo Corridoni (adm.), Galvão Bertazzi Tratamento de imagens Eziquiel Racheti Supervisão de arquivos Silvia Regina E. Almeida Coordenação de eficiência e analytics Marcelo Henrique Ferreira Fontes Direção de operações e produção gráfica Reginaldo Soares Damasceno Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) Franco, Claudio de Paiva Ways : English for life : 8º ano : ensino fundamental : anos finais / Claudio de Paiva Franco, Kátia Cristina do Amaral Tavares. -- 1. ed. -- São Paulo : FTD, 2022. Componente curricular: Língua inglesa. ISBN 978-85-96-03649-8 (aluno) ISBN 978-85-96-03650-4 (professor) 1. Inglês (Ensino fundamental) I. Tavares, Kátia Cristina do Amaral. II. Título. 22-116159                 CDD 372.652 Índices para catálogo sistemático: 1. Inglês : Ensino fundamental   372.652 Cibele Maria Dias – Bibliotecária – CRB-8/9427 Em respeito ao meio ambiente, as folhas deste livro foram produzidas com fibras Reprodução proibida: Art. 184 do Código Penal e Lei 9.610 obtidas de árvores de florestas plantadas, de 19 de fevereiro de 1998. Todos os direitos reservados à com origem certificada. EDITORA FTD. Rua Rui Barbosa, 156 – Bela Vista – São Paulo – SP Impresso no Parque Gráfico da Editora FTD CEP 01326-010 – Tel. 0800 772 2300 CNPJ 61.186.490/0016-33 Caixa Postal 65149 – CEP da Caixa Postal 01390-970 Avenida Antonio Bardella, 300 Guarulhos-SP – CEP 07220-020 Tel. (11) 3545-8600 e Fax (11) 2412-5375 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 2 26/07/22 21:13 1 Apresentação Hey, there! Você já deve ter percebido a presença da língua inglesa em seu dia a dia — em músicas, filmes, jogos eletrônicos, sites etc. Na internet, o inglês é bastante utilizado para a divulgação de conteúdos a pessoas do mundo inteiro. Na comunicação entre indivíduos de diferentes países, seja a distância, seja presencialmente, a língua inglesa também é muito usada. Assim, aprender inglês é importante para ter acesso a tudo isso e poder participar de interações nesse idioma de forma ativa e crítica. Esta coleção foi planejada pensando em contribuir para sua formação como indivíduo que utiliza a linguagem em diversas práticas sociais. Dessa forma, as atividades foram elaboradas a partir de situações de uso da língua inglesa para que você seja capaz de desenvolver, de forma integrada, as habilidades de ler, ouvir, falar e escrever em inglês. Nessa perspectiva, o ensino da língua não acontece de maneira isolada, é sempre articulado com os demais componentes curriculares, convidando você a refletir criticamente sobre diversas questões e a participar mais ativamente da sua comunidade. Além disso, a diversidade cultural e a riqueza das variedades linguísticas são valorizadas. Ao longo dos quatro volumes, você encontra uma grande diversidade de gêneros discursivos e de temas relevantes para você e para a sociedade como um todo, incluindo diferentes temas contemporâneos transversais (educação ambiental, saúde, trabalho, direitos da criança e do adolescente, diversidade cultural, entre outros). Por meio de atividades interativas, colaborativas, integradoras e com o apoio de tecnologias digitais, você e seus/suas colegas têm a oportunidade de exercer um papel ativo no processo de aprendizagem. Ao aprender a língua inglesa, você descobre novas formas de pensar, sentir e agir no mundo. Nesta coleção, são trabalhadas as competências gerais e específicas e as habilidades relacionadas à Língua Inglesa previstas na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). São desenvolvidos, ainda, os níveis A1 (iniciante) e A2 (básico) do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR), que é um padrão internacionalmente reconhecido para descrever a proficiência em um idioma. Como buscamos valorizar seu papel na construção coletiva do conhecimento ao longo de toda a obra, esperamos que, ao utilizar a coleção, você se sinta sempre convidado a se engajar com entusiasmo, junto com seus/suas colegas e seu/sua professor(a), em um processo de aprendizagem colaborativo, prazeroso e enriquecedor. Os Autores D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-INICIAIS-001-003-LA-G24.indd 3 02/08/22 18:45 CO NH EÇ A SE U LI VR O No início deste livro, você encontra: • Unit 0 - Welcome: unidade introdutória organizada em três seções. Em English All around the World, construa e amplie repertório cultural por meio do contato com manifestações culturais vinculadas à língua inglesa; em Tips into Practice, coloque em prática, por meio de dicas oferecidas, diversas estratégias de leitura e de aprendizagem; em Using an Online Translator, conheça dicas práticas de como usar um tradutor on-line. Cada uma das oito unidades UNIT 4 DANCING TO SUCCESS Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre dança; deste livro é organizada da • usar be going to para falar sobre o futuro; • explorar sufixos (suffixes); MEINPHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • compreender e produzir entrevistas (interviews); • explorar os temas contemporâne os transversais diversidade cultural, seguinte maneira: educação em direitos humanos e trabalho. THOMAS BARWICK/GETTY IMAGES Getting Started Nas páginas de abertura, DIDESIGN021/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM explore o tema central da unidade a partir do título e das imagens apresentadas. GETTING STARTED MAGDA_SHUTTERSTOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. What are the people in the photos doing? In your opinion, why is this an art form? activity 70 Unit 4 71 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24. indd 70-71 26/07/22 18:34 EHENSION READING COMPR AS DOS VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOST SEU CADERNO. DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS CADERNO. EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU Before Reading in the age of distraction? Why? do we live in the age of information or the correct TIP 1 In your opinion, ing text. Then, choose Word Groups Agrupar palavras e ure of the follow layout and the struct expressões por campo 2 Take a look at the semântico pode ajudar statements about it. common topic. Copy these você a ampliar e fixar o of words related to a 1 Word groups are groups them by replacing each vocabulário aprendido. map. notebook. Then, complete a. The text is a mind two diagrams into your on page 24. subtopics. expression from the text topic and seven icon with a word or b. It contains a main small number of tips. the text sugges ts that it offers a c. The structure of find in take a do you expect to tion”, what tips the age of distrac timer shower “How to focus in 3 Based on the topic the text? digital daily Reading devices activities tions. to check your predic 4 Now read the text s in exercise 1. you know to the diagram 2 Add other words that Word Formation: Prefixes Language Note MENTALS.COM.AU 24 and focus ts from the text on page 3 Read the following fragmen item that completes Then, choose the correct A prefix goes at the on the words in bold. beginning of a word as in tion. TALS WWW.LEARNINGFUNDA each sentence. review and disconnec review” I. “Take time to reflect and II. “Disconnection times: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.” TIP O acréscimo de um prefixo re- in review indicates a. We can infer that the prefix não modifica a classe © LEARNING FUNDAMEN Isso II. a different action. gramatical da palavra. I. a repeated action. acontece tanto em inglês means dis- in disconnection quanto em português. b. We can infer that the prefix II. “the opposite of”. I. “the same as”. word with the prefix re-. on page 24 contains a n & Leadership. 9 dez. 2013. fragments from the text to focus in the age of distraction. David Hopkins / Educatio the-age-of-distra ction/. Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. 4 Only one of the following b, c or d. Adaptado de: HOW .uk/social-network /how-to-focus-in- Which one? Choose a, your sink” Disponível em: www.don c. “Clean all dishes/Empty a. “Reading a book” d. “Refocus: stretch, walk, look at things review” 24 b. “Take time to reflect and to do list” CORNER ON PAGE 178 GO TO VOCABULARY 03/08/22 12:06 01-022a035-LA-G24.i ndd 24 26 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U Reading Comprehension 26/07/22 17:14 26 2a035-LA-G24.indd D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-02 Prepare-se para ler o texto principal da unidade Vocabulary Study (em Before Reading), faça atividades de Estude o vocabulário compreensão (em Reading) e reflita criticamente de forma sistemática e sobre o texto lido (em Reading for Critical Thinking). contextualizada. 4 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-CON-004a005-LA-G24.indd 4 03/08/22 12:08 Taking It Further Listening and Speaking LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Amplie seus conhecimentos Making Comparisons (Superlative Adjectives) Participe de atividades sobre o tema da unidade. Read the following fragments from the text on page 110, focus on the words in bold and do exercises 1-5. de ouvir e falar em inglês em diversos contextos I. “The world’s richest country is Qatar.” II. “The Amazon is the largest river (most water) in the world.” 1 discursivos. Replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following sentence about DOS fragment I. TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS CADERNO. EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU The fragment “The world’s richest country is Qatar.” is equivalent in meaning to Qatar is the richest country . layout. “English: The World Languag e”, take a look at its title and 2 Take a look at the following table and compare the length of the rivers Nile, Amazon and Yangtze. 1 Before reading the text sentence. Then, replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the sentence about fragment II. item that completes each Then, choose the correct The Nile The Amazon The Yangtze e. “Friendship is the a. The text is (Africa) (South America) (Asia) (Jean de La Fonta shadow of the evening, II. an infographic. ine) increases with the setting sun SURVEY. STORY BY KATHRYN HANSEN. BY JOSHUA STEVENS, USING LANDSAT NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY IMAGES LA FONTAINE, I. a mind map. Jean de. Friends of life.” FOR GLOBAL CHANGE AND EARTH OBSERVATIONS, MICHIGAN STATE DATA FROM THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL 11 ago. 2014. Disponí hip is the shadow of the evening NASA, LANDSAT.ORG, CENTER vel em: www.hi ... In: NOORU VORAN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ZZAMAN, Syed. b. The text contains II. charts, pictures and percenta ges. I. which m/chandigarh/ friends-and-sha Friends and shadow dows/story-c7 s. Hindustan II. that M0ZmpATdA5E Times, I. a flag, a map and pictures. River 4jfO77heI.html. 10 Which quote s from the previ Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. UNIVERSITY ous exercise do exercises 2-4. do you agree Now read the text and with? GO TO LANGU Length AGE REFERE NCE + EXTRA 4,132 mi. (6,649 km) 4,000 mi. (6,437 km) 3,915 mi. (6,300 km) PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. (miles/kilometers) LISTENING AND SPEAKING Fonte de pesquisa: WATER SCIENCE SCHOOL. Rivers of the world: world’s longest rivers. USGS. 11 jun. 2018. Disponível em: special-topics/water-science-school/science/rivers-world-worlds-longest-rivers. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. is the longest river in the world. 3 Replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following sentence about fragment II. 1 Do you like poetr y? Have you ever ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS EXERCÍCIOS DOS The fragment “The Amazon is the largest river (most water) in the world.” is equivalent in meaning 22 written a poem EM SEU CADER to largest river (most water) is The Amazon. 2 Listen to a wom an reciting a for a friend? If so, what was it about? NO. 22 poem written 3 Listen to the by Gerard Arthu s in 1982. What 4 Based on the length of the rivers in exercise 2, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to recording again and answer the quest is it about? complete the following sentences. a. What is the best ions. Le@rning on gift that a perso n can give? the web a. is longer than the Amazon River. b. In the poem, Para conhecer what is life comp outros poema ared to? Why? Arthus, visite: s de Gerard b. The Amazon River is longer than . arthusgerard etails/ poems (Acess o em: 10 jun. 2022). Unit 6 111 BY ROCK CONTENT D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 111 26/07/22 18:13 Language in Use ©PAUL RAINE 2012/VISUALLY Aprimore seus conhecimentos Cambridge, Language Acquisition. Muriel. Introducing Second /wiki/English_ estimates | Sources: Saville-Troike, e.pdf | *Figures based on 2006 .org/images/0018/001870/187016 and Decline. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1987. http://unesdoc.unesco Diversity, UK: Cambridge UP, 2006. Competition: Domincance, 2012. Ronald. Languages in Raine language | Wardhaugh, This infographic. ©Paul / 2022. Disponível em: https:/ GALVÃO BERTAZZI the world language. Visually. maio 2022. RAINE, Paul. English: nguage. Acesso em: 30 linguísticos por meio de /other/english-world-la community/Infographics 61 4 According to the poem, choo Unit 3 se the items the poet? that help friend ship become love. Do you a. Confidence. agree with 61 26/07/22 17:30 situações de uso da língua. b. Freedom. c. Generosity. d. Honesty. e. Responsibility. 6a069-LA-G24.indd D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-05 f. Sacrifice. 148 WRITING Looking Ahead D3-ING-F2-4114-V ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS 8-U08-138a151-LA -G24.indd 148 EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Poetry, like other forms of creative writing, can be a great way to propose 26/07/22 18:22 and entertain the audience all in ideas, convey emotions, one. In this unit you have read different Debata questões relevantes on pages 144 and 146. Visit www.poetry poems about friendship, (accessed and on: June 10, 2022) to find other examples classic and contemporary poets. of poems. Read Get inspired. para a ampliação da discussão Based on the poems you explored in this unit, it’s time to write a poem feelings in a creative way. You may to express your ideas and write a long or a short poem, use rhymes or not. do tema da unidade. 1 Before writing your text, match the columns to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: I. classmates and other people b. Readers: II. you c. Genre: III. school newspaper/Internet d. Objective: A cada duas unidades, você IV. creative writing AS DOS e. Style: ESCREVA AS RESPOST SEU CADERNO. V. poem EXERCÍCIOS EM LOOKING AHEAD f. Media: VI. to express your ideas and feelings in a 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. creative way ing text about a dancer’s dream of perfor ming at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. encontra uma unidade de revisão (Review) e uma seção Read the follow ons about it. , discuss the questi 1. Think of something to write about. You can write Then, in small groups SANGGART/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM about an important relationship or anything you especial (Working Together). have deep feelings about. Anything ancer-who- can be the japanese-wheelchair-d theme for a poem. et-the- 2. Focus on your theme and consider https://widerimage.r rming s of perfo dancer who dream it from different angles. Get all your ideas down ese wheelchair on paper. Meet the Japan • ony 3. Do not worry about style, about at Olympics cerem Review writing in a beautiful or a poetic way. Focus on communicat of your experience. What makes ing an aspect TIP Tokyo, Japan Kim Kyung-Hoon. Reporting by Linda Sieg. the poem interesting Ao revisar os poemas, considere, Photography by is your unique perspective. e Kambara’s emotiv por exemplo: Updated 3 Jul 2020 hair dancer Kenta Reveja os conteúdos 4. Then, start experimenting with • objetivo: No poema, você ng – Japanese wheelc the form of the poem. g, reaching, graspi Try organizing your poem in different Whirling, spinnin n and possibility. ony to artistic passio expressa seus sentimentos sobre ways and see perform wordless testim Kambara aims to performances are what happens. The length of the o tema? line can make the • linguagem: A linguagem é usada er that paraly sed his lower body, reader pay attention to certain words, bifida, a disord trabalhados nas duas / REUTERS / FOTOARENA 5. Exchange poems with a classmate for example. de forma criativa? Born with spina g or closing and discuss them. • ortografia: As palavras estão Paralympics openin Talk about how you feel when you at the Tokyo 2020 ge to disabled and read the poems. escritas corretamente? g to send a messa 6. Make the necessary corrections. Reescreva seu texto com base na ceremonies, seekin be different. alike: it’s okay to able-bodied people unidades precedentes por 7. Write the final version of your revisão feita por você e seus/ poem. suas colegas. it’s okay to walk with with your legs, KIM KYUNG HOON “If you can’t walk want to do but is something you 3 It’s time to share your poem with your hands. If there Kambara, 34, a to find another way,” meio de exercícios e avalie your classmates and other people. You can also publish it in cannot, it’s okay websites like (Accessed on: June 10, 2022). er and father of a two-year-old s engine computer system em: https:// s. (…) 2020. Disponível y. Reuters, 3 jul. 150 daughter, told Reuter g at Olympics Ceremon mpics-ceremony. Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. a sua aprendizagem a partir dreams of performin ir dancer who f-performing-at-oly the Japanese wheelcha se-wheelchair-dancer-who-dreams-o SIEG, Linda. Meet Language Note he-japane widerimage.reuter nos transmitir ao dançar Kenta Kambara deseja • Qual mensagem paralysed (BrE) = paralyzed (AmE) de Tóquio? de perguntas propostas; D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24. Jogos Paralímpicos indd 150 o não fazer algo quand 26/07/22 18:22 ra fala sobre querer • O que Kenta Kamba Writing e se se consegue? s se comuniquem • com que as pessoa artística que faz s expressem seus de manifestação Working Together • A dança é um tipo ilitam que as pessoa tipos de arte possib o corpo. Quais outros expressem com se identifi ca? Por quê? qual você mais sentimentos? Com Escreva um texto a partir da observação Recommended Resources dos/as dançarinos/ sobre a vida e carreira Gabi Shull, Solomon Think about it! Você já visitou alguma escola de dança? Se escola de Engaje-se em uma tarefa e discussão do(s) texto(s) de mesmo Para conhecer mais visita guiada a uma colaborativa com seus/ Silva, nesta unidade (Ingrid possível, faça uma conhecer as que aparecem ivamente), visite: onde mora e procure Kambara, respect dança próxima de dos/as Golding e Kenta histórias de vida • JaVBBk um pouco sobre as frequentam os/as que já frequentaram e HbAV8QM dançarin • r também se a escola o local. Busque conhece gênero já explorado(s) na unidade. suas colegas. e com zbvvAg inclusivos. Convers • desenvolve projetos experiência. p8iu5A colegas sobre essa • seus/suas 2022). (Acesso em: 31 maio Unit 4 83 02/08/22 15:01 Ao final do livro, você encontra as seguintes seções: ndd 83 04-070a083-LA-G24.i D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U • Projects: planeje, desenvolva e apresente • Language Reference + Extra Practice: projetos interdisciplinares em grupos; reveja os conteúdos linguísticos de forma contextualizada e faça novos exercícios; • Games: divirta-se com jogos; • Glossary: consulte, no glossário bilíngue • Song: aprenda com uma canção; apresentado, o significado de palavras e • On the Screen: aprenda com um filme; expressões utilizadas no livro; • Audio Scripts: consulte as transcrições das • Vocabulary Corner: estude e amplie o faixas de áudio; vocabulário aprendido, organizado por meio • Annotated Bibliography: veja o referencial de imagens; bibliográfico comentado. Conheça seu Livro 5 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-CON-004a005-LA-G24.indd 5 02/08/22 15:03 CO NT ENT S UNIT 0 Welcome ......................................... 8 Common European Framework of English All around the World .................................................................. 8 Reference for Languages: A2 Tips into Practice.................................................................................... 13 Using an Online Translator.................................................................... 20 UNIT 1 Information Overload and Getting 22 Distracted . . ........................ 22 Getting Started............................................ 28 Language in Use........................................... Reading Comprehension............................ 24 Review: Simple Present/Present Continuous........ 28 Vocabulary Study........................................ 26 Listening and Speaking............................... 32 Word Groups............................................... 26 Writing......................................................... 34 Word Formation: Prefixes............................. 26 mind map Taking it Further........................................... 27 Looking Ahead.............................................. 35 UNIT 2 Inspiring Women..................................................................... 36 Getting Started............................................ 36 43 Language in Use.......................................... Review: Simple Past/Past Continuous................ 43 Reading Comprehension............................. 38 Listening and Speaking.............................. 46 Vocabulary Study......................................... 40 Writing......................................................... 48 Word Formation: Suffixes ............................. 40 online comment Taking it Further...........................................41 Looking Ahead............................................. 49 Review 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 50 Working Together 1 ............................................................................................................................... 54 UNIT 3 The Future of Englishes........................................................... 56 Getting Started........................................... 56 63 Language in Use........................................... Reading Comprehension.............................58 Future with Will............................................... 63 Listening and Speaking...............................66 Vocabulary Study......................................... 60 Writing.......................................................... 68 Synonyms.................................................... 60 chart Taking it Further........................................... 61 Looking Ahead.............................................. 69 UNIT 4 Dancing to Success................................................................... 70 Getting Started............................................ 70 77 Language in Use........................................... Reading Comprehension............................. 72 Future with Be Going To.................................... 77 Listening and Speaking............................... 80 Vocabulary Study........................................ 74 Writing.......................................................... 82 Word Formation: Suffixes............................. 74 interview GALVÃO BERTAZZI Taking it Further........................................... 75 Looking Ahead.............................................. 83 ILUSTRAÇÕES: Review 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 84 Working Together 2 ............................................................................................................................... 88 6 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SUM-006a007-LA-G24.indd 6 26/07/22 16:55 UNIT 5 The World of Books................................................................. 90 Getting Started............................................ 90 Language in Use........................................... 97 Making Comparisons Reading Comprehension............................. 92 (Comparative Adjectives).............................. 97 Vocabulary Study........................................ 94 Listening and Speaking............................. 100 Writing........................................................ 102 Book Genres................................................ 94 book review Taking it Further.......................................... 96 Looking Ahead............................................ 103 6 UNIT W hat a Wonderful World!.................................................... 104 Getting Started.......................................... 104 Language in Use......................................... 111 Making Comparisons Reading Comprehension........................... 106 (Superlative Adjectives).............................. 111 Vocabulary Study....................................... 108 Listening and Speaking.............................114 Writing........................................................ 116 Adjectives................................................... 108 quiz Taking it Further......................................... 110 Looking Ahead............................................ 117 Review 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 118 Working Together 3 ............................................................................................................................. 122 UNIT 7 Eat a Rainbow........................................................................ 124 Getting Started......................................... 124 131 Language in Use......................................... Countable and Uncountable Nouns............. 131 Reading Comprehension........................... 126 Expressions of Quantity.............................. 133 Vocabulary Study....................................... 128 Listening and Speaking............................ 134 Writing........................................................ 136 Food........................................................... 128 recipe Taking it Further......................................... 130 Looking Ahead............................................ 137 8 UNIT Friends Forever.................................................................... 138 Getting Started.......................................... 138 Language in Use........................................ 145 Reading Comprehension........................... 140 Relative Pronouns..................................... 145 Vocabulary Study...................................... 142 Listening and Speaking............................ 148 Word Formation: Suffixes........................... 142 Writing........................................................ 150 Noun Phrases............................................ 143 poem Taking it Further........................................ 144 Looking Ahead............................................ 151 Review 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 152 ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI Working Together 4 ............................................................................................................................. 156 Projects .......................................... 158 Language Reference + Games ................................................ 162 Extra Practice .............................. 186 Song ................................................... 166 Glossary .......................................... 198 On the Screen .................................170 Audio Scripts ................................ 203 Vocabulary Corner .................... 178 Annotated Bibliography .......... 207 Contents 7 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SUM-006a007-LA-G24.indd 7 29/07/22 17:41 UNIT o0 WELCOME Nesta unidade, você vai GALVÃO BERTAZZI • construir e ampliar repertório cultural por meio do contato com manifestações culturais vinculadas à língua inglesa; • colocar em prática, por meio de dicas oferecidas, diversas estratégias de leitura e de aprendizagem; • conhecer dicas práticas de como usar um tradutor on-line. ENGLISH ALL AROUND THE WORLD Nesta seção, você vai ampliar seu repertório cultural por meio do ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. contato com manifestações culturais vinculadas à língua inglesa. As personalidades que aparecem nesta seção foram responsáveis por produções em língua inglesa que se tornaram famosas no mundo inteiro. Faça os exercícios no seu caderno e conheça algumas dessas produções. 1 Who were these people? In your notebook, use the expressions in the box to write sentences about them as in the example. If necessary, visit the website (accessed on: June 15, 2022) to check who these people were. Example: a. Ella Fitzgerald was an American singer. American activist • American singer • English activist • English playwright EVERETT COLLECTION/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM KEYSTONE / EQUIPE/GETTY IMAGES CORBIS/GETTY IMAGES AFP/GETTY IMAGES a. E lla Fitzgerald b. William Shakespeare c. Martin Luther d. Emmeline Pankhurst (1917-1996) (1564-1616) King, Jr. (1929-1968) (1858-1928) 8 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 8 26/07/22 17:09 2 Now make inferences to match each person to his/her corresponding quote as in the example. Example: a. II I. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” a. Ella Fitzgerald b. William Shakespeare II. “Music is the universal language… it brings people closer together.” c. Martin Luther King, Jr. III. “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” d. Emmeline Pankhurst IV. “What is the use of fighting for a vote if we have not got a country to vote in?” LEWIS, Jone Johnson. Emmeline Pankhurst quotes. ThoughtCo. 6 out. 2019. Disponível em:; NATIONAL ARCHIVES. Martin Luther King, Jr. [2022?]. Disponível em:; SHAKESPEARE, William. Speech: “To be, or not to be, that is the question”. Poetry Foundation. 2022. Disponível em: poems/56965/speech-to-beor-not-to-be-that-isthe-question; TYMAS, Baron. Music chair’s message for interested supporters. NCCentral University. 2022. Disponível em: support-music/chairs-message. Acessos em: 23 jun. 2022. 3 Use your own words to explain the quote “Music is the universal language... it brings people closer together.” Do you agree with it? Why (not)? Think about it! Ella Fitzgerald, conhecida como a “Primeira dama da canção” e a “Rainha do jazz”, destacava-se pela alegria contagiante ao cantar. Ella deu vida a inúmeras canções em inglês, como “Cry me a River” — escrita originalmente para ela cantar em um filme —, que já foi regravada por diversos artistas no mundo inteiro, entre eles Michael Bublé e Caetano Veloso. Você conhece alguma outra música, em inglês, português ou outro idioma, que tenha atravessado barreiras geográficas e culturais? Em caso afirmativo, qual(is)? 4 Do you know any work by William Shakespeare? If so, which one(s)? 5 Read about four of Shakespeare’s plays. Use the titles in the box to identify the works as in the example. Example: a. Hamlet ENTERTAINMENT / ALBUM / UNITED ARCHIVES GMBH / ALBUM / EASYPIX BRASIL PARAMOUNT PICTURES / BETTMANN ARCHIVE/ ALAMY / FOTOARENA EASYPIX BRASIL GETTY IMAGES CASTLE ROCK Romeo and Juliet Hamlet A Midsummer Night’s Dream Othello Unit 0 9 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 9 01/08/22 13:51 a. c. When was it written? When was it written? 1600 1604 What’s it about? What’s it about? A student ponders the meaning What happens when race relations of life when he should be on a in sixteenth-century Venice don’t killing spree. go terribly well. Why’s it so good? Why’s it so good? What is there left to say about The most powerful play about “Hamlet”? Its reputation is so racism ever written, but moreover towering it’s hard to be objective a terrifying study in the destructive about it, but this epic about a power of jealousy. young man contemplating his own mortality while attempting to avenge his father is certainly a pretty hot contender for the greatest thing ever written in English. b. d. When was it written? When was it written? 1595 1594 What’s it about? What’s it about? A bunch of insane fairies attempt to The children of mortal enemies fall solve the romantic problems of some for each other. It all gets a bit :’(. mortals lost in a wood. Why’s it so good? Why’s it so good? It’s the uber-love story, the template People love this exuberant magical for every tale of doomed romance comedy – it’s the ultimate ever written. Everything else is just crowd-pleaser and the perfect a variation. summer play. TIME OUT LONDON THEATRE. The ten best Shakespeare plays of all time. Time Out, 26 abr. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web a bunch of: um monte de, vários(as) Para ter acesso a informações sobre as peças de Shakespeare, avenge: vingar como fatos e cenas importantes, e assistir a vídeos informativos doomed: condenado(a), predestinado(a) com atores/diretores e algumas performances, explore o portal fairy: fada educativo Shakespeare Learning Zone, disponível em: jealousy: ciúme tale: conto uk/shakespeare-learning-zone. (Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022). 10 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 10 26/07/22 17:09 6 Based on the screen capture of a webpage from the Shakespeare Learning Zone, answer the following questions. Think about it! Embora as peças de Shakespeare tenham sido publicadas pela HTTPS://WWW.RSC.ORG.UK HISTORY CHARACTER LANGUAGE STAGING primeira vez há mais de 400 anos, MENU elas permanecem vivas até hoje. Já foram adaptadas para teatro, televisão, cinema e literatura, traduzidas para diversos idiomas e reescritas para diferentes públicos, como o infantil. Você já leu algum livro ou assistiu a algum filme baseado nas peças de All of the information you need about the play is divided into four sections: Shakespeare? Em caso afirmativo, Story, Characters, Language and Staging. qual(is)? Qual outro/a escritor(a)/ Then each section has three different levels of information. Choose which level dramaturgo/a produziu obras, is right for you or simply move between them to find what you need. Here’s a em inglês, português ou outro quick guide to help you get started with A Midsummer Night's Dream. idioma, que permanecem vivas na contemporaneidade? Start with level 1 to find: • In STORY: A simple overview of the story • In CHARACTERS: Basic character descriptions • In LANGUAGE: Key language terms • In STAGING: Facts about the settings level: nível overview: visão global setting: cenário RSC. A midsummer night’s dream is a play about love and magic. 2022. Disponível em: www. staging: encenação Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. a. Which Shakespeare’s play is the webpage about? b. How many levels of different information are there? c. All the information about the play is divided into four sections. What are they? d. Which section presents a general description of the story? e. Which section presents facts about the settings? 7 The video from Level 1 is about rhyming couplets (two lines of poetry next to each other that rhyme). Choose the fragment from A Midsummer Night’s Dream quoted here that contains a rhyming couplet. a. “My good Lysander! b. “By all the vows that ever men have broke, I swear to thee, by Cupid’s strongest bow,” In number more than ever women spoke,” RSC. A midsummer night’s dream. [2022?]. Disponível em: extracts-and-text/rhyming-couplets-text.pdf?sfvrsn=2. Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. Unit 0 11 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 11 26/07/22 17:09 No exercício 8, correlacione os itens a 8 Freedom or Death (1913) and I Have a Dream (1963) are two seguir para ter uma visão geral dos discursos Freedom or Death (1913) e I Have a Dream of the greatest speeches in English. Match the following (1963), dois dos mais importantes items in order to have an overall view of the speeches. discursos em língua inglesa. Freedom or Death (1913) a. the speaker b. the audience c. the topic of the speech d. the speaker’s intention e. the language of the speech I. women’s fight for voting rights in Britain II. the British voting rights activist Emmeline Pankhurst CORBIS/GETTY IMAGES III. a crowd of men and women in Hartford, Connecticut (US) IV. to defend and justify the means used by the Suffragettes in Britain V. a combination of serious and emotionally powerful images with irony and sarcasm TODAY IN CONNECTICUT HISTORY. November 13: Emmeline Pankhurst delivers “Freedom or Death” speech in Hartford. 13 nov. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. I Have a Dream (1963) a. the speaker b. the audience c. the topic of the speech d. the speaker’s intention e. the language of the speech BETTMANN ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES I. black and white civil rights activists II. racial discrimination, freedom and equality III. a combination of a political speech and a religious sermon IV. the leading figure of the Civil Rights Movement in the USA Martin Luther King, Jr. V. to promote equal rights in American society and to convince civil rights activists to continue to protest peacefully HISTORY. “I Have a Dream” speech. 30 nov. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web Para ler e/ou ouvir o discurso I Have a Dream na íntegra, visite: (Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022). 12 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 12 26/07/22 17:09 TIPS INTO PRAC TICE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Esta seção apresenta estratégias de aprendizagem e de leitura que vão ajudar você a se sentir mais confiante para realizar as atividades propostas ao longo do livro. 1 Before reading the following text, focus on its title and photo. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. Amanda Gorman is a young American I. poet. II. politician. b. She is described as a I. weak woman. II. strong woman. 2 Choose the items about Amanda Gorman that you expect to find in the text. Her career • Her childhood • Her dreams • Her speaking skills 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. TIP A HTTPS://NEWZHOOK.COM STORIES  VIDEOS  INCLUSIVE  NH VOICE  LOGIN Busque antecipar o sentido global de textos Amanda Gorman, first U.S. National Youth Poet em língua inglesa com Laureate, does not see her disability as a weakness base na observação de títulos e imagens. (...) Just 22 years old Amanda Gorman made history as the youngest POOL / EQUIPE/GETTY IMAGES poet to read at the presidential inauguration in the U.S. Her illustrious predecessors include Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Richard Blanco and Elizabeth Alexander. (…) A descendant of slaves, Gorman was raised by a single mother and grew up with a speech disability. In an interview to The slave: escravo/a strive: lutar, empenhar-se Los Angeles Times ahead of the ceremony, she talked about her struggle: dificuldade struggles, and said she was yet to feel totally confident about her weakness: fraqueza public speaking skills. NEWZ HOOK. Amanda Gorman, first Battled speech disability U.S. National Youth Poet Laureate, does not see her disability as a weakness. “I don’t look at my disability as a weakness,” said Gorman in the 22 jan. 2021. Disponível em: https:// interview. “It’s made me the performer that I am and the storyteller -first-u-s-national-youth-poet-laureate that I strive to be. (…) -does-not-see-her-disability-as-a -weakness/. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. Unit 0 13 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 13 26/07/22 17:09 4 Assinale as alternativas corretas sobre Amanda Gorman. a. Ela foi a poetisa mais jovem a recitar um texto na cerimônia de posse de um presidente dos Estados Unidos. b. Ela foi criada por sua avó materna. c. Ela cresceu com um problema de fala. d. Ela aprendeu a superar um problema de fala. 5 Why are the names Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Richard Blanco and Elizabeth Alexander mentioned in the text? Choose a or b. a. They are some of the people that Amanda Gorman admires. b. They read at previous presidential inaugurations in the U.S. 6 Choose the lines from Gorman’s poem quoted here, The Hill We Climb, that refer to how she is described in the previous text. Choose a or b. TIP B Busque sempre a. “where a skinny b. “because we know estabelecer relações entre Black girl descended our inaction and os textos que você lê para ampliar sua compreensão from slaves and inertia will be the deles e do mundo. raised by a single inheritance of the mother can dream next generation.” of becoming president only to VOYATA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM find herself reciting for one.” PARSONS, Lian. “History has its eyes on us”. The Harvard Gazette, 20 jan. 2021. Disponível em: gazette/story/2021/01/amanda-gormans- inauguration-poem-the-hill-we-climb/. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web Think about it! Para ler o poema “The Hill We Climb” e assistir ao vídeo em que Amanda Gorman o recita durante a 59a inauguração presidencial nos Estados Amanda Gorman acredita que Unidos, visite: suas dificuldades a ajudaram a ser gormans-inauguration-poem-the-hill-we-climb/. (Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022). quem ela é e quem ela busca ser. Na sua opinião, os problemas podem impulsionar alguém a alcançar seus sonhos? Por quê (não)? ARTEM VARNITSIN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 14 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 14 26/07/22 17:09 Nesta seção, pense nas estratégias de aprendizagem e de leitura que você já usa e aprenda outras. Para fazer os exercícios sobre o texto a seguir, conheça algumas dicas de estratégias que são importantes antes, durante e/ou depois da leitura do texto. TIP C Ative seu conhecimento prévio sobre o tema do texto para favorecer o estabelecimento de hipóteses sobre o que será lido. Ways to improve your mental performance 3 Tricks for a Better Memory TIP E Faça previsões TIP D Preste atenção aos subtítulos para 1 Use it or lose it. The brain functions like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it gets. Learning sobre o texto com base no título e nas palavras-chave. new things, varying your routine, having heated compreender melhor a debates, going on trips and playing an instrument organização das all help your brain to make new connections and ideias no texto. function better. TIP F 2 Eat healthy carbohydrates to boost brain cells. A Canadian study found that older people whose Busque sempre identificar a TIP G diets contained the greatest percentage of kilojoules as carbohydrates did best on memory que elemento o pronome se refere Observe o que palavras em uma and task tests. However, make sure you’re getting para compreender enumeração ou como as ideias se these carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and listagem têm relacionam em wholegrains – these release glucose to the brain um texto. em comum para inferir possíveis gradually. Sugary cakes or ice-cream may provide a significados. quick fix, but are often followed by a slump and loss of concentration. Eating oil-rich fish once a week Language Note will also help the grey matter. grey matter = brain TIP H Busque inferir o significado 3 Develop strategies. Counter senior or fuzzy moments by doing one thing at a time – research TATIANA POPOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM de palavras finds that multitasking desconhecidas com base na observação hinders memory and do contexto em que concentration. Stop são utilizadas. for a second after an introduction and repeat the person’s name out loud. Read or work in a quiet room – noise exposure can slow your ability to rehearse things in your mind, a way of building memory. 3 TRICKS for a better memory. Reader's Digest, Austrália, v. 187, n. 1115, p. 19, jan. 2015. Unit 0 15 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 15 26/07/22 17:09 Para responder aos exercícios a seguir, utilize as dicas de estratégias de leitura sugeridas. 7 Where can you find the following ideas? Choose the correct item. TIP D a. Doing more than one thing at a time is bad for your memory. can help you. I. “1 Use it or lose it.” II. “2 Eat healthy carbohydrates to boost brain cells.” III. “3 Develop strategies.” b. The brain functions better when you use it. I. “1 Use it or lose it.” II. “2 Eat healthy carbohydrates to boost brain cells.” III. “3 Develop strategies.” c. Sugar is bad for your concentration. I. “1 Use it or lose it.” II. “2 Eat healthy carbohydrates to boost brain cells.” III. “3 Develop strategies.” 8 Answer the following questions with a fragment from the text. a. According to the text, what can help the brain make new connections and function better? b. Based on the Canadian study mentioned in the text, who did best on memory and task tests? c. How often do you need to eat oil-rich fish in order to help the brain? d. What can slow your ability to repeat things in your mind? 9 In “the more you use it, the stronger it gets”, what does the pronoun it refer to? Choose a or b. TIP F can help you. a. “a muscle” b. “the brain” JEMASTOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 16 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 16 26/07/22 17:09 10 Choose the food items that are good for your brain. TIP G can help you. WHITE SPACE ILLUSTRATIONS/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PAKHNYUSHCHY/ AFRICA STUDIO/ a. c. e. KZWW/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MARTINHO SMART/ ART NICK/ b. d. f. 11 How can we say the following words in bold in Portuguese? In each fragment, TIP H choose the best translation for them. Go back to the text on page 15 and can help you. make inferences. a. In “Eat healthy carbohydrates to boost brain cells”, boost means I. estimular. II. danificar. b. In “a slump and loss of concentration”, slump means I. queda brusca, baixa. II. aumento, crescimento. c. In “multitasking hinders memory and concentration”, hinders means I. melhora. II. prejudica. d. In “rehearse things in your mind”, rehearse means I. repassar. II. esquecer. 12 In “The brain functions like a muscle”, what idea does the word like express? Choose a or b. a. Comparison. b. Addition. 13 Muitas vezes, algumas estratégias de leitura, como observar palavras parecidas com as do português e o uso de imagens, ajudam-nos a compreender um texto. O que ajudou você a compreender o texto “3 Tricks for a Better Memory”? Unit 0 17 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 17 29/07/22 17:46 Read the following text and do exercises 14-19. Get new tips! TIP I Phenomenal Woman Identifique se o texto é BY MAYA ANGELOU uma carta, um poema, um artigo de revista Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. etc. para, com base no que você já sabe sobre I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size esse gênero discursivo, But when I start to tell them, compreender melhor o They think I’m telling lies. texto, seus objetivos e sua estrutura. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms, The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. TIP J I’m a woman Observe os recursos Phenomenally. sonoros utilizados no texto, como a rima. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. I walk into a room Just as cool as you please, And to a man, The fellows stand or Fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, A hive of honey bees. TIP K I say, Observe o efeito das It’s the fire in my eyes, repetições de versos no texto. And the flash of my teeth, The swing in my waist, MICHAEL OCHS ARCHIVES/GETTY IMAGES And the joy in my feet. I’m a woman Phenomenally. Le@rning on the web Phenomenal woman, Para ler “Phenomenal That’s me. Woman” na íntegra (...) e ainda ouvir Maya Angelou recitar o poema, ANGELOU, Maya. Phenomenal woman. In: ANGELOU, Maya. visite: And still I rise. Londres: Hachette Digital, 1986. VeFfhH83_RE. (Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022). Think about it! A poetisa e ativista estadunidense Maya Angelou (1928-2014) publicou dezenas de coletâneas de poemas. “Phenomenal Woman” é um poema consagrado na literatura afro-americana e, desde a sua publicação, em 1978, já foi adaptado e utilizado em diversos países e manifestações culturais por inúmeras associações envolvidas com questões relacionadas à proteção dos direitos humanos. Você conhece outros poemas, em inglês e/ou português, que tenham se destacado por valorizar alguma questão de relevância social? 18 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 18 29/07/22 17:49 14 Answer the following questions. a. What is the genre of the text? b. Who is the author of the text? c. What is it about? 15 How does the woman in the text feel about herself? Choose a or b. a. Insecure. b. Self-confident. 16 The woman in the text doesn’t care to fit into society’s standards of beauty. Choose a line from the text that supports this statement. GALVÃO BERTAZZI 17 Choose the correct statements about the text. a. It contains rhymes (e.g. “hips”, “lips”, “knees”, “bees”, “teeth”, “feet”). b. It contains contracted forms (e.g. “I’m”, “It’s”, “That’s”). c. It contains repetition of some lines. d. Its tone is formal. 18 In “They think I’m telling lies”, what does the pronoun they refer to? 19 No poema “Phenomenal Woman”, Maya Angelou descreve uma mulher que não corresponde ao padrão de beleza estabelecido pela sociedade, mas que é admirada por ser quem é e como é. Para você, o que é ser uma mulher fenomenal? Esse conceito deve estar relacionado à aparência física? Por quê (não)? Discuta essas perguntas com seus/suas colegas. Unit 0 19 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 19 26/07/22 17:10 USING AN ONLINE TRANSL ATOR ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Online translators can be very helpful, but they can also be very EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. tricky. So, use them carefully. • Choose an online translator. • Insert the text in English you want to translate into Portuguese and wait for the translation. HTTPS://TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM/ • Read the text in Portuguese. Are there words, expressions or sentences that sound strange? • Read again the parts of the text in Portuguese that sound strange to you. • Take a look at the corresponding parts in English and try to identify possible translation problems. • Make the necessary adjustments. All the following excerpts are from a biography of Maya Angelou. Read them and do exercises 1-4. Who Was Maya Angelou? Quem foi Maya Angelou? Maya Angelou was an American Maya Angelou foi uma autora, atriz, author, actress, screenwriter, dancer, roteirista, dançarina, poetisa e ativista poet and civil rights activist best known dos direitos civis americana mais for her 1969 memoir, I Know Why the conhecida por seu livro de memórias de 1969, I Know Why the Caged Bird Caged Bird Sings, which made literary Sings, que fez história literária como o history as the first nonfiction bestseller primeiro best-seller de não ficção de uma by an African American woman. Angelou mulher afro-americana. Angelou recebeu HTTPS://TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM/ received several honors throughout várias honras ao longo de sua carreira, her career, including two NAACP Image incluindo dois NAACP Image Awards na Awards in the outstanding literary work categoria de obra literária excepcional (nonfiction) category, in 2005 and 2009. (não ficção), em 2005 e 2009. BIOGRAPHY. Maya Angelou. 28 fev. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. 20 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 20 03/08/22 12:01 1 Focus on the expressions highlighted in yellow in the previous extract. Why haven’t they been translated into Portuguese? Choose a or b. a. Because they don’t have an equivalent form in Portuguese. b. Because they are proper names (title of a book and name of a ceremony, respectively), which are usually not translated. Read another excerpt from the same biography and now focus on the words highlighted in green and in blue to do exercises 2 and 3. Time in Africa Hora na África Angelou spent much of the 1960s Angelou passou grande parte da abroad, living first in Egypt and then década de 1960 no exterior, morando in Ghana, working as an editor and a primeiro no Egito e depois em Gana, freelance writer. Angelou also held a trabalhando como editora e escritora position at the University of Ghana for freelance. Angelou também ocupou um a time. cargo na Universidade de Gana por HTTPS://TRANSLATE.GOOGLE.COM/ um tempo. BIOGRAPHY. Maya Angelou. 28 fev. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. 2 The word time in “Time in Africa” and “for a time” was translated into TIP Portuguese as hora and tempo, respectively. Which translation is NOT Observe se uma mesma correct? Based on the context, try to infer a better way to translate it. palavra ou expressão tem mais de um significado 3 The word position in “a position at the University of Ghana” was possível e escolha a translated into Portuguese as cargo instead of posição. In your opinion, melhor tradução a partir do seu contexto de uso. is this translation correct? Why (not)? 4 It is time to put into practice what you have learned about using an online translator. Follow these steps: • Choose a short biography in English of a person you admire. GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • Use an online translator to translate it into Portuguese. • Follow the tip on this page and make the necessary adjustments in the translation. • Exchange your translation with a classmate. • In pairs, discuss your translation. • Try to help your classmate improve his/her translation. Unit 0 21 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U00-008a021-LA-G24.indd 21 03/08/22 12:01 1 INFORMATION OVERLOAD AND UNIT GETTING DISTRACTED MARIA SVETLYCHNAJA/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. 1 What do the photos show? Do you usually do one thing at a time? If not, do you get distracted easily? 2 Are you familiar with the expression “information overload” (sobrecarga de informação, in Portuguese)? How does it relate to the photos? 22 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 22 26/07/22 17:14 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar a respeito da sobrecarga de informação e distração na era digital; • rever o presente simples (simple present) e o presente contínuo (present continuous); • explorar grupos de palavras (word groups) e prefixos (prefixes); • compreender e produzir mapas conceituais (mind maps); • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais ciência e tecnologia e educação para o trânsito. OM STOCK.C HUTTER M FIZKES/S 123RF.CO FIZKES/© COM TTERSTOCK. SIONAL/SHU ESB PROFES TOCK.COM R/SHUTTERS PRESSMASTE Unit 1 23 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 23 26/07/22 17:14 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In your opinion, do we live in the age of information or in the age of distraction? Why? 2 Take a look at the layout and the structure of the following text. Then, choose the correct statements about it. a. The text is a mind map. b. It contains a main topic and seven subtopics. c. The structure of the text suggests that it offers a small number of tips. 3 Based on the topic “How to focus in the age of distraction”, what tips do you expect to find in the text? Reading 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. © LEARNING FUNDAMENTALS WWW.LEARNINGFUNDAMENTALS.COM.AU Adaptado de: HOW to focus in the age of distraction. David Hopkins / Education & Leadership. 9 dez. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. 24 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 24 03/08/22 11:56 5 What is the main objective of the text? Choose a or b. a. To present some facts about the age of distraction. b. To offer some tips on how to concentrate in the age of distraction. No exercício 6, substitua 6 Replace each icon with an appropriate subtopic from the text cada ícone por um subtópico apropriado do on the previous page as in the examples that follow. texto da página anterior como nos exemplos Examples: a. “Take a digital technology detox” a seguir. b. “Help for addicts” a. Eliminate technology from your life. TIP b. Learn how to deal with unhealthy practices. Note que o uso de cores em um mapa conceitual é c. Find ways to focus on work. importante para uma boa d. Learn when to disconnect. organização visual das informações. e. Establish a routine. f. Learn how to get organized. g. Evaluate your actions. 7 Read the following problems presented by different students. Then, choose an appropriate tip from the text for each problem. a. “I think I’m addicted to social networks.” – 8th grade student b. “Sometimes I forget to do my homework”. – 6th grade student c. “I can’t focus on my work when I’m around the computer.” – College student d. “I get distracted easily with e-mail notifications.” – High school student Reading for Critical Thinking 8 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In your opinion, is it easy to put into practice the tips from the mind map on page 24? What difficulties can people have? b. What can they do to overcome these difficulties? c. Do you agree with all the tips in the text? MIND PHIPATBIG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM What other tips can you include in the mind map? MAP overcome: superar TIP Procure ter uma postura crítica diante dos textos, considerando novas perspectivas sobre o tema e relacionando-o com a realidade à sua volta. Unit 1 25 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 25 26/07/22 17:14 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. TIP Word Groups Agrupar palavras e expressões por campo 1 Word groups are groups of words related to a common topic. Copy these semântico pode ajudar você a ampliar e fixar o two diagrams into your notebook. Then, complete them by replacing each vocabulário aprendido. icon with a word or expression from the text on page 24. timer take a shower digital daily devices activities 2 Add other words that you know to the diagrams in exercise 1. Word Formation: Prefixes 3 Read the following fragments from the text on page 24 and focus Language Note on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. A prefix goes at the beginning of a word as in review and disconnection. I. “Take time to reflect and review” II. “Disconnection times: 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.” TIP a. We can infer that the prefix re- in review indicates O acréscimo de um prefixo I. a repeated action. II. a different action. não modifica a classe gramatical da palavra. Isso b. We can infer that the prefix dis- in disconnection means acontece tanto em inglês quanto em português. I. “the same as”. II. “the opposite of”. 4 Only one of the following fragments from the text on page 24 contains a word with the prefix re-. Which one? Choose a, b, c or d. a. “Reading a book” c. “Clean all dishes/Empty your sink” b. “Take time to reflect and review” d. “Refocus: stretch, walk, look at things GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178 to do list” 26 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 26 26/07/22 17:14 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title. Choose the item that you expect to be related to “digital detox”. a. A chance to be part of the digital world. b. A vacation from using any kind of technology. 2 Now read the text “What is a digital detox?” to check your predictions. What is a digital detox? A digital detox is switching off all mobiles, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and computers for a certain length of time. This enables you to spend screen-free time doing whatever you enjoy. A digital detox is also a chance to recharge and rest. GALVÃO BERTAZZI A digital detox should ideally be around 24 hours long as a minimum. It can be 72 hours or more if you want to build up to that. BOOTH, Francis. How to do a digital detox. Forbes, 13 jun. 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. 3 Answer the following questions according to the text. a. What devices do you turn off in a digital detox? b. What is a digital detox good for? c. What is the minimum amount of time for a digital detox? 4 In “It can be 72 hours (...)”, which expression does the pronoun it refer to? 5 Which tip from the mind map on page 24 refers to the text “What is a digital detox?”? 6 Do you think you need a digital detox? Why (not)? Think about it! Diversas pessoas sofrem com o estresse provocado por dispositivos eletrônicos e acabam recorrendo a uma desintoxicação digital (digital detox). Na sua opinião, quais são as possíveis consequências do uso excessivo das tecnologias digitais? O que pode ser feito para reduzir a dependência de aparelhos digitais? Unit 1 27 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 27 26/07/22 17:14 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Review: Simple Present/Present Continuous 1 Go back to page 24 and read the text again. Then, choose the statements that agree with it. a. A focused person does one thing at a time. b. A focused person checks e-mail about ten times per day. c. Focused people spend 30 minutes each day managing their space. d. A focused person takes time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work for him/her. 2 Now go back to exercise 1 and identify the main verb in each sentence. Then, in your notebook, write down two other sentences about focused people based on the text from page 24. 3 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, source, title and subtitle. Then, answer the questions about it. a. Is the text published on a website specialized in medical information? b. Who is the medical professional involved with the text – the writer or the reviewer? c. What does ADHD stand for? WWW.EVERYDAYHEALTH.COM MENU NEWSLETTERS SEARCH Health Conditions A-Z Wellness Food & Diet Video News & Alerts Coronavirus / COVID-19 ADHD Are You Simply Easily Distracted or Do You Have ADHD? An estimated nearly 8.5 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults in the United States live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Could you be one of them? KKGAS/STOCKSY/AGB PHOTO LIBRARY By Michelle Pugle   Medically Reviewed by Chester Wu, MD Reviewed: March 11, 2022 Medically Reviewed Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m so ADHD,” describing being easily distracted? Although stereotypes suggest that difficulty focusing must mean you have attention deficit hyperactivity It’s normal to deal with distractions during disorder (ADHD), distractibility and ADHD are two very the day, but in some cases, distractibility different things. (…) could be a sign of ADHD. ADHD: TDAH (transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade)   MD (medicinae doctor): médico/a 28 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 28 26/07/22 17:14 How to Tell the Difference Between Distractibility and ADHD The severity of one’s concentration difficulties and whether they happen along with other symptoms like impulsivity or hyperactivity are often what sets ADHD apart from everyday distractibility, Kelley . In general, it’s easier to focus on tasks you and it’s more challenging to focus on tasks that are difficult or unpleasant. However, people who are easily distracted but ADHD can almost always consciously refocus and get back on track once they realize they’ve been distracted — especially if they get rid of the distraction, for example, by turning off the television or a cell phone. This is not the case for people with ADHD, says Kelley. (…) PUGLE, Michelle. Are you simply easily distracted or do you have ADHD? Everyday get back on track: voltar à normalidade Health, 11 mar. 2022. Disponível em: get rid of: livrar-se de (algo/alguém) easily-distracted-or-do-you-have-adhd. Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. once: assim que whether: se 4 Go back to the text and replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in the box. Use the simple present. enjoy • not have • say 5 Why is the simple present used in “An estimated nearly 8.5 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults in the United States live with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.”? 6 In your opinion, do you often get distracted during the day? What about information overload (i.e. the difficulty a person can have understanding things because they receive too much information)? 7 Read the following cartoon and choose the correct item that answers each question. keep up with: acompanhar, estar a par de TIP Na linguagem falada, é muito comum responder a perguntas de forma © 2013 MIKE SMITH-KING FEATURES/DISTR. BULLS concisa. Note que, no cartum, o personagem omitiu I’m em (I’m) just trying to keep up with the news. SMITH, Mike. Smith's World. Las Vegas Sun, 20 abr. 2013. Disponível em: https://m.lasvegassun. com/photoarchives/mike-smith-cartoon/485775/. Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. Unit 1 29 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 29 26/07/22 17:14 a. What digital devices does the man use to keep up with the news? I. Computers and tablets. II. Computers, TV sets and a cell phone. b. Based on his answer, what do you think the woman asked him? I. What do you do? II. What are you doing? 8 Why is the present continuous used in the cartoon? 9 In your opinion, does the man in the cartoon suffer from information overload? 10 Replace each icon with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the following text. Use the simple present or the present continuous. If necessary, use the Glossary on page 198. HTTPS://WWW.STATISTA.COM Media › TV, Video & Film Children and media in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts Published by Statista Research Department, Mar 24, 2022 Today’s children (not know) a world without smartphones and the internet. They (grow up) in an age where entertainment and information is always at the tip of their fingers. It is no surprise, then, that they (spend) a considerable amount of their time with technology each day. Television still (remain) the media of choice among young children, with kids younger than 8 spending 45 minutes watching television each day. Nearly 40 percent of parents report that their child owns a smartphone, and significant percentages (have) access to television in their rooms. (…) The viewing habits of teenagers are somewhat different than those of younger children; an increasing number of teens (watch) their television online, through the use of a subscription video-on-demand service (…). In addition to the various digital entertainment sources, reading (remain) popular as a more traditional source of media and entertainment among children in the United States. As of 2017, 31 percent of parents stated that their child (read) or is read to several times per day. (…) This text provides general information. Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct. Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date data than referenced in the text. STATISTA. Children and media in the U.S. – statistics & facts. 24 mar. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. 30 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 30 26/07/22 17:14 11 How much time do you spend with technology each day? Which digital device do you use the most? 12 Compare the following pictures and spot the differences. What are the people doing differently? Write sentences in your notebook as in the example. Example: In picture A the teacher is using the computer. In picture B she’s reading a book. a. b. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 1 31 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 31 26/07/22 17:14 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 A lot of people get distracted while driving. Why does it happen? 2 2 Listen to a public service announcement (PSA) No exercício 2, ouça um anúncio de utilidade pública (em inglês, PSA) e escolha a placa que developed and produced by the Florida Association melhor expressa a sua mensagem principal. of Insurance Agents (FAIA). Choose the sign that Não se preocupe em entender todas as palavras e informações do áudio. best expresses the main message of the recording. a. b. c. HARYADI CH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DUCU59US/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ANASTASIA AVERINA/ 2 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the thoughts that correspond to the inner voice of the person who is driving the car. inner voice: voz interior thought: pensamento a. “You wanna answer that, don’t you?” b. “Don’t pick up the phone right now”. c. “Someone wants to tell you something or ask you something.” TIP Na linguagem oral e informal, é comum o uso 2 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. de wanna no lugar de want to. 5 According to the recording, what happens to the driver? Choose a or b. a. He/She ignores the inner voice. No exercício 6, crie seu próprio anúncio de b. He/She uses the phone and the car crashes. utilidade pública sobre prevenção de acidentes de carro. Em um grupo pequeno, prepare uma breve 6 It is time to create your own PSA about car accident apresentação oral para introduzir seu anúncio para a turma. Você também pode gravar e compartilhar prevention. In small groups, prepare a short oral o trabalho com outras pessoas. Antes disso, faça uma presentation to introduce your PSA to the whole apresentação para outro grupo e pergunte se seus/ suas colegas entenderam e se têm alguma sugestão class. You can also record and share it with other de aperfeiçoamento. As recomendações em people. Some suggested recommendations for destaque no imperativo podem ajudar você. driving safely: TIP • Do not drink and drive. Ao nos expressarmos em um idioma, a comunicação não • Use your safety belt at all times. verbal (expressões faciais, gestos, movimentos corporais, • Avoid distractions such as eating. entre outros) desempenha um importante papel. Por meio • Keep plenty of space between your desses recursos, é possível, por exemplo, criar envolvimento car and the other vehicles. com a audiência, confirmar uma ideia, esclarecer o que foi • Drive at a speed that is safe for dito. Na apresentação do anúncio de utilidade pública, busque road and weather conditions. incorporar diferentes formas de comunicação não verbal. 32 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 32 26/07/22 17:14 7 Before reading the following text, take a look at its picture, title and subtitle. What do you expect to read about? HTTPS://WWW.WHO.INT Health Topics Countries Newsroom Emergencies Data About WHO Home / Newsroom / Fact sheets / Detail / Road traffic injuries Road traffic injuries SUMIT SARASWAT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 21 June 2021 Key facts • Approximately 1.3 million people die each year as a result of road traffic crashes. • The United Nations General Assembly has set an ambitious target of halving the global number of deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes by 2030 (A/RES/74/299) • Road traffic crashes cost most countries 3% of their gross domestic product. • More than half of all road traffic deaths are among vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. • 93% of the world’s fatalities on the roads occur in low- and middle-income countries, even though these countries have approximately 60% of the world’s vehicles. • Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Road traffic injuries. crash: acidente, batida halve: reduzir à metade 19 jun. 2022. Disponível em: even though: apesar de, embora income: renda fact-sheets/detail/road-traffic-injuries. gross domestic product (GDP): injury: lesão Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. produto interno bruto (PIB) 8 Now read the text in exercise 7 and discuss the following questions with your classmates. Use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. a. What is the leading cause of death for children and young adults (5-29 years)? b. Do you think road traffic crashes are a major cause of death in Brazil? c. What is the percentage of the world’s fatalities on the roads in low- and middle-income countries? In your opinion, is it a high percentage? d. In your view, how can road traffic crashes be prevented? Language Note Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/How do you feel about that? Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../I believe that.../In my view... Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re right./Absolutely./Tell me about it! Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./I totally disagree./I’m afraid that’s not true. Unit 1 33 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 33 26/07/22 17:14 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Go back to page 24 and explore the structure of the genre mind map. Visit the website (accessed on: May 16, 2022) to find other examples of mind maps. A mind map is a diagram used to visually display information. It helps us see connections between several ideas or pieces of information. A central concept is linked by lines or arrows to other concepts which are linked with other associated ideas, creating a web of relationships. Mind maps are useful for brainstorming, summarizing, planning, goal setting, and note taking. Based on the mind map you explored in this unit, it is your turn to create a mind map with helpful tips on how to focus while studying. No exercício 1, substitua cada ícone por uma 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate resposta adequada para answer to identify the elements of the writing context. identificar os seguintes elementos do contexto de escrita: quem escreve a. Writer: you (writer), os possíveis leitores b. Readers: classmates and other people (readers), o gênero (genre), o objetivo (objective) e o estilo c. Genre: (style) do texto e o meio d. Objective: to generate ideas on pelo qual ele é divulgado (media). e. Style: objective tone f. Media: school board/Internet TIP Ao revisar os mapas conceituais, 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. considere, por exemplo: • objetivo: As informações estão adequadas ao objetivo 1. P lace the main topic “how to focus while studying” in the do texto? center of the page. • linguagem: As dicas estão 2. Draw some branches (lines or arrows) from the main topic. preferencialmente no 3.  Think of useful tips on the main topic and write down what imperativo? comes to mind. Be concise when you choose words for your • leiaute: A organização visual facilita a rápida compreensão mind map. das informações? 4. Continue branching. Try to flow from one idea into another. • cores: As dicas estão 5. Add a picture or drawing for each action to illustrate your agrupadas por cores? mind map. • imagens: As figuras tornam o texto mais claro e 6. Exchange mind maps with a classmate and discuss interessante? both texts. Reescreva seu texto com base 7. Make the necessary corrections. na revisão feita por você e 8. Work to create the final version of the mind map. seus/suas colegas. 3 It is time to share your mind map with your classmates and other people. You can also use one of the following online resources to create and publish your mind map: •; • •; (Accessed on: May 16, 2022). 34 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 34 26/07/22 17:14 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about information overload and getting distracted, which are often associated with living in a connected world. Read the following text about media use by tweens and teens. The data is part of a report based on a survey of 1,306 young people (age 8 to 18) in the United States. The survey was conducted from Sept. 29 through Oct. 25, 2021. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the questions. The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens, 2021 PR Use of screen media is Total entertainment screen OST use per day (average) OCK-STUDIO/SH up 17% for tweens and 8:39 teens since the start of the pandemic. UT 17% TE 7:22 RS TO CK .COM 6:40 11% Media use grew faster in the last two years than it did in the four years prior to the pandemic. 5:33 Overall, boys use more screen media than girls. 4:44 17% 4:36 3% Black and Hispanic/Latino children use screens more than White children. And children in higher-income households use screens 2015 2019 2021 for entertainment less than children in middle- and lower-income households. (...) Tweens Teens COMMON SENSE MEDIA. The common sense census: media use by tweens and teens, 2021. Common Sense Media. [2022?]. Disponível em: www. Acesso em: 18 maio 2022. • Two age groups participated in the survey. Which ones? Which Language Note group spends more time using screens for entertainment? tween (tweenager) = a child between • According to the report, what has happened to the use of the ages of about 10 and 12 screen media since the start of the pandemic? • Based on the report, choose the participants who use more income: renda screen: tela screen media in general or for entertainment. prior to: antes de since: desde I. By gender: girls; boys III. By household income: higher; middle; lower II. By ethnicity: white; black; hispanic/latino • Are you surprised with the findings of the study? In your opinion, why do children in higher-income households use screens for entertainment less than children in middle- and lower-income households? Recommended Resources Para conhecer algumas dicas de como evitar distrações durante o estudo, visite: • • (Acesso em: 18 maio 2022). Unit 1 35 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U01-022a035-LA-G24.indd 35 26/07/22 17:14 UNIT 2 INSPIRING WOMEN Y IMAGES PRESS LETTI/FOLHA MAGIC/GETT BRUNO PO LM ER-GRIFFIN/FI AXELLE/BAU Viola Davis Maria da Penha GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Do you know the women in the pictures? Where are they from? What are they famous for? 36 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 36 26/07/22 17:18 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre mulheres inspiradoras; • rever o passado simples (simple past) e o passado contínuo (past continuous); • explorar sufixos (suffixes); • compreender e produzir comentários on-line (online comments); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal educação em direitos humanos. FAX MEDIA/GETTY IMAGES GE/GETTY IMAGES GREGG DEGUIRE/WIREIMA LOUISE KENNERLEY/FAIR Malala Yousafzai Amani Ballour Unit 2 37 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 37 26/07/22 17:18 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Find out the woman each quote comes from as in the example. In your notebook, write Viola Davis, Maria da Penha, Malala Yousafzai or Dr. Amani Ballour. Example: a. Maria da Penha a. “I believe this is time of the woman. We understand how strong we are; united we are even stronger.” b. “I just wanted to study and be a doctor and have a clinic. That was my dream.” c. “The only thing that separates women of color from everyone else is opportunity.” d. “One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world.” GANDOUR, Ricardo; ACOSTA, Fabiana; PLACKIS-CHENG, Paksy. Maria da Penha changed Domestic Violence Law in Brazil. IMPACTMANIA. 2021. Disponível em: GUPTA, Alisha H. Her dream of becoming a doctor turned into a nightmare, and a movie. The New York Times, 11 fev. 2020. Disponível em: middleeast/her-dream-of-becoming-a-doctor-turned-into-a-nightmare-and-a-movie.html. HOLMES, Sally. Viola Davis on her Emmy win: “The only thing that separates women of color from anything else is opportunity”. Elle, 21 set. 2015. Disponível em: culture/celebrities/news/a30607/viola-davis-emmy-speech/. HUSAIN, Zahra. 9 Inspiring Malala Quotes. United Nations Foundation. 13 ago. 2015. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 maio 2022. 2 Take a look at the source of the following excerpts about Viola Pronunciation Note Davis in exercise 4. Where were they taken from? Choose a or b. O primeiro nome da atriz Viola Davis nos remete ao nome de a. From a book written by Viola Davis about her life. um instrumento musical, tanto em português quanto em inglês, b. From a movie script in which Viola Davis is the main character. mas, no nome próprio Viola, o “i” é pronunciado como o pronome “I” /aɪ/. 3 Choose the topics that you expect to find in the excerpts. bullying • career • childhood • family members • overcoming obstacles • racism Reading healing: de cura mouthpiece: porta-voz weapon: arma worthy: merecedor(a), tool: ferramenta digno/a 4 Now read the excerpts to check your predictions. EARL GIBSON III/GETTY IMAGES FOR BET Excerpt 1 aloneness. My art, in this instance, was LITTLE_MONSTER_2070/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM The eight-year-old girl who had never the best healing tool been told “You’re worthy; you’re beautiful” to resolve my past, suddenly found herself as a leading lady, the best weapon and a mouthpiece for all the women who that I had to conquer looked like her. (...) The obstacle blocking me my present, and my gift to the future. was a four-hundred-year-old racist system DAVIS, Viola. Finding me: a memoir. Nova York: HarperCollins of oppression and my own feeling of utter Publishers, 2022. p. 279. 38 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 38 26/07/22 17:18 Excerpt 2 is hyperfocused because of my past. I’m an artist because there’s no separation from Every painful memory, every mentor, me and every human being that has passed LITTLE_MONSTER_2070/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM every friend and foe served as a chisel, a leap through the world including my mom. I have pad that has shaped “ME!” (...) I’m no longer a great deal of compassion for other people, ashamed of me. I own everything that has but mostly for myself. That would not be ever happened to me. The parts that were a the case if I did not reconcile that little source of shame are actually my warrior fuel. eight-year-old girl and FIND ME. I see people – the way they walk, talk, laugh, DAVIS, Viola. Finding me: a memoir. Nova York: and grieve, and their silence – in a way that HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. p. 291. chisel: formão fuel: combustível shape: moldar foe: inimigo/a shame: vergonha warrior: de guerreiro/a Pronunciation Note 3 1 Ouça o primeiro trecho (Excerpt 1) do livro Finding Me, que faz parte do audiolivro (audiobook) gravado pela própria Viola Davis. Observe o uso de pausas, utilizado por Viola, para adicionar drama à narração. Como você se sentiu ao ouvir esse trecho? 4 2  Ouça o segundo trecho (Excerpt 2) do livro Finding Me. Observe o uso de emocionalidade e entonação para envolver os ouvintes. Como você se sentiu ao ouvir esse trecho? 5 Choose the terms that Viola Davis uses to refer to herself. a. “a leading lady” (Excerpt 1) c. “mentor” (Excerpt 2) b. “a mouthpiece for all the women who looked d. “an artist” (Excerpt 2) like her” (Excerpt 1) e. “that little eight-year-old girl” (Excerpt 2) 6 Answer the following questions about Viola Davis. a. What obstacle was blocking her when she was a child? b. What helped her deal with her past? c. According to her, why is she an artist? 7 Choose the sentence that refers to Viola’s feelings in the past, as a child. GALVÃO BERTAZZI a. She was ashamed of herself. c. She had a great deal of b. She thought she was beautiful. compassion for herself. 8 According to the text, how does Viola feel about herself now, as a woman? You can use the sentences from the previous exercise to help you. 9 Choose the sentence that explains the meaning of “The parts that were a source of shame are actually my warrior fuel.” a. What used to make Viola feel bad about herself in the past makes Language Note her stronger now. used to = done or experienced b. Viola thinks that it is impossible to feel good about herself after in the past, but no longer done or experienced having faced obstacles as a child. Unit 2 39 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 39 26/07/22 17:18 Reading for Critical Thinking 10 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. Viola’s art helped her to resolve her past and conquer her present. Do you think art can help ordinary people to overcome personal difficulties? Why (not)? b. Viola Davis says she has a great deal of compassion for other people, but mostly for herself. In your opinion, how can you show compassion and self-compassion in your daily life? Think about it! Na sua opinião, conhecer a história de vida de alguém pode inspirar outras pessoas em suas próprias vidas? A história de vida de alguém já inspirou você? Em caso afirmativo, de quem? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Word Formation: Suffixes Read these fragments from the excerpts on pages 38 and 39 and do exercises 1 and 2. I. “(…) ‘You’re worthy; you’re beautiful’ (…)” – Excerpt 1 II. “Every painful memory, every mentor (…)” – Excerpt 2 III. “(…) a four-hundred-year-old racist system of oppression (…)” – Excerpt 1 IV. “I’m an artist because there’s no separation from me and every human being (…).” – Excerpt 2 1 Focus on the words in bold and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. We can infer that the suffix -ful, in beautiful and painful, means Language Note I. without; not having. II. with; full of. A suffix goes at the end of b. We can infer that the suffix -ion, in oppression and separation, a word as in beautiful and separation. turns verbs into I. nouns. II. adjectives. 2 Now focus on the suffix -ist, in racist (fragment III) and artist (fragment IV). Then, match the columns. a. The suffix -ist as in racist I. refers to occupations. b. The suffix -ist as in artist II. forms nouns as in scientist, journalist. III. forms adjectives as in pacifist, capitalist. IV. refers to “someone who believes in or practices something”. 40 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 40 26/07/22 17:18 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, source and picture to answer the questions. a. Who are the women in the picture? b. What do you expect to read about? 2 Now read the text to check your predictions. CELEBRITY | APR. 22, 2022 The Most Candid Moments From Oprah + Viola By Mia Mercado (...) In their intimate conversation, Davis talked about her forthcoming memoir, Finding Me, which comes out April 26, delving into some of the stories she shares in the book. (...) NETFLIX Like her previous conversations, Oprah’s interview with Davis is raw and emotional, with much of the special focused on devastating details of Davis’s childhood. Here, some of the biggest takeaways from the conversation between Oprah and Davis. The pandemic spurred Davis to write her memoir. “I believe I was having a bad existential crisis,” Davis said, adding that at the time, she was struggling to find connection with the rest of the world and meaning in her life. (...) Davis decided she was going to be an actress when she was 14. Fourteen was a pivotal age for Davis. That year, she won a major art contest, spurring her ambitions to pursue acting: “I realized I really wanted out, and I saw a way out.” (...) Davis felt a lot of shame surrounding her past. Davis recalled having an adult at school explain to her how she should clean herself, something she didn’t have the resources to do at home. (...) Davis has found self-love in “owning her story.” “This book is my gift to others,” she said, speaking to the validation that comes with feeling “seen” by the people around you. At the end of their conversation, Oprah asks what Davis is now “living for.” “I’m living for my peace and my joy,” Davis said, tearfully. “I want to be happy.” Oprah, also holding back tears, said, “In finding yourself, you have helped all of us.” contest: concurso spur: incentivar MERCADO, Mia The most candid moments from Oprah + Viola. The Cut, 22 abr. 2022. raw: forte, intenso/a struggle: lutar, ter Disponível em: recall: lembrar dificuldades Acesso em: 24 maio 2022. seen: visto/a tear: lágrima TIP Le@rning on the web Language Note Observe os elementos não Para assistir a um pequeno trecho do vídeo verbais, como imagens, should = expresses obligation em que Oprah Winfrey entrevista Viola Davis, or correctness, typically when tipos e cores de fontes, para visite criticizing someone’s actions melhor compreender o texto. (Acesso em: 24 maio 2022). Unit 2 41 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 41 26/07/22 17:18 3 Choose the adjectives used in the text to describe Oprah’s interview with Viola. a. “intimate” b. “raw” c. “emotional” d. “devastating” 4 Answer the following questions. a. What did Viola Davis talk about when she was interviewed by Oprah? b. What kind of book did Viola write? When did she write it? c. When did Viola decide to be an actress? What happened to her at that age? d. How did Viola feel about her past? What childhood memory did she mention? e. What is Viola living for? Think about it! Oprah diz que, ao encontrar-se a si mesma, Viola Davis ajudou a todos/as nós. Na sua opinião, o que Oprah quis dizer com isso? Você concorda com ela? Por quê (não)? It’s common to find online comments about magazine/newspaper articles available on the Internet. The following online comments are about the text you have just read. Read them and do exercises 5 and 6. Comments Please read our community guidelines. Have a concern or tech problem related to commenting? Report it. All comments with links in them will require a moderator to approve. All Comments 2 Sort by Newest anne.mrocinc 1 MONTH AGO Viola Davis is a magical, lit- from- within, transcendent actress. Her tragic, neglectful childhood could have destroyed her talent and drive, instead it fuelled her ambition to see beyond its limitations. Bravo Ms. Davis! Looking forward to your book! LIKE 2 REPLY SHARE REPORT ragsmctattershanty Vulturati 1 MONTH AGO Her recent NYT profile and her Inside the Actors’ Studio episode are worth reading and watching. She’s one of our best actors. LIKE 5 REPLY SHARE REPORT Top of comments Top of article MERCADO, Mia. The most candid moments from Oprah + Viola. The Cut, 22 abr. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 maio 2022. 42 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 42 29/07/22 17:56 TIP Ao ler um texto na internet, busque identificar os links/botões disponíveis e a que tipo de informação esses links/botões podem conduzir o leitor. Nos comentários on-line reproduzidos na página anterior, onde se deveria clicar para responder a uma postagem? E para compartilhá-la? 5 Do the online comments express positive or negative views on Viola Davis? Which expressions used in the comments reveal such views? 6 Choose the correct statements about the two online comments you read. a. The online comments show the users’ personal opinions about Viola Davis. b. The users who posted the online comments followed community guidelines. c. The online comments were posted after the approval of the moderator. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Review: Simple Past/Past Continuous Read these fragments from the excerpts on pages 38 and 39 and do exercises 1 and 2. I. “My art (…) was (…) the best weapon that I had to conquer my present (…)” – Excerpt 1 II. “The obstacle blocking me was a four-hundred-year-old racist system of oppression (…)” – Excerpt 1 III. “Every painful memory, every mentor, every friend and foe served as a chisel (…)” – Excerpt 2 IV. “The parts that were a source of shame are actually my warrior fuel.” – Excerpt 2 1 Focus on the verbs in bold and answer the following questions. a. Which fragments contain the singular form of the verb to be in the past? b. Which fragment contains the plural form of the verb to be in the past? c. Which fragment contains a regular verb in the past? d. Which fragment contains an irregular verb in the past? 2 Why is the simple past used in fragments I and III? Choose a or b. a. To describe completed actions in the past. b. To describe actions in progress in the past. Unit 2 43 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 43 26/07/22 17:18 3 Let’s get to know about another inspiring woman, Dr. Amani Ballour, and her work at the subterranean hospital known as the Cave. Read the following text about her and complete it with the simple past of the verbs in the box. All the verbs are regular. abandon • complete • elect • join • move • want Heroic doctor from Oscar-nominated film 'The Cave' wants to be 'voice' for Syrians ABDULMONAM EASSA/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Dr. Amani Ballour's underground hospital saved thousands in Syria. By Conor Finnegan February 03, 2020, 11:30 PM (…) "I can be a voice for the Syrian people who are now voiceless, and I am proud to be able to do that," she said. The Oscar-nominated film "The Cave" follows Ballour as she leads that underground hospital, known as the Cave, through siege conditions (...) and near daily aerial bombardment by Syrian strongman Bashar Assad and his ally Russia. Only 29 years old when her colleagues her the hospital's director in 2016, Ballour battles the endless stream of victims, but also the strong patriarchal society that pushes back on a woman leading the hospital. Born in Ghouta outside Damascus, Ballour to become a doctor despite her family's wishes. They told her that she could be a teacher, but "not a surgeon," she said, but she refused to give up. (…) She her general medical studies at the University of Damascus in 2012, one year after Syria's civil war started. (…) That fighting began to hit Ghouta hard as Ballour was studying pediatrics. Amid a siege by the Assad regime and its allies, she her studies to start working as a doctor and treating people, especially children. She the Cave in 2013 – a hospital 65 feet below ground to shield it from airstrikes, as Assad began to target hospitals in the conflict. (…) Eventually, the constant attacks by Assad and Russian warplanes forced Ballour to leave Ghouta. She to northern Syria in 2018 before crossing the border to Turkey, where she currently lives as a refugee. (…) FINNEGAN, Conor. Heroic doctor from Oscar-nominated film 'The Cave' wants to be 'voice' for give up: desistir Syrians. Abc News, 3 fev. 2020. Disponível em: push back: opor-se doctor-oscar-nominated-film-cave-voice-syrians/story?id=68721983. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2022. siege condition: condição de cerco underground: subterrâneo/a Language Note 4 Go back to the text in exercise 3 and find The suffix -less means without. examples of irregular verbs in the past. endless = without an end voiceless = without a voice 5 Go back to the text in exercise 3, read it again and answer the following questions. a. Did Dr. Amani fight against the grave realities of the hospital she worked at? b. Why did she abandon her studies in pediatrics? c. When did she start working at the Cave? 6 In your opinion, what makes Dr. Amani Ballour an inspiring woman? Why? 44 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 44 02/08/22 14:20 PHIC CHANNEL Think about it! DMITR1CH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Enfrentando todos os perigos da guerra na Síria na década DIO/NATIONAL GEOGRA de 2010, a Dra. Amani Ballour e suas colegas trabalharam em um hospital subterrâneo conhecido como “A Caverna” em pé de igualdade com seus colegas homens, apesar da cultura local opressivamente patriarcal. Esse trabalho desafiador pode ser conhecido no documentário The PRODUCTION/HECAT STU Cave (2019), que faz um retrato emocionante de coragem, resiliência e solidariedade feminina. Você acredita que é importante divulgar a história de mulheres como a Dra. Amani? Por quê (não)? Que outros filmes sobre mulheres inspiradoras você conhece? DANISH DOCUMENTARY Le@rning on the web Para assistir ao trailer do documentário The Cave, visite (Acesso em: 24 maio 2022). 7 Why is the past continuous used in “as Ballour was studying pediatrics”? Choose a or b. a. To describe a completed action in the past. b. To describe an action in progress in the past. 8 Read the following comic strip and replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the simple past or the past continuous. RESERVED / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION GARFIELD, JIM DAVIS © 1995 PAWS, INC. ALL RIGHTS DAVIS, Jim. Garfield. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 maio 2022. a. Garfield (not watch) television when Jon (arrive). b. Garfield (sleep) when Jon (enter) the room. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 2 45 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 45 29/07/22 17:57 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Read this magazine cover and, in pairs, ask and answer the following questions. Nobel laureate. Icon. Campaigner. Daughter. Schoolgirl. Inside the ordinary life of the extraordinary Malala THE TELEGRAPHIC MAGAZINE TELEGRAPH MAGAZINE. 17 out. 2015. a. Who is the woman on the cover of the magazine? b. What details about her are mentioned on the cover? Language Note c. Based on the cover, does the woman have an ordinary or ordinary = usual, not special extraordinary life? extraordinary = very unusual, special d. What else do you know about her? 2 Before you listen to a recording with Malala Yousafzai, choose the expressions about her that you expect to hear. a global voice for girls’ education • fight for education • life in Pakistan • Nobel Peace Prize • respect towards other people • Taliban attack 5 3 Now listen to the recording and choose what it is. Le@rning on the web a. A speech delivered by Malala. Para ouvir o áudio na íntegra, visite: b. A podcast interview with Malala. (Acesso em: 24 maio 2022). 46 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 46 26/07/22 17:18 5 4 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. Malala Yousafzai began blogging and talking about her life when she was TIP Não se preocupe em entender I. eleven years old. tudo o que ouvir. Leia os itens II. fifteen years old. do exercício 4 para conhecer as informações solicitadas. b. In Malala’s recent world trip, she visited the Middle East Você deverá prestar atenção a elas durante a escuta. I. Asia, Central and North America. II. Latin America, Africa and North America. c. The objective of Malala’s girl-power trip was to encourage I. young women in their fight for education. II. political leaders in their fight for women’s rights. d. In the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Malala talked about I. the need to prioritize spending on education around the world. II. the importance of respecting other people, no matter where they are from. e. Malala decided to start her girl-power trip in Lancaster, Pennsylvania because I. the way America welcomed refugees was not ideal. II. she was inspired by the way this city welcomed refugees. 5 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. Think about it! Malala Yousafzai foi a pessoa mais nova na história a receber um prêmio Nobel, por defender o direito de todos/as à educação. Você lutaria por alguma causa social? Em caso afirmativo, qual? Por quê? Como você poderia fazer a sua parte e contribuir para a promoção dessa causa? 6 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Why do you think Malala can be considered an inspiring woman? b. In your opinion, what other women alive today can be considered inspiring? Why? Language Note Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/How do you feel about that? Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../ I believe that.../From my point of view... Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re GALVÃO BERTAZZI right./Absolutely./Tell me about it! Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./ I totally disagree./I’m afraid that’s not true./No way. Unit 2 47 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 47 02/08/22 14:21 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read some online comments on page 42. Online comments are posted in the comments section of blogs or news websites, which is where users can publish their personal opinions or other information. Users can also reply to or share comments by others. Based on the online comments you explored in this unit, it is your turn to create an online comment to share your views on a magazine/newspaper/online article about an inspiring woman. 1 Before writing your text, match the columns to identify the elements of the writing context. No exercício 1, correlacione as colunas a. Writer: I. classmates and other people para identificar os seguintes elementos do contexto de escrita: quem escreve b. Readers: II. school board/Internet (writer), os possíveis leitores (readers), c. Genre: III. you o gênero (genre), o objetivo (objective) e o estilo (style) do texto e o meio d. Objective: IV. informal tone pelo qual ele é divulgado (media). e. Style: V. online comment f. Media: VI. to share your views on a magazine/newspaper/ online article about an inspiring woman 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. TIP Ao revisar os textos, considere, por 1. F ind an article about a woman you consider inspiring exemplo: and write down your ideas concerning it. • objetivo: As informações estão adequadas ao objetivo do texto? 2. If necessary, talk to other people and/or do research • conteúdo: Há pelo menos um on the Internet to get more information on the argumento para justificar a opinião selected person. expressa? Ele está claro e coerente? 3. Write a first draft of the comment. Include one or two • linguagem: O texto está redigido arguments to support your opinion. de maneira clara e objetiva? • ortografia: As palavras estão 4. Exchange comments with a classmate and discuss escritas corretamente? both texts. Reescreva seu texto com base na 5. Make the necessary corrections. revisão feita por você e seus/suas 6. Write the final version of the online comment. colegas. 3 It’s time to share your comment with your classmates. You can organize all the comments on a school board or post RAWPIXEL.COM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM them on the Internet. Then read your classmates’ comments and choose one (or more) to reply to. 48 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 48 26/07/22 17:18 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. after: em homenagem a Read the following text about Maria da Penha, an inspiring Brazilian be aware of: estar ciente de come forward: denunciar woman. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the questions. ground-breaking: inovador(a) Maria da Penha: The woman who changed Brazil’s domestic violence laws CID MOREIRA FOTOGRAFIAS/CORTESIA By Pablo Uchoa BBC Brasil INSTITUTO MARIA DA PENHA 22 September 2016 In September 2006, Brazil introduced ground-breaking legislation on domestic violence. It was called the Maria da Penha Law after a women’s rights activist who was left paraplegic by her violent husband. (...) “So many women think that violence is only physical, they are not aware of other kinds of violence,” she says. “They don’t understand psychological, moral, sexual violence. The law lists all those kinds of abuses.” “Nowadays women are coming forward but the violence continues. They are coming forward to press charges, but it’s only in the cities or the state capitals where there are shelters and specialised police units and all the facilities.” There’s a long way to go to change attitudes, she says. (...) UCHOA, Pablo. Maria da Penha: the woman who changed Brazil’s domestic violence laws. BBC, 22 set. 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 maio 2022. • Why was the Brazilian legislation on domestic violence called the Maria da Penha Law? • According to the text, what kinds of abuses does the Maria da Penha Law list? • Maria da Penha believes that there’s a long way to go to change attitudes. In your opinion, what should be done in order to promote such change? Think about it! A luta de Maria da Penha em defesa dos seus direitos e dos de todas as mulheres contribuiu para a criação de uma legislação inovadora contra a violência doméstica. Você acredita que essa legislação é suficiente para proteger as mulheres? Por quê (não)? Na sua opinião, o que mais pode ser feito para evitar a violência doméstica? Recommended Resources Para conhecer diversas mulheres da atualidade que são fonte de inspiração, visite: • Para conhecer mais sobre Maria da Penha e como sua história de vida contribuiu para a criação da Lei Maria da Penha, visite: • • (Acesso em: 24 maio 2022). Unit 2 49 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U02-036a049-LA-G24.indd 49 26/07/22 17:18 • U N I TS 1 & 2 REVIEW 1 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 How would you explain the term cyberbullying using your own words? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure and title. What is the intended audience of the text? What is it about? Read the text and do exercises 3 and 4. trusted: de confiança HTTPS://KIDSHEALTH.ORG What Is Cyberbullying? It's not just strangers who can make you feel uncomfortable. Cyberbullying refers to cruel or bullying messages sent to you online. These might be from former friends or other people you know. They can also be sent anonymously — in other words, on a website where everyone has a screen name, so teens being bullied might not even know who is bullying them. If you get these bullying messages online, it's often better to ignore them rather than answer them. Cyberbullies, just like other bullies, might be looking for attention or a reaction. Plus, you never want to provoke bullies. By ignoring them, you can take away their power. You also can try to delete or block bullies so you no longer see their texts. Fortunately, most people never experience cyberbullying. But if you're getting cyberbullied and ignoring it doesn't make it stop, getting help from a parent, school counselor, or another trusted adult might be a good idea. That's especially true if the cyberbullying contains threats. BEN-JOSEPH, Elana Pearl. Online safety. Kids Health. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 3 According to the text, what is important to do if you are being bullied online? Choose the correct answers. a. Answer bullies. c. Ignore, delete or block bullies. b. Provoke bullies. d. Get help from a trusted adult. 50 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 50 26/07/22 17:23 4 Based on the text, who are the best people to get help from in case of getting cyberbullied? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Review: Simple Present/Present Continuous 1 The following text is about cyberbullying. Complete it by replacing each icon with the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use the simple present or the present continuous. What is cyberbullying? For the most part, cyberbullying is bullying, only it (happen) on phones and other connected devices. Most experts (agree) that it (involve) repeated harassment and some type of power imbalance — MARY LONG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and, when young people are involved, it usually (have) something to do with what (happen) with peers at school. It's important to remember that not every mean comment or unpleasant interaction (rise) to the level of bullying. CONNECT SAFELY. Quick-guide to cyberbullying. 14 abr. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 2 It’s important to think before you post! Complete the following guidelines by putting the words in green into the correct order. a. I/posting?/Why/am Is this something you really want to post, it/your personality/really/reflect/and values?/does Don't follow the crowd or post just to gain attention, as you might not like the response you get back. b. I/kind?/Am/being Treat others with the respect that you would like to receive yourself. If you read it about yourself, would it make you feel good? c. Is it really private? inappropriate posts/People/excuse/often based on the idea that the conversation is private, as it is on a private account. Consider how many connections you have, are all these people very close friends? (…) KIDSCAPE. Think before you post. 2022. Disponível em: cyberbullying/think-before-you-post/. Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 3 Do you usually ask yourself the three questions in exercise 2 before posting online? If so, which one(s)? Review 1 51 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 51 26/07/22 17:23 Review: Simple Past/Past Continuous 4 Who was Coco Chanel? Read the following text about this fashion designer and complete it by replacing each icon with a verb in the box. Use the simple past. be • be born • create • die Coco Chanel (...) Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel in CORBIS VIA GETTY IMAGES 1883 and in 1971. She a new look for women in the 20th century, creating clothes that primarily comfortable. CRAVEN, Jo. Coco Chanel. Vogue, 22 abr. 2008. Disponível em: Coco Chanel Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. crash: bater, colidir lucky: sortudo/a Read the following comic strip and do exercises 5 and 6. crater: cratera    roof: telhado NANCY, GUY GILCHRIST © 1998 GUY & BRAD GILCHRIST / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS JAIMES, Olivia. Nancy. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. 5 Answer the following questions about the text. a. What was Sluggo doing when a meteorite crashed through his roof? b. What did the meteorite do to Sluggo’s house? c. Why did Nancy say “How lucky can he get???” 6 Now focus on the following fragment and replace the icons with first action or second action to complete the statements. “He was sleeping when it crashed through his roof” He = Sluggo / it = a meteorite   first action     second action    a. It is an action in progress in the past. c. The [shorter action] interrupted the (= The is in the past continuous.) [long action]. b. It is a completed action in the past. (= The is in the simple past.) 52 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 52 26/07/22 17:23 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. • I can understand everyday signs and notices etc. in public places (e.g. streets, Reading railway stations). • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand short narratives and descriptions of someone’s life that are written in simple words. Grammar • I can use the simple present. • I can use the present continuous. • I can use the simple past. • I can use the past continuous. Listening • I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. Speaking • I can agree and disagree with others. • I can present my opinion in simple terms. • I can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. • I can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Writing • I can write a mind map. • I can write an online comment. • I can create short descriptive online posts about everyday matters. • I can comment on other people’s online posts, provided that they are written in simple language. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 0-2? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Listen to podcasts and songs in English. Review 1 53 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW1-050a053-LA-G24.indd 53 26/07/22 17:23 TO G E T H E R 1 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 1, you have talked about information overload and getting distracted. In this section, you are going to talk about Internet safety and find some helpful tips on staying safe on social media. 1 Do you use social media? If so, what measures do usually take to stay safe online? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, title and introductory paragraph. What do you expect to read about? 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. PART OF THE CYBER Social Media SAFETY DREYKON/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; DRVECTOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; HELLY HANSEN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; TONKHAO WANPIYA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM VIDEO SERIES Social media can be a great way to connect with family and friends, share memes, get a good laugh, watch videos, and catch up with the latest dance craze or viral trend. Here are a few tips to make sure your social media experience is safe and secure! 1. Ensure private. your profile is set to PRIVACY Deleting… 2. Things posted online exist FOREVER. Report, block, or hide any person 3. bullying you or making you feel uncomfortable online. LOSER!!! 4. Watch out for suspicious Hey there! Want to get rich quick by doing nothing at all? messages! Click this link and start earning dollars while chilling on your couch! SCHOOLSAFETY.GOV. Social Media. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web Para assistir a um breve vídeo que explora as quatro dicas apresentadas no texto “Social Media”, visite: (Acesso em: 17 jun. 2022). 54 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT1-054e055-LA-G24.indd 54 26/07/22 17:25 4 Focus on the four tips mentioned in the text. Based on the following items (a-d), choose the tip (1-4) that best relates to each of them. a. Think about what you post. It can be almost impossible to delete it. b. Be cautious when communicating with people you don’t know in person. c. Don’t tolerate cyberbullying! Use privacy tools to report, block or mute people who are aggressive or mean to you online. d. Make sure your privacy settings on your social media platforms are secure and people don't have access to your personal information. 5 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In your opinion, are the tips given in the text helpful? Have you put them into practice? If so, which one(s)? b. What other safety measures do you usually take in order to stay safe on social media? Think about it! As redes sociais são uma forma de se conectar com amigos e familiares, compartilhar saberes e aprender sobre vários assuntos. Podem, entretanto, gerar ansiedade, depressão, dispersão e até riscos à integridade física e moral devido à exposição excessiva a dados ou imagens, à comparação da própria realidade com recortes da vida alheia idealizada, à supervalorização do número de curtidas, amigos ou seguidores, entre outros fatores. Para você, o que as redes sociais representam? O que você faz ou poderia fazer para se proteger dos possíveis efeitos negativos das redes sociais em sua vida? 6 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to get to know and share new tips on how teens can stay safe online. TASK In small groups, try to think of as many tips as possible that can be useful for teens to stay safe online. You can also visit the following websites to get some tips: • • • staying-safe-on-social-media (Accessed on: July 1, 2022). Try to choose from four to six tips that you consider the most relevant ones to be shared among your classmates. Then, create a tip sheet similar to the one on the THEROMB/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM previous page. Use visual elements such as pictures and different font sizes to make it more attractive. You and your classmates can publish the tip sheets on the school board or school website. Working Together 1 55 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT1-054e055-LA-G24.indd 55 26/07/22 17:25 UNIT 3 THE FUTURE OF ENGLISHES Definition of English noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary English noun /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ Idioms 1  [uncountable, countable] the language, originally of England, now spoken in many other countries and used as a language of international communication throughout the world ENGLISH. In: OXFORD Learner’s Dictionaries. 2022. Disponível em: www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries. com/definition/english/english_1?q=English. Acesso em: 30 maio 2022. RICCARDO PICCININI/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. The pictures show different situations in which English can be used by different people around the world. Do these different uses reflect the definition of “English” presented on this page? Why (not)? In your opinion, what does it mean to use the term “Englishes”? 56 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 56 29/07/22 17:59 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre o futuro da língua inglesa; • usar will para falar sobre o futuro; • explorar sinônimos (synonyms) em inglês; • compreender e produzir gráficos (charts); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal diversidade cultural. SKYNEXT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM KATE KULTSEVYCH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ONEINCHPUNCH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM FOTOLIZA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 3 57 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 57 26/07/22 17:30 READING COMPREHENSION ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Before Reading EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In your opinion, is English an easy or difficult language to learn? Why? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and subtitle. What do you expect to read about? Reading displace: substituir 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. foreign: estrangeiro/a HTTPS://WWW.ECONOMIST.COM STOCKPHOTOSLV/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Menu  Weekly edition    Search Prospero | Future English Johnson: Simpler and more foreign A few guesses as to what English will look like in the coming decades and centuries July 3rd 2014 By R.L.G. | BERLIN SEVERAL weeks ago, Johnson discussed his debate with Nicholas Ostler about the lingua franca of the future. Johnson thinks that English has a very long run ahead of it. Mr. Ostler sees English’s time as coming to an end, to be replaced by machine-translation tools that will remove the need for people to learn to speak, read and write a lingua franca. But we agreed that whatever the long run might look like, the next few decades are set. No language has anything like a chance of displacing English. Interestingly, about two-thirds of English-speakers are not first-language speakers of English. To put it another way: English no longer belongs to England, to superpower America, or even to the English-speaking countries generally. Rather, English is the world’s language. What happens to a language when it becomes everybody’s? Shaped by the mouths of billions of non-native speakers, what will the English of the future look like? A look into the past can give us an idea. English is of course not the first language learned by lots of non-natives. When languages spread, they also change. (…) English may simplify because it is spreading. But it is spreading because it is expressive and useful. Most of the world’s languages would love to have the problems that English has. GREENE, R. L. Johnson: simpler and more foreign. The Economist, 3 jul. 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 mar. 2022. 58 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 58 26/07/22 17:30 4 Based on the author’s point of view, what is the future of English? Choose a or b. a. English will never grow in usage and variety. b. English may simplify because it is being used by more and more people. 5 Johnson is a journalist who works for The Economist, a weekly British newspaper. Who is Nicholas Ostler? Make inferences. Choose a or b. a. He is a language specialist. b. He is an economic specialist. 6 What do they say about the future of English? In your notebook, write I if the sentence refers to Johnson’s opinion, II if it refers to Mr. Ostler’s opinion or III if it refers to the opinion of both. a. English has a great future ahead of it. b. No language will take the place of English in the next few decades. c. People will use machine-translation tools to communicate. 7 According to the text, choose the terms that can be used to refer to English. a. “world’s language” b. “expressive and useful” c. “belongs to England” d. “belongs to superpower America” 8 Choose the pie chart that best illustrates the fragment “about two thirds of English-speakers are not first-language speakers of English”. a. Native English b. Non-native English speakers speakers Non-native English Native English speakers speakers pie chart: gráfico de setores (gráfico de pizza) 9 Choose the correct statement about the fragment “Most of the world’s languages would love to have the problems that English has”. a. The fact that English is spreading is something negative. b. The fact that English is spreading is something positive. Unit 3 59 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 59 26/07/22 17:30 Reading for Critical Thinking 10 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. TIP Procure ter uma postura a. According to Nicholas Ostler, English is “to be replaced by crítica diante dos textos, machine-translation tools that will remove the need for people to considerando novas perspectivas sobre o tema learn to speak, read and write a lingua franca”. In your opinion, can e relacionando-o com a digital tools completely replace the need for people to learn a lingua realidade à sua volta. franca like English? Why (not)? b. The text mentions language simplification as one of the consequences of the global spread of the English language. In your opinion, does the spread of English bring more advantages or disadvantages? Why? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Synonyms VASILKOVS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 1 Replace each icon with an item in the box to complete the following sentences. Try to infer the meaning of the words and expressions in bold. Go back to the text on page 58 if necessary. helpful • obviously • to replace • to establish • to finish a. In “Mr. Ostler sees English’s time as coming to an end”, to come to an end means . TIP Observe o contexto para inferir b. In “the next few decades are set.”, to set means . o significado de palavras e c. In “No language has anything like a chance of displacing expressões desconhecidas. English.”, to displace means . d. In “English is of course not the first language learned by lots of non-natives.”, of course means . e. In “it is expressive and useful”, useful means . 2 Replace each icon with a word or expression in bold from exercise 1 to complete the following sentences. a. English is an international language. b. No second or foreign language has the power the first language. c. Studying a foreign language is for many reasons and can help people broaden their cultural horizons. 3 In your notebook, write sentences about the future of English with the words and expressions you have learned. Then, exchange notebooks with a classmate and discuss the sentences. GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178. 60 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 60 26/07/22 17:30 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the text “English: The World Language”, take a look at its title and layout. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The text is I. a mind map. II. an infographic. b. The text contains I. a flag, a map and pictures. II. charts, pictures and percentages. Now read the text and do exercises 2-4. ©PAUL RAINE 2012/VISUALLY BY ROCK CONTENT *Figures based on 2006 estimates | Sources: Saville-Troike, Muriel. Introducing Second Language Acquisition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2006. | language | Wardhaugh, Ronald. Languages in Competition: Domincance, Diversity, and Decline. Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 1987. This infographic. ©Paul Raine 2012. RAINE, Paul. English: the world language. Visually. 2022. Disponível em: community/Infographics/other/english-world-language. Acesso em: 30 maio 2022. Unit 3 61 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 61 26/07/22 17:30 2 What is the main purpose of the text? Choose a or b. a. To present some facts about English as a global language. b. To present some expectations about the future of English. 3 Choose the correct statement about the text. a. About 6.6% of the world’s population speak English. b. There are more than 125 million speakers of English as a second language in India. 4 Choose the following fragment from the text “English: The World Language” that refers to the fragment “about two-thirds of English-speakers are not first language speakers of English” (page 58). a. “Non-native speakers outnumber native speakers of English by more than two to one.” b. “1 in 5 of the world’s population speak English as either a native, second or foreign language.” Think about it! Você concorda com a citação “English belongs to everyone or to no one”, presente no infográfico da página anterior? Por quê (não)? Na sua opinião, ela se refere à visão de inglês como língua franca? Por quê (não)? 5 Read a fragment of an interview with Derek Walcott (1930-2017), a Saint Lucian poet and dramatist. Then, in pairs, discuss the following questions. INTERVIEWER: Well, then how do you see yourself in terms of the great tradition of poetry in the English language? WALCOTT: I don’t. I am primarily, absolutely a Caribbean writer. The English TOM HERDE/THE BOSTON GLOBE/GETTY IMAGES language is nobody’s special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself. I have never felt inhibited in trying to write as well as the greatest English poets. (…) Derek Walcott HAMNER, Robert D. (Ed.). Critical perspectives on Derek Walcott. Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1997. p. 73. a. Does Derek Walcott’s quote “The English language is nobody’s special property” relate to the idea behind “English belongs to everyone or to no one”? Why (not)? b. Do you agree with Derek Walcott? Why (not)? 62 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 62 29/07/22 18:00 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Future with Will 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 58. Why is will used in the fragments? Choose a or b. I. “machine-translation tools that will remove the need for people to (...).” II. “what will the English of the future look like?” a. To make offers about the future. b. To express opinions and expectations about the future. 2 Based on the text on page 58, what do Johnson and Mr. Ostler believe will not happen to English in the future? Choose a, b or c. a. English will not simplify in the future. Language Note b. English won’t spread in the near future. ’ll will c. English will not be replaced by another language in the next won’t will not few decades. 3 Go back to exercise 2 and identify the future time expression used in each item. Language Note Examples of future time expressions: • in the future • in a week/month/year • next week/month/year etc. 4 Replace each icon with before or after to complete the following statements. a. In affirmative sentences about the future, we use will Language Note the main verb (infinitive without to). Short answers with will: Example: English will have a great future ahead of it. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will. b. In interrogative sentences about the future, we use ALANO DESIGN/ will the subject. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t. Example: Will people learn to speak English in the future? c. In negative sentences about the future, we use not will and the main verb (infinitive without to). Example: Mandarin will not displace English. Unit 3 63 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 63 26/07/22 17:30 higher education: Read the following chart and do exercises 5-7. ensino superior STATISTA BUCHHOLZ, Katharina. Will higher education move online? Statista. 4 dez. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 maio 2022. TIP Observe que gráficos que apresentam resultados de uma pesquisa de opinião (survey) costumam apresentar informações sobre os respondentes e o período de coleta de dados. 5 Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. Language Note a. The data in the chart are represented by False friends in exercise 5: I. bars (bar chart). college = faculdade data = dados II. slices (pie chart). 64 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 64 26/07/22 17:30 b. The chart shows survey responses to the question I. “Will higher education move online?”. II. “In five years, how do you think higher education will be carried out in your country?”. c. The survey is about education that is provided by I. universities and colleges. II. primary and secondary schools. 6 Replace each icon with will or won’t to complete the following statement about the chart. Globally, most participants believe that within five years, higher education in their country be carried out only or mainly online. They think that online and in-person learning be equally important. 7 Based on the chart, replace each icon with an appropriate percentage (%) to complete the following sentences. a. In Saudi Arabia, of respondents believe that higher education will be delivered only or mainly online in five years. b. of participants surveyed in Brazil think that within five FIZKES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM years, higher education in their country will be carried out entirely or mostly online. c. In Chile, of respondents believe that online and in-person learning will be equally important. 8 What do you think about the future of online learning? Discuss it with your classmates. 9 Make a list of things that will help you improve your English in the future. In your notebook, write sentences as in the examples. Then, exchange notebooks with a classmate and discuss the lists. Examples: I will listen to songs and podcasts in English. I will set some time to study English every day. Think about it! Você já teve alguma experiência com ensino remoto ou on-line? Em caso afirmativo, como foi? Na sua opinião, como as tecnologias digitais poderiam ser melhor utilizadas na educação? Le@rning on the web GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM A Biblioteca Pública de Nova Iorque (New York Public Library) publicou uma lista de sites recomendados que oferecem recursos gratuitos voltados para a aprendizagem de língua inglesa. Para conhecer esses sites, visite practice-english (acesso em: 2 ago. 2022). Se possível, acesse alguns desses sites para aumentar seu contato com o inglês e desenvolver diferentes habilidades linguísticas (leitura, escrita, escuta, fala). GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 3 65 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 65 02/08/22 16:12 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 How much do you know about English around the world? Before listening to part of a lecture by Dr. David Crystal, a respected language specialist and professor, choose the statements that are correct about the English language. Then, compare your answers with those of ATGOF.CO / ALAMY / FOTOARENA a classmate. a. English is a global language. b. Linguists could anticipate the different varieties of English. c. English is now spoken by over 2 billion people around the world. Dr. David Crystal 6 2 Now listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 1. 6 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct item that answers each question. a. According to Crystal, what is the reason for the differences among “Englishes”? I. Culture. II. Linguistics. b. According to Crystal, what happens when the language arrives in a particular place? I. People adopt it, then they immediately adapt it to their own cultural background. II. People adopt it, and they think it is going to stay the same despite their cultural background. 6 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercise 3. 7 5 Listen to another part of the same lecture and identify the two facts about English that Crystal mentions. a. There are thousands of differences between British and American English. b. William Shakespeare had a great influence on the English language. c. For every one native speaker, there are now PEOPLEIMAGES.COM - YURI A/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM five non-native speakers. d. New varieties of English are growing up very rapidly. 66 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 66 26/07/22 17:30 6 According to Crystal, why are new varieties of English growing up so fast? Choose a or b. a. Because of identity. b. Because of the Internet. 7 7 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercises 5 and 6. Le@rning on the web Os áudios que você ouviu fazem parte de uma palestra, proferida em 2015, em que o linguista David Crystal fala sobre The Future of Englishes. Para assisti-la na íntegra, visite (Acesso em: 30 maio 2022). 8 Interview your classmates to find out about their resolutions to improve their English. Copy the following table into your notebook. Then, replace the icons with your classmates’ names when their answer is affirmative. Ask extra questions and take turns as in the example. Find someone who will... Classmates’ names listen to songs in English. read comic strips in English. practice English with friends. watch movies with subtitles in English. play online games in English. Student A: Will you listen to songs in English? Student B: Sure! I love music! How about you? Student A: I hope so. Sometimes I listen to rock songs in English. Language Note Agreeing and Disagreeing: Student B: Cool! Will you read comic strips in English? SHUTTERSTOCK.COM I think so./I hope so. Think about it! ALANO DESIGN/ Quais estratégias de aprendizagem de língua inglesa você já coloca em I don’t think so./I hope not. prática? Quais você gostaria de adotar ou utilizar mais frequentemente? GALVÃO BERTAZZI Unit 3 67 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 67 26/07/22 17:30 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read a chart from a survey on page 64. Charts can be used to display the results of a survey in a visual way. There are many different types of charts. The two most common are pie charts and bar charts. Pie charts work best when your data consist of several items. Bar charts are often used when you want to present distributions of data over time. Based on the charts you explored in this unit, it is your turn to conduct a survey and use charts to display its results. You can conduct a survey on one of the following suggested topics. • The future of English. What will happen to English in the future? Will English still be a global language? • The future of online learning. Will online learning become more popular? Which digital tools will be more useful for learning? 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following paragraph describing the elements of the writing context. You are going to conduct a in order to find out people’s opinions about something in the future. You are going to design a to display the results of your survey. You are going to use an objective tone. Your text can be published on a traditional school board or on the Internet so that other classmates and school members can read it. 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1. Choose a topic for your survey and write two or three questions about it. Make sure the survey questions invite TIP people to share their opinions/expectations about the Ao revisar os textos, considere, por exemplo: selected topic. • objetivo: As informações 2. Write at least three possible answers for each question. estão adequadas ao objetivo Make them short and clear. You can add another field to do texto? allow a respondent to enter his/her own answer. • conteúdo: Os resultados da 3. Have a classmate take your survey. This is a good way pesquisa foram verificados e calculados de forma to check if the questions and the answer options are correta? Há informações clear enough. sobre os respondentes e o 4. Submit your survey to your classmates, teachers and friends. período de consulta? Try to have as many people as possible to take your survey. • linguagem: As perguntas e as respostas estão 5. Design charts to display the results of your survey. Choose redigidas de maneira clara an appropriate type of chart to represent your data. Also, e objetiva? remember to mention the number of respondents and the • leiaute: A organização data collection period. visual e o uso de cores facilitam a rápida 6. Exchange charts with classmates and discuss the texts. compreensão das 7. Make the necessary corrections. informações? 8. Write the final version of the charts. You can use the Reescreva seu texto com websites or www.onlinecharttool. base na revisão feita por você e seus/suas colegas. com (accessed on: May 30, 2022) to design them. 3 It’s time to share the results of your survey with your classmates and other people. 68 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 68 26/07/22 17:30 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Read the chart "English Is the Internet's Universal Language", which compares the share of websites using selected languages to the estimated share of Internet users speaking those languages. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the following questions. RICHTER, Felix. English is the Internet's universal language. Statista. 21 fev. 2022. Disponível em: STATISTA internet/. Acesso em: 30 maio 2022. • What is the most common language online? Based on the chart, which two footprint: impacto, pegada languages have a larger footprint online than they have in the real world? • What is the percentage of all websites that use English as their content language? Are you surprised with the statistics? Why (not)? • What is the percentage of the world’s Internet users that are speakers of English? How do you feel about the statistics? • In your opinion, can language barriers exclude people from access to information and participation in the digital world? Why (not)? Think about it! De acordo com o gráfico, 3,7% de usuários da internet falam português. Qual é a porcentagem de websites em língua portuguesa? O que esses dados sugerem sobre a presença desse idioma na internet? A partir dos dados sobre a língua inglesa apresentados no gráfico, qual a importância de aprender inglês para facilitar o acesso a conteúdos disponíveis na internet? Recommended Resources Para ler mais sobre o inglês como língua franca, visite: • • Para assistir a uma breve animação sobre a história do inglês no mundo, visite: • (Acesso em: 30 maio 2022). Unit 3 69 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U03-056a069-LA-G24.indd 69 26/07/22 17:30 UNIT 4 DANCING TO SUCCESS MEINPHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DIDESIGN021/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. What are the people in the photos doing? In your opinion, why is this activity an art form? 70 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 70 26/07/22 17:58 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre dança; • usar be going to para falar sobre o futuro; • explorar sufixos (suffixes); • compreender e produzir entrevistas (interviews); • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais diversidade cultural, educação em direitos humanos e trabalho. THOMAS BARWICK/GETTY IMAGES MAGDA_SHUTTERSTOCK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 4 71 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 71 26/07/22 17:58 READING COMPREHENSION Before Reading ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you like dancing? Who do you admire as a dancer? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, photo and first paragraph. Then, answer the questions. a. Who is Ingrid Silva? Where is she from? TIP A partir do que já b. What genre does the text belong to? sabemos sobre o gênero de um texto, podemos c. What do you expect to read about? compreendê-lo melhor. Reading rehearse: ensaiar rising: em ascensão, emergente since: desde (que) 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. unless: a menos que HTTPS://CUPOFJO.COM FEBR U A RY 27, 2019 ST YL E BY KE L SE Y M I L L E R (...) Ingrid Silva grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and moved to New York at the age of 18 to study at Dance Theatre of Harlem. Ten years later, Ingrid is now a leading member of the company and founder of EmpowHer New York, a global women’s group. (...) How does your day typically start? I get up, grab some fruit and tea, and I’m at ballet class with the company ANA PAULA TIZZI by 9 a.m. We break around 10:30 to eat something, then rehearse until 5 or 6. I’m usually home by around 7 p.m. — unless we’re performing. (…) Have you seen more diversity in the dance world since you started? Yes. Definitely. You see more dancers of color, for sure. But we still need a lot more — not just one in a company. There are so many talented dancers all over the world, looking for opportunities. The dance companies should be looking for us. If they want to build something for the next generation, they need to make something that reflects the way the world looks. And what about that rising generation of dancers? What would you want them to know? That it’s so important to consistently believe in yourself and find the love for what you do. Being a dancer is a full-time commitment and you have to trust yourself — and surround yourself with the right people, who will keep encouraging you. Because you’re going to hear a lot of ‘No.’ Remaining positive is key. Thank you so much, Ingrid! MILLER, Kelsey. My beauty uniform: Ingrid Silva. Cup of Jo, 27 fev. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. 72 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 72 26/07/22 17:58 4 How is Ingrid Silva portrayed in the text? Choose the correct items. a. As an inspiring professional ballet dancer. b. As the founder of a global women’s group. c. As the owner of a ballet company in New York. 5 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. a. Ingrid Silva moved to New York to study ballet when she was eighteen. b. She usually works from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. c. She believes that there is enough diversity in the dance world today. d. She recommends that the rising generation of dancers should believe in themselves and stay positive. 6 Choose a fragment from the text that is equivalent in meaning to each item as in the example. Example: a. “grew up in Rio de Janeiro” a. lived in Rio de Janeiro as a child b. believe in yourself c. a decision that requires time and dedication d. staying positive is fundamental Reading for Critical Thinking 7 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In the interview, Ingrid Silva says that “Being a dancer is a full-time commitment and you have to trust yourself”. What characteristics do you consider really important in order to become a successful ballet CREATISTA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM dancer? Why? b. Ingrid is now a role model to many women in Brazil and in the world. In your opinion, what other major Brazilian figures in the arts can serve as role models? Why? Think about it! Ao responder sobre a diversidade no mundo da dança, Ingrid Silva reconhece que houve conquistas, mas destaca a necessidade de que haja muito mais. Na sua opinião, qual é a importância de que uma maior diversidade de pessoas possa atuar na dança e em outras formas de arte? O que pode ser feito para favorecer isso? Unit 4 73 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 73 26/07/22 17:58 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Word Formation: Suffixes 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 72 and focus on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “Yes. Definitely.” II. “That it’s so important to consistently believe in yourself” III. “Being a dancer is a full-time commitment” a. We can infer that the suffix -ly in definitely and consistently indicates TIP Em inglês, acrescenta-se o sufixo -ly a I. manner. adjetivos para formar advérbios (consistent consistently), assim como II. period of time. em português acrescenta-se o sufixo -mente (consistente consistentemente). b. We can infer that the suffix -ment in commitment forms I. verbs. II. nouns. 2 Read another part of the interview with Ingrid Silva. Then, copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing the icons with words from the text. TIP O acréscimo de um sufixo geralmente modifica a classe gramatical da Are there any performances you’re particularly proud of? palavra. Isso acontece tanto em inglês quanto One ballet that meant a lot to me was Dancing on the Front em português. Porch of Heaven by Ulysses Dove. It’s about how nothing can separate you from the one you love — not even death. I learned that ballet shortly after my goddaughter passed away, so it was a story I felt very deeply. MILLER, Kelsey. My beauty uniform: Ingrid Silva. Cup of Jo, 27 fev. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. Adjective Suffix Adverb deep + = particular -ly GO TO VOCABULARY short CORNER ON PAGE 178. 74 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 74 26/07/22 17:58 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, photo and caption. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The photo shows a young I. competitive dancer. II. inexperienced dancer. b. The text is about a young girl who lost part of her leg to cancer and I. stopped doing ballet after it. II. continued doing ballet after it. 2 Now read the text to check your predictions. Schoolgirl who had her leg amputated above the knee and her foot attached to the stump after suffering rare bone cancer defies the odds to become a ballet dancer (…) KEITH MYERS / TNS / ZUMA PRESS / IMAGEPLUS By FLORA DRURY FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 00:10 BST, 22 June 2016 | UPDATED: 11:53 BST, 22 June 2016 Ballerina Gabi Shull had been dancing for three years when, aged just nine, she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her knee – leaving her parents fearing the worst. But thanks to a ground-breaking operation which saw her foot attached to her upper leg, and a lot of determination, the 14-year-old is now back on her toes and hoping to inspire others. (…) Debbie [Gabi’s mother] said: ‘She has done so much more than (…) thanks to a groundbreaking operation, in which her foot was anybody expected. attached to what remained of ‘She is a determined kid and none of us view her as disabled. her leg, five years later she is back on her toes - and dancing At times we forget that she has the prosthetic.’ competitively And Gabi has even bigger dreams for the future. She said: ‘When I am older I would like to specialise in paediatrics at college or work as a nurse or scientist looking to help find a cure for cancer.’ ‘If I can beat cancer and live with a prosthetic leg and learn to do everything again - then I believe I can do anything.’ Language Note DRURY, Flora. Schoolgirl who had her leg amputated above the knee and her foot attached to the stump after suffering rare bone cancer defies the odds to become a ballet dancer. Mail Online, 22 jun. 2016. Disponível em: paediatrics (BrE) = pediatrics (AmE) leg-amputated-knee-foot-attached-stump-suffering-rare-bone-cancer-defies-odds-competitive- specialise (BrE) = specialize (AmE) ballet-dancer.html. Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. Unit 4 75 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 75 02/08/22 14:25 3 Use fragments from the text to answer the following questions. a. What happened to Gabi Shull when she was nine years old? b. How does Debbie (Gabi’s mother) view her? c. What does Gabi believe she can do? 4 According to the text, Gabi Shull “was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her knee”. What does the word in bold mean? Use an expression from the text title to answer it. Try to infer its meaning. 5 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. How do you think ballet has helped Gabi Shull through the process of overcoming a rare bone cancer? What do you think of her attitude? b. Why can Gabi be a role model to other people? Is she a role model to you? If so, what do you admire about her? c. Do you know other people who have overcome difficulties in life? If so, who? What happened to them? What do you admire about them? 6 When talking about her dreams for the future, Gabi said “When I am older I would like to specialise in paediatrics at college or work as a nurse or scientist looking to help find a cure for cancer.” What about you? Talk about your dreams and projects for the future (long-term life plans) with your classmates. Use the following expressions to help you. Asking about future dreams and projects: • What do you want to/wanna do when you’re older? • What are you going to/gonna be when you grow up? • What are you going to/gonna do in ten/ twenty/thirty years? Talking about future dreams and projects: MASTER1305/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • When I’m older, I want to/wanna… • I’m going to/gonna be a/an…when I grow up. • In ten/twenty/thirty years, I’m going to/gonna… Language Note wanna want to gonna going to In spoken language, want to is often pronounced /’wɔ:nə/, and going to is often pronounced /’gɔ:nə/. This is sometimes shown in writing as wanna and gonna, respectively, especially in American English. 76 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 76 26/07/22 17:58 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Future with Be Going To 1 Choose the two fragments from the text on page 72 that refer to the future. a. “Ingrid Silva grew up in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (...)” b. “I’m usually home by around 7 p.m. (…)” c. “(…) the right people, who will keep encouraging you.” d. “Because you’re going to hear a lot of ‘No.’” 2 Go back to exercise 1, focus on the verb forms in bold and identify the ones in the future. 3 Now go back to item d in exercise 1 and focus on the verb form in bold. Then, choose the correct item that answers each question. a. Why is the verb form ’re going to hear used? I. To talk about future plans and intentions. II. To predict the future based on present evidence. b. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to “Because you’re going to hear a lot of ‘No.’”? I. Because you wanna hear a lot of ‘No’. II. Because you’re gonna hear a lot of ‘No’. figure something out: descobrir algo Now read the following comic strip and do exercises 4 and 5. PARTNERSHIP / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION BALDO, CANTÚ & CASTELLANOS © 2006 BALDO CANTÚ, Hector D.; CASTELLANOS, Carlos. Baldo. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. 4 Choose the correct statements about the comic strip. Language Note a. The text shows a conversation between daughter (Gracie) Comparative adjectives in the and father. comic strip: b. Gracie is not certain about what she is going to be in old + er older (mais velho/a) smart + er smarter (mais the future. inteligente) c. Gracie believes that she is going to be more intelligent tall + er taller (mais alto/a) wise + r wiser (mais sábio/a) when she gets older. Unit 4 77 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 77 26/07/22 17:58 5 Now focus on the second panel and choose the correct item that completes each statement. a. In “I’m gonna be”, the verb form ’m gonna be is used I. to talk about intentions. II. to talk about promises. b. The time expression that refers to the future is I. “I know exactly”. II. “when I grow up”. 6 What about you? What are you going to be/do when you grow up? 7 Do you know the British drama movie Billy Elliot? It is about an eleven-year-old boy becoming a professional ballet dancer against his father’s wishes. Read the following movie script fragments and focus on the verb forms in bold. BBC FILMS / WORKING TITLE FILMS / PHOTO12 / IMAGEPLUS I. It’s okay. He’s gonna be okay. Just get him out of here, Tony. II. What does your dad say? — He doesn’t know. (…) — Are you not going to tell him? — Not yet, anyway. STUDYLIB. Billy Elliott script. 2013-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. Now choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In fragment I, the verb form ’s gonna be is used I. to talk about future plans and intentions. II. to predict the future based on present evidence. b. In fragment II, the verb form Are… not going to tell is used I. to talk about future plans and intentions. II. to predict the future based on present evidence. Think about it! No filme Billy Elliot, o personagem de mesmo nome enfrenta preconceito ao querer se tornar um bailarino profissional. Você conhece alguém que enfrenta ou já enfrentou uma situação semelhante? Na sua opinião, o que pode ser feito para combater esse tipo de preconceito? Le@rning on the web Em 2005, o filme Billy Elliot ganhou uma adaptação para o teatro. Billy Elliot – The Musical, que conta com música de Elton John, é desde sua estreia um dos musicais de maior destaque, com produções não apenas no Reino Unido, mas também na Austrália, nos Estados Unidos e ao redor do mundo. Para assistir ao trailer do musical e a entrevistas com o elenco, visite a galeria de vídeos em: (Acesso em: 31 maio 2022). 78 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 78 26/07/22 17:58 The movie Billy Elliot has inspired various young men around the world to follow their dreams and become ballet dancers. One real story features the first black British male dancer at The Royal Ballet, Solomon Golding. Read the following text about Solomon and do exercises 8 and 9. HTTPS://WWW.ITV.COM Watch Live  Full Series  Shows   Categories  News Real Stories: Black British male ballet dancer makes history EDUCATION | SPORT | AND FINALLY | REAL STORIES WITH RANVIR SINGH Thursday 11 August 2016, 12:29pm (…) The Tottenham born dancer fell in love with ballet at the age of ten and credits the film Billy Elliot as his inspiration. ROYAL OPERA HOUSE/ARENAPAL/AGB PHOTO LIBRARY “I’d seen and it really kind of resonated with me, the whole working class thing and this boy wanting to do ballet in a classroom of girls, I was just blown away by it so that was the moment when I was like, ballet is what I am going to do.” Solomon He became a full member of the Royal Ballet company in 2013 - but his journey to the top wasn’t without its struggles - he grew up with many negative comments about his passion to dance. (…) REAL stories: Black British male ballet dancer makes history. ITV NEWS, 11 ago. 2016. Disponível em: black-british-male-ballet-dancer-makes-history. Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. blow away: impressionar 8 Choose the correct statements about Solomon Golding. resonate: repercutir struggle: luta, esforço a. Solomon was born in Tottenham. b. He related to the movie Billy Elliot because of his family background and love for ballet. c. He became a dancer with The Royal Ballet in 2013. d. He always heard positive comments about his passion to become a ballet dancer. 9 Now focus on the quote by Solomon. In “ballet is what I am going to do”, why is the future with be going to used? Choose a or b. Le@rning a. To talk about future plans and intentions. on the web b. To predict the future based on present evidence. Para conhecer mais sobre a história de Solomon Golding, leia a Think about it! biografia dele em: www. Na sua opinião, ainda há preconceito em relação a homens e/ou negros fazerem balé? Em quais outras profissões as pessoas costumam sofrer discriminação de gênero e/ou etnia? (Acesso em: 31 maio 2022). GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 4 79 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 79 26/07/22 17:58 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Take a look at this picture and based on what you know about the woman in the photo, ask and answer the following questions in pairs. a. What is her name? b. Where is she from? c. Where does she live? d. What is her occupation? 8 2 Now listen to part of a short documentary about Ingrid Silva. What does she say about ballet? Choose a or b. a. Ballet is very extreme at times. b. Ballet is the art form that gets perfect. 8 3 Listen to the recording again and, in your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. ERIKA GARRIDO a. She had the idea that she could become a professional dancer. b. She mentions that there are many black ballerinas in Brazil. c. Ingrid saw many dancers that looked like her at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. d. Ingrid says that professional dancers are under enormous pressure to perform well. Le@rning on the web Criado em 1995, o projeto Dançando para Não Dançar oferece suporte socioeducativo a crianças de mais de dez comunidades da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Além das aulas de dança, as crianças têm aula de idiomas (inglês e alemão) e reforço escolar. Para conhecer mais sobre o projeto, visite: (Acesso em: 31 maio 2022). 8 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 2 and 3. Think about it! Ingrid Silva é brasileira, mora nos Estados Unidos e usa a língua inglesa no seu cotidiano para se comunicar com pessoas de diferentes lugares. No trecho do documentário reproduzido, em “I didn’t have no idea that I could become a professional dancer (...) there is not many black ballerinas.”, percebemos que há dois exemplos (grifados em negrito) de uso da língua que não estão de acordo com o que está prescrito na norma-padrão (any e there are, respectivamente). Na sua opinião, isso comprometeu a mensagem que Ingrid gostaria de transmitir? Por quê (não)? Para você, o que pode impedir o entendimento entre pessoas de culturas diferentes que falam a língua inglesa? 5 Are there any dance projects in your community like Dançando para Não Dançar? If so, what are they? 80 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 80 29/07/22 18:02 6 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. Use expressions from the Language Note box to help you. a. Ingrid Silva believes that it is important to Language Note have someone who looks like you as a role model. Do you agree with her? Who is your Asking for an opinion: What do you think?/Do you agree?/ How do you feel about that? role model? Why? Expressing an opinion: In my opinion.../I believe that.../ In my view... b. Ingrid Silva is an example of a successful Agreeing: I agree with you./I guess you’re right./ ballerina because of her perseverance Absolutely./Tell me about it! and hard work. In your view, what Disagreeing: I don’t agree with you./I totally disagree./ I’m afraid that’s not true. characteristics are important for someone to follow their dreams? 7 Based on the following text, why is the Dance Theatre of Harlem a good example of a dance institution that embraces diversity? Discuss it with your classmates. www.dancetheatreofharlem. Dance Theatre of Harlem is a leading dance institution of unparalleled global acclaim whose mission is to: • Present a ballet Company of African American and other racially diverse artists who perform the most demanding repertory at the highest level of quality; • Maintain a world-class school that trains young people in classical ballet MASTER1305/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and the allied arts and; • Provide arts education, community outreach programs, and positive role models for all. DANCE THEATRE OF HARLEM. Who we are. 2022. Disponível em: www. Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. Le@rning on the web Além de Ingrid Silva, existe outra pessoa do Brasil que faz parte da companhia de dança Dance Theatre of Harlem (Dylan Santos, de São Paulo). Para conhecer outros/as dançarinos/as e entender melhor as atividades desenvolvidas pela companhia de dança, visite: (acesso em: 31 maio 2022). É possível também acessar vídeos em que os/as dançarinos/as ensinam alguns movimentos do balé em: instructionalvideos/ (Acesso em: 31 maio 2022). Unit 4 81 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 81 02/08/22 14:25 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read parts of an interview with Ingrid Silva, a Brazilian ballerina, on pages 72 and 74. An interview is a conversation between two or more people in which questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit information (past experiences, future projects, personal views, facts, etc.). An account or a reproduction of such a conversation is also called an interview. Interviews can be used in different contexts such as journalism and research. Based on the parts of an interview you explored in this unit, it is your turn to conduct an interview to get to know about a community member you admire. It can be a good opportunity to learn inspiring values! 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: you b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: d. Objective: to get to know about a you admire e. Style: informal tone f. Media: school board/school website 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.  Choose a community member to interview. 2. Prepare for the interview. Write down a list of questions to TIP guide you through the interview. Ao revisar as entrevistas, 3. Conduct the interview. You can record it and/or take notes. considere, por exemplo: Be friendly and polite. • objetivo: As informações estão adequadas a seu 4. Read your notes and/or listen to your recording again to objetivo e ao público-alvo select the most interesting answers. do texto? 5. Organize your text. Check it to see if the questions can be • linguagem: As perguntas organized in a different order. e as respostas estão redigidas de maneira clara 6. Include a picture of the person you are writing about to e objetiva? illustrate your interview. • leiaute: A organização 7. Exchange interviews with a classmate and discuss visual facilita a both texts. Try to make some suggestions on your compreensão das informações? classmate’s text. Reescreva seu texto com 8. Make the necessary corrections. base na revisão feita por você 9. Write the final version of the interview. e seus/suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your interview with your classmates and other people. You can publish it on the school board or school website. 82 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 82 26/07/22 17:59 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Read the following text about a dancer’s dream of performing at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. Then, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. Meet the Japanese wheelchair dancer who dreams of performing at Olympics ceremony Tokyo, Japan Photography by Kim Kyung-Hoon. Reporting by Linda Sieg. Updated 3 Jul 2020 Whirling, spinning, reaching, grasping – Japanese wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara’s emotive performances are wordless testimony to artistic passion and possibility. Born with spina bifida, a disorder that paralysed his lower body, Kambara aims to perform at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics opening or closing KIM KYUNG HOON / REUTERS / FOTOARENA ceremonies, seeking to send a message to disabled and able-bodied people alike: it’s okay to be different. “If you can’t walk with your legs, it’s okay to walk with your hands. If there is something you want to do but cannot, it’s okay to find another way,” Kambara, 34, a computer systems engineer and father of a two-year-old daughter, told Reuters. (…) SIEG, Linda. Meet the Japanese wheelchair dancer who dreams of performing at Olympics Ceremony. Reuters, 3 jul. 2020. Disponível em: https:// Acesso em: 31 maio 2022. • Qual mensagem Kenta Kambara deseja transmitir ao dançar nos Language Note Jogos Paralímpicos de Tóquio? paralysed (BrE) = paralyzed (AmE) • O que Kenta Kambara fala sobre querer fazer algo quando não se consegue? • A dança é um tipo de manifestação artística que faz com que as pessoas se comuniquem e se expressem com o corpo. Quais outros tipos de arte possibilitam que as pessoas expressem seus sentimentos? Com qual você mais se identifica? Por quê? Recommended Resources Para conhecer mais sobre a vida e carreira dos/as dançarinos/as Think about it! que aparecem nesta unidade (Ingrid Silva, Gabi Shull, Solomon Você já visitou alguma escola de dança? Se Golding e Kenta Kambara, respectivamente), visite: possível, faça uma visita guiada a uma escola de • dança próxima de onde mora e procure conhecer • um pouco sobre as histórias de vida dos/as • dançarinos/as que já frequentaram e frequentam o local. Busque conhecer também se a escola • desenvolve projetos inclusivos. Converse com (Acesso em: 31 maio 2022). seus/suas colegas sobre essa experiência. Unit 4 83 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U04-070a083-LA-G24.indd 83 02/08/22 16:12 • U N I TS 3 & 4 REVIEW 2 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 What languages would you like to speak? Read the following text and do exercises 2-4. World Languages languages, but both are part of the same Indo-European language family. (…) Language is one of the most This means that these two languages defining characteristics of culture. share certain characteristics that LITTLE_MONSTER_2070/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM suggest they have evolved from a common ancestor language. (…) Language reflects what people value and the way they understand the world. It also reveals how certain About 5,000 languages are spoken groups of people may have had in the world today, but experts think common roots at some point in many may become extinct as more history. For example, English and people become involved in global German are two very different trade, communications, and travel. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. Student world atlas. 3. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2009. p. 38. 2 Based on the text, choose the correct sentences. a. Language is an important part of culture. b. English and German are from different language families. c. Approximately 5,000 languages are spoken in the world today. 3 According to the text “World Languages”, what do experts say about the future of the languages of the world? Choose a or b. a. They think that the number of languages will grow in the future. b. They believe that the number of languages will decrease in the future. 4 Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In “It reflects what people value”, b. In “and the way they understand the world”, It refers to they refers to I. language. II. culture. I. characteristics. II. people. 84 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW2-084a087-LA-G24.indd 84 26/07/22 18:00 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Future with Will 1 Replace the icons with will + the verbs in the box to complete the following quotes. discover • find • not be judged • revolutionize c. “I have a dream that my ARCHIVE PHOTOS/GETTY IMAGES four little children will a. “Give light and one day live in a nation people the way.” where they by the color GETTY IMAGES Ella Baker of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr. SUPPORT ELLA BAKER DAY. Quotes by and READ Martin Luther King Jr.'s “I Have a Dream” speech in about Ella Baker. 2015. Disponível em: www.supportellabakerday. its entirety. NPR, 14 jan. 2022. Disponível em: www.npr. com/ella-baker-quotes.html. Acesso em: 11 jul. 2022. org/2010/01/18/122701268/i-have-a-dream-speech-in-its-entirety. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. d. “As you grow older, BETTMANN ARCHIVE/GETTY IMAGES b. “Computers you that you have GREY82/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM themselves, and two hands, one for software yet to be helping yourself, the developed, the other for helping way we learn.” others.” Steve Jobs Audrey Hepburn CHARLTON HOUSE. Computing. 2022. Disponível em: CSCAZ. Inspirational quotes about volunteering and giving back. 20 jun. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 jul. 2022. about-volunteering-and-giving-back/. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2022. * *A página está indisponível desde 20 abr. 2023. Future with Be Going To Read the following comic strip and do exercises 2 and 3. © 2012 GREG CRAVENS / DIST. BY ANDREWS THE BUCKETS, GREG CRAVENS MCMEEL SYNDICATION CRAVENS, Greg. The Buckets. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. Review 2 85 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW2-084a087-LA-G24.indd 85 25/04/23 10:33 2 Focus on the fragment “Well, you’re gonna grow up, I’m sure” and choose the correct item that completes each statement. a. The verb form ’re gonna grow up is used I. to make a decision at the moment of speaking. II. to predict the future based on present evidence. b. The sentence that is equivalent in meaning to the fragment is I. Well, you wanna grow up, I’m sure. II. Well, you’re going to grow up, I’m sure. 3 Choose the correct item that answers each question about the text. a. In “Those other things”, what does those b. Which sentence is equivalent in meaning to refer to? “I want to stay little forever”? I. Grow up. I. I wanna stay little forever. II. Cure cancer, be a famous actor and II. I’m gonna stay little forever. travel to Mars. Read the following text and do exercises 4 and 5. 4 Choose the correct statements about the text. a. The characters are talking about the weather. b. “Gonna” and “bro” are examples of words used in formal language. c. The verb form ’s gonna rain refers to an event in the future. d. The dinosaur couldn’t help the rabbit. 5 Why is the future with be going to used in the text? Choose a or b. a. To talk about future plans and intentions. b. To predict the future based on present evidence. © LIZ CLIMO/NEW LEAF CLIMO, Liz. Liz Climo Cartoons. 2022. Disponível em: www. Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 86 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW2-084a087-LA-G24.indd 86 26/07/22 18:00 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. Reading • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics. Grammar • I can use the future with will. • I can use the future with be going to. Listening • I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. • I can agree and disagree with others. Speaking • I can present my opinion in simple terms. • I can ask and answer questions about plans and intentions. • I can give a short, rehearsed, basic presentation on a familiar subject. • I can make myself understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics. Writing • I can write a chart. • I can write an interview. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 3-4? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Read magazines and books in English to identify new words formed with prefixes and suffixes. Review 2 87 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW2-084a087-LA-G24.indd 87 29/07/22 18:06 TO G E T H E R 2 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 3, you have talked about the future of Englishes. In this section, you are going to learn more about the status of English as the world’s lingua franca. 1 Based on what you have talked about in unit 3, choose the correct statements. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. a. There are more non-native speakers of English worldwide than native speakers. b. English as a lingua franca contains only standard British and American forms. c. English as a lingua franca shows a plurality of native and non-native varieties. 9 2 Listen to part of a podcast interview with Professor Jennifer Jenkins, a leading figure in the study of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). Then, choose the statement that contains the main idea in the recording. CANGURO ENGLISH Professor Jennifer Jenkins (right) and interviewer a. Professor Jennifer Jenkins believes that it is important for language learners to compare themselves to native speakers. b. Professor Jennifer Jenkins believes that it is important to eliminate the idea of a native speaker and talk about language learners as local speakers. 9 3 Listen to the recording again and focus on the notion of “local speaker” explained by Jenkins. Choose the item that correctly summarizes this idea. a. A good local speaker can make themselves easily understood and understands everybody. b. A good local speaker is somebody who, in any given context, speaks like a native speaker. 9 4 Now listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 2 and 3. Le@rning on the web O áudio que você ouviu faz parte de uma entrevista, realizada em 2019, em que a pesquisadora Jennifer Jenkins fala sobre English as a global language. Para assisti-la na íntegra, visite: (Acesso em: 17 jun. 2022). 88 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT2-088e089-LA-G24.indd 88 29/07/22 18:06 10 5 Now listen to part of a lecture given by Juliana Delgado, a Colombian writer and historian who celebrates the creative uses of language that come from our individual and cultural experiences. Then, choose the correct item that answers each question. a. What experience is she talking about? I. Being bullied in school. II. Being made small, invisible by her mom. b. Why did it happen? I. Because she was laughing at other children in school. II. Because she was an immigrant child who didn’t speak English as the other children. c. What was her way of speaking? I. Without an accent, pronouncing words as native speakers. II. With an accent, inventing words, mixing English and Spanish. Think about it! Muitos/as aprendizes sentem medo ou vergonha de usar a língua inglesa por medo de cometerem erros ou de terem um sotaque (em inglês, accent) muito diferente daquele dos falantes nativos. Como os conteúdos das gravações que você ouviu poderiam ajudar essas pessoas? Na sua opinião, é possível conseguir se comunicar com sucesso em inglês sem ser um falante nativo? Por quê (não)? 10 6 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 5. 7 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to find and share examples of inspiring non-native speakers of English talking about their life experiences in English. TASK In small groups, visit the website (accessed on: June 17, 2022) to find examples of inspiring people, whose English is not their GOODSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM native language, using English to talk about their life experiences (personal and/or professional). Try to choose two or three people and watch their videos to learn about their stories. Then, choose your favorite video to share it with the whole class. Also, it’s a good opportunity to learn about other inspiring people selected by other groups. Think about it! O que você e seus/suas colegas aprenderam sobre as possibilidades de uso da língua inglesa para comunicação global ao realizarem a tarefa proposta? Como isso impacta seu interesse por aprender inglês? Working Together 2 89 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT2-088e089-LA-G24.indd 89 02/08/22 14:48 UNIT 5 THE WORLD OF BOOKS ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC. CASA LYGIA BOJUNGA SCHOLASTIC MACMILLAN CHILDREN'S BOOKS ROBERT_S/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM HARVEST BOOKS GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Do you know any of these books? If so, which one(s)? What are your favorite books? What books are you reading right now? 90 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 90 26/07/22 18:08 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre obras literárias; • usar as formas comparativas de adjetivos (comparative adjectives); • empregar vocabulário relacionado a gêneros de livros (book genres); • compreender e produzir resenhas de livros (book reviews); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal diversidade cultural. PUFFIN BOOKS SCHOLASTIC PENGUIN BOOKS LTD HARPERONE Unit 5 91 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 91 26/07/22 18:09 READING COMPREHENSION Before Reading ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 According to the text you’re going to read, most people prefer the book to the movie. What about you? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and source. Then, answer the questions. a. Is the title of the text an affirmative or interrogative sentence? b. Where was the text published? c. What do you expect to read about? Reading not be up to scratch: não estar à altura 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. seem: parecer 7 Reasons Why The Book Is Better Than The Movie By: Laura Published: 29th June 2020 - Last updated: 12th December 2021 | 23 Comments Books, Film CLICK98/SHUTTERSTOCK You’ve heard it a thousand times before: The book is better than the movie. Is this just some people’s way of seeming intellectually superior? Or is there something to it? (…) If you love books, you’ll likely emphatically agree that the book version of any story is superior to the film version. But sometimes, a great director with a vision gets the film just right. I never liked a film version of Romeo and Juliet until Baz Luhrmann brought it to the big screen. So let’s jump into the book vs movie argument and look at why some adaptations of books just aren’t successful on the big screen. (...) Word Play Doesn’t Translate (...) Actors aren’t How You Imagined (...) Some Imagery is Hard to Capture (...) Actors aren’t up to Scratch (...) Action is Changed for Drama (...) Money, money, money (...) Books Have No Limit (...) And that’s it for my book vs movie comparison! There are a lot of other things that movies can do to the stories from your favourite books that make them less satisfying. (...) But that doesn’t mean that the movie is never as good as the book. (...) LAURA. 7 Reasons why the book is better than the movie. What’s Hot?, 29 jun. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. Language Note better   comparative of good Language Note E.g.: The movie is good, but the book is better. favourite (BrE) = favorite (AmE) 92 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 92 26/07/22 18:09 4 The following fragments were taken from the original text and each of them refers to one of the reasons presented by the author. Choose the appropriate reason for each item as in the examples. Examples: a. Actors aren’t up to Scratch b. Some Imagery is Hard to Capture a. “(…) even if an actor looks the part, they might fail to truly translate their character from page to screen.” b. “(…) what you see with your eyes may not be what is meant to be conveyed.” c. “(…) the top priority in film production is money.” d. “(…) movies are limited to a two-hour slot where they can capture people’s attention.” e. “When books are adapted, some of the action in the book is changed so that it makes for better drama (…).” f. “The movies might cast actors who don’t look the way you imagined the characters would look (…).” g. “When you read, you appreciate the masterful choice of language (…).” LAURA. 7 Reasons why the book is better than the movie. What’s Hot?, 29 jun. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. 5 The author of the text presents seven reasons to support her view that “the book is better than the movie”. Choose the item that is NOT a reason that justifies one’s preference for reading the book. a. To be immersed in your own imagination. b. To appreciate all the details of the story. c. To seem intellectually superior. 6 Does the author like any film version of Romeo and Juliet? If so, which one(s)? © UNITED ARCHIVES/IFTN/EASYPIX BRASIL Think about it! Le@rning on the web Romeu e Julieta é uma peça teatral escrita por William Para conhecer diferentes opiniões sobre o tema Shakespeare por volta de 1594-1596. Na sua opinião, books vs movies, visite: o que é mais desafiador: adaptar uma peça ou um feed/2020/3/23/debate-books-vs-movies (Acesso romance para o cinema? Por quê? em: 5 jun. 2022). Unit 5 93 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 93 26/07/22 18:09 Reading for Critical Thinking 7 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. The author presents seven reasons to support her view that “the book is better than the movie.” Do you agree with them? In your opinion, are her reasons convincing? Why (not)? b. Can you think of other reasons to support the author’s point of view? Try to offer some convincing reasons. VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Book Genres 1 Take a look at the following book covers and choose the ones that are fiction books. a. b. c. MACMILLAN CHILDREN'S BOOKS SCHOLASTIC HARPERONE 2 Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction books? 3 What are your favorite book genres? The words in the box can help you. adventure novel • autobiography/biography • children’s novel • classics • comics • fable • TIP fanfiction • fantasy novel • memoir • mystery • Agrupar as palavras por play script • poetry • romance novel • assunto é uma boa forma science fiction • self-help • short stories • de aprender e fixar vocabulário novo. suspense/thriller • young adult novel TIP Observe as palavras parecidas com as do português como adventure e biography. Tome cuidado com palavras que têm uma forma semelhante ao português, mas têm significado diferente. Novel, por exemplo, pode nos fazer lembrar de “novela”, mas significa “romance”. 11 4 Listen to the recording and repeat the words in exercise 3. 94 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 94 26/07/22 18:09 5 What are the genres of these books? Replace the icons with words from exercise 3 to complete the following texts. evil: mal set forth: iniciar uma jornada The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien initially published in three parts (...). The Lord of Le@rning the Rings is the saga of a group of sometimes on the web reluctant heroes who set forth to save their A trilogia world from consummate evil. Its many worlds cinematográfica de The and creatures were drawn from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings (2001, MARINER BOOKS 2002, 2003), dirigida por extensive knowledge of philology and folklore. Peter Jackson, é a mais premiada da história. THE LORD of the Rings. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 2022. Para assistir ao trailer de Disponível em: cada filme, visite: https:// Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022.; LbfMDwc4azU; https:// The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is the (Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022). astonishing of a poor (…) farmer whose cells, first grown in culture in 1951, are still cell: célula ubiquitous in the laboratory world today. The ubiquitous: algo que está em todo lugar author, Rebecca Skloot, dedicated nearly a (onipresente) decade to researching the science and, perhaps more interestingly, getting to know the Lacks Le@rning BROADWAY BOOKS family. (...) With this book, she presents an on the web unforgettable story that reads like a novel. O livro The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks foi BLOOM, Stacie. The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. adaptado para a televisão. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1 jul. 2010. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. Para assistir ao trailer do filme, que conta com a participação de Oprah Winfrey, visite: https:// Charlotte’s Web, classic by E.B. White, (Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022). published in 1952, with illustrations by Garth Williams. The widely read tale takes place on devoted: dedicado/a a farm and concerns a pig named Wilbur and tale: conto web: teia his devoted friend Charlotte, the spider who manages to save his life by writing about him in HARPERCOLLINS her web. TIP LOWNE, Cathy. Charlotte’s Web. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 2022. Observe que, em textos Disponível em: na internet, termos em Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. fonte azul costumam indicar links para outros 6 Go back to pages 90 and 91 and take another look at the book covers. conteúdos relacionados aos termos em destaque, What is each book’s genre? Talk to a classmate about them. como J.R.R. Tolkien e E. B. White, no exercício 5. GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178. Unit 5 95 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 95 26/07/22 18:09 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What book(s) would you recommend to a friend? Why? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title. What do you expect to read about? 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. about to: prestes a rescue: resgatar hatch: chocar, eclodir slaughtered: abatido/a piglet: leitão HTTPS://WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM/ BETHANY. Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White - review. The Guardian, 25 out. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. Le@rning on the web O livro Charlotte’s Web ganhou duas versões para o cinema (1973 e 2006). Para assistir ao trailer de cada filme, visite: e (Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022). 4 Choose the main objective and the genre of the text. a. To provide a critique of a book. It’s a book review. b. To provide a short description of a book. It’s a book synopsis. 96 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 96 26/07/22 18:09 5 Who are these characters? Replace each icon with Charlotte, Fern or Wilbur. FAENKOVA ELENA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM FAENKOVA ELENA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ANITAPOL/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. b. c. 6 Answer the following questions. a. Charlotte’s Web is about the friendship between two animals. Which ones? b. Who’s the author of Charlotte’s Web? c. Who’s the reader of Charlotte’s Web that wrote this review? d. Who’s the reader’s favorite character in the book? Why? e. What’s the reader’s favorite part of the book? 7 Match the columns to better understand the structure of the text. a. Paragraph 1 I. Opinion about the book. (What do you think of the book?) b. Paragraph 2 II. Recommendation of the book. (Would you recommend the book?) c. Paragraph 3 III. Summary of the book. (What is the book about?) 8 Is the tone of the text positive or negative? Choose a fragment from the text to support your answer. 9 Discuss the following questions with you classmates. Think about it! O texto que você leu é uma resenha crítica de a. Do you believe book reviews can help you choose um livro (book review). A resenha foi escrita good books to read? Why (not)? por um(a) leitor(a) como você ou por um(a) crítico/a profissional? Como você chegou a b. In your opinion, what can be done to encourage essa conclusão? Você já leu resenhas críticas people to read different kinds of books? em português ou em inglês? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Making Comparisons (Comparative Adjectives) Read the following fragments from the text on page 92, focus on the words in bold and do exercises 1-4. I. “The book is better than the movie.” II. “But that doesn’t mean that the movie is never as good as the book.” Unit 5 97 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 97 02/08/22 14:50 1 Which two elements are being compared in fragments I and II? Language Note 2 Choose the sentence that is equivalent in meaning to fragment I. In affirmative sentences, we use as + adjective + as. a. The movie is better than the book. In negative sentences, we use as/so + adjective + as. b. The movie isn’t as/so good as the book. 3 In “But that doesn’t mean that the movie is never as good as the No fragmento em destaque, book.”, the author uses two negative elements (doesn’t and never) a autora usa dois elementos to make a more subtle statement. Why does she do it? na negativa (doesn’t e never) para fazer uma afirmação Choose a or b. mais sutil. Por que ela faz isso? Assinale a a. To say that the movie and the book can be equally good. alternativa correta. b. To say that the movie and the book can never be equally good. 4 Match the columns. a. When two elements are equal in I. the comparative form (e.g. better than). comparison, we use II. as + adjective + as (e.g. as good as). b. When one element is compared to another, we use Read the following comic strip and do exercises 5 and 6. NANCY, GUY GILCHRIST © 2021 OLIVIA JAIMES / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION FOR UFS JAIMES, Olivia. Nancy. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. hang around: ficar perto de, andar com (alguém) 5 Choose the correct statements about the text. a. Nancy thinks she’s becoming older, wiser, and more reflective when she spends time with Pee-Wee, her preschooler neighbor. b. According to Fritzi, Nancy’s aunt, Nancy is younger than she believes. c. Nancy agrees with her aunt. 6 Find three comparative adjectives in the comic strip. 98 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 98 26/07/22 18:09 7 Copy the following table into your notebook. Then, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to learn how comparative adjectives are formed. Rules Examples TIP most adjectives: young younger A partir da adjective + old observação dos exemplos, faça adjectives ending in e: large larger inferências para adjective + wise compreender regras Short adjectives de uso da língua (one or two adjectives ending in consonant inglesa. syllables) big bigger + vowel + consonant: hot hotter adjective + last consonant + adjectives ending in y: easy easier adjective – y + happy Long adjectives interesting more most adjectives: (three or more interesting syllables) + adjective reflective good Irregular adjectives bad worse far farther/further 8 Based on the information about the two following books, write No exercício 8, com base comparative sentences in your notebook as in the example. Use the nas informações sobre os adjectives in the box and, in each sentence, make sure to use than dois livros a seguir, escreva after the comparative adjective. frases comparativas no seu caderno. Use os adjetivos em destaque e, para cada frase, Example: The Hate U Give is newer than The Book Thief. certifique-se de usar than depois do adjetivo no long • new • old • short grau comparativo. The Hate U Give (O Ódio The Book Thief (A Menina que Você Semeia) que Roubava Livros) Author: Angie Thomas Author: Markus Zusak Genre: Young adult Genre: Historical novel novel ALFRED A. KNOPF, INC. Published: 2006 Published: 2017 BALZER + BRAY Pages: 552 Pages: 454 Fonte de pesquisa: GOOD READS. The Hate U Give. 2022. Disponível Fonte de pesquisa: GOOD READS. The Book Thief. 2022. Disponível em: em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. 9 What are your favorite books? In pairs, talk about them and make some comparisons. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 5 99 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 99 26/07/22 18:09 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 What do you know about J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973)? Choose the following items that are related to him. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. a. Best-selling author. GRANGER, NYC./ALAMY/FOTOARENA b. From the United States. c. Author of The Lord of the Rings series. d. Famous around the world for his fantasy books. 12 2 Listen to part of an audiobook by J. R. R. Tolkien. Which book is the recording a reading of? Choose a or b. J. R. R. Tolkien a. b. TIP Não se preocupe em entender todas as palavras e todas as HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERS informações do áudio. O objetivo do exercício 2 é identificar a história que MARINER BOOKS está sendo narrada. 12 3 Listen to the recording again and focus on what is being described. Then, choose the correct item that answers each question. a. What’s being described? I. Dwarves. II. Hobbits. b. What kind of clothing do the creatures described wear? I. They usually wear brown dresses and no shoes. II. They dress in bright colors, mainly green and yellow. c. What do they call people? I. Big People. II. Little People. 100 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 100 26/07/22 18:09 4 What do the creatures being described look like? Choose the characteristics that are mentioned in the recording. a. They are small. d. They are fat in the stomach. b. They have no beard. e. They have short brown fingers. c. They have black hair. 12 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. 6 Do you like fantasy books? Why (not)? 7 Talk about your reading preferences with a classmate. Use the questions in the box to help you. Ask extra questions and take turns as in the following example. • What is your favorite book? What do you think of...? Is it better/worse/more interesting than...? Why (not)? • Who is your favorite character? Why? What do you think of...? Is he/she braver/ smarter/more intelligent than...? • Who is your favorite writer? Why? What do you think of...? Is he/she more successful/more popular/better than...? • What are you reading right now? Who is it by? What is it about? • What was the last book that you read? Who was it by? What was it about? Language Note Having a guess: Probably…/I’d say (that)…/Chances are (that)… Remembering things: As I remember/recall…/If I’m not mistaken…/It’s on the tip of my tongue. Expressing a preference: I (much) prefer memoirs to biographies./I’d (much) prefer to/I’d rather read a novel./Reading comic books is more my kind of thing. Example: Student A: What is your favorite book? Student B: Well, probably O Mistério da Casa Verde. Student A: What do you think of A Casa da Madrinha? Student B: Is it a book by Lygia Bojunga? Student A: Yeah. Do you like it? Student B: Sure! Student A: Is it more interesting than GALVÃO BERTAZZI O Mistério da Casa Verde? Student B: I don’t think so. Unit 5 101 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 101 26/07/22 18:09 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read a review of the book Charlotte’s Web on page 96. Go back to exercise 7 on page 97 and explore the structure of this genre. Try to answer the following questions when writing your book review: What is the book about?; What do you think of it?; Why would you recommend it? Book reviews can be written by professional critics or by anyone who wants to share their opinions about a book. Visit the websites and tone/childrens-user-reviews (accessed on: July 5, 2022) to find more examples of book reviews. Based on the book review you explored in this unit, it is your turn to write a review to recommend one of your favorite books. 1 Before writing your text, match the items to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: I. classmates and other people b. Readers: II. school newspaper/Internet c. Genre: III. you d. Objective: IV. critical tone e. Style: V. book review f. Media: VI. to recommend a book you like 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.  Think of a great book to write a positive TIP review of. Ao revisar as resenhas, considere, por exemplo: 2. Start your review with general information • objetivo: A resenha está adequada ao público-alvo about the book (the title of the book, its e ao seu objetivo? author, the main characters etc.). • conteúdo: Você verificou as informações gerais do livro (nome do autor, personagens etc.)? 3. Write a clear and short summary of the • linguagem: O texto está redigido de maneira clara book. Discuss its main theme, but don’t e objetiva? Você escolheu bons exemplos para give away the ending of the book. defender sua opinião sobre o livro? 4. Mention your opinion about the book. • tempo verbal: Você usou o simple present para escrever sua resenha? Think of some examples to support Reescreva seu texto com base na revisão feita por your opinion. você e seus/suas colegas. 5. Say why you recommend the book. 6. Add a picture or draw the cover of the book or the main character to illustrate your review. 7. Exchange reviews with a classmate and discuss the texts. 8. Make the necessary corrections. 9. Write the final version of the book review. 3 It’s time to share your book review with your classmates and other people. The book reviews can be published, for example, on the Internet or in the school newspaper. 102 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 102 26/07/22 18:09 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about the world of books. Read these inspiring quotes about books and reading. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the following questions. “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” [Marcus Tullius] Cicero t books is like a body MEDINA-LEAL, Alexandra. "A room withou Blogue. Disponível without a soul." — Cicero. Student Life, 2022. em: Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. cademicsuccess/cicero/. “The book is a film that takes place in the mind of the reader.” Paulo Coelho COELHO, Paulo. The book is a film... In: LAURA. 7 Reasons why the book is better than the movie. What's Hot?, 29 jun. 2020. Blogue. Disponível em: https://whatshotblog.c om/book-always-better-movie/. Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. “In a good book the best COSMAA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM is between the lines.” Swedish Proverb SWEDISH PROVERB. "In a good book the best is between the lines". Good Reads. 2022. Disponível em: quotes/949306-in-a-good-book-the-best-is-between-the-lines. Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022. • What do the quotes mean? Use your own words to explain the meaning of each quote. TIP Busque sempre estabelecer relações entre • Do you agree with them? Why (not)? os textos que você lê para ampliar sua compreensão deles e do mundo. • Which quote establishes a comparison between a book and a movie? Recommended Resources Para conhecer 40 obras literárias que foram adaptadas para o cinema, visite: • Para assistir a uma breve palestra sobre como livros podem abrir nossa mente, visite: • (Acesso em: 5 jun. 2022). Unit 5 103 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U05-090a103-LA-G24.indd 103 26/07/22 18:09 UNIT 6 WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD! FIZKES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ANTONIODIAZ/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. The photos show social habits and places from different parts of the world. What do you know about them? 104 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 104 26/07/22 18:13 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre diversidade cultural, explorando diferentes gestos e comportamentos; • usar as formas superlativas de adjetivos (superlative adjectives); • explorar adjetivos (adjectives); • compreender e produzir quizzes; • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal diversidade cultural. ALEXANDR VOROBEV/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DANIEL PRUDEK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 6 105 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 105 03/08/22 11:33 READING COMPREHENSION Before Reading ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In pairs, think of examples of good and bad manners in our country. What are some manners that are no longer in use in our country? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title and layout. Then, answer the questions. a. How many facts are mentioned in the text? b. How can you identify key words and expressions in the text? c. What do you expect to read about? Reading host: anfitriã(o) mind: observar, prestar atenção 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. nod: inclinação da cabeça Facts to mind about manners 3. If you DROP YOUR BREAD on the 1. C HEWING GUM in 2. It’s considered rude ground in most Middle Eastern public is a big no-no to write in RED INK countries, you should pick it up, kiss for kids in France. in PORTUGAL. it, and RAISE IT to your forehead to show RESPECT for your food. 5. In INDIA, it’s rude to open a GIFT 4. B LOWING YOUR NOSE in public in front of the person who gave it. in Japan is considered RUDE. Gifts are OPENED IN PRIVATE. 6. In Bangladesh, women DO NOT SHAKE HANDS. Instead, they greet each other with a POLITE NOD. 7. It’s totally acceptable for people in SHANGHAI, China, to go SHOPPING IN THEIR PAJAMAS. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ALEXANDRENUNES/ 8. C utting your POTATOES WITH A KNIFE in Germany is insulting to the host. It suggests the food isn’t cooked enough. Adaptado de: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. 5,000 awesome facts 2 (About everything!). Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2014. p. 74-75. 106 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 106 26/07/22 18:13 4 What is the main objective of the text? Choose a or b. a. To show that the way you behave on particular occasions can make no difference when you interact with people from different countries. b. To show that it is important to take into consideration the way you behave toward people from different countries, with different customs. 5 Each picture illustrates a fact from the text. For each picture, choose a fact from the text as in the example. Example: a. Fact 4 a. c. b. d. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI 6 Match the countries (a-d) to the recommendations (I-IV). a. France I. Don’t write in red ink. TIP Localize nomes de b. Germany II. Don’t cut potatoes with a knife. países para identificar c. India III. Don’t chew gum in public if you’re a child. informações específicas mais rapidamente. d. Portugal IV. Don’t open gifts in the presence of the giver. Unit 6 107 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 107 26/07/22 18:13 7 It is time to read between the lines! Based on the facts presented in the text, what can you say about cultural diversity? Choose the correct statements. a. All cultures are creative and unique. b. Culture takes diverse forms all over the world. c. Cultural diversity enriches our lives in many ways. d. Cultural diversity is an important source of identity. e. Young people cannot benefit from cultural diversity. Reading for Critical Thinking 8 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. Which behavior in the text is considered good manners in another country, but bad manners in our country? Why is it considered bad manners in our country? Do you know any other social habits in our country that are considered bad manners or good manners in another country? b. In your opinion, why are good manners important? Do you find it easy to respect the social habits of people from other countries? Why (not)? c. What advice would you give a foreign visitor who wants to show good manners in our country? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Adjectives 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 106 and focus on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “In Bangladesh, women do not shake hands. Instead, they greet each other with a polite nod.” II. “Blowing your nose in public in Japan is considered rude.” a. In fragment I, polite means c. The adjectives polite and rude are I. showing no respect for other people and I. opposites. their feelings. II. synonyms. II. having good manners and respect for the d. Polite and rude are used to feelings of other people. I. express an action. b. In fragment II, rude means II. describe or give information I. showing no respect for other people and about things. their feelings. II. behaving in a kind way towards people. 108 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 108 26/07/22 18:13 2 Let’s learn more adjectives! Choose the correct adjective that best describes each picture. In each item, the adjectives are opposites. a. b. c. d. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI I. quiet I. shy/timid I. lazy I. mean II. talkative II. outgoing/sociable II. hard-working II. generous TIP Apoie-se em palavras parecidas com o português (quiet, timid, generous) para ajudar você a fazer inferências. Além disso, busque associar os adjetivos aos seus antônimos como uma forma de ampliar e estudar vocabulário. 13 3 Listen to the recording and repeat the words from exercise 2. 4 Complete the following quotes by replacing each icon with the Language Note correct adjective in parentheses. My brother is a lazy person. = My brother is lazy. a. “I’m a (quiet/talkative) person because I like to get to know a I’m a very shy person. = I’m very person and I like you to get to know me.” shy. LisaRaye McCoy, American actress ANUBHAV. Lisa Raye net worth, career & full bio (2021). Horwax, 17 set. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. b. “I’m a very (shy/outgoing) person. I’m always happy, I’m one of those people who are always smiling.” Corbin Bleu, American actor RTMADMINCD. Amber Riley and Corbin Bleu: young, talented, on the rise. Chicago Defender, 6 nov. 2013. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. c. “I’m actually a very (lazy/hard-working) person. Most of the time, I’m happy to sit around and stare. Or watch bad TV soaps.” Vikram Seth, Indian novelist and poet TESTARD, Jacques. A week in culture: Jacques Testart, Editor, Part 2. The Paris Review, 9 fev. 2011. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. 5 Go back to exercise 4 and compare your answers with those of a classmate. 6 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. What are you like? What about your best friend? Language Note b. Do you have friends who are the opposite of you? • We use What are you like? to ask about c. Do you respect people with physical and personality/character. E.g.: What are you like? I’m shy and hard-working. psychological characteristics different from yours? • We use What do you look like? to ask about physical appearance. E.g.: What do you look like? I’m short and slim. • We use What do you like? to ask about interests. GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178. E.g.: What do you like? I like listening to music. Unit 6 109 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 109 26/07/22 18:13 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Are you good at Geography? What facts (e.g. culture, population, major rivers) do you know about our country? What about other countries? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure and title. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The text is a I. true-or-false quiz. II. multiple-choice quiz. b. The text is a I. subject-specific quiz. II. general knowledge quiz. 3 What do you expect to read about in the text? 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. Then, take the quiz and check the answers with your teacher. True or False? Where in the World? 1. The world’s richest country is Qatar. 2. In the Netherlands, there are three times as many bikes as cars. 3. The Amazon is the largest river (most water) in the world. 4. There are more lakes in Canada than in all other countries combined. 5. Holding up your open palm with fingers extended is a serious insult in Greece. Adaptado de: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. Quiz whiz 4: 1,000 super fun mind-bending totally awesome trivia questions. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2014. p. 42. 5 Based on the true facts from the quiz, choose the correct statements. a. The largest river (by volume) in the world is in Brazil. b. There are more bikes than cars in the Netherlands. c. Canada is the most populous country in the world. 6 Which item from the text is about bad manners in another country? Choose the picture that best illustrates it. a. b. GALVÃO BERTAZZI GALVÃO BERTAZZI 7 Consider the correct picture in exercise 6. Is it rude in our country to show one’s hand this way? 110 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 110 01/08/22 13:51 LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Making Comparisons (Superlative Adjectives) Read the following fragments from the text on page 110, focus on the words in bold and do exercises 1-5. I. “The world’s richest country is Qatar.” II. “The Amazon is the largest river (most water) in the world.” 1 Replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following sentence about fragment I. The fragment “The world’s richest country is Qatar.” is equivalent in meaning to Qatar is the richest country . 2 Take a look at the following table and compare the length of the rivers Nile, Amazon and Yangtze. Then, replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the sentence about fragment II. The Nile The Amazon The Yangtze (Africa) (South America) (Asia) SURVEY. STORY BY KATHRYN HANSEN. BY JOSHUA STEVENS, USING LANDSAT NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY IMAGES FOR GLOBAL CHANGE AND EARTH OBSERVATIONS, MICHIGAN STATE DATA FROM THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL NASA, LANDSAT.ORG, CENTER VORAN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM River UNIVERSITY Length 4,132 mi. (6,649 km) 4,000 mi. (6,437 km) 3,915 mi. (6,300 km) (miles/kilometers) Fonte de pesquisa: WATER SCIENCE SCHOOL. Rivers of the world: world’s longest rivers. USGS. 11 jun. 2018. Disponível em: special-topics/water-science-school/science/rivers-world-worlds-longest-rivers. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. is the longest river in the world. 3 Replace the icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following sentence about fragment II. The fragment “The Amazon is the largest river (most water) in the world.” is equivalent in meaning to largest river (most water) is The Amazon. 4 Based on the length of the rivers in exercise 2, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to complete the following sentences. a. is longer than the Amazon River. b. The Amazon River is longer than . Unit 6 111 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 111 26/07/22 18:13 5 Match the columns. a. When one element is compared to another, we use I. the superlative form (e.g. the largest). b. When one element is compared to other II. the comparative form (e.g. longer than). elements (two or more) from the same group, we use 6 How much do you know about northeastern South America? Complete this fact file by replacing the icons with the items in the following box. Highest life expectancy • Largest country • Most populous country • Smallest country Language Note Northeastern South America N = North The Basics STATS NW = Northwest NE = Northeast STOCKVIT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM W = West E = East SW = Southwest SE = Southeast Brazil; 8,547,403 sq. km S = South Language Note Suriname; 163,265 sq. km least × most Language Note Brazil; 194,334,000 When making comparisons, we use the before the superlative adjective. E.g.: Brazil is the largest country in northeastern Least populous country South America. Suriname; 542,000 VLADA STEVANOVIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Predominant languages Portuguese, English, Dutch, Hindi Brazil; 73 years Adaptado de: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. World atlas. 4. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2013. p. 78. 7 Based on the fact file in exercise 6, write superlative sentences in your notebook as in the example. Example: Brazil is the largest country in northeastern South America. 112 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 112 26/07/22 18:13 8 Copy the following table into your notebook. Then, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to learn how superlative adjectives are formed. Rules Examples TIP most adjectives: small smallest A partir da adjective + high observação dos exemplos, faça adjectives ending in e: large largest inferências para adjective + wide compreender Short adjectives regras de uso da (one or two adjectives ending in língua inglesa. syllables) consonant + vowel + big biggest consonant: hot adjective + last consonant + adjectives ending in y: dry driest adjective – y + easy Long adjectives most adjectives: populous most populous (three or more syllables) + adjective difficult good best Irregular bad worst adjectives far farthest/furthest 9 Let’s learn more facts about South America! Replace each icon with an adjective in the following box. Use the superlative form. dry • large • loud • populous • small Fascinating facts about South America 1. S outh America’s rain forests are home to monkey (PYGMY MARMOSET) and monkey 3. T he ANDES isABOVE-WATER MOUNTAIN range in the world. (THE HOWLER MONKEY). JUJUBIER/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 2. A RICA, CHILE, is place in the world – it hardly ever rains there. 4. S ÃO PAULO is CITY in South America. Adaptado de: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. 5,000 awesome facts (About everything!). Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2012. p. 106-107. GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Unit 6 113 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 113 26/07/22 18:13 LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you know stories from different cultures and countries? If so, which one(s)? 14 2 Listen to the beginning of a talk delivered by writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. What is she talking about? Choose a or b. a. The danger of a single story. DPA/PICTURE ALLIANCE/GETTY IMAGES b. The African stories she read as a child. 14 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the correct items about Chimamanda Adichie. a. She is a storyteller. b. She is from Nigeria. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie c. She started reading at about the age of seven. d. When she was young, she read only British and American children’s books. e. All the characters she wrote about were black and ate mangoes. 14 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 2 and 3. 5 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In your opinion, what are the dangers of learning about a different culture or country from one single perspective? b. How can you get to know about cultures and peoples avoiding a view based on stereotypes? Le@rning on the web O trecho de áudio que você ouviu faz parte de uma famosa palestra, proferida por Chimamanda Adichie em 2009. Para assisti-la na íntegra, visite (Acesso em: 7 jun. 2022). Think about it! Em sua apresentação, Chimamanda Adichie conta que, quando criança, lia histórias sobre personagens que não eram parecidos com as LARIKA24/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM pessoas de seu país. Ela termina sua apresentação com a seguinte fala: “when we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise”. Explique, com suas próprias palavras, o que ela quis dizer com isso. Você concorda com ela? Por quê (não)? 114 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 114 26/07/22 18:13 6 Are you aware of cultural diversity? In your notebook, write the answers to each question from the “Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire”. There are no right or wrong answers. avoid: evitar Cultural Diversity Awareness Questionnaire behavior: comportamento speak up: defender, almost never manifestar-se sometimes always never often How often do you... • speak up if you see another person being 1 2 3 4 5 discriminated against? • make jokes or unkind comments about a person 1 2 3 4 5 or individual group? • make assumptions about a person or individual 1 2 3 4 5 group? • communicate easily with people who do not 1 2 3 4 5 look like you? • respect the opinions of others even when you 1 2 3 4 5 disagree with them? • avoid language that reinforces 1 2 3 4 5 stereotypes? • take physical characteristics into consideration 1 2 3 4 5 when interacting with others? • avoid generalizing behaviors or attitudes of one 1 2 3 4 5 individual group to another group? • try to learn about and appreciate the richness of 1 2 3 4 5 other cultures? • accept that people’s experiences and 1 2 3 4 5 backgrounds impact how they interact with you? TOTAL SCORE: /50 Adaptado de: CULTURAL Diversity Awareness Questionnaire. Sage Edge. 2020. Disponível em: files/9.3_cultural_diversity_awareness_questionnaire.pdf. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2022. BORIS15/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 7 Now go back to exercise 6 and interview a classmate. Then, compare your answers with those of a classmate. Who has the highest score? Unit 6 115 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 115 02/08/22 18:38 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read a true-or-false quiz on page 110. A quiz is a set of quick questions designed to test knowledge. It can be used as a game, a competition or a short test given to students. Quizzes may be held on a variety of subjects (general knowledge quizzes) or be subject-specific (a Science quiz, History quiz, etc.). The format of the quiz can also vary widely. Online quizzes have become very popular. Visit (accessed on: July 7, 2022) to find examples of quizzes on several different subjects. Based on the quiz you explored in this unit, create, in pairs, a true-or-false quiz to challenge your friends. You can ask questions about good and bad manners around the world, interesting facts about different countries, cities, cultures, etc. 1 Before writing your text, replace each icon with an appropriate answer to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writers: you and a b. Readers: classmates and other people c. Genre: d. Objective: to test your classmates’ knowledge of e. Style: informative tone f. Media: school board/Internet 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. TIP Ao revisar os quizzes, considere, por exemplo: 1. In pairs, decide the topic of the quiz and how many items you • objetivo: As informações are going to have. You can write between five and ten items. estão adequadas ao objetivo do texto? 2. Brainstorm questions about the topic. If necessary, do • linguagem: Os itens estão research on the Internet to get more information on the redigidos de maneira clara e topic. Look for reliable sources. objetiva? 3. Be creative. Write interesting and challenging items that are • conteúdo: As informações foram verificadas e estão not too easy to answer. corretas? 4. Write a first draft of the quiz and choose a title for it. Don’t • leiaute: A organização visual forget to prepare a key with the correct answers. facilita a rápida compreensão 5. Exchange quizzes with other students and discuss das informações? both texts. • ortografia: As palavras estão escritas corretamente? 6. Make the necessary corrections. Reescreva seu texto com base 7. Create the final version of the quiz by hand or use a na revisão feita por você e seus/ computer to design it. suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your quiz and challenge your classmates and other people. You can print copies of your quiz or publish it on the Internet. To create an online quiz, you may use one of the following services: or (Accessed on: July 7, 2022). 116 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 116 26/07/22 18:13 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have learned about different cultures and places from all over the globe. When we look around the world it’s not difficult to see that each culture is distinct and unique. 1 Read this acrostic poem about “diversity”. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the following questions. D ifferent a. Do you agree with this definition of “diversity”? Why (not)? I ndividuals How would you define the term? b. Imagine that we lived in a world where there was only one V aluing language and only one way of thinking. What would life E ach other R be like? Would you like to live in a world with no cultural diversity? Why (not)? egardless of S kin, WEST END DAY SCHOOL. Community bulletin board: different I ntellect, individuals valuing each other regardless of skin, intellect, talents, and years. 8 dez. 2020. Disponível em: www.westenddayschool. org/our-program/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-dei/ T alents post/~board/news/post/community-bulletin-board-different- individuals-valuing-each-other-regardless-of-skin-intellect- Y ears. talents-and-years. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. 2 Now read the following quote and, in small groups, try to explain its meaning. Do you agree with it? “DIVERSITY is the one true thing we all have in common. LIGHTSPRING/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Celebrate it every day.” Author Unknown THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER. Diversity calendar 2018. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. Recommended Resources Para conhecer alguns exemplos de boas e más maneiras em diferentes países, visite: • Para assistir a uma palestra sobre a importância da diversidade cultural, visite: • (Acesso em: 7 jun. 2022). Unit 6 117 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U06-104a117-LA-G24.indd 117 26/07/22 18:13 • U N I TS 5 & 6 REVIEW 3 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 What do you know about Australia and New Zealand? Now read the following text and do exercises 2 and 3. Australia & New Zealand Most people in Australia live along Island to snowy peaks on South the coast, far from the country’s dry Island. Both countries enjoy high interior, known as the Outback. The standards of living and strong most populous cities and the best agricultural and mining outputs, croplands are in the southeast. This including wool, wines, gold, coal, “Land Down Under” is increasingly and iron ore. linked by trade to Asian countries and to 4.4 million “neighbours” in New Zealand. Twelve hundred miles (1,930 km) across the Tasman UNIQUEEYE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Sea, New Zealand is cooler, wetter, and more mountainous than VOYATA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Australia. It is geologically active and has ecosystems ranging from subtropical forests on North NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. World atlas. 4. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2013. p. 148. 2 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statements. a. Most people in Australia live in the country’s dry interior. b. The most populous cities are in the southeast. c. Australia is more mountainous than New Zealand. d. Both Australia and New Zealand have high standards of living. 118 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 118 26/07/22 18:16 3 Replace the icons with expressions from the text to complete the sentences. a. Australia is known as the . b. Australia’s is known as the Outback. c. In New Zealand, you can find on North Island. d. Both Australia and New Zealand have strong productions. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Making Comparisons 1 Learn more about Australia and New Zealand. Complete the following fact file by replacing the icons with the items in the box. Highest life expectancy • Highest literacy rate • Largest country • Least populous country • Smallest country Australia and New Zealand The Basics Stats Australia 2,969,906 sq mi (7,692,024 sq. km) New Zealand 104,454 sq mi (270,534 sq. km) Most populous country Australia 22,035,000 DEN ISMA RT/S HUTTE RST OCK New Zealand 4,437,000 .COM Predominant languages English, Maori Australia 82 years Australia, New Zealand 99% NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. World atlas. 4. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2013. p. 148. Review 3 119 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 119 26/07/22 18:16 2 Replace the icons with the comparative form or the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses to complete the following facts about Australia. a. While Australia is of all the continents, it is d. Saltwater crocodiles, native to Australia, three times the largest island in the world are considered among animals in the – Greenland. (small/large) world. (deadly) ANTON BALAZH/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHANE BARTIE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. The famous Outback, or dry, middle region e. Wallaroos are marsupials that are of Australia, contains deserts in the kangaroos. (small) country with scorching hot temperatures and little water. (large) HOLLY S CANNON/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM STEVEN GILES/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. The snakes in the world call Australia f. The rock in the world, Uluru, located in home. Sea snakes can have poison ten times the middle of Australia, is a 114-story that of a cobra. (poisonous/potent) building. (large/tall) STRUCTURESXX/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM IHX/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. 5,000 awesome facts (About everything!). Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2012. p. 50-51. 120 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 120 26/07/22 18:16 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. Reading • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics. Grammar • I can use comparative adjectives to make comparisons. • I can use superlative adjectives to make comparisons. Listening • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. • I can understand the important points of a story and manage to follow the plot, provided the story is told slowly and clearly. • I can exchange opinions and compare things and people using simple language. Speaking • I can explain why I prefer one thing to another, making simple, direct comparisons. • I can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. • I can make myself understood in an interview and communicate ideas and information on familiar topics. • I can present my opinion in simple terms. Writing • I can write a book review. • I can write a quiz. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 5-6? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Set aside time to study English every day. Review 3 121 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW3-118a121-LA-G24.indd 121 26/07/22 18:16 TO G E T H E R 3 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 5, you have talked about the world of books and, in unit 6, about cultural diversity. In this section, you are going to talk about diversity in books. 1 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Do you feel represented in the books you read? If so, can you mention the title(s) of the book(s)? b. Based on the authors you know, which of them address diversity in their books? c. If you could write a story that reflected your reality to increase diversity in books for kids and teens, what would you write about? Who would be the main character(s)? 15 2 Listen to Rudine Sims Bishop, the author of a text called Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors*, discuss the importance of diversity in books. Then, choose the sentence that contains the main idea mentioned in the recording. a. Children need to see themselves reflected in the books they read. b. Children from dominant social groups have always seen READING ROCKETS themselves reflected in books. c. If children see only reflections of themselves in books, they will grow up with an exaggerated sense of their own importance. * BISHOP, Rudine Sims. Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. In: Perspectives: Rudine Sims Bishop choosing and using books for the classroom, v. 6, n. 3, 1990. 15 3 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 2. 16 4 Now listen to part of a lecture by Shyno Chacko, in which she talks about the main ideas from the text Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors by Rudine Sims Bishop. Then, choose the correct item that answers each question. belonging: pertencimento glimpse: visão rápida, amostra a. Why are some books compared to windows? sliding glass door: porta de vidro deslizante I. Because they reflect the real world. II. Because they give you a glimpse into another world, real or imagined. b. What can happen to children when they become part of the author’s world? I. They learn to respect and appreciate different worlds. II. They learn another culture, but not another way of life. c. When do children get a sense of place and belonging? I. When the window (book) turns into a mirror and children see themselves reflected in the bigger world. II. When they can invent their own characters instead of becoming part of the journey created by the author. 122 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT3-122e123-LA-G24.indd 122 26/07/22 18:17 d. Why do we need to see more books with diverse characters? I. Because we are a diverse nation. II. Because diverse characters are well represented in movies. 16 5 Listen to the recording again and check your answers to exercise 4. Think about it! Shyno Chacko é a fundadora do projeto Represent Us All (, acesso em: 22 jun. 2022), que busca atender à necessidade de maior diversidade em livros infantis por meio de ações que incentivem jovens autores/as e ilustradores/as a produzirem obras literárias inclusivas. Para você, qual a importância da literatura para a construção de nossas identidades? Você acredita que o hábito da leitura seria encorajado se houvesse mais obras em que você se sentisse representado/a? Le@rning on the web O áudio que você ouviu faz parte de uma palestra, proferida em 2019, em que Shyno Chacko fala sobre a importância da diversidade e inclusão na literatura infantil. Para assisti-la na íntegra, visite (Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022). 6 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to find and share examples of diverse books in English and/or Portuguese that you can find yourself reflected in. TASK In small groups, think of books you read in which you could see yourselves reflected. Try to answer the following questions to help you choose such books: • Why do you see yourselves in these books? TIP • Why do you become part of the author’s world? Ao ouvir as apresentações de seus/ suas colegas, respeite e valorize • Which characters do you empathize with? suas contribuições e suas formas de se expressarem. If you don’t have an answer to the three questions or feel you haven’t read enough books that you can see yourselves reflected in, do some research on the Internet to find possible titles. You can use your favorite search engine or visit the following websites:; (accessed on: June 22, 2022). Choose two or three books and prepare a short oral presentation to share with the whole class WAVEBREAKMEDIA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM basic information about the books (title, author, date of publication, plot, main characters). Also, it’s a good opportunity to listen to your classmates and learn to respect and appreciate different worlds. Working Together 3 123 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT3-122e123-LA-G24.indd 123 02/08/22 14:55 UNIT 7 EAT A RAINBOW PIGPROX/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM B7/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GETTY IMAGES DENVER POST/ GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. Do you usually eat fruit and vegetables? If so, do you eat fruit and vegetables of all colors? 124 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 124 26/07/22 18:20 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre educação alimentar e nutricional; • usar substantivos contáveis e incontáveis (countable and uncountable nouns); • usar expressões de quantidade (expressions of quantity); • empregar vocabulário relacionado à comida (food); • compreender e produzir receitas (recipes); • explorar os temas contemporâneos transversais saúde e educação alimentar e nutricional. K.COM C TTERSTO RA/SHU JEDZU DANIEL K.COM ERSTOC E/SHUTT MCIMAG ES Y IMAG OM .C STOCK G/GETT UTTER IR BER H AGES/S ALISTA ESS IM Y BUSIN MONKE Unit 7 125 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 125 26/07/22 18:20 READING COMPREHENSION Before Reading ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you have a colorful, balanced diet? How often do you go to fast-food restaurants? 2 Take a look at the title, the picture and the subheadings of the No exercício 2, observe o título, a imagem e os following text. Then, answer the questions. subtítulos do texto a seguir para compreender melhor a. You can find different color foods in the text. What colors are they? como as informações são b. Which food groups are mentioned in the text? organizadas. Em seguida, responda às perguntas. 3 What do you expect to read about in the text? TIP Reading Use o que você já sabe sobre o assunto do texto para estabelecer hipóteses sobre 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. o que você vai ler. Eat a Rainbow Fruit and vegetables are appealing on the plate and crucial to health. Eat a wide range of colours and types each day and treat your plate like an artist’s palette. Each colour gives different nutrients. GREENS From kiwi to okra, broccoli to cabbage, there is a vast range of green foods. They contain carotenoids, which help maintain healthy eyesight and can also reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. BROCCOLI is a superfood, rich in folate, beta-carotene, vitamin C, fibre, and cancer-fighting phytonutrients. YELLOWS Yellow and orange fruit and vegetables such as sweetcorn, grapefruit, swede, carrots, and sweet potatoes contain high levels of beta-carotene. This nutrient has a wide range of benefits such as promoting good eyesight, healthy skin, and healthy digestive and immune systems. BANANAS are rich in complex carbs and in vitamin B6, folate, potassium, and soluble fibre. REDS ELENA SCHWEITZER/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Red fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, and red onions contain the carotenoid lycopene, which can help to promote a healthy heart, protect the skin against UV rays, and reduce the risk of some cancers. RED PEPPERS have three times as much vitamin C as any citrus fruit. PURPLES Fruit and vegetables such as blackberries, plums, beetroot, and aubergines contain anthocyanins, flavonoids that are good for the heart and eyes. BLUEBERRIES are rich in antioxidants and help prevent urinary tract infections. Adaptado de: CLARKE, Jane. Complete family nutrition. Londres: DK Publishing, 2014. p. 34-35. Language Note rainbow: arco-íris colour (BrE) = color (AmE) fibre (BrE) = fiber (AmE) 126 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 126 26/07/22 18:20 5 What is the main idea of the text? Choose a or b. a. It is important to eat fresh, organic fruit and vegetables because they contain more antioxidants. b. Color variety is very important when eating fruit and vegetables because each color provides different nutrients. 6 Complete the following table by replacing the icons with information from the text. Color Contain Good for Examples kiwi, okra, broccoli, carotenoids eyes and heart cabbage a. sweetcorn, eyes, skin, digestive grapefruit, swede, and immune carrots, sweet systems potatoes, banana b. Yellows and oranges carotenoid heart and skin lycopene c. Reds ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI blackberries, plums, beetroot, anthocyanins aubergines, blueberries d. Purples 7 Match the columns based on the text. a. Bananas I. Rich in antioxidants. b. Blueberries II. Rich in vitamin C. c. Broccoli III. Rich in fiber. d. Red peppers IV. Rich in complex carbohydrates. Unit 7 127 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 127 26/07/22 18:20 8 Read the following fragment from the text on page 126 and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. “This nutrient has a wide range of benefits such as promoting good eyesight, healthy skin, and healthy digestive and immune systems.” a. “This nutrient” refers to I. carotenoid. II. beta-carotene. b. The expression “a wide range of” is equivalent to I. a great variety of. II. a limited variety of. c. The term “such as” introduces I. a comparison. II. an example. Reading for Critical Thinking 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. In the text on page 126, a colorful diet is compared to a rainbow and an artist’s palette. Do you think these comparisons can encourage people to eat different nutrients? b. Do you believe the text presents scientific information about healthy diets in a simple and clear way? Why (not)? c. In your opinion, how can people in general benefit from reading texts like the one on page 126? Why is it important to promote a healthy diet? VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Food 1 The five main food groups are: dairy, fruit, vegetables, grains, and meat and beans. Replace the icons with the words in the box to label the following food items. banana • black beans • broccoli • cereal • fish • TIP mango • papaya • tomato • red pepper • yogurt Agrupar as palavras por temas é uma estratégia que ajuda a aprender e fixar I. Dairy vocabulário novo. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PHILIPPE DEVANNE/ MARC DIETRICH/ Language Note AZURE1/ Possible spellings: yogurt, yoghurt or yoghourt a. cheese b. milk c. 128 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 128 26/07/22 18:20 2 17 ANNA KUCHEROVA/ BERGAMONT/ NIK MERKULOV/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM GREY_AND/ BW FOLSOM/ RHJPHTOTOS/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. b. a. II. Fruit IV. Grains a. apple a. bread III. Vegetables D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 129 V. Meat and beans a. beet/beetroot TIM UR/ LENS7/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and repeat the words. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MATKUB2499/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. c. carrot d. grapes d. eggplant/ aubergine c. blueberries ANNA KUCHEROVA/ KHUMTHONG/ b. chicken SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM VALENTYN VOLKOV/ PIXAHUB/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM e. MARAZE/ AFRICA STUDIO/ Language Note f. okra SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM f. orange e. lettuce MERCURY STUDIO/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NATEE PHOTO/ c. egg SHUTTERSTOCK.COM TIM UR/ BOONCHUAY1970/ c. pasta SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM g. g. HURST PHOTO/ swede SHUTTERSTOCK.COM h. rutabaga/ ANDREY EREMIN/ ENLIGHTENED MEDIA/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM h. strawberries SHUTTERSTOCK.COM d. i. d. rice Note que vegetables são plantas ou partes de plantas usadas como comida e Unit 7 j. sweetcorn Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 1. Then, listen to the recording again j. watermelon IURII KACHKOVSKYI/ incluem tanto legumes quanto verduras. Informalmente, são chamados de veggies. i. sweet potato SHUTTERSTOCK.COM INDIGOLOTOS/ NEW AFRICA/ AFRICA STUDIO/ OLGA GUCHEK/ PHOTOONGRAPHY/ 129 SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 26/07/22 18:20 3 Copy this table into your notebook. Then, complete it by replacing the icons with words from exercise 1. If necessary, use the Glossary. British English American English Other Englishes eggplant beet chicken chook (in Australia and New Zealand) bhindi (in India), okra ladies’ fingers (in many English-speaking countries) swede rutabaga turnip (in Ireland), neep (in Scotland) 18 4 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 3. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat the words. Think about it! É comum os nomes de comidas variarem de acordo com o país e/ou a região. Alguns exemplos dessa variação em inglês são dados no exercício 3. Você conhece exemplos de nomes de comidas em português que também variam de acordo com o lugar? GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178. TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Language Note 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its picture too much = an excessive amount and title. What do you expect to read about? E.g.: It’s not healthy to eat too much sugar. 2 Now read the text to check your predictions. unaware = not aware; not conscious Empty calories (…) Sugar is only 4 calories per gram (the same as protein), but these are known as empty STOCK.COM OTO/SHUTTER KABARDINS PH calories because refined sugar doesn’t contain any other nutrients. We do need some sugar, for Sugar: Time to Cut Back energy, but the processed ones added to our food are just not necessary. We can get all the sugar Many people are unaware of how much we need from fruit, vegetables and grains. (…) sugar they’re eating – not just the amount they add to a bowl of cereal or a hot drink but also How much is too much? the astonishing quantities hidden in processed The World Health Organization says added foods and drinks. From tooth decay to obesity, sugar (including honey and fruit juice) should the health risks are huge. (…) not exceed 10% of our daily calories. (…) CLARKE, Jane. Complete family nutrition. Londres: DK Publishing, 2014. p. 92-93. 130 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 130 26/07/22 18:20 3 Choose the correct statements about the text. If necessary, use the Glossary. a. Many people don’t know the amount of sugar they are eating. b. There is a lot of hidden sugar in processed foods and drinks. c. It is not possible to get all the sugar we need from fruit, vegetables, and grains. d. According to the World Health Organization, the minimum amount of sugar a person can eat is 10% of their daily calories. 4 Find in the text two health risks of eating too much sugar. 5 How about you? How much sugar do you eat a day? The expressions in the following box can help you. Too much. • Not much. • Almost none. • None. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Countable and Uncountable Nouns Read the following fragments, focus on the words in bold and do exercises 1 and 2. I. “Broccoli is a superfood, rich in folate (...)” (page 126) II. “Red peppers have three times as much vitamin C as any citrus fruit.” (page 126) III. “Bananas are rich in complex carbs (...)” (page 126) IV. “We do need some sugar, for energy (…)” (page 130) 1 Choose the correct item that answers each question. TIP A partir da observação dos a. Which fragments are about vegetables? exemplos, faça inferências I. Fragments I and II. II. Fragments III and IV. para compreender regras de uso da língua inglesa. b. Which words can have a singular and a plural form? I. Broccoli, sugar. II. Red pepper, banana. 2 Replace each icon with broccoli or banana to complete the statements. Language Note Sugar é incontável no sentido em que é a. Countable nouns refer to things you can count. They usado no fragmento IV, mas é contável have a singular and a plural form. For example: red quando falamos de vários tipos de açúcares, como em “Simple sugars are pepper(s), (s). easier to digest than complex sugars.” Já a forma de se referir à quantidade de b. Uncountable nouns refer to things you can’t count. They brócolis em inglês é usar a expressão a only have a singular form. For example: sugar, . head of broccoli. Unit 7 131 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 131 26/07/22 18:20 3 Read the following recipes for two healthy drinks. Which food words in bold are countable and which ones are uncountable? Preparation 5 mins       Cooking none        Serves 2 Carrot and Apple Juice For maximum goodness, drink the juice immediately. PIXEL-SHOT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Equipment SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • small sharp knife Ingredients • cutting board • 4 apples DIONISVERA/ • juicer • 3 carrots 1. Scrub the carrots and cut each one into 2 or 3 pieces. KOMSAN LOONPROM/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 2. Put the apples and the carrots through the juicer. Throw away the pulp and pour the juice into two glasses. Adaptado de: GRAIMES, Nicola. Kids’ fun & healthy cookbook. Nova York: DK Publishing, 2007. p. 18. MUTITA NARKMUANG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Preparation 5 mins       Cooking none       Serves 4 Fruit Smoothie Ingredients • 3/4 cup of fresh or frozen blueberries SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ARTEM EVDOKIMOV/ • 3 bananas (sliced) • 2 cups of thick plain yogurt • 1 cup of milk JARVA JAR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NOIRCHOCOLATE/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Equipment • small sharp knife FOODPICTURES/ • cutting board • blender 1.  Peel the bananas and then roughly chop them into small slices. Put them into the blender and add the blueberries, yogurt, and milk. 2. Whiz the blender until the mixture is smooth, thick, and creamy. Adaptado de: GRAIMES, Nicola. Kids’ fun & healthy cookbook. Nova York: DK Publishing, 2007. p. 19. Think about it! Para você, qual é a importância de se incentivar o consumo de alimentos de produtores locais? Se possível, visite feiras ou mercados da sua região e busque aprender sobre o processo de produção e distribuição dos diferentes alimentos. Converse com seus/suas colegas sobre essa experiência. 132 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 132 29/07/22 18:17 Expressions of Quantity 4 Read the following fragments from page 130, focus on the words in bold and choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “Many people are unaware of how much sugar they’re eating” II. “We do need some sugar, for energy” III. “refined sugar doesn’t contain any other nutrients.” a. The quantifier many (fragment I) refers to Language Note I. people (countable noun). Some and any are used when it is not II. sugar (uncountable noun). important or easy to say exactly how much/how many of something we b. The quantifier much (fragment I) refers to are thinking of. We usually use some in affirmative sentences and any in I. people (countable noun). negative and interrogative sentences. We use some in interrogative II. sugar (uncountable noun). sentences (offers and requests) if we expect people to answer c. The quantifiers some (fragment II) and any (fragment III) “affirmatively”. refer to E.g.: Can I have some sugar, please? I. a definite quantity. II. an indefinite quantity. 5 Replace each icon with countable or uncountable to complete the statements. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. With , plural nouns, use: many, not Language Note many, too many and how many. HO VAN TY/ • water (uncountable); • glass (countable) E.g.: I drink eight glasses of water a day. • fruit (uncountable); • serving (countable) EVGENY KARANDAEV/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM E.g.: I eat four servings of fruit a day. b. With nouns, use: much, not much, too much and how much. 6 Replace each icon with How much or How many to complete the questions. a. meals do you have a day? b. water do you drink a day? c. milk do you usually drink a day? d. glasses of fruit smoothie do you drink a week? e. servings of fruit do you eat a day? Unit 7 133 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 133 26/07/22 18:20 7 In pairs, ask and answer the questions from exercise 6 as in the example. Take turns. Student A: How many meals do you have a day? Student B: I have five meals a day. How about you? Student A: Not many. I only have three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. How much water do you drink a day? Student B: I don’t know. Not many glasses. Maybe five. Language Note Countable: not many = a few GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. Uncountable: not much = a little LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 In your opinion, what are the three most important things to consider when choosing to eat healthy? The items in the following box can help you. TOKOKOO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM I think healthy food needs to be… fresh • low fat • low sugar • 100% natural • non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) • organic 19 2 Listen to part of a radio program with a reporter Language Note summarizing the main points discussed in an interview on a budget = not having/spending much money with a dietician. What did they talk about? Choose a or b. a. Understanding food labels. b. How to eat healthy food on a budget. TIP Não se preocupe em entender todas as palavras e todas as informações do áudio. 19 3 Listen to the recording again and choose the items that O objetivo do exercício 2 é identificar o tema da entrevista veiculada em um were mentioned in the interview. programa de rádio. a. It’s possible to eat healthy without buying foods that are all natural. TIP b. Fresh food is always best. Ao ouvir o áudio, concentre-se nas informações que deseja e preste atenção nas c. Frozen and canned foods are not healthy. palavras-chave. d. It’s important to make a list when you’re shopping. e. You don’t need to eliminate your favorite foods. Le@rning f. It’s possible to eat healthy even if you don’t have the on the web money to buy certain foods. O trecho de áudio que você ouviu faz parte de uma entrevista com uma nutricionista, Shana Spence. Para ouvi-la 19 4 Listen to the recording once more and check your na íntegra ou ler sua transcrição, visite answers to exercises 2 and 3. (Acesso em: 8 jun. 2022). 134 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 134 26/07/22 18:20 5 Do you usually read the nutrition label on food packaging BRIAN A JACKSON/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM before buying or eating something? If so, what do you usually check? 6 Get to know about your classmates’ eating habits! Copy the following table into your notebook and interview two classmates as in the example. Replace each icon with the information you get. Take turns and ask extra questions. Questions Classmate 1 Classmate 2 1. Do you eat fruit every day? How many servings of fruit do you have a day? 2. Do you eat vegetables every day? How many servings of vegetables do you have a day? 3. How much water do you drink a day? 4. How often do you eat junk food? 5. What is your favorite snack? How often do you eat it? 6. What is your favorite dessert? How often do you eat it? 7. (Extra question) 8. (Extra question) Example: Student A: Do you eat fruit every day, Carol? Student B: Yep, a lot! Student A: How many servings of fruit do you have a day? Student B: Three or four, I guess. Student A: How about you, Douglas? Student C: I don’t eat fruit every day. I think I have five portions a week. Think about it! Você conhece a expressão junk food? Sabendo que junk significa “lixo”, a que tipo de comida você acha que essa expressão se refere? Na sua opinião, essa expressão é adequada? Por quê (não)? 7 Now go back to exercise 6. Based on your classmates’ answers, do they have healthy eating habits? Why (not)? Unit 7 135 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 135 26/07/22 18:20 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have read two recipes for healthy drinks – a carrot and apple juice, and a fruit smoothie – on page 132. A recipe contains a list of ingredients, equipment, and instructions that tell you how to prepare something. You can find thousands of recipes at and (Accessed on: June 8, 2022). Based on the recipes you explored in this unit, it’s time to put your favorite recipe down on paper! You can share your favorite juice recipe, smoothie recipe, salad recipe etc. 1 Before writing your text, match the columns to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: I. classmates and other people b. Readers: II. classroom board/Internet c. Genre: III. you d. Objective: IV. objective tone e. Style: V. recipe f. Media: VI. to share your favorite recipe 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. 1.  Choose one of your favorite recipes to share. Think of all the TIP Ao revisar as receitas, ingredients and equipment required to make your recipe. considere, por exemplo: 2. Make the recipe the way you want your readers to make • objetivo: As informações it. Take notes on what you’re doing. Don’t forget to write estão adequadas ao objetivo down measurements for each ingredient. You can also take do texto? • conteúdo: Você incluiu todos a photo of each step and of the finished recipe. os ingredientes e material 3. Write a first draft of the recipe. Start with the ingredient necessário para a elaboração list. For each item, write how much you usually use. Use da receita? abbreviations for measurements (e.g. tsp. for teaspoon). • linguagem: O modo de preparo está redigido de 4. Describe the equipment needed. maneira clara e objetiva? 5. Write clear, easy-to-read descriptions of the process. Use • imagens: As imagens ajudam the imperative for each step (e.g. peel the bananas, put o leitor a compreender a them into the blender). receita? 6. Include the preparation time and the number of servings. • ortografia: As palavras e as abreviações estão escritas 7. Exchange recipes with a classmate and discuss both texts. corretamente? 8. Make the necessary corrections. Reescreva seu texto com base 9. Write the final version of the recipe. Include the photo(s) of na revisão feita por você e seus/ each step and/or of the finished recipe. suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your favorite recipe with your classmates and other people. You and your classmates can organize the texts to create posters on specific recipes (juices, salads, sandwiches, etc.). You can also create an online wall at (accessed on: June 8, 2022) to publish your recipes on the Internet and share them with other students, your teachers, your family, and people everywhere. 136 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 136 26/07/22 18:20 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. How much water do you need a day? What about vegetables? Read the following text and find out what a healthy eating plate looks like. Then, talk to a classmate and answer the questions. © HARVARD UNIVERSITY HEALTHY Eating Plate. Harvard Health Publishing, 5 jun. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jun. 2022. • De acordo com as recomendações de Harvard para uma alimentação saudável, quais alimentos devem ser consumidos com moderação? E quais devem ser evitados? • O que os especialistas em nutrição de Harvard dizem sobre atividade física? • O que não conta como porção de legumes que devem ser consumidos em boa quantidade? • Você segue alguma dessas recomendações? A sua alimentação se baseia nas proporções mostradas na imagem? Qual grupo alimentar você prioriza na sua alimentação? Recommended Resources Para assistir a uma animação sobre como o que você come afeta o cérebro, visite: • (Acesso em: 8 jun. 2022). Unit 7 137 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U07-124a137-LA-G24.indd 137 26/07/22 18:20 UNIT 8 FRIENDS FOREVER SHUTTERSTOCK.COM KLEBER CORDEIRO/ MESQUITAFMS/GETTY IMAGES GETTING STARTED NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. 123RF.COM CAFTOR/© What are these friends doing to have fun? What do you and your friends usually do together? 138 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 138 26/07/22 18:22 Nesta unidade, você vai • falar sobre amizade; • usar pronomes relativos (relative pronouns); • explorar sufixos (suffixes) e grupos nominais (noun phrases); • compreender e produzir poemas (poems); • explorar o tema contemporâneo transversal vida familiar e social. IMAGES TOM WILDE/GETTY MONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Unit 8 139 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 139 26/07/22 18:22 READING COMPREHENSION Before Reading ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you have many friends? Is it easy for you to make new friends? Why (not)? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure, and source. Then, answer the questions. a. Where was the text published? c. Who is the author of the text? b. In which section of the publication is the text? d. What is the main topic of the text? 3 Where do you expect the content of the text to come from? Reading 4 Now read the text to check your predictions. HTTPS://WWW.SCIENCE.ORG NEWS CAREERS COMMENTARY JOURNALS COVID - 19 LOG IN NEWS | SOCIAL SCIENCES The Only Thing Constant About Friendship May Be the Number of Your Friends University students don’t add more friends, just replace the old ones 6 JAN 2014 | BY EMILY UNDERWOOD Friends come and go, but the number of close friends you have may remain surprisingly constant. That’s the main result from a new study in which researchers used cell phone data from British secondary school students as they transitioned to university to track how many close social connections they maintained. The research also suggests that people have distinct social “signatures,” or patterns of intimacy with others, which they tend to maintain over time. Regardless of how many Facebook friends a person has, most people maintain only a small number of emotionally intense relationships, says Jari Saramäki of the Aalto University School of Science in Espoo, Finland, a computational scientist who studies social networks. Studies show that these close relationships are vital to our health and well-being. But they do have a cost: time and effort that take away from work, personal time, or other relationships. (…) UNDERWOOD, Emily. The only thing constant about friendship may be the number of your friends. Science, 6 jan. 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022. pattern: padrão regardless of: independentemente de remain: permanecer 140 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 140 26/07/22 18:22 5 According to the main result from the new study mentioned in the text, what remains the same over time? Choose a or b. a. The number of close friends a person has. b. The number of online friends a person has. 6 Replace the icons with information about the new study mentioned in the text. Example: a. Social networking a. Research area: b. Researchers: and his colleagues c. Institution: d. Country of institution: e. Participants: 7 What did researchers use cell phone data from the participants for? 8 In your notebook, write T (True) or F (False). Then, correct the false statement(s). a. According to the research, people have different patterns of intimacy with others. b. Most people maintain a great number of close relationships. c. Emotionally intense relationships are important to our health and well-being. d. Close relationships demand time and effort. Reading for Critical Thinking 9 Discuss the following questions with your classmates. a. According to the research, close relationships are important to our health and well-being. In your opinion, how can these relationships contribute to our physical and mental health? b. How important to you is the number of friends you have? Do you think that the number of friends someone has on social networks indicates how popular this person is? GALVÃO BERTAZZI c. Has the number of close friends you have remained constant over the years? How many close social connections do you maintain? Unit 8 141 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 141 26/07/22 18:22 VOCABULARY STUDY ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Word Formation: Suffixes 1 Read the following fragments from the text on page 140 and focus on the words in bold. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. I. “a new study in which researchers used cell phone data” II. “these close relationships are vital to our health and well-being” III. “the number of close friends you have may remain surprisingly constant” a. In fragment I, we can infer that the suffix -er forms a noun indicating I. an occupation. II. a comparison. b. In fragment II, we can infer that the suffix -ship forms a noun indicating I. an action. II. a state or condition. c. In fragment III, we can infer that the suffix -ly forms an adverb indicating I. in a (specified) manner. II. in a (specified) period of time. 2 Go back to the text on page 140 and find other words formed with the suffixes -ship and -ly. 3 Copy the following table into your notebook and complete it by replacing the icons with the words in the box as in the examples. friend • gradual • member • observe • quick • relation • research • surprising • work Noun Suffix Noun relation relationship + = -ship Verb Suffix Noun research researcher + = -er Adjective Suffix Adverb surprising surprisingly + = -ly 20 4 Listen to the recording and check your answers to Pronunciation Note exercise 3. Then, listen to the recording again and repeat Observe que o sufixo -ship não é a sílaba the words. tônica dos substantivos que forma. 142 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 142 26/07/22 18:22 Noun Phrases Focus on the expression “close friends” from the text on page 140. Then, do exercises 5 and 6. close friends In the expression “close friends”, friends is the main word and is modified by close. 5 The following expressions are from the text on page 140. Identify the main word in each expression as in the example. Example: a. friends a. “close friends” IRINA STRELNIKOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. “personal time” c. “close social connections” d. “these close relationships” e. “a computational scientist” f. “distinct social ‘signatures’” g. “emotionally intense relationships” h. “the main result from a new study” i. “cell phone data from British secondary school students” 6 Based on the expressions in exercise 5, replace the icon with noun or adjective to complete the statement. The main word in each expression is a . 7 In each item, put the words into the correct order to form noun phrases. a. friends/best/their b. personal/a/relationship/deep c. results/the/study/the/of d. Harvard University/at/network/scientist/a 21 8 Listen to the recording and check your answers to exercise 7. Pronunciation Note Note que, ao dizermos expressões nominais um pouco mais longas, em que há alguma preposição, é comum fazermos uma pequena pausa antes da preposição, como no item d do exercício 7. GO TO VOCABULARY CORNER ON PAGE 178. Unit 8 143 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 143 26/07/22 18:22 TAKING IT FURTHER ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before reading the following text, take a look at its title, structure and source. Then, choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. The text is a I. letter. II. poem. b. The central theme of the text is I. friendship. II. religion. c. The author of the text is I. Jill Wolf. II. Wendy Hinson. Now read the text and do exercises 2-4. Language Note A Friend’s Prayer from afar (literary) = from a long distance away Hinson © Jill Wolf, sent by Wendy ays be May my friendships alw ng to me; The most important thi l I’m blessed, With special friends I fee st. So let me give my very be tha n share I want to do much more nds who care; The hopes and plans of frie GALVÃO BERTAZZI do I’ll try all that a friend can ams come true. To make their secret dre see, Let me use my heart to be, To realise what friends can ts fro m afar, And make no judgemen way they are. But love my friends the l em: WOLF, Jill. A friend’s prayer. The Friendship Page. 1996-2006. Disponíve 10 jun. 2022. Acesso em: 2 The person in the text wants to develop a close relationship with his/her friends. Choose a fragment from the text that supports this statement. 3 Choose the correct statements about the poem. a. It contains rhymes (e.g. “be”, “me”, c. It contains a lot of repetition. “share”, “care”, etc.). d. It contains contracted forms. b. It contains everyday language. e. Its tone is formal. 4 In “The hopes and plans of friends who care”, what does who refer to? Choose a or b. a. “The hopes and plans” b. “friends” 144 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 144 26/07/22 18:22 5 In pairs, ask and answer the questions. a. In your opinion, is friendship the most important relationship? Why (not)? b. What qualities should a good friend have? Do you agree with the following quote? Why (not)? “The biggest ingredient in a best friend is someone whose actions you respect and who you can truly be yourself around.” Renee Olstead OLSTEAD, Renee. The biggest ingredient in a best friend... In: ANDERSON, Becca. Friendship isn’t a big thing – it’s a million little things: the art of female friendship. Coral Gables: Mango, 2019. c. What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Relative Pronouns 1 Go back to the text on page 140 and identify the person described in the following items. Who is she? a. She is a correspondent for Science. b. She wrote an article about friendship. c. She is a correspondent for Science who wrote an article about friendship. 2 In sentence c from the previous exercise, which word is used to avoid repeating the name of the person? Read the following fragments again, focus on the words in bold and do exercises 3-5. I. “a computational scientist who studies social networks.” (page 140) II. “someone whose actions you respect” (page 145) III. “time and effort that take away from work” (page 140) IV. “patterns of intimacy with others, which they tend to maintain over time.” (page 140) 3 Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. Who refers to I. “a computational scientist”. II. “social networks”. b. Whose refers to I. “someone”. II. “actions”. c. That refers to I. “time and effort”. II. “work”. Unit 8 145 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 145 26/07/22 18:22 d. Which refers to I. “patterns of intimacy with others”. II. “they”. e. The relative pronouns who, whose, that and which refer to I. a previous element (= noun or noun phrase). II. a following element (= noun or noun phrase). f. The relative pronouns who, whose, that and which are used to I. emphasize an element in the sentence and to contrast ideas. II. connect elements in a sentence and to avoid repetition. 4 Match the columns as in the example to understand when we can use each relative pronoun in bold. Example: a. III a. We can use that in reference to I. things. b. We can use who in reference to II. people. c. We can use whose in reference to III. people and things. d. We can use which in reference to IV. people and things (possessive meaning). 5 In “a computational scientist who studies social networks” (fragment I), which relative pronoun can replace who? Choose a or b. a. whose b. that Read the following poem and do exercises 6 and 7. What Is A Friend? © Barbara M. Zellner Published: October 2007 GALVÃO BERTAZZI A good friend is someone who cares about you. They are someone who will be there when you’re down. A good friend is someone who’s willing to help you A good friend is someone when you are in a little trouble who will come and stop that’s hard to get out. you from taking your life and sit down to show you A good friend is someone all of the good things who you can talk to to live for. and trust with your problems in not telling anyone else. That’s what a good friend is! ZELLNER, Barbara M. What is a friend? Family Friend Poems. 2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022. 146 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 146 25/04/23 10:35 6 Answer the following questions. a. What is the main theme of the poem? b. In the poem, which relative pronoun is used to refer to “someone”? Which other relative pronoun could be used? 7 Do you agree with the views about being “a good friend” presented in the poem? Why (not)? 8 Read these sentences about the poem on page 146. Then, match the items to complete the following statements. The poem that was written by Barbara Zellner is about true friendship. The poem, which was written by Barbara Zellner, is about true friendship. a. In the first sentence, the relative pronoun I. adds information about the poem about that introduces a clause that true friendship. b. In the second sentence, the relative pronoun II. restricts the information to the poem which introduces a clause that written by Barbara Zellner. 9 The following quotes are about friendship. Complete them by replacing each icon with the correct relative pronoun. a. “A friend is someone knows all about you and still loves you.” (Elbert Hubbard) HUBBARD, Elbert. A friend is someone... In: DAS, Tapatrisha. National best friends day 2022: wishes and messages to share with besties. Hindustan Times, 8 jun. 2022. Disponível em: friends-day-2022-wishes-and-messages-to-share-with-besties-101654664455517.html. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. I. who II. which b. “A friend should be one in understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.” (Robert Hall) HALL, Robert. A friend should be one in... In: DEMAKIS, Joseph. The ultimate book of quotations. Raleigh: Lulu Enterprises, 2012. p. 137. I. who II. whose c. “A real friend is one walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” (Walter Winchell) WINCHELL, Walter. A real friend is one... In: JANTZ, Gregory L.; McMURRAY, Ann. #Hooked. Lake Mary: Siloam, 2012. p. 68. I. who II. which d. “Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” (R. J. Palacio) PALACIO, R. J. Courage. Kindness. Friendship... In: COLLAZO, Leigh. Creating a kinder, gentler world through reading. WISS. 6 dez. 2017. Disponível em: academics/creating-a-kinder-gentler-world-through-reading/. Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. I. who II. that Unit 8 147 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 147 25/04/23 10:36 e. “Friendship is the shadow of the evening, increases with the setting sun of life.” (Jean de La Fontaine) LA FONTAINE, Jean de. Friendship is the shadow of the evening... In: NOORUZZAMAN, Syed. Friends and shadows. Hindustan Times, 11 ago. 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jun. 2022. I. which II. that 10 Which quotes from the previous exercise do you agree with? GO TO LANGUAGE REFERENCE + EXTRA PRACTICE ON PAGE 186. LISTENING AND SPEAKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Do you like poetry? Have you ever written a poem for a friend? If so, what was it about? 22 2 Listen to a woman reciting a poem written by Gerard Arthus in 1982. What is it about? 22 3 Listen to the recording again and answer the questions. Le@rning on the web a. What is the best gift that a person can give? Para conhecer outros poemas de Gerard Arthus, visite: b. In the poem, what is life compared to? Why? arthusgerardpoems (Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022). GALVÃO BERTAZZI 4 According to the poem, choose the items that help friendship become love. Do you agree with the poet? a. Confidence. d. Honesty. b. Freedom. e. Responsibility. c. Generosity. f. Sacrifice. 148 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 148 26/07/22 18:22 22 5 Listen to the recording once more and check your answers to exercises 3 and 4. 22 6 The poem contains rhymes. Listen to the recording again and identify the words that rhyme with the following ones as in the example. Example: a. live a. give b. flower c. time TIP Ao ouvir o poema, observe o efeito das pausas e do ritmo. d. sleep 7 Did you like the poem? Why (not)? 8 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Do you have a best friend? If so, who is he/she? How long have you known each other? b. Can you describe one of your closest friends? c. How do you make new friends? Have you ever made any friends over the Internet? 9 Read the following true story and, in small groups, ask and answer dashboard: painel de carro the questions about it. sticky note: nota adesiva TRENDOBJECTS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL One night after teaching a late class, I found a INSIDE AND OUT sticky note on the window of my car. It read “You are beautiful inside and out” and featured a little heart. I never did find out which one of my friends left it for me, but it is still on my dashboard and means more than anything to me. Jennie Berglund, Burnsville, Minnesota 22 HEARTWARMING stories of true friendship that will make you call your bestie. Reader's Digest, 20 jul. 2021. Disponível em: friendship/. Acesso em: 15 jul. 2022. a. Who wrote the true story? What is her occupation? b. What is the true story about? c. Does she know who left the sticky note on her car? d. How does she feel about the sticky note? e. Do you usually remind your friends of how much they are important to you? If so, what do you usually do? Unit 8 149 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 149 29/07/22 18:19 WRITING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Poetry, like other forms of creative writing, can be a great way to propose ideas, convey emotions, and entertain the audience all in one. In this unit you have read different poems about friendship on pages 144 and 146. Visit, and (accessed on: June 10, 2022) to find other examples of poems. Read classic and contemporary poets. Get inspired. Based on the poems you explored in this unit, it’s time to write a poem to express your ideas and feelings in a creative way. You may write a long or a short poem, use rhymes or not. 1 Before writing your text, match the columns to identify the elements of the writing context. a. Writer: I. classmates and other people b. Readers: II. you c. Genre: III. school newspaper/Internet d. Objective: IV. creative writing e. Style: V. poem f. Media: VI. to express your ideas and feelings in a creative way 2 Follow these instructions to write your text. SANGGART/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 1. Think of something to write about. You can write about an important relationship or anything you have deep feelings about. Anything can be the theme for a poem. 2. Focus on your theme and consider it from different angles. Get all your ideas down on paper. 3. Do not worry about style, about writing in a beautiful or a poetic way. Focus on communicating an aspect TIP of your experience. What makes the poem interesting Ao revisar os poemas, considere, por exemplo: is your unique perspective. • objetivo: No poema, você 4. Then, start experimenting with the form of the poem. expressa seus sentimentos sobre Try organizing your poem in different ways and see o tema? what happens. The length of the line can make the • linguagem: A linguagem é usada reader pay attention to certain words, for example. de forma criativa? • ortografia: As palavras estão 5. Exchange poems with a classmate and discuss them. escritas corretamente? Talk about how you feel when you read the poems. Reescreva seu texto com base na 6. Make the necessary corrections. revisão feita por você e seus/ 7. Write the final version of your poem. suas colegas. 3 It’s time to share your poem with your classmates and other people. You can also publish it in websites like (Accessed on: June 10, 2022). 150 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 150 26/07/22 18:22 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS LOOKING AHEAD EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In this unit you have talked about friendships. Read the following text about unhealthy friendships and, in small groups, discuss the questions about it. Teens: Getting Out of an Unhealthy Friendship Getting Started AUTUMNN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM In an unhealthy friendship, the focus is often on things that are negative. For example, you talk about each other’s problems a lot. Or you give up what you want so you can make your friend happy. But then you feel miserable. Or maybe your friend pushes you to do things that feel bad, like trying alcohol when you’re not interested. If you’re in an unhealthy friendship, it’s best to move on. Here are some ideas that can help. • Stay true to what’s right for you and your friend. (...) • Think about what to say to your friend and others. (...) • Be thoughtful about blocking them on social media. (...) • Reconnect with others. (...) • Look for healthy friendships. In a healthy friendship, you feel good about being yourself. And your friend feels really good too. You trust and support each other. You’re able to disagree and still be close friends. Also, the friendship feels fun and easy most of the time. Current as of: September 20, 2021 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Andrew Littlefield PhD - Psychology, Behavioral Health HEALTHWISE STAFF. Teens: getting out of an unhealthy friendship. Healthwise. 20 set. 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jun. 2022. • According to the text, “if you’re in an unhealthy friendship, it’s best to move on”. Do you agree with this? Why (not)? TIP Note que algumas palavras em inglês • Have you ever been in an unhealthy friendship? If so, what parecem com palavras em português, did you do about it? Did you put into action any of the ideas mas tem um significado diferente. presented in the text? Push parece “puxar”, mas significa “empurrar”. “Puxar”, em inglês, é pull. • In your opinion, what is the meaning of true friendship? What happens when the bond between two friends is strong? Recommended Resources Para assistir a um vídeo sobre o que faz uma amizade ser duradoura, visite: • Para explorar citações e histórias pessoais sobre amizade, visite: • (Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022). Unit 8 151 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-U08-138a151-LA-G24.indd 151 26/07/22 18:22 • U N I TS 7 & 8 REVIEW 4 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. READING COMPREHENSION 1 Do you read nutrition facts labels to make informed decisions about what you eat? If so, when do you normally read them? Read the following text and do exercises 2 and 3. U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA). Side-by-side comparison. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 152 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 152 26/07/22 18:23 2 Based on the new label, why is it easier for consumers to make better informed food choices? Choose the correct items. a. There is more detailed nutrition information. b. The number of calories (230) comes in a larger type size. c. The amount of 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice. 3 Compare the two nutrition facts labels and find out the updates in the new label. Then, replace each icon with an expression in the box to complete the sentences. actual amount • “Added sugars” • larger type size • “Vitamin A” and “Vitamin C” a. The item is now included. b. “Vitamin D” and “Potassium” replace . c. “Calories” and “serving size” come in a . d. The of vitamins and minerals is declared in mg addition to “% Daily Value”. LANGUAGE IN USE ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1 Do you know acarajé? Do you like it? Read the ingredients of this traditional Brazilian food and focus on the words in bold. Which ones are uncountable? Brazilian Black-Eyed Pea and Shrimp Fritters: Acarajé By Marian Blazes | Updated on 05/16/22 ADILSON SOCHODOLAK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM (...) For the Fritters: Ingredients • 2 (15-ounce) cans For the Filling: black-eyed peas • 1 onion • 1 clove garlic • 1 teaspoon chile powder • 1 onion • 1 cup small shrimp, fresh or frozen, • 1 small chili pepper shelled and deveined • 1 to 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour • 2 tablespoons palm oil, or olive oil • Salt, to taste • Salt, to taste • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste • Palm oil, or vegetable oil, for frying (…) BLAZES, Marian. Brazilian black-eyed pea and shrimp fritters: acarajé. The Spruce Eats, 16 maio 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. Review 4 153 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 153 26/07/22 18:23 Expressions of Quantity 2 Read the following comic strip and choose the correct item that answers each question. RESERVED / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION GARFIELD, JIM DAVIS © 1978 PAWS, INC. ALL RIGHTS DAVIS, Jim. Garfield. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. a. How much lasagna does Jon give Garfield? I. Not much. II. Very much. b. Is the word lasagna a countable or uncountable noun? I. A countable noun. II. An uncountable noun. c. What does the quantifier some refer to? I. A definite quantity. II. An indefinite quantity. 3 Replace each icon with How much or How many to complete the sentences. a. portions of fruit do you eat a day? b. water do you drink a day? c. time do you spend cooking? d. meals do you have after lunch? Relative Pronouns 4 Read the following tips on being healthy. Replace each icon with the correct relative pronoun that completes each tip. a. “Don't fall for diets cut out food groups (…).” I. whose II. that b. “Choose whole grains (like whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal), provide fiber to help you feel full.” I. which II. that GAVIN, Mary L. The deal with diets. Kids Health. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. 154 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 154 26/07/22 18:23 THINKING ABOUT LEARNING NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. GALVÃO BERTAZZI Nesta seção, reflita sobre a sua aprendizagem e, em seu caderno, escreva a resposta a cada pergunta. I. How well can you do this? 1 Very well. 2 Well. 3 Not so well. • I can find specific information in practical, concrete, predictable texts (e.g. recipes), Reading provided they are written in simple language. • I can pick out the main information in simple articles in which illustrations and titles support the meaning of the text. • I can understand the main points of short texts dealing with everyday topics. Grammar • I can use countable and uncountable nouns. • I can use expressions of quantity. • I can use relative pronouns. Listening • I can understand and extract the essential information from short, recorded passages dealing with everyday matters. • I can generally identify the topic of a discussion around me that is conducted slowly and clearly. Speaking • I can present my opinion in simple terms. • I can participate in short conversations in routine contexts on topics of interest. • I can ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations. Writing • I can write a recipe. • I can write a poem. • I can write short, simple poems about people. II. What learning resources have you used in Units 7-8? The items in the box can help you. • Dictionaries • Vocabulary Corner • Recommended Resources • Internet • Language Reference + • Other • Glossary Extra Practice III. What can you do to improve your learning? Example: Organize words in word family charts. Review 4 155 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-RW4-152a155-LA-G24.indd 155 26/07/22 18:23 TO G E T H E R 4 WORKING ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In unit 7, you have talked about healthy eating habits. In this section, you are going to talk about healthy recipes. 1 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Do you like cooking? If so, what do you like to cook? b. Do you help prepare meals at home? If so, how often? 2 Before reading the following text, take a look at its structure, source, title and picture. What do you expect to read about? 3 Now read the text to check your predictions. 3. Vegetable omelet with toasted bread You will need: • 1 egg (whisked) • ½ onion (chopped) • ½ tomato (thinly diced) • ½ bell pepper (thinly sliced) • 2 tbsp corn (boiled) OLGA NAYASHKOVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM • 1 tbsp sesame seeds oil • 1 tsp mixed cheese (shredded) • ½ tsp dried herbs mix • Handful of baby spinach (chopped) How to make: 1. Add all the ingredients, except cheese, into a bowl and whisk well using a fork or whisker. Set the bowl aside. 2. Now, heat oil in a skillet over medium heat. As the oil warms, pour the egg mixture into the skillet and cook until both sides turn golden brown. 3. Once done, transfer the egg to a plate and serve with toasted whole-grain bread. You can also add mashed potatoes and boiled snap beans. PATWAL, Swati. 26 Easy and healthy recipes for teenagers to cook. Mom Junction. 2 mar. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022. 156 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT4-156e157-LA-G24.indd 156 26/07/22 18:24 4 Focus on the ingredients (under “You will need”). Based on the ingredients you know from the recipe, try to infer the meaning of the words in parentheses in the text. Then, match the columns. a. whisked I. cortado/a em tiras b. chopped II. fervido/a c. thinly sliced III. batido/a d. boiled IV. picado/a e. shredded V. cortado/a em fatias finas 5 Focus on the preparation (under “How to make”). Identify the words in the recipe that refer to the following pictures. If necessary, use the Glossary. ARCTIC ICE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM URFIN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PUKAO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NEVODKA/ DA-GA/ 6 In pairs, ask and answer the following questions. a. Did you find the recipe of a vegetable omelet with toasted bread easy? Would you prepare it? b. Would you adapt the recipe to make it your way? If so, what would you change? 7 Read the following TASK and complete it by working with your TIP Na hora de escolher sua receita, classmates collaboratively. The main aim of the task is to share respeite os gostos pessoais de cada an easy but healthy recipe for teenagers to cook. um(a). Além disso, busque valorizar os ingredientes locais e aproveitar TASK In small groups, choose one of your favorite healthy ao máximo cada um deles. Para recipes. Write down all the ingredients and equipment saber mais sobre o aproveitamento integral dos alimentos (cascas, you will need to make the recipe. While you prepare sementes etc.), visite: it, try to take some photos showing the preparation media/1016/receitas_n2.pdf of your recipe. The pictures can help you to write the (Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022). recipe later and can also illustrate it, making it easier for readers to follow all the steps. Make sure you include the exact measurements for each ingredient. When writing the recipe, check if the instructions are clear VIKTORIA KAZAKOVA/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and easy to read. You and your classmates can publish all the recipes on the school website. If possible, talk to your teacher about the possibility of preparing the most popular recipe among students at the school. Le@rning on the web Para encontrar opções de receitas fáceis e saudáveis que podem ser preparadas por adolescentes, visite: www.momjunction. com/articles/easy-recipes-cooking-for-teenagers_00782578; can-cook/nhrmjg4i; (Acesso em: 22 jun. 2022). Working Together 4 157 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-WT4-156e157-LA-G24.indd 157 02/08/22 14:56 PROJECTS NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. PROJECT 1 Inspiring Women Alive Today Na unidade 2, você falou sobre mulheres inspiradoras, como Viola Davis e Maria da Penha. Agora, leia as orientações de TASK 1 para realizar a primeira etapa do Project 1, Inspiring Women Alive Today. TASK 1 I n small groups, think of inspiring women who are leading by example. You and your classmates should choose three women you admire, each from a different country. The following map, texts and photos provide examples of inspiring women. ANDREI MINSK STOCKVIT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM DFREE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM AFP/GETTY IMAGES Representação sem escalas. Não apresenta conformidade com as normas cartográficas por ter apenas efeito de localização de onde as mulheres citadas nasceram. “Turn your wounds into wisdom.” Oprah Winfrey Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was born in 1954 in Delta One of the most influential people in the world State, Nigeria. She is a global finance expert, today is Oprah Winfrey. She was born in 1954 an economist and international development in Mississippi, United States. She is a television professional with over 30 years of experience personality, actress, entrepreneur, and in different continents. Ngozi is the first woman philanthropist. Oprah is one of the pioneers of and the first African to serve as director general the women empowerment movement. of the World Trade Organization. Fontes de pesquisa: CHANDIGARH, Kunal B. The true face of women Fontes de pesquisa: WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION. WTO empowerment: Oprah Winfrey. Thrive. 2022. Disponível em: https:// Director-General: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. 2022. Disponível em: www.; DUIGNAN, Brian. Ngozi winfrey/; THE EDITORS OF ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Oprah Winfrey. Okonjo-Iweala. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 9 jun. 2022. Disponível In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 2022. Disponível em: em: biography/Oprah-Winfrey. Acesso em: 14 jun. 2022. Acesso em: 14 jun. 2022. In this part of the project, it is only necessary to choose three women you admire, each from a different country. Later, you are going to make a map of inspiring women. 158 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 158 29/07/22 18:20 Leia as orientações de TASK 2 e siga as instruções para realizar a segunda etapa do Project 1, Inspiring Women Alive Today. TASK 2 A  fter having selected three women you admire, each from a different country, it is time to organize a map of inspiring women! Write a short paragraph about each woman. 1. Produce it! Write a draft of the short paragraphs. Mention the women’s names, dates and places of birth and why they are important. It’s also a great opportunity to write about an inspiring female figure from your community! Add pictures of the women you are writing about to illustrate the paragraphs. Then gather all the texts you and your classmates have written to pin them to the world map. Le@rning on the web Para conhecer alguns exemplos de mulheres inspiradoras que fazem a diferença no mundo, visite: www. (Acesso em: 14 jun. 2022). 2. Share it locally! Organize an exhibition at your school to show what you and your classmates have created. Invite teachers, family members, friends and other people from your community to get to know about the inspiring women you and your classmates wrote about. 3. Share it globally! Use the Internet to create and/or share your map. You can also publish it on the school’s website. Use English to create your map so that people all over the world can meet some inspiring women. Think about it! Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir. • O que você aprendeu ao pesquisar sobre mulheres inspiradoras de diferentes países? • Como foi a apresentação dos projetos na escola? • Como as pessoas reagiram ao trabalho publicado na internet? • Você faria algo de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? • Você acredita que, nos dias de hoje, mais mulheres estão recebendo reconhecimento pelo trabalho que realizam? SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MARY LONG/ Projects 159 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 159 26/07/22 18:26 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. PROJECT 2 Making a Book Trailer Na unidade 5, você falou sobre diferentes livros, literários e não literários, e escreveu a resenha de um deles. Agora, leia as orientações de TASK 1 para realizar a primeira etapa do Project 2, Making a Book Trailer. TASK 1 H  ave you ever watched a book trailer? Book trailers are an excellent way to communicate the excitement of reading while promoting new or favorite books. In small groups, try to watch different movie trailers in order to better understand what they are. Visit the website (accessed on: June 14, 2022) to find some examples of book trailers in English and Portuguese. TIP O objetivo de um book trailer é despertar, no leitor, o desejo de ler e de comprar determinado livro. Diferentemente do trailer de cinema, em que é feita uma edição com as melhores e mais interessantes cenas do filme, no book trailer, a montagem é elaborada com frases de impacto, geralmente acompanhadas de imagens da história e uma bela música de fundo. Em geral, um book trailer tem de 30 a 90 segundos. EN'S BOOKS INC. ALFRED A. KNOPF, MACMILLAN CHILDR DRAWBOT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; PANTID123/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM A A BOJUNG CASA LYGI HARPERCOLLINS In this part of the project, it is only necessary to watch some movie trailers. Later, you are going to make your own movie trailer based on your favorite book. 160 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 160 26/07/22 18:26 Leia as orientações de TASK 2 e siga as instruções para realizar a segunda etapa do Project 2, Making a Book Trailer. TASK 2 A  fter having watched some book trailers, it is time to Le@rning on the web make your own book trailer and share it with the world! Para conhecer dicas práticas de como You can create a trailer based on the book review you fazer um book trailer, visite: wrote in unit 5 (see page 102).; 1. Produce it! In groups, decide which book to make a trailer trailer-free-professional/. of. If you choose the same book you wrote a review of in (Acesso em: 14 jun. 2022). unit 5, you can use it to help you. 2. Share it locally! Organize an event at your school with the book trailers you and your classmates have created and share them with everybody. Invite teachers, family members, friends, and other people from your community to watch the videos. You can also make popcorn and serve it in individual popcorn bags! 3. Share it globally! Use the Internet to share your book trailer with people all over the world. You can also publish pictures of the event on the school’s website! GALVÃO BERTAZZI Think about it! Reflita sobre o desenvolvimento do projeto a partir das questões a seguir. • Como você se sentiu ao criar seu próprio book trailer? Foi difícil produzir o vídeo? • Como foi a exposição de book trailers na escola? • Como as pessoas reagiram aos vídeos? • Você faria alguma coisa de modo diferente? Em caso afirmativo, o quê? Projects 161 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-PRO-158a161-LA-G24.indd 161 26/07/22 18:26 GAMES GAME 1 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. It’s time to play Tic-tac-toe with a classmate. This is the first round of the game. Round 1: Talking about languages Instructions • Em seu caderno, desenhe um diagrama com duas linhas verticais e duas linhas horizontais paralelas. • Escolha uma marcação: ou . • Na sua vez de jogar, escolha uma pergunta (1 a 9) e faça sua marcação no diagrama. • Vence o jogo quem conseguir fazer três marcações em sequência (linha, coluna ou diagonal). 1 4 7 Are there more Is English spoken in Is English spreading native speakers than Singapore? with the Internet? non-native speakers of English? 2 5 8 Which language has In your opinion, what Why are you the greatest number language will be the studying English? of native speakers? most important in the future? 3 6 9 Which language has What languages the greatest number Is English spoken would you like to of second language in India? learn in the future? speakers? 162 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 162 26/07/22 18:27 Now it’s time to play the second round of the game. Round 2: Talking about future dreams and plans Instructions • Em seu caderno, desenhe um diagrama com duas linhas verticais e duas linhas horizontais paralelas. • Escolha uma marcação: ou . • Na sua vez de jogar, escolha uma pergunta (1 a 9) e faça sua marcação no diagrama. • Vence o jogo quem conseguir fazer três marcações em sequência (linha, coluna ou diagonal). 1 4 7 Are you going to play What are you going any games today? If What are you going to do this weekend? so, which one(s)? to do tonight? 2 5 8 What are you going What are you going What are you going to do in five years? to do in ten years? to do in twenty years? 3 6 9 Would you like to What are you gonna What do you wanna live in another city/ be when you do when you’re state/country? If so, grow up? older? which one? Games 163 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 163 26/07/22 18:27 GAME 2 NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. It’s time to play a board game with your classmates. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI You need: a die a counter LONG TALL START BIG TALL SWEET CHEAP NEAR DIFFICULT BAD OLD EASY HEAVY SAFE FAR HOT GOOD SWEET BORING 164 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 164 26/07/22 18:27 Instructions • Comece o jogo na casa START. • Jogue o dado para mover sua peça. • Forme uma frase usando o comparativo ou o superlativo do adjetivo da casa onde parar. • Ganha o jogo quem chegar primeiro à casa FINISH. EXPENSIVE LONG CLEAN HOT NEAR BAD FINISH ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI P EA CH SWEET R FA HEAVY US BORING O ER NG DA DIFFICULT OLD GOOD EASY LONG SAFE Games 165 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GM-162a165-LA-G24.indd 165 29/07/22 18:22 SONG ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Before listening to “Your Song”, written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin, read some facts about it. Your Song by Elton Jonh This was Elton’s first single to chart. Before he hit it big, he worked as a songwriter and studio musician (…). This was one of the first songs John wrote with Bernie Taupin. They met after a record company gave John some of Taupin’s lyrics to work with. Eventually, they both moved into John’s parents’ house, where they started working together. The song was written in 1967, when Bernie Taupin WIREIMAGE/GETTY IMAGES was 17 (…). Elton has said that this song is not about anyone in particular, so Taupin has refused to reveal the identity of the person – if such person exists – who inspired this song. (…) Bernie Taupin wrote the words for this song over Elton John breakfast at Elton’s parents’ house, where he was staying. (…) “The original lyric was written very rapidly on the kitchen table of Elton’s mother’s apartment in Northwood Hills in the suburbs of London, if I recall, on a particularly grubby piece of exercise paper,” said Taupin. Elton wrote the music in about 20 minutes, as he often did with Taupin’s lyrics in their early days. (…) SONGFACTS. Your Song by Elton John. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. Now choose the correct statements about the song. a. “Your Song” foi o primeiro single de Elton John e uma das primeiras TIP músicas que ele compôs com Bernie Taupin. A atitude do autor em relação ao tema e às suas b. A música foi escrita em 1967, quando Elton John tinha 17 anos. emoções é manifestada c. A música é sobre uma pessoa específica, com quem Elton John se no tom da canção através da melodia e da letra. relacionou. 166 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 166 29/07/22 18:34 d. A música foi escrita durante um café da manhã na casa dos pais de Elton John, localizada em um dos subúrbios de Londres. e. A melodia de “Your Song” foi escrita em, aproximadamente, vinte minutos. 23 2 Before listening to the whole song, listen to its first part and focus on its tone and global idea. Is it a love song? 24 3 Now listen to the whole song and replace each icon with a word in the box. eyes • gift • house • money • song • world “Your Song” It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside I’m not one of those who can easily hide I don’t have much , but boy if I did I’d buy a big where we both could live So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do See I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue Anyway the thing is what I really mean Yours are the sweetest I’ve ever seen CHORUS: And you can tell everybody this is your It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that [I put down in words How wonderful life is now you’re in the If I was a sculptor, but then again no Or a girl who makes potions in a traveling show I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do My is my song, and this one’s for you Oh, oh GALVÃO BERTAZZI Oh, oh Oh, oh Oh, oh (…) GOULDING, Ellie. Your Song. 2010. In: AZLYRICS. Ellie Goulding Lyrics. 2000-2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. 24 4 Listen to the song once more and check your answers. Song 167 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 167 26/07/22 18:28 5 Based on the lyrics, choose the picture that depicts the girl in the song. a. b. c. ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI Think about it! Na letra original de “Your Song”, escrita por Elton John e Bernie Taupin, o eu lírico é um homem. Nesta versão, interpretada pela cantora britânica Ellie Goulding, o eu lírico é uma mulher (If I was (...) a girl who makes potions in a traveling show). A canção já foi regravada por diversos/as cantores/as, como Rod Stewart (1992), Ellie Goulding (2010) e Lady Gaga (2018). Você conhece outras músicas, em português e/ou em inglês, que continuam fazendo sucesso e já foram regravadas por diversos/as cantores/as? Em caso afirmativo, quais? 168 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 168 02/08/22 18:35 6 Responda às perguntas a seguir em seu caderno e, para cada item, escolha um fragmento da canção para justificar sua resposta. a. O que a pessoa que fala na canção compraria para a pessoa amada se tivesse dinheiro? b. A qual parte do corpo da pessoa amada a pessoa que fala na canção se refere como a mais doce que ela já viu? c. Qual presente a pessoa que fala na canção oferece à pessoa amada? d. Como a pessoa que fala na canção avalia o presente que oferece? 7 Choose the correct item that completes each sentence. a. In “this feeling inside”, the feeling described is I. love. II. ambition. b. What is really important about the person’s eyes is I. the color. II. the sweetness. 25 8 Listen to the following lines from the song and focus on the pronunciation of the words in bold. Then, answer the questions with a classmate. “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside” “So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do” “And you can tell everybody this is your song” a. How are the words in bold pronounced by the singer Ellie Goulding? b. Is there another way to pronounce the words in bold? If so, how? Think about it! A cantora Ellie Goulding é de origem inglesa, o que pode ser percebido pelo seu jeito de pronunciar algumas palavras ao cantar “Your Song”. Se possível, tente ouvir a versão da mesma canção na voz da cantora estadunidense Lady Gaga e perceba algumas diferenças, por exemplo, a pronúncia de palavras como “little”, “forgetting” e “everybody”. Essas diferenças ilustram um fenômeno conhecido como variação linguística, que é natural das línguas e pode se manifestar de diferentes formas. No Brasil (em diversas regiões) e no exterior (em países como Portugal, Angola e Cabo Verde, por exemplo), encontramos diversos casos de variação regional na língua portuguesa, REDFERNS/GETTY IMAGES seja de pronúncia, seja de vocabulário. Quais exemplos desse tipo de variação em inglês ou português você conhece? Já presenciou algum tipo de preconceito contra a maneira de falar de pessoas de alguma região? Se a variação é um fenômeno natural das línguas, é adequado privilegiar um único modo de falar? 24 9 Listen to the song again and sing along! Song 169 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-SONG-166a169-LA-G24.indd 169 26/07/22 18:28 O N TH E SCREEN ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Esta seção apresenta estratégias que vão ajudar você a se sentir mais confiante ao assistir a filmes em inglês. Você vai aprender mais sobre os diferentes usos da língua inglesa em diversos contextos. Antes de explorarmos trechos do filme desta seção, Oliver Twist, vamos conhecer um pouco sobre o romance original no qual o filme se baseou, que foi escrito por Charles Dickens e é considerado uma obra-prima da literatura inglesa. Lançado em 1838, Oliver Twist foi o primeiro romance inglês protagonizado por uma criança. Desde então, surgiram diversas adaptações, incluindo filmes, minisséries e um musical – Oliver!. Em 1870, no Brasil, o escritor Machado de Assis iniciou a tradução da obra para o português, mas nunca a concluiu. The following pictures show different adaptations of Oliver Twist. Take a look at them and do exercises 1 and 2. I. CHRIS WARE/KEYSTONE FEATURES/GETTY IMAGES II. FERRANDIS, GUY / ALBUM/EASYPIX BRASIL OLIVER TWIST PRODUCTIONS LLP / NABIHA RIAHI/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 170 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 170 26/07/22 18:29 NABIHA RIAHI/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM III. IV. UNIVERSAL HISTORY ARCHIVE/UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP VIA GETTY IMAGES DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES 1 Match each picture (I-IV) to its corresponding description (a-d). a. Actors on stage performing Lionel Bart’s musical adaptation in London (2009). b. A scene from a black-and-white musical film adaptation (1967). c. An illustration in a book with stories retold for children (1920). d. A scene from the movie adaptation directed by Roman Polanski (2005). 2 Pictures I, II and III show the same scene of Oliver Twist. What scene is it? Choose a or b. a. Oliver asks for more food saying “Please, sir, I want some more.” b. Oliver apologizes saying “I am very sorry if I have disturbed you, sir.” DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist. Project Gutenberg. 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. On the Screen 171 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 171 26/07/22 18:29 Now read the first chapter of a simplified version of Oliver Twist and do exercises 3-5. Chapter 1 “Please, sir, I want some more,” the little boy said. He held out his food bowl. And his life was changed forever. The boy’s name was Oliver Twist. He did not get that name from his father. Nobody knew who his father was. Nor from his mother. Nobody knew her name either. She had been found on the streets, sick and starving. A kind stranger brought her to a public workhouse. She gave birth to the boy. And died there soon after. Mr. Bumble gave Oliver his name. Mr. Bumble ran the nearby orphans’ home where Oliver was sent. Mr. Bumble was happy to take care of Oliver and all the other orphans. He had good reason to be. The state paid to clothe and feed each child. Mr. Bumble got the money. And the orphans got rags on CULTURE CLUB/GETTY IMAGES their backs and slop in their bellies. No wonder Mr. Bumble was angry at Oliver. The very thought of a child asking for more to eat! Mr. Bumble saw his money being eaten up. Children’s appetites were too big. Much too big for creatures so small. So Oliver did not get any more greasy soup that night. He did not really expect to. He had asked for more only because of the other starving orphans. They decided one of them had to speak up for all of them. They drew straws. Oliver lost. Now it was Oliver alone who had to pay for this terrible crime. “The boy will be hung someday,” Mr. Bumble said sourly. But Mr. Bumble did not want to wait that long. He wanted Oliver out of the orphans’ home quickly. Before others followed Oliver’s evil ways. First he locked Oliver away in a dark room. Then he went to Mr. Sowerberry, the local LUKASZ SZWAJ/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM undertaker. He asked Mr. Sowerberry to take Oliver on as a helper. Both gentlemen were pleased. Mr. Bumble would win praise. He had taken this ten-year-old burden off public welfare. And Mr. Sowerberry had the best kind of helper. A boy he could tell to do anything. And pay nothing. 172 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 172 26/07/22 18:29 As for Oliver, the boy had to be grateful. He would learn a good trade. People would need undertakers as long as they kept on dying. But again Oliver proved to be ungrateful. First he dared steal scraps from Mrs. Sowerberry dear dog. Just because Oliver was close to starving. Then Oliver did even worse. He punched Mr. Sowerberry other helper, Noah Claypole. Right on Noah’s large red nose. Noah was older than Oliver. Bigger and stronger. And thus worth more to Mr. Sowerberry. And why did Oliver attack such a fine fellow? Only because Noah was clever enough to make a joke. But Oliver did not find the joke funny. It was a joke about Oliver’s mother. Oliver never knew his mother yet insisted on loving her. CULTURE CLUB/GETTY IMAGES Noah’s nose was redder than ever when he went to the Sowerberrys. He told them about Oliver’s brutal attack. They all agreed: next, Oliver would murder them in their beds. Mr. Bumble was called. Mr. Bumble came. Mr. Bumble said the Sowerberrys had made a bad mistake. They had fed Oliver meat. Meat made children dangerous. “Keep him a few days without food,” Mr. Bumble advised. “Then feed him as I did. I promise you, that will teach him to be good.” Whether or not Mr. Bumble was right, no one would ever know. Oliver decided not to wait to find out. That night Oliver made a bundle of all his spare clothes. A coarse shirt and two pairs of stockings. He put a stale crust of bread in his pocket. And a single penny given him as a tip at a funeral. He crept out of the house into the cold night. Then he started walking on the highway. The LUKASZ SZWAJ/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM highway to the great city of London. Surely Mr. Bumble and Mr. Sowerberry would never find him there. Not among so many people. London was such a big city. Surely there would be a place for Oliver. Indeed there was. But Oliver did not dream what kind of place it would be. DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist. Adaptação de Les Martin. Nova York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1990. (A Stepping Stone Book Classic). On the Screen 173 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 173 26/07/22 18:29 3 Choose the correct item that answers each question. a. What were workhouses? I. They were places where children could find jobs. II. They were places where the poor, including orphaned children, would work in exchange for food and shelter. b. Who gave Oliver his name? I. Mr. Bumble. II. Oliver’s mother. c. Why was Mr. Bumble angry at Oliver? I. Because Oliver didn’t like the soup. II. Because Oliver asked him for more food. 4 Number the sentences in the correct order (1-8) to understand what happens to Oliver Twist in the first chapter. a. Oliver goes to London. b. Oliver attacks Noah Claypole. c. Oliver is born in a public workhouse. d. Oliver becomes Mr. Sowerberry’s helper. e. Oliver asks Mr. Bumble to give him more soup. f. Oliver decides to escape from the workhouse. g. Oliver’s mother dies in the workhouse after his birth. h. Oliver is sent to an orphan’s home run by Mr. Bumble. 5 Which event in exercise 4 is depicted in this photo from the 2005 movie adaptation? PICTURELUX / THE HOLLYWOOD ARCHIVE / ALAMY / FOTOARENA 174 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 174 26/07/22 18:29 6 Which of the following fragments, from the original version of Oliver Twist, refers to the photo in exercise 5? Choose a or b. a. “He reached the house. There was no appearance of its Le@rning on the web inmates stirring at that early hour. Oliver stopped, and Nesta seção, há trechos da versão original peeped into the garden. A child was weeding one of the do romance Oliver Twist. Para apreciar little beds; as he stopped, he raised his pale face and a obra completa em inglês, acesse www. (acesso em: 15 disclosed the features of one of his former companions. jun. 2022). Se desejar, ouça o audiolivro Oliver felt glad to see him, before he went; for, though em: younger than himself, he had been his little friend and charles-dickens/ (Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022). playmate.” b. “Then he sat down to rest by the side of the milestone, and began to think, for the first time, where he had better go and try to live. The stone by which he was seated, bore, in large characters, an intimation that it was just seventy miles from that spot to London. The name awakened a new train of ideas in the boy’s mind.” DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist. Project Gutenberg. 1996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. Now read part of the movie script and do exercises 7-10. by the by (= by the way): (...) Hello, my man. I expect you want grub? a propósito grub (= food): comida And what’s your game? And you shall have it. You’re not from these parts? I’m at a low-water mark meself Where you from, then? just at the moment... (...) I’ve been walking. Seven days. Oh, by the by... Seven days? Cor. name is Jack Dawkins, better known as The Artful Dodger. TIP UNITED ARCHIVES GMBH / ALAMY / FOTOARENA Ao assistir a um filme com legendas em inglês, procure entender o significado de palavras e expressões desconhecidas pelo contexto. O que você não compreender, anote em uma folha para checar o significado depois. Actor Barney Clark as Oliver Twist and Harry Eden as The Artful Dodger. Evite pausar o filme para consultar o dicionário. SPRINGFIELD! SPRINGFIELD! Oliver Twist (2005) movie script. [2022?]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. On the Screen 175 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 175 02/08/22 16:13 7 Based on the movie script, choose the correct statements. TIP a. The text shows a conversation between Oliver Twist and The Assistir a filmes em inglês Artful Dodger. oferece oportunidades de aprender o idioma b. Jack Dawkins is the Dodger’s real name. em diferentes contextos histórico-sociais, econômicos c. The Dodger uses formal English to talk to Oliver. e culturais. Procure observar d. It took Oliver seven days to arrive in London. as expressões coloquiais utilizadas em filmes que retratam diferentes períodos 8 What makes the conversation between the two characters informal? da história. Oliver Twist, Choose the correct items. por exemplo, retrata a sociedade londrina da Era Vitoriana, em um ambiente a. The use of slang such as “grub” and “cor”. Pós-Revolução Industrial, b. The use of contracted forms such as “what’s” and “I’m”. mais especificamente, a vida de personagens que moram c. The use of a time expression in the present (“at the moment”). em subúrbios de Londres. Ao d. The use of “meself” instead of myself in “I’m at a low-water compararmos a linguagem utilizada na época com a mark meself”. atual, podemos perceber e. The use of the affirmative structure in the question “You’re not como a língua é dinâmica e varia de acordo com o tempo. from these parts?” instead of Are you not from these parts? 9 What does the interjection cor in “Seven days? Cor.” mean? Choose a or b. Make inferences. a. It means wow. It shows that Dodger is surprised to know that Oliver has spent seven days walking. b. It means phew. It shows that Dodger is not worried about Oliver being tired or hungry. 10 Replace the icon with an expression from the movie script to complete the following fragment from the original version of Oliver Twist. “(...) ‘Hullo, my covey! What’s TIP the row?’ said this strange Ao comparar a linguagem falada empregada no filme com a da versão PINGEBAT/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM young gentleman to Oliver. original do livro Oliver Twist, é possível ‘I am very hungry and tired,’ perceber algumas diferenças. Por replied Oliver: the tears exemplo, no filme, the Dodger utilizou standing in his eyes as he a interjeição “cor” para expressar spoke. ‘I have walked a long surpresa e, no livro, o autor utilizou a way. I have been walking exclamação em “Walking for sivin days!” these .’ para destacar o mesmo sentimento do ‘Walking for sivin days!’ said MTLAPCEVIC/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM personagem. the young gentleman. (...)” DICKENS, Charles. Oliver Twist. Project Gutenberg. 1996. Disponível em: 730-h.htm. Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. 176 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 176 26/07/22 18:29 11 It’s time to have a general view of the plot. Based on what you already know about Oliver Twist, replace each icon with a word in the box to complete the following movie info. Charles Dickens • film • London • Mr. Bumble • Oliver Twist • orphan • the Artful Dodger Overview Review User Reviews Cast & Crew Releases Related Synopsis by Mark Deming Director Roman Polanski gives one of ’ best-loved stories a new and dynamic interpretation in this period drama. (Barney Clark) is a young in Victorian England who has been sent to a dank ROMAN POLANSKI FILM/TRISTAR PICTURES/SONY PICTURES RELEASING workhouse run by the miserly (Jeremy Swift) when it is learned there is no one to care for him. When Oliver dares to ask for more gruel, he is sent away to live with an undertaker, who treats him poorly. Preferring life on the streets to the treatment he’s been receiving, Oliver runs away to , where he falls in with (Harry Eden), a youthful pickpocket. The Artful Dodger is one of a gang of young thieves overseen by Fagin (Ben Kingsley), a paternal but sinister criminal mastermind. While Oliver finds a home of sorts with Fagin and his young cohorts, he also falls into a dangerous life made all the more threatening by the presence of Fagin’s menacing overlord, Bill Sykes (Jamie Foreman). Oliver Twist was Polanski’s first feature after enjoying a major career resurgence following the international success of his Oscar-winning World War II drama The Pianist. DEMING, Mark. Oliver Twist (2005). All Movie. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jun. 2022. gruel: mingau ralo pickpocket: batedor de carteira Think about it! Muitas vezes, produções literárias e cinematográficas podem ser vistas como instrumentos de crítica social. Na literatura, as produções comprometidas com questões sociais pertencem à chamada literatura engajada, também conhecida como literatura denúncia. O autor de Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens (1812-1870), retratou, em suas obras, as distorções sociais causadas pelo processo de modernização excludente do qual os trabalhadores ingleses foram vítimas, como a pobreza extrema e a estratificação de classe. A produção de Dickens, frequentemente de natureza panfletária, dedicava-se à denúncia social e criticava as situações extremas vividas por moradores do período Pós-Revolução Industrial. Você conhece outras obras vinculadas à literatura inglesa e/ou brasileira cujos autores se preocuparam em retratar e discutir a realidade da época? Em caso afirmativo, quais obras? Que períodos foram retratados? On the Screen 177 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-OS-170a177-LA-G24.indd 177 26/07/22 18:29 VOCABULARY CORNER NÃO ESCREVA EM SEU LIVRO. A seção Vocabulary Corner organiza, revisa e amplia o vocabulário estudado em cada unidade. Em seu caderno, escreva uma palavra ou expressão adequada para substituir cada ícone que aparece ao longo desta seção. TIP UNIT 1 Organizar as palavras e expressões por temas é uma boa forma de estudar vocabulário. A partir dos conteúdos apresentados nesta seção, a cada unidade, você pode criar, com seus/suas colegas, cartazes ilustrados sobre diferentes assuntos e afixá-los na sala de aula ou na escola para ajudar Word Groups todos/as a aprender novas palavras em inglês. Uma forma de ajudar você a ampliar e fixar o vocabulário aprendido é agrupar as palavras e expressões por campo semântico. Você pode criar um esquema, diagrama, quadro ou mapa conceitual e, assim, organizar visualmente o vocabulário. mobile (phone)/ cell (phone) ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI digital tablet devices ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI stretch walk/go for a walk daily activities have/eat breakfast wash face 178 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 178 26/07/22 18:30 Word Formation: Prefixes Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre prefixos na unidade 1. Prefixos Palavras Classe Gramatical Exemplos re- dis- UNIT 2 Word Formation: Suffixes Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre sufixos na unidade 2. Sufixos Palavras Classe Gramatical Exemplos -ful -ion -ist Vocabulary Corner 179 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 179 26/07/22 18:30 UNIT 3 Synonyms Outra forma de ajudar você a ampliar e fixar o vocabulário aprendido é agrupar as palavras e expressões com o mesmo significado (sinônimos). Os pares de sinônimos a seguir aparecem nos textos da unidade 3 e das demais unidades deste livro. Busque sempre observar o contexto de uso para inferir o significado de palavras desconhecidas. Correlacione os itens da esquerda (a-n) com os da direita (I-XIV). a. brave I. courageous b. movie II. definitely c. of course III.   essential d. outgoing IV.   film e. rude V. helpful f. shy VI.    impolite g. to begin VII. marvelous h. to cope with VIII. sociable i. to dislodge IX. timid j. to end X.  to deal with k. to set XI. to establish l. useful XII. to finish m.vital XIII. to replace n. wonderful XIV. to start UNIT 4 Word Formation: Suffixes Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre sufixos na unidade 4. Sufixos Palavras Classe Gramatical Exemplos -ly -ment 180 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 180 26/07/22 18:30 WORDSWORTH EDITIONS HARPERCOLLINS BROADWAY BOOKS DISNEY-HYPERION c. b. d. classic UNIT 5 a. adventure novel D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 181 SCHOLASTIC INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED HARVEST BOOKS DC f. e. h. Book Genres g. fanfiction GLOBAL EDITORA SCHOLASTIC WEST MARGIN PRESS HARPERONE i. k. l. poetry j. mystery My favorite book genre is MARINER BOOKS RANDOM HOUSE TRADE SIMON & SCHUSTER GRAND CENTRAL PUBLISHING . o. self-help p. short stories n. science fiction m. romance novel PUFFIN BOOKS STORM HOUSE BOOKS r. Vocabulary Corner q. s uspense/thriller 181 D/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MENTALMIN 26/07/22 18:30 UNIT 6 Adjectives X a. talkative X b. lazy X c. serious X d. outgoing/sociable ILUSTRAÇÕES: GALVÃO BERTAZZI X e. generous 182 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 182 26/07/22 18:30 TIM UR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM LENS7/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. a. b. GREY_AND/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM d. Fruit Dairy a. butter Food UNIT 7 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 183 BERGAMONT/ ALEXANDER DASHEWSKY/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ROMAN SAMOKHIN/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM EGOR RODYNCHENKO/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM b. h. PIXAHUB/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM e. kiwi g. lime f. lemon PHIVE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM AZURE1/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PIXAHUB/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM BOONCHUAY1970/ VIKTAR MALYSHCHYTS/ j. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. k. i. melon l. pineapple PHILIPPE DEVANNE/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM VALENTYN VOLKOV/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM PHOTOONGRAPHY/ TIM UR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM d. o. n. m. Vocabulary Corner MARC DIETRICH/ SHUTTERSTOCK.COM IURII KACHKOVSKYI/ 183 SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 26/07/22 18:30 OLGA GUCHEK/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NIK MERKULOV/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ANNA KUCHEROVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ANNA KUCHEROVA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. 184 d. Vegetables b. beetroot/beet D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 184 a. aubergine/eggplant NATEE PHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM KHUMTHONG/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM f. e. g. okra h. pumpkin HAPPY AUTHOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MERCURY STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NATALI ZAKHAROVA/ i. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM j. spinach ANDREY EREMIN/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM l. sweetcorn k. swede/rutabaga AFRICA STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ENLIGHTENED MEDIA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM 26/07/22 18:30 Grains AFRICA STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM RHJPHTOTOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MATKUB2499/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM NEW AFRICA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. b. c. d. Meat and beans HURST PHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM INDIGOLOTOS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM BW FOLSOM/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM MARAZE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. b. c. d. My favorite food is . UNIT 8 Word Formation: Suffixes Copie a tabela a seguir em seu caderno e substitua os ícones pelo que você aprendeu sobre sufixos na unidade 8. Sufixos Palavras Classe Gramatical Exemplos -er/-r -ly -ship Vocabulary Corner 185 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-VC-178a185-LA-G24.indd 185 26/07/22 18:30 R E FE R E N C E LANGUAGE C T I C E EXT R A P R A UNIT 1 Review: Simple Present/Present Continuous stand out: destacar-se Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do simple present e do present continuous. trade: comércio Leading Languages Some languages have only a few hundred speakers, but 23 languages stand out with more than 50 million speakers each. Earth’s population giant, China, has 845 million Chinese (Mandarin) speakers of Mandarin, more than double the next largest group of language speakers. 845 Colonial expansion, trade, and migration account for the spread of the other most widely spoken languages. With growing use of the Internet, English is becoming the language of the technology age. English Spanish Arabic 328 329 Portuguese Bengali Hindi Russian 221 Japanese German 178 181 182 122 144 90 Population of first language speakers (in millions) Languages NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS. World atlas. 4. ed. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2013. p. 38. No texto “Leading Languages”, as primeiras frases apresentam fatos sobre algumas línguas. Nelas, encontramos os verbos no simple present (have, stand out, has, account for). Já a última frase do texto expressa uma tendência atual para o uso da língua inglesa e, dessa forma, utilizou-se o present continuous (is becoming). Usamos o simple present para: • falar de fatos e generalizações. “Some languages have only a few hundred speakers (...)” “(...) 23 languages stand out with more than 50 million speakers each.” “Earth’s population giant, China, has 845 million speakers of Mandarin (…)” “Colonial expansion, trade, and migration account for the spread of the other most widely spoken languages.” 186 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 186 26/07/22 18:31 • falar de rotinas, hábitos, ações do dia a dia. They always speak English at school. We have Portuguese classes every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Usamos o present continuous para: • falar de ações que ocorrem no momento da fala/escrita. They are talking about leading languages.     He is exploring a graph right now. • expressar mudanças que ocorrem momentaneamente (tendências atuais). “(…) English is becoming the language of the technology age.” Many people are using English on the Internet nowadays. Veja, no quadro a seguir, as regras ortográficas para verbos terminados em -ing. Regras ortográficas para verbos terminados em -ing Exemplos A maioria dos verbos: do doing verbo + ing talk talking Verbos terminados em e: become becoming verbo - e + ing use using Verbos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante*: stop stopping verbo + última consoante + ing swim swimming Verbos terminados em ie: die dying Verbo - ie + y + ing lie lying * Em verbos terminados em CVC (consoante, vogal, consoante), como stop, swim e admit, dobramos a última consoante antes de acrescentar -ing (stopping, swimming, admitting). No entanto, não dobramos a última consoante quando a sílaba tônica é a primeira. Dessa forma, em verbos como listen, happen e offer, apenas acrescentamos -ing (listening, happening, offering). ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. The following text is about school enrolment. Complete it by replacing the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Use the ORI ARTISTE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM simple present or the present continuous. Education (prepare) children to participate in society and to find a place in the world of work. School enrolment rates (rise), but many children still (grow up) without access to a basic education. There are many reasons why children (not get) even a primary education. (...) COLLINS. World watch: a dynamic visual guide packed with fascinating facts about the world. 2. ed. Glasgow: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012. p. 34. Language Reference + Extra Practice 187 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 187 26/07/22 18:31 UNIT 2 Review: Simple Past/Past Continuous Leia as tirinhas a seguir e observe o uso do simple past (primeira tirinha) e do past continuous (segunda tirinha). RESERVED / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION GARFIELD, JIM DAVIS © 2013 PAWS, INC. ALL RIGHTS DAVIS, Jim. Garfield. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. RESERVED / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION GARFIELD, JIM DAVIS © 1981 PAWS, INC. ALL RIGHTS DAVIS, Jim. Garfield. Square Root of Minus Garfield. [2022]. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. Na primeira tirinha, o simple past é utilizado em “I stayed up too late last afternoon” (terceiro quadrinho) para se referir a uma ação completa (ficar acordado) que aconteceu em um momento específico no passado (tarde passada). Note que, no texto, foi utilizado o verbo regular stayed. • Em geral, usamos o simple past para ações que aconteceram no passado em um momento determinado. He slept the entire evening.     He visited his parents over the weekend. • Usamos, geralmente, o simple past para falar de ações e estados. Na segunda tirinha, o past continuous é utilizado em “I was sleeping” (terceiro quadrinho) para se referir a uma ação em andamento no passado (dormir). • Em geral, usamos o past continuous para falar de ações em andamento no passado. Garfield was sleeping.      Jon was drinking some coffee. 188 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 188 26/07/22 18:31 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace the icons with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses to complete the story about sleepwalking. Use the simple past or the past continuous. I still remember that night many years ago when I (have) my first experience of somnambulism, or sleepwalking. I was in the third grade and (live) with my godparents while my parents were busy running a Chinese restaurant. The bedroom I (sleep) in in my godparents’ house was located in the middle of the hallway, right across from the bathroom. It was a school night, which meant I was snuggled up in bed by 9 PM. As usual, I was knocked out within minutes of lying down. It must have been at least an hour later when I found myself awake (or so I thought) and inside the bathroom brushing my teeth. (…) My godmother, who was still awake, peeked through the gap in the doorway CLASSICVECTOR/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM and (ask) me what I (do). She was confused by my explanation but shrugged. Once I finished brushing my teeth, I climbed back into bed and (fall) asleep. (…) LAI, Amy. Somnambulism (Sleepwalking): asleep with your eyes wide open. End Your Sleep Deprivation. 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. UNIT 3 Future with Will Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso de will. What is the Future of the English Language? English, as any other language, is a living and dynamic system, and it transforms according to the way its speakers use it. For this reason, today’s English will be very different in about a century. (...) LARSSON, Oscar. What is the future of the English language? Terminology Coordination European Parliament, 19 abr. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. No texto “What is the Future of the English Language?”, o trecho “today’s English will be very different in about a century” refere-se ao futuro da língua inglesa daqui a aproximadamente cem anos. Language Reference + Extra Practice 189 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 189 26/07/22 18:31 • Usamos will para nos referir ao futuro. Costuma-se utilizar will para fazer previsões simples e expressar decisões tomadas no momento em que se fala. New varieties of English will spread. Forma afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They will be very different in the future. Veja, nos quadros a seguir, as formas negativa e interrogativa de will. • Em frases negativas, usamos not depois de will e antes do verbo principal. English will not be the same in about a hundred years. Forma negativa I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They will not be the same in the future. (will not = won’t) • Em frases interrogativas, usamos will antes do sujeito. According to the text, will English be different in the future? Yes, it will. Forma interrogativa Will I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they be different in the future? Respostas curtas Afirmativa Negativa Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they will. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they won’t. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In each item, put the words into the correct order to make sentences. a. be/Online learning/a more efficient way to learn languages./will b. will/English/be/the most important language in the future. c. won’t/Spanish/so popular worldwide as English./be UNIT 4 Future with Be Going To Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso de be going to. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM ALEXASOKOL83/ “And she is going to dance, dance hungry, dance full, dance each cold astonishing moment, now when she is young and again when she is old.” Anne Lamott LAMOTT, Anne. “And she is going to dance, dance hungry, dance full, dance each cold astonishing moment, now when she is young and again when she is old.” Goodreads. 2022. Disponível em: 190 dance-full. Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 190 26/07/22 18:31 Na citação de Anne Lamott, o trecho “she is going to dance” refere-se a uma previsão para o futuro. • Usamos be going to para nos referir ao futuro. Costuma-se utilizar be going to para expressar planos ou intenções e fazer previsões baseadas em evidências no presente. The dancer is going to have a successful career. Forma afirmativa I am You are going to have a brilliant future. He/She/It is We/You/They are Veja, nos quadros a seguir, as formas negativa e interrogativa de be going to. • Em frases negativas, usamos not depois do verbo auxiliar (to be) e antes de going to. They are not going to stop dancing. Forma negativa I am You are have a brilliant not going to He/She/It is future. We/You/They are • Em frases interrogativas, usamos o verbo auxiliar (to be) antes do sujeito. According to the text, is she going to dance? Yes, she is. Forma interrogativa Am I Are you going to have a brilliant future? Is he/she/it Are we/you/they Respostas curtas Afirmativa Negativa I am. I ’m not. you are. you aren’t. Yes, No, he/she/it is. he/she/it isn’t. we/you/they are. we/you/they aren’t. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. In each item, put the words into the correct order to write sentences in your notebook. a. do/this weekend?/What/are/going to/you b. today?/you/study/going to/Are/English c. not/gonna/rain/tonight./It’s Language Reference + Extra Practice 191 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 191 26/07/22 18:31 UNIT 5 Making Comparisons (Comparative Adjectives) PEANUTS, CHARLES SCHULZ © 1950 PEANUTS Leia a tirinha a seguir e observe o uso dos comparative adjectives. WORLDWIDE LLC / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION SCHULZ, Charles. Peanuts. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. Na tirinha, a menina faz várias comparações entre Charlie Brown e o outro menino. Observe que foram utilizados os adjetivos strong, old, smart no grau comparativo (stronger, older, smarter, respectivamente) + than para fazer comparações. Nesse caso, utilizou-se o comparativo de superioridade, que é formado por adjetivo no grau comparativo + than. “Are you stronger than Charlie Brown?”   “Are you older than Charlie Brown?” “Are you smarter than Charlie Brown?” Para formar frases no comparativo de igualdade, usamos as + adjetivo + as. Em frases negativas no comparativo de igualdade, podemos usar tanto as + adjetivo + as quanto so + adjetivo + as. She is as smart as Charlie Brown.     They are not as/so strong as Charlie Brown. Regras ortográficas para formar Exemplos adjetivos no grau comparativo A maioria dos adjetivos: old older adjetivo + er strong stronger Adjetivos terminados em e: large larger adjetivo + r nice nicer Adjetivos curtos (uma ou duas sílabas) Adjetivos terminados em big bigger consoante + vogal + consoante: fat fatter adjetivo + última consoante + er Adjetivos terminados em y: angry angrier adjetivo - y + ier funny funnier Adjetivos longos A maioria dos adjetivos: difficult more difficult (duas ou mais sílabas) more + adjetivo important more important good better Formas irregulares bad worse far farther/further 192 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 192 26/07/22 18:31 ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Based on the characteristics of the following characters, replace the icons with the comparative form of the adjectives in parentheses to complete the sentences. PEANUTS, CHARLES SCHULZ © PNTS - PEANUTS, CHARLES SCHULZ © PNTS - PEANUTS, CHARLES SCHULZ © PNTS - PEANUTS WORLDWIDE LLC. / DIST. BY PEANUTS WORLDWIDE LLC. / DIST. BY PEANUTS WORLDWIDE LLC. / DIST. BY ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION ANDREWS MCMEEL SYNDICATION Lucy Patty Marcie bossy, crabby tough, good at sports good at friendship, bad at sports a. Lucy is than Marcie. (bossy) b. Lucy is than Patty. (crabby) c. Patty is than Marcie. (tough) d. Marcie is at sports than Patty. (bad) crabby: ranzinza, mal-humorado/a tough: durão/durona, valentão/valentona UNIT 6 Making Comparisons (Superlative Adjectives) Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso dos superlative adjectives. Speaking of São Paulo state without using superlatives is difficult. The southern hemisphere’s largest city! Its finest museums! Its best restaurants! Its worst traffic! THIAGO LEITE/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM (Well, you can’t have everything.) São Paulo city — Sampa to locals — is Brazil’s boomtown (commercially, financially, industrially and culturally) (…). LONELY PLANET. São Paulo state. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. Language Reference + Extra Practice 193 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 193 26/07/22 18:31 De acordo com o texto, São Paulo é a maior cidade do hemisfério sul, com os melhores museus e restaurantes, mas o pior trânsito. Observe que foram utilizados os adjetivos large, fine, good, bad no grau superlativo (largest, finest, best, worst, respectivamente). Nesse caso, utilizou-se o superlativo, que é formado por the + adjetivo no grau superlativo. Usamos o superlativo para dizer que um elemento, em um grupo, alcança o grau mais alto no aspecto em que é comparado. “The southern hemisphere’s largest city!” São Paulo has the finest museums, the best restaurants, but the worst traffic. Regras ortográficas para formar Exemplos adjetivos no grau superlativo A maioria dos adjetivos: old oldest adjetivo + est strong strongest Adjetivos terminados em e: large largest adjetivo + st nice nicest Adjetivos curtos (uma ou duas sílabas) Adjetivos terminados em big biggest consoante + vogal + consoante: fat fattest adjetivo + última consoante + est Adjetivos terminados em y: angry angriest adjetivo - y + iest funny funniest Adjetivos longos A maioria dos adjetivos: difficult most difficult (duas ou mais sílabas) most + adjetivo important most important good best Formas irregulares bad worst far farthest/furthest ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. Replace the icons with the superlative form of the adjectives in parentheses to complete the following sentences. a. Brazil has some of beaches on Earth. (fine) b. Iguaçu Falls: spread between Argentina and Brazil, these are some of waterfalls on Earth. (spectacular) c. Seen from the peak of Pão de Açúcar, Rio is undoubtedly city in the world. (beautiful) d. Sergipe is state in Brazil, but a land rich in sugarcane fields with a coast line of swamp, mangrove, and sandy shores. (small) Adaptado de: LONELY PLANET. Brazil. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. mangrove: mangue swamp: pântano 194 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 194 26/07/22 18:31 UNIT 7 Countable and Uncountable Nouns Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do substantivo sugar. intake: consumo mood swings: oscilações de humor tooth decay: cárie Sugary foods Like fat, sugar is a concentrated source of energy. It is found in foods such as jam, sweets, cakes, chocolate (…), cookies (…). The psychological benefits of eating these foods are obvious — they taste lovely! However, too much sugar causes tooth decay, obesity, and mood swings so it is important to limit your intake. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM SHUTTERSTOCK.COM YANA VASILEVA/ AFRICA STUDIO/ SPALNIC/ cake jam lollipop GRAIMES, Nicola. Kids’ fun & healthy cookbook. Nova York: DK Publishing, 2007. p. 15. No texto, a palavra sugar aparece em “sugar is a concentrated source of energy” e em “too much sugar causes tooth decay”. Note que sugar é um substantivo incontável (uncountable), sendo utilizado no singular (no caso, acompanhado pelo verbo is) e com expressões incontáveis (no caso, acompanhado da expressão de quantidade too much). • Os substantivos podem ser classificados em countable (contáveis) ou uncountable (incontáveis). Os substantivos contáveis têm singular e plural. Os incontáveis são usados apenas no singular. Veja, no quadro a seguir, alguns substantivos contáveis e incontáveis do texto. Countable nouns Uncountable nouns cakes chocolate cookies jam sweets sugar Expressions of Quantity Releia o texto anterior e observe o uso da expressão “too much sugar”. No texto, a expressão “too much” acompanha o substantivo incontável sugar e expressa ideia de excesso, exagero. No caso, refere-se ao consumo de açúcar em excesso. • As expressões com much (como too much, not much e how much) são utilizadas com substantivos incontáveis. As expressões com many (como too many, not many e how many) são utilizadas com substantivos contáveis. Language Reference + Extra Practice 195 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 195 26/07/22 18:31 Veja, no quadro a seguir, algumas expressions of quantity. Expressions of quantity + Expressions of quantity + countable nouns uncountable nouns too many = an excessive amount too much = an excessive amount not many = a few not much = a little How many...? How much...? • Usamos os quantificadores some e any quando não sabemos ou não queremos revelar a quantidade exata de alguma coisa. Em geral, some é usado em frases afirmativas e any, em frases negativas e interrogativas. Everybody needs some sugar for energy.     Does sugar have any nutrients? Sugar doesn’t have any nutrients. • Em frases interrogativas quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa (oferta ou pedido), usamos some. Do you want some sugar? ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. 1 Choose the sentence that contains an uncountable noun. a. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C. b. It’s important to eat vegetables every day. UILIAAA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM c. Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away. 2 Replace each icon with much or many to complete the sentences. a. How water do you drink a day? b. Don’t eat too salt. It’s bad for your health. c. How many servings of fruit do you eat a day? Not . 3 Replace each icon with some or any to YULIIA KONAKHOVSKA/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM complete the sentences. a. Do you have food allergies? b. We all need fat in our diet, but not too much. c. The athletes’ diet doesn’t contain sugar or alcohol. 196 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 196 26/07/22 18:31 UNIT 8 Relative Pronouns Leia o texto a seguir e observe o uso do pronome relativo who. Friendships make up an important aspect of development in middle childhood, when much time is devoted to social play and social interaction skills become increasingly important. (…) Children tend to form friendships with individuals who are similar to themselves in a variety of dimensions. BERGER, Lauren; FURMAN, Wyndol; HOHMANN, Lisa. Friendship. In: ENCYCLOPEDIA Britannica. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jun. 2022. No texto, o pronome relativo who é utilizado para se referir à palavra anterior, “individuals”. Segundo o texto, as crianças tendem a formar amizades com indivíduos que são semelhantes a elas em uma variedade de dimensões. • Usamos pronomes relativos para unir elementos em uma frase e para evitar repetição. Note que os pronomes relativos se referem a um elemento anterior. • Who se refere a pessoas. She is the girl who lives next door. • Whose indica posse e se refere tanto a pessoas quanto a coisas. This is the woman whose friend I talked about. • That se refere a coisas ou a pessoas. Friendship is a relationship that involves a series of interactions between two individuals. • Which se refere a coisas. Differences among people, which are a result of gender inequalities, must come to an end. ESCREVA AS RESPOSTAS DOS Extra Practice EXERCÍCIOS EM SEU CADERNO. The following sentences are about women who changed history. In your notebook, write a new sentence with the relative pronoun in CAPITAL LETTERS as in the example. Example: a. Cleopatra was a politician who spoke nine languages. SHUTTERSTOCK.COM a. WHO NICOLETA IONESCU/ Cleopatra was a politician. Cleopatra spoke nine languages. b. WHICH  Marie Curie was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is considered one of the most prestigious awards. c. WHO  Margaret Thatcher was a politician. Margaret Thatcher had conservative views. d. THAT  Eleanor Roosevelt was a champion of human rights. Eleanor Roosevelt fought for women’s causes and the causes of black people, poor people, and the unemployed. Language Reference + Extra Practice 197 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-LR+EP-186a197-LA-G24.indd 197 26/07/22 18:31 GLOSSARY Este glossário apresenta uma seleção de palavras e expressões utilizadas no livro, acompanhadas do sentido com que são utilizadas nele. Algumas dessas palavras podem ser utilizadas em mais de um sentido. careful: cuidadoso/a, atento/a A B carefully: cuidadosamente, atentamente a lot: muito, bastante beard: barba abroad: no/para o exterior beat: vencer, derrotar; bater; carry: carregar, transportar acclaim: aclamação, reconhecimento batimento carry on: continuar accomplish: realizar, alcançar behave: comportar-se catchy: que pega fácil; fácil de behavior: comportamento memorizar achieve: atingir, alcançar belong: pertencer cell: célula acknowledgment: reconhecimento challenge: desafiar; desafio actually: na verdade, na realidade belt: cinto chant: canção addict: viciado/a beyond: além de character: personagem addiction: vício blood: sangue charge: carregar; cobrar address: abordar, enfrentar; blood vessel: vaso sanguíneo chase: perseguir endereçar; endereço blow: soprar cheer up: animar-se afraid: temeroso/a, com medo blow one’s nose: assoar o nariz chew: mastigar ahead: à frente blow up: explodir; estourar chewing gum: chiclete, goma de aid worker: trabalhador(a)/ board game: jogo de tabuleiro mascar voluntário/a de ajuda humanitária boil: ferver chop: cortar, picar alike: parecido/a bone: osso chore: tarefa alive: vivo/a boost: aumentar citizen: cidadã(o) allied: relacionado/a bothered: incomodado/a clear: limpar, remover allow: permitir I’m not bothered (BrE): Para clear something away/up: alongside: ao lado (de) mim tanto faz arrumar algo, pôr algo em already: já bowl: tigela ordem although: embora brain: cérebro climb: subir; escalar amazed: admirado/a branch: ramo close: perto, próximo/a; fechar(-se) ambassador: embaixador(a) brave: valente, corajoso/a clutter: entulhar amount: quantidade; quantia breathe: respirar coal: carvão amusing: divertido/a, engraçado/a brief: breve coast: costa ancient: antigo/a bright: brilhante college: faculdade; últimos anos do broadcast: transmissão; programa Ensino Médio anger: raiva de rádio ou TV come: vir angry: zangado/a broaden: ampliar(-se), alargar(-se) come out: aparecer; ser anyway: de qualquer forma, de lançado, ser publicado/a toda forma brotherhood: fraternidade commitment: compromisso appealing: atraente burst: rajada; ataque cope (with something/someone): arrange: arrumar; organizar busy: ocupado/a, atarefado/a; dar conta (de algo), enfrentar (algo/ arrow: seta; flecha congestionado/a; intenso/a, cheio/a alguém) assumption: suposição buzz: zumbir costume: fantasia; traje típico C astonishing: surpreendente counselor: conselheiro/a attached: preso/a couple: casal; alguns attend: comparecer a camp: acampamento cover: capa; coberta; cobrir; tapar avenge: vingar campaigner: ativista crash: batida, colisão average: média; médio candid: sincero/a, franco/a craze: mania avoid: evitar care: cuidado cropland: terra de plantio 198 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 198 26/07/22 18:32 cross: atravessar; cruzar permitir, possibilitar a alguém former: antigo/a, anterior crowd: multidão fazer algo forthcoming: próximo/a cruise: cruzeiro endeavor: empenho; empenhar-se fortunately: felizmente curl: cacho; enrolar endurance: resistência forward: para frente; jogador(a) current: atual enhance: aumentar, melhorar; atacante currently: atualmente realçar look forward to: aguardar, customer: cliente enough: suficiente esperar (ansiosamente) cut: cortar ensure: certificar-se friendless: sem amigos cut back: fazer cortes; reduzir entangle: emaranhar fuel: abastecer cute: fofinho/a get entangled in something: furthermore: além disso emaranhar-se em algo fuzzy: sem nitidez; vago/a D entry: entrada data: dados dead: morto/a evaluate: avaliar; examinar even: ainda; até G even though: apesar de gadget: aparelho, dispositivo death: morte gap: lacuna evolve from something: evoluir a decrease: diminuir partir de algo garbage: lixo deep: fundo/a, profundo/a exchange: trocar gather: juntar defy: desafiar exposure: exposição get: receber, obter, conseguir delighted: encantado/a get along with someone: dar-se demanding: exigente depict: retratar F bem (com alguém) get away (from): ficar longe (de), fable: fábula deserve: merecer fairy: fada afastar-se (de) design: desenhar, criar fall: cair get out: sair device: aparelho, dispositivo fall apart: desfazer-se; fazer-se get through something: passar diced: em cubos em pedaços por algo, sobreviver, atravessar disability: incapacidade fall for (someone/something): gift: presente; dom apaixonar-se por (alguém/algo) give: dar disabled: pessoa com deficiência fall in love with (someone/ give out: distribuir disease: doença something): apaixonar-se por dish: prato give something away: revelar (alguém/algo) algo disorder: desordem; distúrbio fear: temer give up (something): abandonar displace: substituir feast: banquete; fazer um (algo); desistir (de fazer algo) display: exibir; expor banquete go: ir doomed: condenado/a, feat: proeza, façanha go on: continuar, seguir em frente predestinado/a feature: ser estrelado/a por; característica, aspecto go out: sair; apagar-se draft: rascunho, esboço feed: alimentar goddaughter: afilhada drop: soltar; largar; abandonar fellow: colega, companheiro/a goodwill: boa vontade drop out: desistir, largar figure out: descobrir, desvendar grab: pegar dry: seco/a fill in: completar grasp: agarrar dust: poeira, pó finding: resultado, descoberta greasy: engordurado/a, oleoso/a dwarf: anã(o) firefly: vaga-lume greet: saudar, cumprimentar dystopian: distópico/a fireworks: fogos de artifício grieve: lamentar E fit: caber; servir fitness: boa forma (física) groceries: mantimentos, gêneros alimentícios ease: aliviar fix: consertar; combinar ground: chão edge: borda; margem flow: fluir, correr; corrente, fluxo groundbreaking: inovador(a) eggplant: berinjela forcibly: forçosamente grow: crescer; cultivar either: qualquer um dos dois forehead: testa grow up: crescer empowerment: empoderamento foreign: estrangeiro/a grubby: sujo/a enable someone to do something: forge: forjar guest: convidado/a; hóspede Glossary 199 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 199 26/07/22 18:32 media: meios de comunicação H K mentor: treinar handful: punhado keep: manter middle-income country: país de hands-on: prático/a keep up (with something/ renda média hang out: sair com alguém someone): acompanhar might: poder (ser que) harassment: assédio (alguém/algo), seguir o ritmo mild: ameno/a; suave (de alguém/algo) mile: milha hard: duro/a; difícil key: chave; fundamental; gabarito mind: mente; importar(-se) hardly ever: quase nunca kind: gentil, cordial mindful of something: consciente harm: prejudicar knee: joelho de algo, atento/a a algo heated: aquecido/a; acalorado/a knife: faca mining: mineração height: altura knowledge: conhecimento miserable: extremamente infeliz helpless: indefeso/a move: mover(-se); mudar(-se) high: alto/a be in high spirits: estar L de local move forward: avançar label: rotular animado/a lake: lago muscle: músculo hinder: atrapalhar, dificultar landscape: paisagem hip: quadril hire: contratar; alugar lately: ultimamente N laugh: rir; risada nearby: perto hit: bater; batida; sucesso laughter: risada nod: movimento afirmativo com a hold up one’s hand: erguer a mão cabeça, sinal de aprovação launch: lançar; inaugurar host: anfitriã(o); sediar no-no: mau comportamento, lazy: preguiçoso/a household: doméstico/a travessura leading: principal households: famílias northeastern: nordeste lecture: palestra huge: enorme humbleness: humildade hungry: faminto/a leisure: lazer lengthen: prolongar o life imprisonment: prisão perpétua odd: chance hurt: doer, machucar open up (to someone) (about lightning: raio, relâmpago hurtful: ofensivo/a, cruel something): abrir-se (com alguém) lit: iluminado/a literacy: alfabetização (sobre algo) I lively: alegre, animado ore: minério outgoing: extrovertido/a improve: melhorar lock: trancar look: parecer(-se); olhar outnumber: ser mais numeroso incoming: novo/a, entrante que, ultrapassar increase: aumentar; subir look for (something/someone): procurar (algo/alguém) output: produção inhibited: inibido/a loss: perda overall: (no) geral, total ink: tinta loud: alto/a; barulhento/a overcome: superar inner: interno/a, interior; íntimo/a lower: (parte) inferior overload: excesso instead: em vez disso low-income country: país de owe: dever instead of: em vez de, em lugar de renda baixa own: próprio/a(s); possuir, ter insurance: seguro ownership: propriedade iron: ferro issue: questão M P mainly: principalmente J major: principal manage: gerenciar pace: ritmo pain: dor jam: geleia painful: doloroso/a manners: boas maneiras, bons jealous: ciumento/a modos pale: pálido/a; claro/a jealousy: ciúme match: relacionar, correlacionar pass: passar joke: piada mean: significar; mesquinho/a; pass away: falecer joy: alegria rude pass by: passar (por) judge: julgar measure: medir path: caminho, trajetória 200 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 200 26/07/22 18:32 pattern: padrão record: gravar; registrar; disco; seam: costura peacemaker: pacificador(a) música; registro seek: procurar, buscar; tentar peak: pico, cume recording: gravação self-esteem: autoestima peel: pele; descascar recruit: recrutar sensitive: sensível peer: colega refuse: negar-se (a fazer algo); sentence: condenar; condenação, recusar, rejeitar pena; frase, sentença perform: desempenhar; executar rehearsal: ensaio setting: lugar; cenário; perhaps: talvez rehearse: ensaiar; praticar configuração (informática) pick something up: apanhar, pegar relative: relativo; parente several: vário/a(s) pickpocket: batedor(a) de carteira release: soltar, liberar; soltura; sew: costurar pin: prender, alfinetar lançamento pioneer: pioneiro/a shadow: sombra reliable: seguro, confiável pitch in: dar uma mãozinha shallow: raso/a; superficial relieve: aliviar pivotal: fundamental share: compartilhar remain: restar, sobrar plain: liso/a; puro/a sharp: afiado/a remind someone (about/of playwright: dramaturgo/a shelter: abrigo, refúgio something): lembrar alguém please: agradar (de algo) show: mostrar, exibir plenty: bastante repair: consertar; conserto show up: aparecer, dar as caras poetry: poesia replace: substituir shred: ralar poison: veneno report: relatar; denunciar shrimp: camarão policy: política reputable: respeitável, de shy: tímido/a polite: educado/a, gentil confiança sibling: irmã(o) poll: pesquisa; votação rescue: resgatar, salvar sick: doente pose: causar (problema, resemble: parecer(-se) com sight: visão dificuldade) resonate: ressoar silly: tolo/a power: poder; luz, eletricidade resource: recurso single: solteiro/a press charges: apresentar queixa rest: resto; descansar size: tamanho prize: prêmio reveal: revelar skinny: magricelo/a prompt: rápido/a, imediato/a; review: rever; revisão; resenha, sky: céu provocar crítica slang: gíria prosthetic: protético/a reward: recompensar; recompensa slavery: escravidão proud: orgulhoso/a rhyme: rima; rimar slump: queda; retração; baixar; prove: provar, comprovar riddle: charada despencar provide: oferecer role: papel smart: inteligente purpose: propósito, objetivo role model: exemplo (pessoa) smooth: suave; uniforme, sem root: raiz; origem caroços push: apertar, pressionar row: linha, fileira snap beans: feijão-de-corda, Q in a row: enfileirado/a rush: correr feijão-fradinho snowflake: floco de neve queue: fila snubbed: desprezado/a quick: rápido/a S soap opera: novela R safety/seat belt: cinto de segurança solve: resolver sort: classificar race: corrida salesman: vendedor soul: alma raise: criar sand: areia source: fonte range: alcance; gama scared: assustado/a span: período, duração rate: taxa scholar: estudioso/a, acadêmico/a speak up: manifestar-se rather than: ao invés de school board: mural escolar speech: fala; discurso reach: alcançar; ao alcance scorching: abrasador(a) spell: soletrar realize: dar-se conta (de), perceber scratch: arranhar(-se) spin: girar recipe: receita from scratch: (começar) do zero sponsor: patrocinador(a); recognize: reconhecer screen: tela patrocinar Glossary 201 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 201 26/07/22 18:32 spoon: colher takeaway: aprendizado unhealthy: prejudicial be born with a silver spoon tale: conto, fábula unless: a não ser que in someone’s mouth: nascer tap: bater levemente update: atualizar; atualização em berço de ouro, nascer em target: objetivo, alvo upper: superior; acima berço dourado taste: sabor upset: aborrecido/a, chateado/a spot: marca; lugar tasty: saboroso/a utter: total, extremo/a spread: espalhar teamwork: trabalho em equipe spreadsheet: planilha sprinter: velocista tear: lágrima tearfully: aos prantos V stand: permanecer vacation: férias tease: provocar, importunar stand up to someone: fazer vacationer: pessoa que está de frente a alguém the Netherlands: Países Baixos férias, turista standard: padrão thick: grosso/a; denso/a valuable: de valor, valioso/a stare: olhar fixamente thinly: finamente value: valorizar; valor starving: faminto/a thought: pensamento step: passo; pisar step down: renunciar thoughtful: prevenido/a, acautelado/a W threat: ameaça waist: cintura stick: grudar, colar watch out: tomar cuidado throat: garganta stitch: costurar wave: acenar throughout: por todo, durante stone: pedra todo wealth: riqueza stormy: tempestuoso/a throw: atirar; jogar wealthy: rico/a straight: reto/a; em linha reta throw away: jogar fora weigh: pesar strength: força, ponto forte tidy something up: arrumar algo weight: peso strengthen: fortalecer timeline: linha do tempo well-being: bem-estar stretch: estender(-se); esticar(-se) well-known: conhecido/a tip: gorjeta; dar gorjeta strict: rigoroso/a wet: molhado/a toe: dedo do pé stride: passada larga whatever: (tudo) o que toll: pedágio struggle: lutar; luta wheel: roda take its toll (on something/ stump: toco someone): provocar perda (de wheelchair: cadeira de rodas suddenly: de repente algo/alguém); causar dano (a whenever: sempre que suffragette: sufragista algo/alguém) whether: se sum: soma, total tongue twister: trava-língua whirl: rodopiar support: apoiar; sustentar tool: ferramenta whisk: bater surround: cercar, rodear toothbrush: escova de dentes whole-grain: integral toss: jogar, atirar wide: amplo/a survey: enquete, levantamento (descuidadamente) widespread: difundido/a swallow: engolir tough: duro/a; firme; difícil wild: selvagem swarm around (something/ someone): passar por (algo/ trade: trocar; comércio; negócio wink: piscar alguém) em bando trash: lixo wired: conectado/a à internet sweep: varrer; arrastar trick: truque wish: desejo; desejar sweet: meigo/a, gentil; doce trip: viagem withdraw: retirar(-se); recuar; sacar swing: balanço trust: confiar wonder: perguntar-se switch: trocar; mudar turn: virar; virada wood: madeira switch off: desligar(-se), turn something off: apagar algo wooden: de madeira apagar(-se) typewriter: máquina de escrever wool: lã T U wordless: sem palavras worldwide: pelo mundo todo tackle: enfrentar umbrella: guarda-chuva worth: que vale a pena take away: retirar (be) unaware (of something): take care: tomar cuidado take out: retirar algo desconhecer algo unfold: desdobrar; revelar Y take place: realizar-se unforgettable: inesquecível yet: ainda; contudo 202 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-GLO-198a202-LA-G24.indd 202 26/07/22 18:32 AUDIO SCRIPTS Track 1 (Apresentação) the youngest winner ever of the Nobel Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzai. She was just 11 years old when Unit 1 she began blogging and talking about her life in Track 2 (exercises 2-4, page 32) Pakistan under the rule of the Taliban in the Swat You wanna answer that, don’t you? I bet it’s just Valley. She was just 15 when a Taliban gunman killing you seeing the soft glow just inches away. tried to silence her by shooting her in the head. Someone wants to tell you something or ask you She survived that attack. And now, at 20, she has something. Oh, c’mon! Answer it already. Just so become a global voice for girls’ education. Malala we’re clear that wasn’t my fault. Next time ignore recently returned from a world trip that took her your inner voice. Don’t text and drive. A message to the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and North from Florida’s trusted choice Independent America. While there, she met with young women Insurance Agents. — some of whom had escaped radical groups like TRUSTED Choice Radio PSA “Don’t text and drive”. Produção: Florida ISIS and Boko Haram — to encourage them in their Association of Insurance Agents (FAIA). 23 set. 2013. Vídeo (0min31s). Disponível em: Acesso em: 24 maio 2022. fight for education. She called it her girl-power trip. And this past week, she attended the United Unit 2 Nations General Assembly in New York, where she spoke with political leaders about the need to Track 3 (Pronunciation Note, exercise 1, page 39) The eight-year-old girl who had never been told prioritize spending on education around the world. “You’re worthy; you’re beautiful” suddenly found We went to New York City to speak with Malala, and herself as a leading lady, and a mouthpiece for all I started our conversation by asking her why she the women who looked like her. (...) The obstacle chose to start her girl-power trip in Lancaster, Pa. blocking me was a four-hundred-year-old racist MALALA YOUSAFZAI: I was really inspired by the system of oppression and my own feeling of utter way they welcomed refugees. And they were like aloneness. My art, in this instance, was the best brothers and sisters living together, no matter healing tool to resolve my past, the best weapon their background, no matter what their religion that I had to conquer my present, and my gift to was. And that gave such a good message to the the future. world that this is the America, the real America, DAVIS, Viola. Finding me: a memoir. Nova York: that real — that ideal America that the world HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. cap. XVII, p. 279. (44min29s-44min41s; 44min47s-45min-08s) thinks of — its values, the way it welcomes uh Track 4 (Pronunciation Note, exercise 2, page 39) people. And and it’s about freedoms. It’s about Every painful memory, every mentor, every friend respect towards other people, no matter where and foe served as a chisel, a leap pad that has you are from. (...) AFTER returning from her "girl power trip," Malala continues shaped me. “ME!” (...) I’m no longer ashamed of advocating for education. NPR, 24 set. 2017. (0min00s-1min15s). 1 áudio. me. I own everything that has ever happened Disponível em: to me. The parts that were a source of shame Acesso em: 26 maio 2022. are actually my warrior fuel. I see people – the way they walk, talk, laugh, and grieve, and their Unit 3 silence — in a way that is hyperfocused because Track 6 (exercises 2-4, page 66) of my past. I’m an artist because there’s no (...) as English has become a global language, separation from me and every human being now spoken by over 2 billion people around the that has passed through the world including my world, in places where you would never have mom. I have a great deal of compassion for other dreamt of it turning up and becoming either people, but mostly for myself. That would not ah ah the first foreign language to be taught be the case if I did not reconcile that little there or, if not the first, definitely the second, eight-year-old girl and FIND ME. and spoken by increasing numbers of people DAVIS, Viola. Finding me: a memoir. Nova York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. cap. XVII, p. 279. as a first or second language, you’d never have (1h10min51s-1h11min03s; 1h11min13s-1h12min) thought that it was going to stay the same and, Track 5 (exercises 3-5, pages 46-47) indeed, you would not have anticipated just MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: And now our visit with how much it was going to be different. And the Audio Scripts 203 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 203 25/04/23 10:40 reason for the differences has nothing to do with linguistics really, it’s all to do with culture. Working Together 2 As the language arrives in a particular place, Track 9 (exercises 2-4, page 88) people adopt it, then they immediately adapt it INTERVIEWER: Another really interesting thing to their own cultural background. And as you that you talk about, when you talk about exams travel around the English-speaking world, this is… you, you… which is something similar to is what you find. You find cultural adaptations what I’m interested in is… you know, most everywhere (...). people who are learning a language, they are FULL Circle & David Crystal: the future of Englishes. Produção: Full obsessed with comparing themselves to native Circle Brussels, 17 maio 2015. Vídeo (39min47s). (8min36s-9min27s). Disponível em: Acesso em: speakers. You say that we should eliminate the 6 jun. 2022. idea of a native speaker and we should talk Track 7 (exercises 5 and 7, pages 66-67) about people as local speakers. JENNIFER JENKINS: I mean, a good local speaker (...) the important statistic to note is that for is somebody… in, in whichever context you’re in, every one native speaker, there are now five who’s making themselves easily understood to non-native speakers. That’s the statistic to note. everybody and understands everybody and that So the center of gravity has shifted in the last has very little to do with being a native speaker (…). 50 years. From people like me, who have English ENGLISH is a global language (with Jennifer Jenkins). Produção: as a first language, to people like many of you, Canguro English. 10 jul. 2019. Vídeo (15min48s). (5min36s-6min12s). who have English as a second language or Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. foreign language. And this has huge implications Track 10 (exercises 5-6, page 89) straight away. What it means is that as you I remember clenching that desk wanting to travel around the English-speaking world, you disappear, wishing to be made small, invisible. I see these new varieties of English growing up went home that day and told my mom I wasn’t very, very rapidly indeed. The reason is all to do going back to school. The laughter and ridicule with identity. (...). on school created deep fear and anxiety inside FULL Circle & David Crystal: the future of Englishes. Produção: Full Circle Brussels, 17 maio 2015. Vídeo (39min47s). (31min15s-31min56s). me. I spoke differently and this clearly was wrong. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jun. 2022. It started me that I couldn’t access that part of myself that I was so excited about… language, Unit 4 because my way of speaking, with an accent or inventing words or pronouncing words as I Track 8 (exercises 2-4, page 80) heard them was deemed wrong. I said Sonsgiving (...) Ballet is very extreme at times, where a lot instead of Thanksgiving. I mixed both languages. “I of people criticize you because of your body have to plancha”, “Give me the trapo”, “Mom wants image, the way you look, the hair you have. her chanclas”, “Oye ya estás ready”. THE POETRY of everyday speech | Juliana Delgado | TEDxSoMa. Produção: I didn’t have no idea that I could become a TED. 4 fev. 2019. Vídeo (15min16s). (3min40s-4min28s). Publicado pelo canal professional dancer because even Brazil being TEDx Talks. Disponível em: a country of diversity there is not many black Acesso em: 18 jun. 2022. Unit 5 ballerinas. When I came to the Dance Theatre of Harlem, everything changed. Dance Theatre of Harlem was made by Arthur Mitchell, first Track 11 (exercise 4, page 94) African-American principal ballet dancer in adventure novel - autobiography/biography New York City Ballet. I saw many people and - children’s novel - classics - comics - fable - many dancers that look like me. This was fanfiction - fantasy novel - memoir - mystery my place and the message that they have in - play script - poetry - romance novel - science diversity is huge. The pressures of being a fiction - self-help - short stories - suspense/ professional dancer runs very deep. Ballet thriller - young adult novel never gets perfect. It takes perseverance, it Track 12 (exercises 2, 3, and 5, pages 100-101) takes time, it takes patience. That’s how I found The mother of our particular Hobbit — what is a myself growing as a woman, as a human being Hobbit? I suppose Hobbits need some description and how dance has shaped me. (...) nowadays, since they have become rare and shy INGRID Silva for Real Life Strong, Health magazine interview. of the Big People, as they call us. They are (or Produção: Health Magazine. 25 abr. 2018. Vídeo (3min15s). were) a little people, about half our height, and (0min53s-1min55s). Publicado pelo canal Ingrid Silva. Disponível em: smaller than the bearded Dwarves. Hobbits have Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. no beards. There is little or no magic about them, 204 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 204 25/04/23 10:41 except the ordinary everyday sort which helps Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors and… them to disappear quietly and quickly when large uh and I think that’s, that’s really why we, we… uh stupid folk like you and me come blundering along, children need to see themselves reflected. (…) making a noise like elephants which they can hear a MIRRORS, windows and sliding glass doors. Produção: Reading Rockets. 30 jan. 2015. Vídeo (1min33s). (0min00s-0min33s) mile off. They are inclined to be fat in the stomach; Disponível em: they dress in bright colours (chiefly green and Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. yellow); wear no shoes, because their feet grow Track 16 (exercises 4-5, pages 122-123) natural leathery soles and thick warm brown hair (…) Through my research I came across window like the stuff on their heads (which is curly); have and mirror books. In 1990, Rudine Sims Bishop long clever brown fingers, good-natured faces, and wrote an essay entitled Mirrors, Windows and laugh deep fruity laughs (especially after dinner, Sliding Glass Doors. The essence of her writing is which they have twice a day when they can get it). that there are books that are windows, they give Now you know enough to go on with. TOLKIEN, John Ronald Ruel. The Hobbit. you a glimpse into another world, real or imagined. [2022]. (3min35s-4min46s) Disponível em: There are books through a child’s imagination that allows you to step through that window as a Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. sliding glass door and become part of the author’s Unit 6 world… and when the lighting is just right, you can see yourself reflected in that world. All these Track 13 (exercise 3, page 109) iterations of the window are very important. As quiet, talkative; shy/timid, outgoing/sociable; a child reads these books, they can see through lazy, hard-working; mean, generous a window book another world, another culture, another way of life and learn to respect and Track 14 (exercises 2-4, page 114) appreciate these different worlds. And through I’m a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a a sliding glass door, they get to step through few personal stories about what I like to call and become part of the journey, empathize “the danger of the single story.” I grew up on with the characters, and become vested in the a university campus in eastern Nigeria. My outcome. And when that window turns into mother says that I started reading at the age a mirror, they see themselves reflected in the of 2, although I think 4 is probably close to the bigger world, part of something. They get a sense truth. So I was an early reader, and what I read of place and belonging. We need to see more were British and American children’s books. I books with diverse characters. We need to see was also an early writer, and when I began to uh representation in media, movies. We need to write, at about the age of 7, stories in pencil change the default settings of literature. We need with crayon illustrations that my poor mother to do this because we are a diverse nation. (…) was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds REPRESENTATION matters: diversity in children’s literature / Shyno Chacko / TEDxUnionCity. Produção: TED. 28 mar. 2019. Vídeo (11min05s). of stories I was reading: All my characters were (4min16s-5min50s). Publicado pelo canal TEDx Talks. Disponível em: white and blue-eyed, they played in the snow, Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. they ate apples, and they talked a lot about the weather, how lovely it was that the sun had Unit 7 come out. Now, this despite the fact that I lived Track 17 (exercise 2, page 129) in Nigeria. I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn’t have snow, we ate mangoes, and we I. Dairy: a. cheese, b. milk, c. yogurt never talked about the weather, because there II. Fruit: a. apple, b. banana, c. blueberries, was no need to. (...) d. grapes, e. mango, f. orange, g. papaya, THE DANGER of a single story. Palestrante: Chimamanda Ngozi h. strawberries, i. tomato, j. watermelon Adichie. Produção: TEDGlobal. 2009. 1 vídeo. (0min05s-1min18s) III. Vegetables: a. beet/beetroot, b. broccoli, Disponível em: the_danger_of_a_single_story. Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022. c. carrot, d. eggplant/aubergine, e. lettuce, f. okra, g. red pepper, h. rutabaga/swede, i. sweet potato, j. sweetcorn Working Together 3 IV. Grains: a. bread, b. cereal, c. pasta, d. rice Track 15 (exercises 2-3, page 122) V. Meat and beans: a. black beans, b. chicken, c. egg, d. fish We need diverse books because we need books in which children can find themselves, see Track 18 (exercise 4, page 130) reflections of themselves. I wrote a piece uh British English aubergine maybe 1990 it was published, uh which I called American English eggplant Audio Scripts 205 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 205 25/04/23 20:32 British English beetroot What is life but just a flower, American English beet Which grows in beauty with every passing hour British English chicken Alone in time American English chicken Within one’s mind Other Englishes chook (in Australia and Awakened from sleep New Zealand) So long and deep British English okra American English okra Freedom, responsibility, honesty Other Englishes bhindi (in India), ladies’ Yes, these are words which help friendship fingers (in many become love ARTHUS, Gerard. To a friend. Internet Archive. 1982. Disponível em: English-speaking countries) Acesso em: 10 jun. 2022. British English swede American English Other Englishes rutabaga turnip (in Ireland), Song Track 23 (exercise 2, page 167) neep (in Scotland) Track 19 (exercises 2-4, page 134) It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside (...) So let’s recap. You can still eat healthy without I’m not one of those who can easily hide buying foods with labels like organic, non-GMO I don’t have much money, but boy if I did or all natural. Buy foods you will actually eat and I’d buy a big house where we both could live GOULDING, Ellie. Your Song. 2010. In: AZLYRICS. that will fill you up. People assume fresh is best. Ellie Goulding Lyrics. 2000-2022. Disponível em: www.azlyrics. But frozen and canned foods are healthy, too. com/lyrics/elliegoulding/yoursong.html. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. Since they last longer, they can be easier on your Track 24 (exercises 3, 4, and 9, pages 167 wallet. When you’re shopping, make a list. That and 169) way, you won’t buy things you already have, and “Your Song” you won’t forget anything. Once you start seeing (originally by Elton John) repeat items, you’ll get a better sense of how much they cost and how to factor them into your It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside budget long-term. I’m not one of those who can easily hide Instead of eliminating your favorite foods, I don’t have much money, but boy if I did supplement them with nutritional ingredients. If I’d buy a big house where we both could live you’re buying instant ramen, for example, add So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do a protein like chicken, beans or tofu. And finally, See I’ve forgotten if they’re green or they’re blue customize your meal plan and your spending to Anyway the thing is what I really mean your needs, not someone else’s because, I don’t Yours are the sweetest eyes I’ve ever seen know who needs to hear this, but if you can’t afford CHORUS: certain foods, that’s OK. You can still eat healthy. (...) 5 STEPS to cooking healthy food on a budget. NPR, 9 maio And you can tell everybody this is your song 2022. (8min15s-9min11s). 1 áudio. Disponível em: It may be quite simple, but now that it’s done transcripts/920807670. Acesso em: 13 jun. 2022. I hope you don’t mind, I hope you don’t mind that Unit 8 I put down in words How wonderful life is now you’re in the world Track 20 (exercise 4, page 142) If I was a sculptor, but then again no Suffix -ship: relationship, membership, friendship Or a girl who makes potions in a traveling show Suffix -er: researcher, worker, observer I know it’s not much, but it’s the best I can do Suffix -ly: surprisingly, quickly, gradually My gift is my song, and this one’s for you Oh, oh… Oh, oh… Oh, oh… Oh, oh Track 21 (exercise 8, page 143) (…) a. their best friends GOULDING, Ellie. Your Song. 2010. In: AZLYRICS. Ellie Goulding Lyrics. 2000-2022. Disponível em: www.azlyrics. b. a deep personal relationship com/lyrics/elliegoulding/yoursong.html. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. c. the results of the study Track 25 (exercise 8, page 169) d. a network scientist at Harvard University “It’s a little bit funny, this feeling inside” Track 22 (exercises 2, 3, 5, and 6, pages 148-149) “So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do” To a Friend “And you can tell everybody this is your song” GOULDING, Ellie. Your Song. 2010. In: AZLYRICS. Ellie Goulding Lyrics. The best gift of all that one can give 2000-2022. Disponível em: www.azlyrics. Is to understand and learn to live com/lyrics/elliegoulding/yoursong.html. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. 206 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-AS-203a206-LA-G24.indd 206 29/07/22 18:27 AN N O TA TE D BI B LI O G R AP HY BAKHTIN, M. Os gêneros do discurso. Tradução de Paulo Bezerra. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2016. O livro propõe o estudo do texto e da linguagem viva segundo uma abordagem dialógica. BAZERMAN, C.; HOFFNAGEL, J.; DIONÍSIO, A. (Org.). Gênero, agência e escrita. Tradução e adaptação de Judith Hoffnagel. 2. ed. São Paulo: Cortez, 2011. O livro apresenta uma visão social da escrita em que o texto é um meio de agência no mundo. BAZERMAN, C.; BONINI, A.; FIGUEIREDO, D. (Ed.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins: Parlor Press, 2009. O livro contempla uma série de estudos sobre gêneros. BLOMMAERT, J. The sociolinguistics of globalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. O livro apresenta uma teoria da mudança da linguagem em uma sociedade em mudança, reconsiderando localidade, repertórios, competência, história e desigualdade sociolinguística. BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). Brasília, DF, 2018. Disponível em: http://basenacionalcomum. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2022. Documento que define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais no âmbito da Educação Básica escolar no Brasil. BYRAM, M.; PARMENTER, L. The Common European Framework of Reference: the globalisation of language education policy. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2012. Nesse livro, os autores descrevem o processo de influência do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas no currículo e ensino de idiomas em diversos países. CELANI, M. A. A. (Org.). Reflexões e ações (trans)formadoras no ensino-aprendizagem de Inglês. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2010. O livro traz reflexões sobre a necessidade de constante avaliação de currículos, objetivos e procedimentos tendo em vista, particularmente, a escola pública e o ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. COPE, B.; KALANTZIS, M. (Ed.). Multiliteracies: literacy learning and the design of social futures. Londres: Routledge, 2000. O livro discute o ensino de (multi)letramentos considerando o contexto da língua inglesa em rápida mudança em um mundo globalizado, no qual a diversidade local ganha cada vez mais importância. COUNCIL OF EUROPE. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: learning, teaching, assessment (companion volume with new descriptors). 2020. Disponível em: -learning-teaching/16809ea0d4. Acesso em: 24 jun. 2022. A obra apresenta o Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas, padrão internacionalmente reconhecido para descrever a proficiência em um idioma desde o nível iniciante até o domínio pleno. DUDENEY, G.; HOCKLY, N.; PEGRUM, M. Letramentos digitais. Tradução de Marcos Marcionilo. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2016. O livro discute aspectos teóricos e práticos dos letramentos digitais no contexto de ensino de línguas. FAIRCLOUGH, N. Language and power. 3. ed. Nova York: Routledge, 2014. A obra traz estudos da área da Análise do Discurso, que investiga o papel da linguagem nas relações de poder da sociedade. GALLOWAY, N. Global Englishes and change in English language teaching: attitudes and impact (Routledge Focus on Linguistics). Londres: Routledge, 2017. Nesse livro, reúnem-se pesquisas das áreas de Global Englishes e ELT a fim de propor sugestões para o ensino de inglês como língua franca. GODOY, S.; GONTOW, C.; MARCELINO, M. English pronunciation for Brazilians: the sounds of American English. São Paulo: Disal, 2006. Escrito por professores brasileiros, esse livro é bastante prático ao abordar os principais problemas de pronúncia de estudantes brasileiros que buscam aperfeiçoar seu inglês. JENKINS, J.; BAKER, W.; DEWEY, M. (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of English as a lingua franca. Nova York: Routledge, 2018. Essa obra abrange as principais teorias, conceitos, aplicações e desdobramentos dos estudos de inglês como língua franca. KERSCH, D.; COSCARELLI, C.; CANI, J. (Org.). Multiletramentos e multimodalidade: ações pedagógicas aplicadas à linguagem. Campinas: Pontes, 2016. Esse livro aborda a compreensão de textos considerando que muitos deles estão na internet, exigindo que o leitor lide com hipertextos digitais e recursos multimodais. KIRKPATRICK, A. (Ed.). The Routledge handbook of world Englishes (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics). 2. ed. Londres: Routledge, 2020. Essa obra discute a inserção do inglês em diversos campos (como dos negócios, da cultura popular, da educação etc.) e seu crescente papel como língua franca. Annotated Bibliography 207 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-BIB-207a208-LA-G24.indd 207 26/07/22 18:33 LARSEN-FREEMAN, D.; CELCE-MURCIA, M. The grammar book: form, meaning, and use for English language teachers. 3. ed. Boston: National Geographic Learning: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2016. Essa é uma gramática do inglês com foco pedagógico, que não apenas descreve fenômenos da língua inglesa, mas que também apresenta exemplos de uso das construções gramaticais abordadas. LEFFA, V. (Org.). A interação na aprendizagem das línguas. 2. ed. Pelotas: Educat, 2006. Essa obra é composta por vários trabalhos a respeito da interação em sala de aula, tanto em contextos presenciais quanto em ambientes digitais. LITTLE, D.; FIGUERAS, N. (Ed.). Reflecting on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its companion volume (New Perspectives on Language and Education: 104). Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2022. Esse livro discute o impacto do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas em currículos, no ensino/aprendizagem e na avaliação pedagógica em diversos contextos educacionais. MARCUSCHI, L. Produção textual, análise de gêneros e compreensão. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2008. A obra se divide em três partes, percorrendo os seguintes temas: processos de produção textual; análises de gêneros textuais segundo uma visão sociointerativa; e processos de compreensão textual e de produção de sentido. MOTTA-ROTH, D. O ensino de produção textual com base em atividades sociais e gêneros textuais. Linguagem em (dis)curso - LemD, Tubarão, v. 6, n. 3, p. 495-517, set./dez. 2006. Disponível em: Discurso/article/download/347/368/371. Acesso em: 27 abr. 2022. O ensaio discute as possibilidades pedagógicas da concepção de gênero textual para o ensino da produção textual, trazendo à luz esta noção nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. PALTRIDGE, B. Genre and the language learning classroom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001. A obra introduz o conceito de análise de gêneros a professores de línguas e sugere meios pelos quais os resultados das análises podem ser aplicados no trabalho com os estudantes. PENNYCOOK, A. Global Englishes and transcultural flows. Nova York: Routledge, 2007. O autor mostra como as diversas formas de utilização do inglês no mundo globalizado e os fluxos transculturais em diferentes contextos se interconectam, e como esse processo nos convida a repensar os conceitos de linguagem e cultura na contemporaneidade. ROJO, R.; MOURA, E. Letramentos, mídias, linguagens. São Paulo: Parábola Editorial, 2019. O livro traz uma síntese das pesquisas e reflexões sobre letramentos, multiletramentos, novos letramentos, tecnologias, mídias e diferentes linguagens. SCHNEIDER, E. W. English around the world: an introduction (Cambridge Introductions to the English Language). 2. ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Na obra, são descritas variantes de inglês utilizadas em diferentes partes do planeta. Os World Englishes apresentados são definidos nos limites de seus contextos históricos e sociais. SELIVAN, L. Lexical grammar: activities for teaching chunks and exploring patterns. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. No livro, descreve-se o papel que os grupos de palavras de estrutura fixa encontrados com frequência em um idioma (os chunks) desempenham na coesão textual e na fluência. São também propostas atividades práticas para um ensino de gramática mais lexical. SIGNORINI, I.; FIAD, R. (Org.). Ensino de línguas: das reformas, das inquietações e dos desafios. Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2012. Dois aspectos indissociáveis são recontextualizados na obra: o das reformas institucionais que moldam o ensino da língua no País há algumas décadas e o da emergência concomitante, na escola e nos cursos de formação, de novos riscos e desafios não tematizados institucionalmente. SWALES, J. Research genres: explorations and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Ao final de cada capítulo da obra, que promove reflexões sobre o mundo da pesquisa na atualidade, suas diversas configurações de gêneros e o papel do inglês nesse contexto, são apresentadas sugestões para a prática pedagógica. SWAN, M. Practical English usage. 4. ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. O livro oferece explicações claras e simples do uso da língua inglesa, falada e escrita, com exemplos reais. VYGOTSKY, L. S. A formação social da mente: o desenvolvimento dos processos psicológicos superiores. Tradução de José Cipolla Neto, Luis Silveira Menna Barreto e Solange Castro Afeche. 7. ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2007. Visando promover uma melhor compreensão da teoria do desenvolvimento proposta por Vygotsky, um grupo de estudiosos selecionou para esse livro seus mais importantes ensaios. WATKINS, P. Teaching and developing reading skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. O livro apresenta diversas propostas de atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento de habilidades e estratégias de leitura. 208 D3-ING-F2-4114-V8-BIB-207a208-LA-G24.indd 208 25/04/23 10:42 CLAUDIO FRANCO K ÁT I A TAVA R E S ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: LÍNGUA INGLESA ENGLISH FOR LIFE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL ANOS FINAIS COMPONENTE CURRICULAR LÍNGUA INGLESA ISBN 978-85-96-03649-8 9 788596 036498 D1_CAPA_V8_WAYS LE_PNLD 2024.indd All Pages 30/07/22 16:39